There are no great film made by woma-

There are no great film made by woma-

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Other urls found in this thread:


They were still men when they made them, though.

>made by woman
Based retard OP

>The Matrix
Oh boy, oh boy, that's gonna be a shitty list. What's #1?

But doctor, I am Pagliacci

isn't the first ones men now?

Who gives a fuck faggot, take your shitty click bait and huff some helium

Would love to hear the percentage of dickgirl directors on that list

>tfw one of the most Yea Forumscore movie is made by a woman

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um excuse me shitlord, they were always women just trapped in male bodies

>there are no great female directo-

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Have sex, Ivan.

And 20% of black people are smarter than half of all whites. Just because some groups are worse than others as a whole, doesn't mean there aren't individual outliers.

Unironically she was fucking based.

Her films are beautiful.

It always makes me chuckle that /pol/ incels love my favorite movie, which was made by 2 transsexuals and stars a multiracial man (in their words, a "mutt").

they still are men

This really, really gave me a chuckle. Just a good, heartfelt laugh. I remember reading how the highest female earner in esports is in fact a trans male. How long before a MtF breaks records in women's sports? Surely we can't be more than a few years away from that.

12 people, that's the manpower required to come up with just 100 good films made by women

Christ, that's just sad.

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>How long before a MtF breaks records in women's sports?
It's already happening in schools across Clapistan, professional sports are next.

but they were men when they made the matrix?

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wait wait wait there BOTH trans now?what is happening to this world

screenplay is written by one too, but you probably won't find it in shitty lists like OP. really makes me think

>men are inherently better at filmmaking because testosterone
How is this even a valid comparison?

The new Lynne Ramsey film with my boy Joaquin was great.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this post was an attempt to troll, and that you aren't actually this stupid.

They got lucky, literally everything else they put their hands on turned to shite.

It's funny this gets ignored when sjws and incels fight about diversity

shots have been fired

>what is Speed Racer, Cloud Atlas

>Cloud Atlas
>Speed Racer
fugg forgot about that one, underrated funkino

Don't mention Speed Kino in the same breath as Cloud Shitlus, leftyfag.

Fast Times was directed by a woman as well.

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I love her.

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I never saw someone saying shit about woman in arts in general, it's basically the best camp where they can compete with man

literally everything good about that is from Easton Ellis, a confirmed shitlord, and Bale. Harmon hasn’t done dogshit else in her career.

They're still men.
The problem even for libtards in this case is that they identified as men when they directed The Matrix and even Speed Racer.
If I were one of those fucking retards I'd be offended by this site assuming their previous genders.

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This is blatantly offensive to women.
They need to replace this by a movie directed by actual women.

Hurt Locker was good

No it wasn't. Point Break was good though.

>There are no women athletes who are better than me-

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Lmao, they wouldn't have the balls to put Triumph on there.


There's this.

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Dumbfucks, you all bit the bait.
Yea Forums is really a low iq board.

>react negatively to something ridiculous
>lol low iq
You lack self-awareness. I guess this is the power of the most diverse board...

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>bites the bait
>n-n-n-no I didn't! I swear I'm smart!
Dumbfuck trying to claim he's not retarded, how cute. You bit the bait, end of story. You're literally no different from /pol/ who does the exact same thing.


Wow, you're super mad.

it's ok user, you just started your thread on the wrong board, it happens, like posting and forgetting your picture or quoting the wrong post, we've all done that

They both became women? I thought it was just one

>u mad?
Jesus christ, dumbfuck AND a newfag.

And they got all the advantages of being male while making it.

Kathryn Bigelow is decent

Keep making yourself look silly, it's better entertainment than most films discussed on this board.

>you just started your thread on the wrong board
The fuck are you on?

what did you mean by this

A Nazi so good she's in the Criterion collection and nobody protests it.

>dumbfuck who bites baits calling others silly

kino movie

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Both of em. Mental illness is hereditary.

