Star Wars Celebration Chicago

>live in chiraq
>look up to get weekend tickets seven months ago but they are already all sold-out
>find some tickets for Saturday being sold a week ago by ticket scalpers
>go to purchase them but they're immediately sold out
Fuck guys am I gonna be missing out?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>not doing anarchist shit to protest

but how?

>Fuck guys am I gonna be missing out?
Be glad that you're not there. This is the current state of nuWars.

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Oh no no no no

what the fuck???? why is it all about social issues and not about kreia's philosophy? scumbags.

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>those ships also belong in star wars

The only ship that deserves to be in star wars is Obi-Wan x Ventress and you fucking know it

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If these assholes claim that "Star Wars is for kids" as a defense to people who hate the current state of the franchise, then why the hell are they pushing these Marxist ideologies upon our underaged offspring?

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lol get the fuck out. No way that's real.

what the fuck does a nigga dressed like a bitch have to do with a children's space adventure.

>No way that's real.
It is.


I don’t want to believe it

Wow ACen in this area doesn't even have this much cringe LGBT stuff.

Jesus Christ. It was my dream to go to Celebration someday while Lucas, Hamill, and Ford are still but I guess that too is ruined. I can't imagine spending hundreds/thousands to attend only to end up getting this shit.

>Disney: Don't worry! we'll make Star Wars better after Solo and TLJ! You'll see!
>*doubles down on political agenda 10x
>Disney: It wasn't made for you. Get lost, but give us your money, please.

The vast majority of those are fan events on the 'Fan Stage'

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think they have a place in Star Wars any more than you do. But you ceded the ground to them. You said 'Star Wars is not for me any more', and they moved in.

>But you ceded the ground to them. You said 'Star Wars is not for me any more',
I didn't say shit, cracker. Disney did that by forcing their Marxist bullshit on this series, and we can all see the fruits of their labor.
It's over, senpai.

What the fuck is wrong with wh*toids?

>But you ceded the ground to them. You said 'Star Wars is not for me any more', and they moved in.

>implying star wars fans weren't proto-SJWs from the start.


It makes me scream internally but also laugh hysterically.
It's like madness beyond any tangible form of social connectivity.
Can’t yousee? People try to force meaning into all the chaos! It’s whatever you want! Nothing matters!

I’m fucking clownpilled! wagahahah...

when the chaos element is set free
The dog is let loose from his leash
When the movie comes here to stay
The Wall of Jericho will break
When the man with the green hair and white face presents his case
The fire will rise and burn this whole place
Is The Jokers priority
And GangWeed is the Jokers authority.

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Nice try, incel.

I'm so sick of hearing about this shit
You have your representation
You have your diversity
Shut up about it already

>vast majority
>two events

>You said 'Star Wars is not for me any more', and they moved in.

*They* said that about *us*

The most we did was say that Kathleen Kennedy-era Star Wars was garbage and then proceeded to nitpick it. We were here first. We are still here. When the franchise collapses and those social parasites migrate to the next fad, we will remain.

>Fuck guys am I gonna be missing out?

No, Mark Hamill was quietly excluded from the event, so there will be no spicy shit talking to miss. It's going to be all smiles.


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This is now a KOTOR thread

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But it's real. All of it.

>tfw disney allowed their star wars mobile game to use kotor characters for the last year.
is it canon then?

Reliable sources say they've got q/a sessions on lockdown. They're determined not to allow a redshirt incident to occur.

Why the fuck did Hitler have to lose?

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They are right to be cautious. One single scorned fan saying the right thing could be disastrous.

What's a redshirt incident

Just one person has to make it through and fire the killing shot...

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Keep the Mouse away from it. They cannot be allowed to despoil it.

I like how all the hats they're wearing indoors make their ears bend in the goblino fashion

Aryans are for Americans and Soviets to fuck.

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oh, I thought they were talking about ships that need to be in star wars, I didn't understand what romance had to do with ships

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Smoke bombs, loud punk music, impromptu angry chanting.

