I will miss them, i can't believe their adventure is concluding but all good things must come to an end...

I will miss them, i can't believe their adventure is concluding but all good things must come to an end, i'm just grateful i was able to go along the ride.

Thank you Finn
Thank you Poe
Thank you Rose
Thank you Kylo, yeah even you :/

But most importantly of all:

Thank you Rey!

Might the force be with you...

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Other urls found in this thread:


Mmmm. Fresh pasta

Can't wait for this to be over so we can pretend it never happened

Unironically, literally, liberally, quiticentially, definitely, absolutely, no jokes about it, kill yourself

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I barely watched the frist so for me it never happened.
I knew it was going to be bad when they named the villains "First Order". Gee, even an 8yo gets more creative then that.


Literally nothing happened

What was the point of this trilogy?


>SJW Star Wars (((franshise)))
Didn't watch.




I'm gong to miss Kylo. Everyone else is shit.

Gonna miss TFA Hux, fuck TLJ Hux

I have a feeling its far from over.

Remember that time Finn...
Did the thing

Good bait threads on Yea Forums

you're gonna miss your paycheck

wtf is that

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I can't wait for them to completely sweep this abysmal failure under the rug and reboot the franchise without it in 5-10 years.

Luke Skywalker's reincarnation.

>Thank you Nigger
>Thank you Spic
>Thank you Gook
>Thank you Emo, even you. :/

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I just want to see a Reylo ending, preferably where they both die. I'll give some shekels to see it, but not if only one dies.

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Glad it is finally over and we can pretend it never happened and maybe, just maybe, the franchise wont get another fucking trilogy that it does not need.

We wanted aliens. They want to show us that aliens are bad because George used them.


I hope Rian Johnson gets his trilogy and it bombs, every film, and Disney will just attempt to course correct with more money.


Imagine how much better it would've gone if Disney stuck to the Star Wars "Stories" and didnt try to tack on their shitty trilogy.

I don't get why they just hand out trilogies to people like with Rian and Game of Thrones dudes
Why not start them off with one movie?

it would be truly, unequivocally, next-level based

Killing the old franchise? At this point, I don't even know whether that could be considered as a joke

You could have done something more productive, like making a Sheev thread.

shit bait

bringing the Star Wars brand back into mainstream consciousness

these movies don’t matter, what matters is training bugmen and bugwomen to get to the movie theater every Christmas for the new Star Wars movie

Exactly. Lucas was just trying to make his baby into good movies.
Why would Disney spend effort on making good movies to make 1.2 billion dollars when a shit one can make 1.1 billion without trying?

To make Disney a lot of money

George screwed up the moment he named Kathy Kennedy his successor. I think in some interview he said that the franchise was "in good hands".

First thing she did was take all of his ideas and throw them in the fucking garbage.

To bring the Star Wars brand back and create new characters that Disney can now exploit while at the same time kill off the Lucas characters that have been the main focus of the franchise since the franchise started.

>and create new characters
I must have missed those.

And thank you op without shills like you who try to push the work of your jewish bosses we would never have forgotten the six million.

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Kylo is also shit like every character in nu-Star Wars

Kylo is the only good new character and I guarantee you they are going to kill him off

Not going to happen, she's his cousin.

>she really was Luke's daughter but he didn't tell her because he didn't want her to get a big head about it
>alternatively, he just didn't know
something like that I bet

God, 2 movies in and they're all such non characters. What are their drives? What are their personalities? What do they like in each other and why should we like them? What a shame.

Are you literally autistic?

Stay mad Reycuck.

>3rd movie in the trilogy is introducing a new threat from "the beyond" that forces Rey and Kylo to team up
>killed everybody in the wrong order because Leia is the only one left alive and the only one dead in real life
it's a mess bro, it's all a mess

What makes Resistance the good guys?

Kill yourself incel...


Kill the past legacy to make way for the new “better” woke version.

