Bitch you best not have no brothas.. I ain't dealing with no other niggas!

>Bitch you best not have no brothas.. I ain't dealing with no other niggas!

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>bitch this ain't your day, you got siblings, and I don't like it!

someone should post his videos to alyssa milano's twitter so he can be sacrificed to the alter of social justice for videos he made 20 years ago


a lean night

Get me a CHICKEN SANDWICH andsome WAFFLE FRIES... ... maybe a coke to drink or sumtin...

Never even heard of this one before. Checked it out and I lold. I miss the old days when shit was actually simple and funny. Also miss the days where I found the most basic crap entertaining like that Milk n' cereal song and all the other shit that was posted on Ebaumsworld

>*breaks character to giggle in your path*

My nigga bovice
My nigga van
My nigga orpheus

everything now has to be super edited and pro-filmed too, don't forget those shitty clickbait thumbnails also.

I said...hmmBITCH


Dr Zivagho, brief encounters, and THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI......It's gonna be a Leaaaaaaaan night

Nutted in her pussy got her PREGNANT

Millennials unironically like this garbage.

Unforgivable is the Stooges to contemporary vertical vid comedy. Sam Hyde is still biting Unforgivable to this day

I still pronounce it Home De Pot to this day.

>why all these people out hur

ordering waffle fries is unforgivable


eat shit then you tasteless bitch

Go floss somewhere else

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Reminder zoomers were literally 10 when this came out.

We should have just crushed their tiny skulls when we had the chance


Marathoned these once. Shit was great. Much better than watching the Legend of Bagger Vance even once

>you vs the guy she tells you not to worry about


Got there around 7:00, PISSIN' ME OFF

>tfw spent the night watching the Adventures of Marco Polo (1938)

this man had better taste than 90% of this board

why did he delete all his videos?

These are funny to us (and always will be) but they're probably pretty fucking embarrassing if you need to do anything remotely professional with your life and you have to explain to everyone who recognizes you that you were just "in character" in these sketches.


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