Dies in show

>dies in show
>literally fucking dies IRL just 2 years later
what did he mean by this?

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>literally dies
As opposed to figuratively

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oh man I don't know maybe he is old or something

i dreamed i was old

eeegg eeeeeegg

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His health was already deteriorating during the filming of his last episodes. Due to lack of necessary nutrients, he started showing symptoms of dementia.
The final episode was actually recorded with him on his hospital bed, but was modified to look like from the GoT timeline.
This is why he says "Egg" many times at his deathbed, because his body knew eggs would save him. They refused to give him eggs, and instead lip synced him as referring Aegon as "Egg".

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Wow. Old people die.


Maario Naharis

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>dies in real life
>literally still in show 2 years later
Let me rest, Vince...

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it's called method acting look it up

you do this every time
obvious samefag, be more subtle

I topkekked harder than I should have.

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not him

sure thing bud