First Order blew up a bunch of planets and is installing an autocracy by force. They're trying to stop it.

seems pretty cut and dry to me. There isn't any moral ambiguity here like "maybe the First Order is actually the greater good" - that's not the story they're telling.

Because they stand against a terrorist organization that LARPs as the Empire and abducts children and trains them as soldiers and kills people and shit

What aventure? nothing happends in this trilogy

He didn't know. Her mom is IX.

Expect Rey to take a fall in the third of the trilogy like Anakin did. Screenshot this.


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It makes me scream internally but also laugh hysterically.
It's like madness beyond any tangible form of social connectivity.
Can’t yousee? People try to force meaning into all the chaos! It’s whatever you want! Nothing matters!

I’m fucking clownpilled! wagahahah...

when the chaos element is set free
The dog is let loose from his leash
When the movie comes here to stay
The Wall of Jericho will break
When the man with the green hair and white face presents his case
The fire will rise and burn this whole place
Is The Jokers priority
And GangWeed is the Jokers authority.

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That's the one. She stabbed him right in the back.

Look at the look on her face in the first video at the beginning when he's saying he has story ideas.
>I have complete confidence that she's going to take them and make great movies

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conniving little cunt, she is

Where do Reylo shippers fall?

What adventures?

The cast has hardly had any interactions with each other.

Poe has hardly even spoken to Rey.

The last 2 movies had a time span of several days.

This is so shit

Drones, obviously.

Even if we hate literally every other aspect of the movies?

They are great friends and an iconic trio!

>most fans liked the interaction between Finn and Poe in TFA
>lets separate them and pair them with some new terrible characters

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Don't you remember when they were on the spaceship and then

I will miss them, i can't believe their adventure is concluding but all good things must come to an end, i'm just grateful i was able to go along the ride.

Thank you Carth
Thank you Bastila
Thank you HK-47, Canderous, Jolee, etc

But most importantly of all:

Thank you Revan!

Might the force be with you...

Attached: Revan.jpg (736x1007, 100K)

I guess you're between a Victim and a Drone

>bringing the Star Wars brand back into mainstream consciousness
Star Wars (the OT) is one of, if not the most recognisable pieces of media in the history of our species. It was never out of mainstream consciousness.

I don't think half of them have even met the other half.

>I knew something was wrong when I looked at their dialogue and realized I could interchange any of the lines.

Basically saying his script sucked from the get-go?

To be fair Poe is a white male, can't have people liking him.

>some of Luke's students followed Ben
>they named themselves the Knights of Ren
>Ben is Kylo Ren
>the Master of the Knights of Ren
>none of this is really important
>nothing has been done with this for two out of three movies
>who knows what role the KoR play or if we'll get more backstory
Kylo and the Knights of Ren should have been the main threat since the beginning.

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but it won a Saturn award for best screenplay!

I'm the victim. I liked TFA and Rogue One (still do for the latter), but TLJ and all the books and comics are awful. Rebels season 4 also took a huge dump on Star Wars canon with various autism like force wolves and time travel. I betrayed George and the EU I held dear and was rewarded with dull, uninspired, soulless garbage because I wanted to believe Star Wars would still be good under new management.

Token white thing.

Kylo is literally a parody of SW fan the fact you retards act like he's a good character is incredible. He's better than rest in this pile of shit but that says literally nothing.

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They're right there in the poster for IX. Most people who are employed professionally to write billion dollar screenplays are aware of the principle of Chekhov's Gun.

He's a great character specifically for that purpose.


Literally who?

The Knights of Ren as a concept should never have been included or mentioned to begin with if they had no intention of even doing anything with that. You now realize they haven't even made action figures of them when it was Lucas' bread and butter to make figures of all the neat looking background extras people wanted to know more about. That's insane to me.

Best post

to make us finally become adults

Why did you put Kylo's picture for the Drone. Put Rey instead, she's a shit and Kylo is based.

