Roblox death noise

>roblox death noise

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First Black Panther then Captain Marvel now Hellboy. You /pol/ fucks can't wait to be proven wrong

>we live in an age where tomatoes tell you if a film is worth watching

no one thought this movie was gonna make any money, that's literally every single opinion about any upcoming movie

it was fucking awesome, don't be reddit and watch it

Stranger Things guy doesnt have the charisma of Pearlman


We hated the new hellboy since day one because they blacked the qt fire chick from the original.
Dont make shit up retard

It's just like these Underworld, Resident Evil, Blade, Van Helsing or Dracula Untold and other Dark Universal movies. They are usually critically panned, like 80% of them.

Anyone who saw the trailer could see what a colossal train wreck it was going to be.

Screencapping these. Cannot wait to blow you /pol/ fucks out yet again


you some kinda retard?

deepest lore

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Ain't Hellboy unless he smells of piss.

>Hellboy franchise is 25 years old
>The animated films are still the best adaptations

What happened? Why did /pol/ types like it?

>this soulless reboot suggests Dante may have left a tenth circle out of his Inferno

That's pretty good.

We didn’t he’s just fishing with some meh their bait

Lol BTFO yet again!

How will Yea Forums ever recover?

>All this back pedaling when /pol/fags wanted to see the old Hellboy get fucked due to an overdose of unfunny YO LIL DONNY memes, which are just the same fatneck faggotry as Colbert memes, which are just hack political cartoonist shit
Trust me, you hit the nail on the head. All /pol/fags should be lynched for their dishonesty and degeneracy. The white genocide can't happen soon enough.

>Unironically using "Soulless"

Ron is a cringy weirdo yet a cringy weirdo who is still worth more as a person than all of the people memeing on him combined. Sad!

reminder that literally nobody (not SJWs, not pol, and not anyone in between) cared about this shitty reboot


werent there 17 people who wanted to see it?

>Pretending /pol/ didn't their eggs into yet another busted basket
lol just a meme amiright

I voted for Trump and I love the original Hellboy movies. If you can't separate art from artists, then you are an immature child.

Hellboy isn't getting bankrolled by the mouse, it has literally no chance seeing as it has exactly two weeks to make all it's money

I just want to see the sexy monster guys.

what's the next shit tier reboot we're gonna get crapped onto our chests??

I browse Yea Forums daily and I didn’t see a single shitty bait thread or “box office checklist” thread for this garbage reboot so if pol cared about it that’s news to me. Whereas captain marvel still has several threads a day of seething

>I voted for Trump
y i k e s

Well, I can actually vote, unlike you, since you are probably some shit-skinned foreigner or underage.

They're already shilling on Reddit "Gotti" style so that tells me everything I need to know "especially considering the shitty "R-RATED GORY ACTION" just seems too much like "Audiences love Gotti, Critics put out a hit!"
Fuck off

As a Hillary voting liberal I would like all capeshit to fail

Gotti was the best film of the year and the marketing was genius.


>I can actually vote
o o f
do your parents know you're gay?

more like lelboy amirite

>qt fire chick
that's not the fire chick, she's not in this movie, but the girl she's playing was a qt ginger from the comics who dated Hellboy for a long time

>I voted for Trump

You say that as if all the superhero hating fart sniffing film snobs aren't all libshits.



But he's not in this one.


A very mediocre movie: bland, volgar and stupid....a teenage fantasy with some ridicolous VFX

Idk if anyone was interested in a copy cat marvel movie. They should have stuck with practical effects and a serious tone to make it unique. At least it would have been more memorable

>RT says it's bad
ok kekistani bros we know that this really means that it based and kino

Let's be real. The trailer looks like complete shit. It's like a cartoon for toddler that was redesigned to be a hellboy movie

This...but ironically.

Did Mignola at no point say "Holy shit this drab dark n edgy turd of a movie completely misses the tone of the comic Neil Marshall you limey fuck, this isn't The Descent"

He is a sellout

Mike didn't really have much say in how the movie went. He showed up on set once or twice, and that was it.
He probably had more input on the Del Toro movies.

wow this post was Fantastic