22 Seasons strong. Anyone here love South Park? It's hard to think of a more consistent show...

22 Seasons strong. Anyone here love South Park? It's hard to think of a more consistent show. Favorite and least favorite episodes? I'll start.
Least Favorite: A Million Little Fibers (S10E5) No Kyle, Stan, Eric, or Kenny ruins this one. Also, the Oprah's vagina joke going on for like 10 minutes really didn't add anything to the episode.

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sneed park

South Park was good when I was in middle school, I can't imagine not ever growing out of that mentality and still finding poopoo pee pee jokes funny. I have never met a South Park fan that wasn't an NPC drone.

I stopped watching SP like 10 years ago because it became dogshit.
good post

Going down to Sneed Park, gonna have myself some seed

I don't watch Jewish agiprop

what's worse are the rejects who can't seem to grow out of capeshit or anime.
They're fucking everywhere, whereas I can't even recall the last time we had a SP thread.


I hate South Park

I think I only like the first couple of seasons.

Friendly Sneed's everywhere, humble sneeds without temptation.

Are the golden years over? Is this Zombie South Park?

>22 seasons strong

South Park has not been funny in 15 years. It was more like 5 strong seasons and a movie.

The thing is when you were in middle school southpark was in its nu-simpsons tier shit phase of 11-19. The first 10 are amazing with the best episode being in season 3.

The first 3 seasons were the best, ironically Matt and Trey think they're the worst.

Old South Park wasn't even good, it's just edgy college humor.

South Park's prime was NOT its first 5 seasons, more like seasons 4-10. Season 2 is actually dogshit and Season 1 feels super dated.

Except old south park was even more pee pee poo poo humor

there's definitely pee pee poo poo humor but if u think south park is about anything but social commentary and celebrity bashing then you guys are actual fucking retards lmao

South Park has not been the same since season 11 episode 5

oh man i love season 3. i do sometimes have my problems with season 2 though, the middle isn't so great

Season 11 Episode 5? I'd think episode 200 and 201 would be the turning point. What makes you pick that specific episode?

>It's hard to think of a more consistent show
American dad is far more consistent than south park
t. watched both series all seasons 20+ times in the backrgound while on pc

because it fucking sucks

Yeah, South Park is consistently funny through season 18. The extended story arcs really crippled the quality of the show.

>seth mcfarlane

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Its not a favorite of mine but I think it came back from that, seasons 12 and 13 have great episodes. And season 11 has the imaginationland arc, one of the most entertaining south park arcs period. For me the worst drop in quality is probably in seasons 15-17, I often skip those.

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before that episode id give the series a 9.6
from there on out the series is a 7 to 8 max


maybe you were in middle school during the shit era but not all of us were

>consistently funny through season 18
fucking zoomers
it lost its humor hard by season 10. if you think otherwise, you're underage

yeah he barely does fuck all except voices for american dad retard. Family guy is his main show and it's fucking terrible. Try again dumbfuck

>A Million Little Fibers
So bad it's good tier.

>it's just edgy college humor.

Not too low brow, not too stuck up. Seems about right.

Their new shit is pure trash though, and I stopped watching after S10.

the american dad stan is mad that people dont like his favorite show of all time. stay mad.

Recent seasons are complete dog shit and previous seasons have aged like milk. I can probably list the good episodes using both my hands.

Matt and Trey should have doubled down after the episode 200 duology censorship fiasco. It had been going on for some time, but after that they stopped making stories about sensitive subjects and from there on out it was just commentary on current issues that weren't too controversial.

It depressed them greatly. Showing Muhammad at a time when the middle east terrorist threats were incredibly valid would've been bad for their safety. At the same time, they're more against censorship than anybody, so it caused them to be demotivated, and a drop in quality.

its been utterly irredeemable shit since the seasonal arc format started.