Oh ffs

the right board

>implying a woman has ever directed a movie better than The Matrix, let alone 19
Whoever made this was consciously or not aware that trannies aren't women and felt guilty/ashamed of their own list.

At least you're staying in character.

It's ok user, you bit the bait and another board is laughing at you for being /pol/ levels of stupid and gullible, no shame in admitting that.

/int/ is the right board too though, hence why the thread is still up. Women and races are both a common topic of discussion on that board. Way to out yourself as a newfag who doesn't even know what other boards are about.

how is it gullible? people make joke posts like yours all the time here. it's not out of the ordinary at all.

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>how is it gullible?
Because a russian made a deliberately inflammatory thread to get free replies from you /pol/tards and you people gave him what he wanted. You're all so easy to manipulate.

I understand that you can't back down now that you believe you've made a funny on a board you're unfamiliar with.

what? why should i care if he gets replies to his joke? it was kinda funny.

Does your dumb ass not realize that this was my first post in the thread? Do you not have Yea Forums X or something?

Because Yea Forums being gullible retarded /pol/tards that they are took it seriously and were legitimately arguing like this guy . Don't try to make Yea Forums look smarter than it is.

The fact that The Matrix isn't number 1 is proof that Hollywood is still super transphobic.

I genuinely hope you can make a post worth getting this upset over one day, but this time you should really take the loss and move on.

Not only they where men when they did the matrix, arguably their best movie, but the movies quality lowered each time one of them changed sex.

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Holy fuck, really? This actually suprissed me

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What loss? Yea Forums is the one who bought the bait /pol/-style.

lipstick on a pig


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No they where misgendered at birth and was conditioned to believe that they were men.

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I also hope you eventually learn what bait means.

They were suburban cis white men, and they still are

Reminder that punisher warzone is capeshit kino

she cute

>making deliberately inflammatory thread to get free replies from gullible retards who took it seriously isn't bait
>even though I literally linked you to an /int/ thread where it's it's proven it was made to get easy replies because everyone on this site knows how retarded you /pol/-tier dumbfucks are
Yeah yeah, whatever you say.

You sure are invested in this, aren't you?

>oh no he proved me wrong and I can't argue back anymore, better play it cool!
Thanks for conceding.


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I know this is bait but knowing there are educated people that say this unironically and it really activates my almonds

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There was never an argument to begin with, was there? Just some angry crossboarder making a scene over some perceived victory.

Yes there was, people were trying to defend Yea Forums and implying that this wasn't bait like in this post, which was proven wrong afterwards. Basically desperately trying to make it seem like Yea Forums aren't gullible dumbasses who took bait seriously.

it's bait? i thought it was just a joke.

they still are men

Yes, hence why people took it seriously like this guy

you mean brainwashed

You have a pretty loose grasp on what it means to take things seriously, it seems. Ironic given how seriously you're taking this situation. It's like pottery, even.

Based Russia bro

I thought it was really disappointing. Unironically I didn't care for the way some things were shot. Maybe I need to rewatch it since my expectations are now managed

>t-t-t-they weren't taking it seriously I swear! Yea Forums is smart trust me!
Hahaha sure sure. Whatever you say to make your precious board look smarter than it is.

>/int/ user
>calling others retarded

They've gotten infinitely worse since they became "women"
Coincidence? I think not

>He said, sweating as he typed.
>"They know I'm retarded, but how??" he asked nobody, his cries echoing in the darkness of his basement.

>t-t-t-they were taking it seriously I swear! /int/ is smart trust me!
Hahaha sure sure. Whatever you say to make your precious board look smarter than it is.

That makes sense. Watching this as a teen really helped me understand the fact that all women are whores.

This kills the OP

damn how will I ever recover.

Read it

You can't, otherwise you would have given up and stopped making yourself look worse by now.