No. It's real. You're not dead and going hell. This is reality.

pic related: A recent unveiling of a new Diablo game at a convention included a q/a session. The game was revealed to be mobile only, after previous instalments had been PC and console based. The fans were not thrilled expressed their disappointment fairly bluntly to the devs. The redshirt guy asked them if their new game was being presented as some kind of joke. This event was filmed and Livestreamed, so what was supposed to be a hype event quickly turned into a wet blanket.

The star wars celebrations will have measures to prevent that from happening.
Audience members who want to ask questions may do so, but their questions will be asked into a microphone, recorded, quickly reviewed, then played back after a delay. Disagreeable questions or comments won't get aired.

Fuck you stupid piece if shit shill.

I was explicitly told to GTFO by Kathleen fucking Kennedy and Kiri fucking Hart and the entire fucking story group for shitting all over their star wars agenda.

I have no issue with gay and transgendered characters. I have an issue when you force their sexuality to be character traits in a space fucking fantasy. I was told to leave because I held these pile if shit diversity hire hacks that they suck at their fucking job.

Never will they get another dime from me.

Damn Red Shirt Guy used the onions-boy look to sneak past their defenses.

This can't be true, is not possible!

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My friend works in Lucasfilm and said Natalie Portman is going to show up as a surprise guest at Celebration in her ripped Padme outfit. I'm planning on going tomorrow and Saturday to see if it happens.

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i wonder if she can pull the look off 17 years later

This is outrageous and unfair!

So, this is the what a Jewish midriff looks like, just like Fisher's, but slightly tanner due to slight Middle East mixing.

wtf an army of white nerds invaded nigaggo? I hope the hood rise up and eliminate the invaders

Has the fucking trailer dropped yet?
I want to see how bad things really are.

Tomorrow at noon Eastern time.

I believe it

Star wars is a political party now

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Imagine being so triggered by women that you're afraid of common inclusivity and post random cherry picked screencaps on a Polynesian head hunting image board to cater to basement dwelling national socialists afraid of the human race in all its beautiful colors, beliefs, and genders.
Sucks to be you, neophyte.

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Am i missing something?

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tumblr fags shortened relationships to ships

I feel like it's been shortened to "ships" for a while before tumblr even came around.

Fanfiction ships are relationship fiction. Like reylo fags here. So they are explicitly saying to enjoy "shipping" who ever you want with their blessing.

>Romance of Han & Leia
>Romance of Anakin & Padme
Why do these fuckhead SJWs always feel the need to claim FIRST! and act like nothing happened before they were born?

Also, thank god I didn't bother to attend this shitfest. Fuck DisneyWarbage

you are right. apparently it dates back to the usenet group in 1995

This is great since I identify as an Apache attack helicopter. Any other aviation apparatuses here?

This is the audience they’ve been working towards since 2014, so I guess congratulations are in order.

Is this common or just for SW?

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Sneed Dating
[Farmer Focus]

common for people who call themselves part of "fandoms"

Do they kill cell service during the Q&A?

Video game leak.

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It's pretty ubiquitous in the fanfiction community. There are tons of people who obsess over "shipping" Harry Potter characters too.

What does this mean?

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>can't create a character

Means if EPIX is shit, we might still get a decent vidya

Fucking dropped based on principal alone.
I don't care that Respawn & Chris Avellone are working on it. Anything associated with EA is automatically dead to me.

It means he's sold his soul and is gonna produce soulless crap like everyone else who makes an SJW title for the corporate establishment.

it’s shit

Don't you know that LucasFilm shut down LucasArts and licensed all the Star Wars games to be made by EA from now on?
So be prepared to never play a new Star Wars game ever again.

How, exactly? If they’re screening questions, they just have to say they’re going to ask about Jawas or some shit, and then drop the bomb when they get up to mic. Who gives a shit if you get banned? You would be immortalized.

EA only has the exclusive license for another 5 years or so

though they could renew it


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Have sex.

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Incels have been driven out of comics, star wars, star trek, D&D, Magic, most other things.

40k and anime is next.

Then after that the incel camps start.

Your time is coming close to an end. Normal people have had enough of incels.

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>Then after that the beta uprising starts