Reminder super best friends aired july 4th, 2001. Stone and Parker literally caused 9/11.

no you brainlet, south park has been shit longer than it was good

>Season 2 is actually dogshit
get some taste

seasons 1-7 are the best

Holy fucking gay Cooper on the map like a good way to be the ranger

did I just get la le li lo lu'd?


>22 seasons strong
>implying any episodes made after ~2005 aren't pure garbage that is edgy for the sake of being edgy

make love not warcraft

issa top 3 episode


South Park was better when the kids weren't part of the paranoia and hysteria but just bystanders caught in the middle.

Anime can be good and appeal to those older than 15, but that kind of stuff is never discussed here. It's all Miyazaki "muh fuck America and fuck war", Eva, or shit being turned into a Netflix movie
Capeshit on the other hand is always meant for children and is always shit

>Randy becomes a farmer

Season 12 - Breast Cancer Show Ever
Season 13 - Butters' Bottom Bitch
Season 15 - 1%
Season 21 - Put It Down
To name a few. You sound like a boomer.

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The episode with the metrosexuals and crab people is still my favorite thing in anything ever. pure kino.

they peaked with that WoW episode and have been phoning it in for the last 4 seasons

I stopped watching after that episode with Pewdiepie. It just made me embarrassed to be watching it, and I already hasn't enjoyed it in a while.

Are you going to play WoW Classic? Been playing pservers for 4 years so im fiending for actual wow.

The last several seasons have been total unwatchable garbage

>nobody’s watched the PC Principal episodes

no I already chased the nostalgia with private servers and I'm not as awe struck by all the content like I was 14 years ago

best of luck though, I still crave WSG every now and then

>It's hard to think of a more consistent show.
Venture Bros

>Yea Forumstards pretending to be above lowbrow jokes
Who do you think you're fooling, faggots? You wouldn't be here if you didn't like lowest common denominator humor
wojaks are the messageboard equivalent of making funny faces and mocking your boss's voice when his back is turned

South park became shit after Issac left

You can blame the cult for that. They put him in a coma and brainwashed him.

South Park is still good.
Prove me wrong.

Aside from seasons 16 and 20 I can't name a season that's been *off*. It'll never get old for me and I cannot wait for Season 23.

They are neither. 4-9 was the best run, but 1-3 are better than anything we’ve gotten in a long time.

'Member when the Shitty Wok guy just turned out to be Butters' child therapist?

Did anyone else mention that in later episodes besides PC principal?

>Buckle up buckaroo!

It's not as episodic anymore, plots span an entire season. It could lead to a revival, but it really just depends on how interested Matt and Trey are.

literally "it had its moments" the show

Lol it's like in the simpsons thread but south Park

machomp, machewy chomp, pachewy chomp

bass to mouth and broadway brodown

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That Butters episode was kino.

The Stick of Truth is by far and away a great piece of media and Fractured But Whole would have been a perfect companion piece if it wasn't as bloated and poorly paced. I think they still have it but need to simplify it and stop pushing so far outside of the 4 kids hanging out.

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Does anyone other than me remember when Trey came to Yea Forums a few years back?

I'm curious to see how much their ratings have tanked since the election.

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South Park is actually still brilliant. But the last few seasons have provided great joy watching you triggered retards complain that it's gone downhill and that it's totally not just that you're offended

No one actually watches it, dumbass.

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After PC principle, it became completely unwatchable. holy shit.

I liked south park a lot. The first 10 seasons is some of the funniest shit ever.
It started to get shakey at around season 13

But PC principle, and all that shitty """"character development" is horribly abhorrent

>After PC principle, it became completely unwatchable
It's like they just gave the show away to some SJW that's been waiting in the wings for years to "fix" South Park.

How much of a braindead normalfag do you have to be to still be watching South Park?

"south park isnt funny blargh"

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I guess this much.

I'm 19.
Grounded Vindaloop and Cock Magic are funny.

This. If you cannot recognize how awesome south park is you're a pleb

damn you guys i love the gorillaz

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