Seriously, what's her secret?

>Seemingly with a push from Brett Ratner, Millennium Films' chairman Avi Lerner has worked unsuccessfully for two-plus years to help the aspiring 26-year-old British actress secure roles in movies produced by his company, including a female-fronted version of THE EXPENDABLES that never got made and CHUCK, a 2016 boxing drama starring Liev Schreiber.

>The campaign to put Kirk in movies came as the actress had become a serious problem for Warner Bros. chairman Kevin Tsujihara. After the married Tsujihara started an affair with Kirk in September 2013, she pressured him to help her find roles. Tsujihara set up introductions on her behalf, and she secured small parts in two Warner Bros. films: HOW TO BE SINGLE, from the studio's New Line label, and OCEAN'S 8. Tsujihara's lawyer says his client played no "direct role" in Kirk's hiring.

>Kirk was introduced to Tsujihara by Australian billionaire James Packer, then partners with Ratner in Warners-based RatPac Entertainment. At the time, Kirk was having an affair with Packer, according to texts between them.

>When it came time to cast the Millennium-financed HELLBOY remake, sources say veteran producer Lawrence Gordon balked at giving Kirk a major role, even though he was pressured not only by Lerner but by a number of influential individuals in Hollywood. Speaking on the condition of anonymity, one top executive at another media giant confirms that Kirk is a friend whom he met several years ago through a member of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association and acknowledges that he attempted to intercede on her behalf. Gordon declined to comment.

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>If Gordon wasn't sold on Kirk's acting, Hellboy director Neil Marshall was impressed. "She was my top choice for Alice, and I pushed hard for her to get the role," Marshall tells THR in an email. "Ultimately, despite the high quality of her work, she wasn't considered a big enough name".

>A rising director, Marshall has episodes of GAME OF THRONES and WESTWORLD under his belt; HELLBOY marks his highest-profile film. He was so taken with Kirk, according to a source, that last summer Marshall left the HELLBOY production, which had begun shooting in the U.K. but was moving to Bulgaria, to spend time with her. Leaving the project at that point was highly unusual and Marshall barely returned in time to resume the shoot. He then stunned associates by splitting with his longtime agent turned producing partner and abandoning other potential projects. He and Kirk moved in together as Marshall devoted himself to pitching horror films that Kirk would not only star in but co-write.

>Meanwhile, Kirk has filmed portions of NICOLE & O.J, based on the premise that the former football star was the victim of a setup. Actor Boris Kodjoe ("Code Black") would play the ex-running back. The project would be directed by Joshua Newton, who has few listed credits.

>The O.J. movie remains unfinished, but the footage shot to date was filmed in Bulgaria. Although not a Millennium project and apparently not done on Lerner's soundstages, it employed a crew consisting of regulars who work on Millennium films.

>Newton, who explains to THR that Kirk is a former girlfriend, said the finished film would be a revelation. Kirk is "a dedicated actress who takes her craft really, really seriously," he says, adding that when his movie is released, "She will be one of the most sought-after actresses on the planet."

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Her pussy grips like a cobras clutch i've heard. once you experience it theres' no going back.

She is, undoubtedly, a fantastic fuck.

>every directors dream girl

The amazing part is none dares to actually speak ill of her.

She fucked Tsujihara

She fucks like a 10 million dollar porn star, that's why.

The most powerful succubus in Hollywood. I'ma be said when she moves on from Neil and he commits sudoku.

How much does she charge, bros?

Has anyone here ever seen her in a role to verify her skills? I've never heard of her until today

>making movies with your dick-holster
Rookie mistake. Destined to fail.

Where did you hear this?

Charlotte Kirk's the type of girl that keeps fucking you until you're hard again after your third orgasm. Keeper for sure. Neil Marshall is a very lucky guy.

>I'm very jealous

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She lools like THAT lmao fuck Hellboy, she's worth abandoning fucking Titanic.

This is Neil Marshall for reference

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I don't understand why these rich dudes do this. You can get a chick that's twice as hot for 300$ an hour and you won't have to go through the trouble of trying to shove her in a movie.

hookers dont fuck like theyre trying to convince you to ruin your life and sell your soul to satan

>pushed hard for the role of Alice
>didn't get it because she wasn't considered a big enough name
And instead they cast some other literally who.

Laugh all you want, but Charlotte's draining the life force out of the right dicks to be pushed to the top by so many executives.

And she's honest about it.

>more aspiring actress need to be like her.

Seriously, how can you live as a SJW actress while at the same time pretending to be gagging on Harvey's little chubby?

When I get my stuff ready, Charlotte will be the type of girl I will actively seek out.

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That's different. Hookers fuck regular dudes on the daily. Girls like Charlotte fuck the RIGHT dudes with a goal in mind.

I seriously can't hate her game. She's playing it rather well.

are you mentally ill lol

No, I'm honest.

>after a long day of directing, I wanna come home to pic related

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this chick needs to take lessons from amber heard because she's fucking all these high level dudes and getting FUCK ALL out of it