Are you actually trying to say that Yea Forums didn't take it seriously? That's just embarrassing, admit that your board is gullible you childish, dishonest retard.

if there's one thing women understand, it's psychosis

>a Russian
*Adjusts tinfoil*

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Hey I'm not the one pretending like Yea Forums didn't take it seriously and desperately defending it by saying things like "learn what bait means!". Nothing you say will change the fact that Yea Forums took it seriously.

>I spoke to the father of Sofia (not her real name), a 15-year-old girl living in Spain. “Our daughter,” he told me, declared she was a boy when an older boyfriend came on the scene. We found violent and misogynistic pornography on her phone. Later we found out that at least two of this boy’s ex-girlfriends had had double mastectomies. . . . He seemed obsessed with girls getting their breasts cut off [and] advertised on social media where girls could get their breasts removed in Spain. . . . He [the boyfriend] then reported us to the police, . . . but when Sofia threatened suicide, social workers were brought in to help reconcile our family. The social workers turned out to be transgender activists. Now Sofia has been taken into state custody, where she plans to undergo sex-change treatments.

Thoughts on based trannies?

Are you actually trying to say that Yea Forums didn't take it seriously? That's just embarrassing, admit that your board is gullible you childish, dishonest retard.

Way to go champ.

This is bordering on mental illness at this point.

Way to go, champ.

the only remotely outstanding thing about Cloud Atlas was its score

I think you were supposed to change something just like you did before instead of copying the post 100%, user.

>Your precious board
You know you could leave and never return...right?
Big brain on you Sir Reddit

Yes yes, whatever you say, gullible board poster.

only good post in this disgusting thread

Nice retcon

I think you were supposed to change something just like you did before instead of copying the post 100%, user.

What part of the post made you think I wanted to leave? It's like watching monkeys at a zoo.

well done

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>It's like watching monkeys at a zoo.
I thought that's what /int/ was for?

Unironically, how did they come up with 100 films for this list?

Read the image in the OP, they did it by including men.

trannies, probably

Hilarious. Unfortunately for your childish comeback I'm not on /int/'s side either, make fun of them all you want.

So you're an outcast even on Yea Forums? I feel bad for you.

The screenwriter Guinevere Turner also played the role of Patrick's friend Elizabeth.


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>shit, he didn't get offended by insulting /int/, better come up with something else to insult him with!
Anything to distract from the fact that your board is full of gullible dumbasses.

You might not be so lonely if you didn't act retarded for attention you know. You may even be able to find a board of your own.

Imagine being such a low-IQ retard that you think the best film directed by women in The Matrix when Denis, Varda, Akerman, Bigelow etc. exist.

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Yes, pointing out how gullible Yea Forums is means acting retarded, whatever you say. By the way I do post on /int/, I'm just saying I don't care that you make fun of them because I'm not someone who feels the need to defend their precious board like a sensitive zealot the way this thread proves Yea Forums does.

Was being raised by a single mom tough?

I had a laugh when a radio station here said that on international women's day they would only have female hosts and play female artist songs and when I flicked over they had a woman talking to this average deep voiced man, then played a generic indie punk rock song and it took me a bit to realise that the guy was supposed to be a tranny. He couldn't even be bothered to try putting on a falsetto tranny voice.


What is this high frame rate bullshit? It looks awful. Plus my dubs are better

>Plus my dubs are better

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How do you go most of your life being fine with your body, then suddenly decide you’re the opposite gender?

Work in an industry run by satanic pedophiles who hate normality.

My favorite female directed kino!
Yas queens slay!

Yeah because they were turned that way as an example to frighten anyone else that wants to enlighten the masses

for me? it's Near Dark




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Ensuring the mentally ill don't breed? I'd say that's pretty BASED

There are no women athletes who are better than men

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It was ghost directed by a man, the only reason they put Mary Harron's name on it was because the studio got a lot of backlash for 'promoting violence against women' by the media and they wanted to point at the poster and say "But a woman directed it!" Harron's other work has been garbage and this is why.