No because his motivation makes zero fucking sense. How can he be a Vader fanboy when Vader fucking turned back to light side?

Men in Black reject

Liking reylo don't make you a drone. Being dumb bitch does.

Try to name 1 thing from Disney Wars that will still be selling toys like hotcakes and be constantly referenced in other media 40 years from now.

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Because the person who brought Vader to the light side tried to kill him?

They had an adventure? I must have missed it.

NOW they're doing something with them. But they haven't played a significant role for most of the trilogy. I'm sure we'll see them fight, but anything else is up in the air.

t. cuck

>muh Anakin

ugly raisin deserved the death he got. Kylo will live happily unlike his shitty family. Stay mad.

That was the single most crucial detail in that entire movie. That's why they showed it three times from different points of view. Did you even see the movie or could you not see the screen through your stormtrooper helmet?

>Poe is a white male

> Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala to a Guatemalan mother, María Eugenia Estrada, and a Cuban father, Óscar Gonzalo Hernández-Cano

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Sex dolls/robots modeled after Rey

They should space their appearances out through the movie. Have them be hunting the heroes in groups of 2 or something.

If they all fight at the same time in a big clusterfuck it will be boring.

>main threat

lmao too bad for you. Kylo is the main character not ugly shitty Rey and he's going to fuck her and breed her as well.

Underrated post

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They're most likely going to fight with Reylo and probably Poe to destroy both the First Order and the Resistance from within and bring balance to the force and probably eat the rich along the way.

So yeah in Disney books no one knows Vader killed Palpatine and he is only revealed as Luke and Leia's father in a political scandal where Kylo first learns of it

Maybe BB-8 or Kylo Ren, but that is literally it. It has no identity of its own or unique aspects beyond those.


Literally who?

This is also what causes Leia to leave the Senate - they drum her out when they learn she's Vader's daughter.

Would have been nice for them to mention that in the films.

have sex

So are these 3 characters done after this? If so, how amazingly uninspiring.

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>6/10 face with a 5/10 body

Daisy Ridley isn't attractive enough to have sex dolls made of her.

I know this is trolling, but God I hate you for it.

Rey will one shot them all like fodder to get at Kylo mark my words

most likely. Daisy has been pretty adamant that she's done after IX at least

Home drama, politics, and alien characters would be too much like the prequels.

I know that was their thinking but shit man, even in New Hope they had that scene where the Moffs are all talking about the current state of dissolving the senate and establish the political state of the galaxy.

ST gives us absolutely nothing

She actually won't but the incels will say that she did and won't be disproven by the absolute shit choreography.

cringe thread it is! lets get it rollin boyzzzzzzzz

Reylo is canon. Rey will run away with Kylo at the end of Episode 9 and the last shot of the saga will be the two of them looking at a binary sunset.

That's one major problem about the ST. They go so hard on trying to avoid ANYTHING the PT does that they even avoid shit the OT did good.

Finn>Han Solo

Nuff' said!

is there any way I can read on an actual coherent grand narrative these movies pose. They aren't episodic narratives but everything I have read or seen suggests that there is no carry over themes between the first movie and the second.

I seriously want someone with an analytical eye to give me something to cling to that's not muh subversions which didn't really add to anything nor did the first movie utilize subversions, nor were their themes coherent across movies, nor have they built up much of an arc that actually went anywhere outside of any given context.

I am curious is anyone out there with more baincells than a mangy mutt defending or analyticly ascribing high quality writing to this movies repertoire

Jerking off to OT nostalgia with diversity hires replacing the old characters
Rose "saving what we love" line is Luke saving Vader

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>she says this while the First Order laser blasts a hole in the resistance base
Good thing Luke showed up to distract them!

Would have been a humorous moment to see Kylo and Hux look at each other like "WTF" after she rammed Finn. XD

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like shrinking the scale so it feels like everything is close together and filmed in someone's backyard

Why do I get the feeling that most of the online detractors to these movies are literal robots programmed by Disney to make them sound like retards who didn't even bother watching them?
If by a slim chance you are human, I'll respond seriously. The theme of the trilogy can be summed up by Ben's line: "Let the past die. Kill it if you have to." You may not like this, but you aren't the one making the movies, are you?

How can anyone look at Watto here and not think he's a Jewish stereotype? What was George thinking?


>The theme of the trilogy can be summed up by Ben's line: "Eat 40,000 pizza rolls. Swallow them whole if you have to."

I don't think the movies are good. I just think you can build stronger argumentation by not ascribing to echo chambers. The most intresting comments on the last /tv sabrina thread was a guy who said the stuff people had problems with was absurdity. Which to me was an intresting line of thinking because it didn't seem that it enchanced the drama or comedy involved. But that was me.

Thanks for your addition. But how are they killing the past when it seems like all they do is retread it. Kylo and Rei literally end TLJ with them more less in the same places. They have killed the past, but past that there isn't much there.

Also "Kill the past" from a thematic and over arching perspective is it in the force awakenes, I don't really know the movie that well.

What kind of masochist would casually eat pizza rolls? At least with Hot Pockets after the first bite they're able to vent and cool down, but how can you withstand each bite being an eruption of tomato-cheese magma?

In a literal sense, money. In my personal figurative sense, to create a new imaginary playground for the current infant generation (ages 3-14) to project their fantasies onto. Honestly the problem with the new star wars movies isn't the race and gender-baiting, it's the lack of adventurous plot. It's nice to know that black boys and chinese girls can pretend to be star wars characters now--the problem is that the plots aren't fun adventure stories but shitty remakes and postmodern narratives.

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>And That's A Good Thing

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>Might the force be with you...

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Unironically this. After a couple of years dealing with what the Star Wars and MCU fandoms have become I realize how fucking sad it is for a grown man to care so much about cape and spaceshit.

>TFA: ANH remake
>TLJ: Let the past die. Kill it if you have to.
>Episode IX: we have Lando!

The Force Awakens was mostly a safe expository piece with a familiar storyline to try and avoid the sheer vitriol that met The Phantom Menace. All the players are introduced and their motivations stated. The main theme is alluded to by the killing of Han, but it would have been suicide for the franchise if the middle finger was shown as highly in the first film as in the second.
Also I dispute the bit about them ending in the same places. For one Ben now owns the First Order war machine and wields it in a typical zoomer yolo fashion, and I don't know where the hell Rey is but she started the movie intending to become a Jedi and is now left with nothing. It only feels like they are in the same place because they started with infinite possibilities and ended with infinite possibilities.

>It's nice to know that black boys and chinese girls can pretend to be star wars characters now
Why do you think that black boys and chinese girls would suddenly start dressing up as Token and Tokina rather than just continuing to dress up as stormtroopers and jedi as they would have for the last 42 years?

Disney wanted an IP that literally prints money. Instead of continuing the IP, they decided to replace the entire first cast and failed. Next, they pretended they weren't just doing Star Wars 2.0, but that it was it's own original storyline but failed.

this. exactly this.
kids don't give a fuck about race representation or any of that dumb shit
they will simply like the cool characters - period

By being a 65 year old dried up cunt career producer who isn't a part of the fanbase

Fair enough. But I don't feel like you are being fair. Yeah kylo took over the first order, but I don't feel that his character significantly changed in the process. I'd concede he gained confidence. But that never felt like enough. It just seemed kinda dull. He took over the first order
by killing Snoke. Not in a contest showing his skill, or cunning, it felt almost anticlimatic how little it involved his character. Why was he even with Snoke, he is made to look like an asshat.