Since none of you fucking retards will provide a link I will just post the list here starting with #100.

100).American Psycho (Mary Harron, 2000)
99).Frozen (Jennifer Lee & Chris Buck, 2013)
98).I Am Not A Witch (Rungano Nyoni, 2018)
97).They (Anahita Ghazvinizadeh, 2017)
96).The Secret Garden (Agnieszka Holland, 1993)
95).Rambling Rose (Martha Coolidge, 1991)
94).Monsoon Wedding (Mira Nair, 2001)
93).The Breadwinner (Nora Twomey, 2017)
92).Nitrate Kisses (Barbara Hammer, 1992)
91).Outrage (Ida Lupino, 1950)
90).33 Shots Of Rum (Claire Denis, 2008)
89).Near Dark (Kathryn Bigelow, 1987)
88). Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance
(Alanis Obomsawin, 1993)
87).The Souvenir (Joanna Hogg, 2019)
86).Gas Food Lodging (Allison Anders, 1992)
85).Something's Gotta Give (Nancy Meyers, 2003)
84).One Way Or Another (Sara Gómez, 1974)
83).Crossing Delancey (Joan Micklin Silver, 1988)
82).Appropriate Behavior (Desiree Akhavan, 2014)
81).After The Wedding (Susanne Bier, 2006)
80).Girlfirends (Claudia Weill, 1978)
79).Boys Don't Cry (Kimberly Peirce, 1999)
78).The Connection (Shirley Clarke, 1961)
77).Enough Said (Nicole Holofcener, 2013)
76).Antonia's Line (Marleen Gorris, 1995)
75).Thirteen (Catherine Hardwick, 2003)
74).High Art (Lisa Cholodenko, 1998)
73).Love & Basketball (Gina Prince-Bythewood, 2000)
72).Orlando (Sally Potter)
71).Wendy and Lucy (Kelly Reichardt, 2008)
70).Pariah (Dee Rees, 2011)
69).Portrait Of Jason (Shirley Clarke, 1967)
68).Cameraperson (Kirsten Johnson, 2016)
67).Morvern Callar (Lynne Ramsey, 2002)
66). Girlfight (Karyn Kusama, 2000)
65).A New Leaf (Elaine May, 1971)
64).Can You Ever Forgive Me? (Marielle Heller, 2018)
63).Real Women Have Curves (Patricia Cardoso, 2002)
62).Bend It Like Beckham (Gurinder Chadha, 2003)
61).Reassemblage (Trinh T. Minh-ha, 1983)
60).Big (Penny Marshall, 1988)
59).My Brilliant Career (Gillian Armstrong, 1979)

>American Psycho that low

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>linking to clickbait "news" sites
Shill or retard?

>6: Ladybird

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That was one of the most boring and listless "coming-of-age" films I've ever seen, swap the gender of the protagonist and no critics would've cared.

never thought jeanne dielman deserved all of the praise it received. but there's some great films on the list, particularly the top half
being one spot above cleo hurt particularly bad

>100).American Psycho (Mary Harron, 2000)
>99).Frozen (Jennifer Lee & Chris Buck, 2013)
Should have been 1 and 2

I Killed Andy Warhol was great though

lol holy shit

That's the bait to make you keep reading

>citation needed

haha wtf

They're a part of some weird dominatrix cult.