Who is Rei after the ending of TLJ, a girl who wants to do the right thing with unprecedented power. Honestly what are the differences, stuff happened but what really changed I end up asking. And more importantly what is the real over arching narrative

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They psyched themselves out by putting Star Wars on a pedestal

Quotes like
>"what can we do to recapture the MAGIC that ENTHRALLED people about the original movies"
like it's some untouchable holy thing that mere mortals can't possibly understand. The MAGIC.

that fucking line where Rey tells Kylo he's scared he'll never be as strong as Vader? That shit was autobiographical.

so instead of being excited to be able to tell a new fun story continuing in the star wars universe, it instead feels like they were terrified of every step they made and second and triple-guessing themselves. These movies reek of fucking FEAR.

I always thought rose was a side character and wondered why she got so much screen time, I didn't realize she was a main character lmao what shit writing

>black boys and chinese girls can pretend to be star wars characters now
So long as they stick to the C-plot and are doofuses. I doubt Disney racially diversified its fanbase from what it was in the early 2000s.

>a threat

MaReySue will one shot all of them with her eyes closed. They may as well write her to be the Saitama of the force

BB8 and Kylo toys sell like crazy, everyone else goes on the sale rack

I think it's hilarious that their insistence on "making the force spiritual again" actually fucked Rey. Could've just said she has a really high midichlorian count, but they can't do that.

So instead she has immense power that is tied to spiritualism and mysticism while possessing not a single ounce of spirituality herself. In fact she seems to actively look down on this aspect of the force, viewing it as nothing more than a tool.

The theme of the movie is letting go of the old. It is confusing because they keep bringing in the old, and the old is better in practically every way

This trilogy will just lead into the next one with the same cast

What ever happened to The Force is Femal bullshit that KK tried to pull? In fact what happened to her? She's suppose to be the "face" of Star Wars and I use to see her in news articles all the fucking time. Did the exects tell her to stop because they realized she was fucking up with every decision she made?

gotcha, the classic she doesn't need the jedi texts because they aren't important than bursting the tree into flame only to have her take them anyways thus making the scene vacuous

Isn't it almost bordering on absurd in several cases?

Asian girl crashes into Finn, and they don't die in a hail off blaster fire and instead share a kiss in a tense and horrid situations as they are about to be overwhelmed?

RLM was a mistake.

The force use to be a cool ability that came with hard training and overcoming internal and external conflicts. Now you're just fucking born with it and can master it to Yoda levels of control within a couple of days

This poster is fake, right? It's been thrown together by some shit for brains sneedposter to be maximally annoying

This is what Star Wars has become

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>check em
The writers are fucking retarded and want to make fanfiction instead of building upon what's already established

I liked Rogue One but I hated TFA and TLJ more than I've hated any movie in a long time. Where do I stand?

She's powerful because Ben is powerful.
Force Affirmative Action.

I won't, fuck em

Attached: Subverted.jpg (756x1008, 615K)

>have an entire UNIVERSE of possibilities
>make the general of a ship an old white lady with purple hair, and a dress

Who the fuck though this was a good idea

No, unfortunately that is a real poster


Whoa what the fuck

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That some Anime bullshit, make the main character and the antagonist gain incredible power in a short amount of time only because the plot demands it

>Ben is powerful
I dunno, aside from holding that blaster shot in place I'm not really seeing it.

Seems like even an average Clone Wars era Jedi could fucking ice him no problem.

That's not true, that's impossible

that feels like a part of it, but you'd think they could do better. They get paid to write stories but it seems they aren't telling a consistent story across both films.
Yet the films follow each other 1 after the other.

It's kind of a shame because on a technical level it was well put together. It's just for some reason the script feels off. If you asked me where Kylo Ren was going after this, I wouldn't know.
He could be the big bad
he could be something new
he could be a romantic intrest against something else

Rei will do the exact same thing

I love the sequel trilogy but this post makes me wish I hated it.

I know that this is bait. You are cringe personified, kill yourself.

Good post user. Surprisingly insightful

This pretty much...

She is definitely on a tight leash and thin ice nowadays, but she'll be front and center again all weekend hyping up IX.

At least in Battlefront 2 he's a beast. Basically the only villain that can counter and kill the strongest hero in the game, Anakin. He can do that freeze move on groups of enemies in an area, has almost as much health and lightsaber damage as Vader, and can also pull people towards him with the force from practically a mile away. If that's anything to go by, he's strong.

It's almost like the movies are just the beta writers projecting their insecurities

gave me a lot of laughs

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to try to get star wars up and running like a marvel franchise. It just failed on every conceivable level

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There is nothing skillful or cunning about Ben. That's the point. He's a scared little boy of whom people expect too much. He is so insecure in his abilities that he sees any faltering in his mentors' faith in him as abject betrayal. Bouncing around from one side of the Force to the other, burning bridges along the way, he has nothing to rely on but himself, and he can't even do that. Therefore the world might as well burn.
Rey on the other hand has remained steady in her convictions, even through some really tough shit clinging to the hope that the clouds will recede and the light of day will shine. First the hope that her parents will come back for her, then that Han will take her under his wing and show her the galaxy, then Luke would do anything but milk a kangaroo in front of her, when each hope is lost she finds a new one. Now she, like a battered wife, thinks that she can fix Ben, and (if the writers have any sense in them), the focus of the new movie will be this. She will try to reach Ben and bring him to the light, and will not stop until he kills her.
Fuck, I love these two characters. They really deserve better than this shit franchise.

I wanna see how this goes.

That user is wrong and missed the point. Kylo is wrong when he says that. "Killing the past" won't help anyone. The true path forward is accepting the past, not necessarily letting it define you, and moving forward. Rey accepted that her parents were never returning and she had to be her own hero. Despite Kylo talking about killing the past, he doesn't practice what he preaches and so he's stuck in a rut. He's still so caught up in his own past and the anger it causes him, and that's what is holding him back.

No way this is in a billion dollar movie.

The point of Kylo's arc is that he's gained confidence in the sense that he's now the big man on top. Snoke is gone and nobody is holding him down. Finally he's in control. But it's made him nothing but miserable already. He ends TLJ on his knees, upset. His IX arc will be learning that he doesn't really want that power, or the lifestyle he's leading.

That sounds all pointless, who cares if he gained confidence in him being the big man or whatever, the story never set you up to care about that. Every time I read someone explaining the narrative structure of the film it always ends up being a word salad of trying to give the movie deeper meaning than it deserves.

That's spot on. I've only been talking about The Last Jedi and its implications, but it goes deeper than that. The whole trilogy is following a pattern of birth, death, and rebirth. Now that the old order is destroyed, a new one must be built in its place. Ben and Rey are going to have to find compromise between their opposed personalities, symbolically and physically bringing balance to the force.
Goddamn I love this story. Why is the modern movie industry so that you can't just tell this story and not have to package it in the sleeve of a 50 year old pop sci fi franchise?

>I love the sequel trilogy

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>fuck Spielberg he should have listened to my indiana jones ideas

well speed dating makes sense
have you ever been in a con and looked into that room? it's mostly neckbeards and a few transfats who don't come close to passing anyway

He hasn't gained confidence at all though. He removed his master, but he hasn't removed himself from his need for one. That's the analogy I made to a yolo zoomer: he is going to have a long and hard struggle to find his proper footing as a man, and with the Wehrmacht under his power, a lot of people are going to suffer until he finds it.

This is how much disney fucked up. They can't even make their toys right. I mean every kid wants Rose and Finn toys. Even the stormtroopers look retarded, the armor look less like armor and more like apple earbuds

He's the insert of old Star Wars fans who don't like change. It's why he's looking Finn in disgust.

China's audience

But actually, he is the new main villain called The Oracle

I am so excited for it to be over.

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Disney really is out of ideas, first they ripped off Spaceballs to make The Last Jedi, now they've ripped off "Explorers" to make "Skywalkers".

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you mean why can't it be told by good writers and filmmakers?