keep posting

there is no need to be upset

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58).Zora Neale Hurston’s Early Ethnographic Films (1920s-30s)
57).Little Women (Gillian Armstrong, 1994)
56).Girlhood (Celine Sciama, 2014)
55).You Were Never Really Here (Lynne Ramsay, 2018)
54).The Savages (Tamara Jenkins, 2007)
53).Paris Is Burning (Jennie Livingston, 1990)
52).Breathe (Mélanie Laurent, 2014)
51).Mabel's Blunder (Mabel Normand, 1914)
50).Sink Or Swim (Su Friedrich, 1990)
49).The Hurt Locker (Kathryn Bigelow, 2009)
48).The Decline of Western Civilization (Penelope Spheeris, 1981)
47).The House Is Black (Forough Farrokhzad, 1963)
46).Mikey And Nicky (Elaine May, 1976)
45).The Hitch-hiker (Ida Lupino, 1953)
44).Stories We Tell (Sarah Polley, 2012)
43).The Watermelon Woman (LMAO) (Cheryl Dunye, 1996)
42).The Virgin Suicides (Sofia Coppola, 1999)
41.)Whale Rider (Niki Caro, 2003)
40).Selma (Ava DuVernay, 2014)
39).Monster (Patty Jenkins, 2003)
38).Leave No Trace (Debra Granik, 2018)
37).Fat Girl (Catherine Breillat, 2001)
36).Sugar Cane Alley (Euzhan Palcy, 1983)
35).Desert Hearts (Donna Deitch, 1985)
34).News From Home (Chantal Akerman, 1977)
33).The Babadook (Jennifer Kent, 2014)
32).Point Break (Kathryn Bigelow, 1991)
31).Europa Europa (Agnieszka Holland, 1990)
30).Eve's Bayou (Kasi Lemmons, 1997)
29).Desperately Seeking Susan (Susan Seidelman, 1985)
28).The Headless Woman (Lucrecia Martel, 2008)
27).Losing Ground (Kathleen Collins, 1982)
26).Le Bonheur (Agnes Varda, 1965)
25).Harlan Country USA (Barbara Kopple, 1976)
24).We Need to Talk About Kevin (Lynne Ramsay, 2011)
23).Persepolis (Marjane Satrapi, 2007)
22).Suspense (Lois Weber, 1913)
21).Lost In Translation (Sofia Coppola, 2003)
20).The Matrix (Lilly and Lana Wachowski, 1999)
19).Wanda (Barbara Loden, 1970)
18).The Adventures of Prince Achmed (Lotte Reiniger, 1926)
17).Fish Tank (Andrea Arnold, 2009)
16).Zero Dark Thirty (Kathryn Bigelow, 2012)
15).Dance, Girl, Dance (Dorothy Arzner, 1940)

what are the chances of BOTH of the wachowskis being a tranny? honestly though, they make up less than .5% of the population.

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>20).The Matrix (Lilly and Lana Wachowski, 1999)
There it is again

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Better question is what is the chance of both of them committing suicide?

>45).The Hitch-hiker (Ida Lupino, 1953)
How can I take the list seriously when such kino is so low?

14).Yentl (Barbra Streisand, 1983)
13).Clueless (Amy Heckerling, 1995)
12).Winter's Bone (Debra Granik, 2010)
11).The Rider (Chloe Zhao, 2018)
10).Daughters Of The Dust (Julie Dash, 1991)
9).Seven Beauties (Lina Wertmüller, 1976)
8).Meshes of the Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943)
7).Cléo from 5 to 7 (Agnes Varda, 1962)
6).LadyBird (Greta Gerwig, 2017)
5).Daisies (Vera Chytilova, 1966)
4).A League Of Their Own (Penny Marshall, 1992)
3).The Piano (Jane Campion, 1993)
2).Beau Travail (Claire Denis, 1999)
1).Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (Chantal Akerman)


Any kinos here, other than Cleo?

>Bend it like Beckham
>Gurinder Chadha
how the fuck is that a girls name

Meshes of the Afternoon and Beau Travail are better than Cleo. Daisies, Jeanne Dielmann and Clueless are all top kino.

>48).The Decline of Western Civilization (Penelope Spheeris, 1981)
/our/ girl?

>10).Daughters Of The Dust (Julie Dash, 1991)
>9).Seven Beauties (Lina Wertmüller, 1976)
>8).Meshes of the Afternoon (Maya Deren, 1943)
>7).Cléo from 5 to 7 (Agnes Varda, 1962)
>6).LadyBird (Greta Gerwig, 2017)
>5).Daisies (Vera Chytilova, 1966)
>4).A League Of Their Own (Penny Marshall, 1992)
>3).The Piano (Jane Campion, 1993)
>2).Beau Travail (Claire Denis, 1999)
>1).Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (Chantal Akerman)
literally who?