Are they seriously going to go the "not Yuuzhan Vong but Yuuzhan Vong" route?
I'm conflicted now. As cheap as that would be it would be fucking cool to watch.

Attached: YuuzhanVong_NEGAS.jpg (775x675, 55K)

imagine not killing yourself after posting this

Palpatine literally dindu nuffin?

That too. Maybe I could tell it. Though even if I make sure to put it in a fantasy setting with two warring orders of mages with nothing to do with Star Wars, I'd probably still get sued by Disney for stealing their idea for an original movie based in the Final Fantasy franchise or some shit.


>Rian Johnson Trilogy
>David Benioff and D.B. Weiss Trilogy
>multiple streaming series

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Imagine falling for obvious bait

It's brilliant because you can only associate him with Jews if that's already the image you have of them, meaning it's incredibly revealing of the viewer's true thoughts.

Enjoy your vaporware. Aside from Mandalorian and Clone Wars S6, Disney has refused to greenlight a single frame of a new project until Episode IX is out. They still aren't sure how much damage Nu-Wars has done to the brand.

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Not sure he's going to be anything like the Vong. He sounds like some kind of godlike Force using creature or something. But I would unironically kill to have the Yuuzhan Vong and New Jedi Order back as films and games. That was the thing I always wanted to see adapted from the EU most.

>caring about good movies makes you a child

Why would there be a force oracle around for any reason but an impending alien invasion? Is there going to be a doomsday prophecy where if the force is not balanced after the winter solstice of 2012 it will kill itself and the galaxy will turn to chaos? Would that be more or less cool?

Bob Iger REALLY didn't like Star Wars.

You don't though. You care about the canonical integrity of a big screen space opera.

Grrl power.

No idea. I'm just going off of leaks that might not even be legit anyway. I guess we'll see tomorrow, hopefully. Then again, it could end up just being a short teaser that shows us nothing and we have to wait until fall for an actual trailer that gives us a glimpse of the story.

That, too. They had too big shoes to fill, and they failed.

Did you intend to prove my point?

Yeah, cause I agree with you.

I don't think you do.

About 7 months my dude...before you know it. Star wars bullshit will become 3rd string shit along with Marvel movies. 2020s some other type of thing will become popular. I hope comedy makes a resurgence.

Imagine being this autistic


I don't think you know what you're arguing about.

Imagine taking the bait this hard

That cross guard is so fucking dumb. Seriously, fuck Disney.


I like him better than most jews

oh wow

God... I just wish Star Wars was for autistic kids like I used to be back in the day again.

Thats what make it great. How? Easy, for starters it was not a problem to explore a profound aspect in the force with a religious Zen varnish behind it, because autistic kids see that shit and go: Wooow. I remember how I used to love the concepts of dark side and light side and how they played out as a first metaphysic concept to my infant brain.

Second, instead of publiciting in the script things as the knights of ren or Phasma or even Snoke with those displays of shit, they used to let things quite misterious back in the day.

Like for example the Imperial Guard. What did we knew about them in the film? Nothing, just that they where stoically present in the Emperor's chamber room and then when luke came in, The Emperor told them to leave and they didn't question shit, just perfectly coordinated gtfo.

This made my imagination about them run wild back in the day and I bet that some writers of the EU happened to feel the same way and thats why today in the EU we have explanations for FUCKING EVERYTHING, like this article in wookiepedia for breasts:


All of this made the saga magical, because it was not only misterious and mystical by exotic religion exposition, but also had action packed that blended perfectly with those elements, like the talks about the dark-side mid-duel. Thats what attracted me the most.

But I digress, I'll miss old Star Wars, it was better when it was made for autistic kids.

this is actually the correct answer

>not vong but vong
here you go

Even when I saw that for the first time, I was extremely confused by how she slipped under the guy's arms. Did letting go of the lightsaber coat her body in grease or loosen the guy's grip?


Old Republic Era is best era

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