I'm so fucking sick of this LBGTQlmnbop bullshit.

>The Decline of Western Civilization trilogy
>Hollywood Vice Squad
>Wayne's World
>Black Sheep

Definitely /ourgirl/

i think it's 13%

>Point Break 32

League of Their Own is comfy but hardly great

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>"women can't make great films"
>woman made the most based and redpilled film in existence

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Besides Penny Marshall. The rest are over rated

she was a qt too, and still looks good for her age now.

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I actually liked Girlhood

On the real, Lana has some pretty banging legs for someone that transitioned in their 50s.

Daisies sucks.
Surrealism is supposed to mean something, preferably something that realism wouldn't suffice to represent (otherwise it would be subrealism).

And they still are, they just changed their name and mutilated their bodies.

Very little, if any of these get shown on any television station, regardless of the channel. Says enough. Near Dark is pretty much a James Cameron movie, and Kathryn's other movies, along with American Psycho, are the only other ones worth watching at least once. The Matrix doesn't belong on this list.

>Very little, if any of these get shown on any television station, regardless of the channel. Says enough.

When 90% of the best movies directed by females aren't aired on easily accessible mediums it says a lot about the quality of said films.

Reminder that every "Mens Rights" activist that refers to themselves as "Red Pilled" is citing a metaphor about embracing being a transexual woman


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Probably thought white men would get triggered but men love this movie so it backfired. Now they just make movies for female pedophiles and blacked fans to piss men off but i think tv and r9k are embracing interracial cuck porn too so they'll have to try something new

no it doesn't

the majority of great movies don't get shown on television you brainlet

>movies are only good if they get shown on television


>lack of accessibility translates to lack of quality
back to your star war and capeshit threads you drooling retard

>television station
Fucking boomers.

So which of these films are of high quality? Regardless of my statement of them being shown on any channel, including premium movie channels. Also, I never claimed not being on TV was the main reason they weren't of high quality, but you damn well will see the top 100 movies directed by men on television in some form or fashion.

lady bird is number 6.

imagine being one of the 80 actual real women who got listed behind the wachowski faggots lmao

>list filled with foreign and arthouse films


>American Psycho gets dubs


Yeah, when Frozen, Near Dark, Point Break, The Babadook, etc... breach the top 100 films ever made by a gender you're going to have a list worth shitting over. These films wouldn't even be considered when looking at all films in total. There are far too many anons defending it and attacking a television statement and not enough realizing it's not something worth arguing over to begin with. Some of these films can be guilty pleasures or entertaining, easily. But very few are worth mentioning as the best films ever. Wake up.

I have seen 5 of these movies including the matrix and heard of maybe 15 of the others. what a great list or maybe an indictment of my taste.

People are focusing on the TV comment because it was a hilariously retarded thing to say, and the fact that you think accessibility = quality indicates you probably haven't seen any of the actual good films on the list.

>implying Point Break isn't one of the greatest films ever made
Must suck having shit taste

>shitting on point break

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>goes to zoo
>gets angry at the monkies
Based as all heck, m'dude

>they were always women
Oceania has ALWAYS been at war with Eurasia!

for me? its larisa shepitko

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>rich people

You can see his flag on /int/ you fucking idiot

It's more of a metaphor about being "woke" (whatever that means) but nevertheless it was written by transgender women.

How the fuck did they even managed to find 19 better movies?the Only one i can think of is point break

I can't believe it was listed at #100. I guess they felt obliged to include it despite the highly problematic subject matter. Also think not having Awakenings on the list was a major oversight.
Love the authorial agenda when I see lines like >“Lost in Translation” might be locked into a hyper-privileged white American perspective,