Whitewashing is now a good thing

>whitewashing is now a good thing

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A red lion would look retarded in live-action

i dont understand. how can you whitewash a lion? they are as african as it gets

As if making a live-action movie with talking lions isn't retarded by itself.

>blacked mane lions don't exist

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so then dont do the picture. just go watch Planet Earth or some shit. a much better realistic story

>black mane grows when lions grow older
>black symbolized high testosterone high status males
wtf are they doing? why are they turning scar into an incel?

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Dark colored lions are more attractive than blond lions. It's science, Scar was a beta, he cant be a black maned chad lion

Hyenas rise up.

This blackwashing is getting out of control

das racis, black is fine, awright?! All those white lions keeping the black lion down, you kno

>tfw no lion mane

Attractive to whom?
Lionesses don't mate with lions based their appearance.
Fucking brainlets.

who cares what he looks like
the voice is the real crime

>whitewashing my nigga scar

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This... Jeremy Irons is still in his fucking prime

oooooo I quiver with FEAAAAAAAAHH

that was one of the original reasons scar was a black maned lion, 1 he was older, 2 hyenas look to black manes as royalty, or in reality fear the most.

Nah brah lion kang is black culture now for some fucking reason kill me

They needed every lion to be voiced by a black because reasons

So they really still do that “is a good thing” headline? You’d think they’d realise it’s a red flag that your article is shit.

Are they still gonna have the fuck scene

This movie looks so awful. It lacks the personality that the animated movie had. Every lion looks the same, Timon and Pumba look horrendous, everything in general looks generic. But people will eat it as if it was their first meal in decades.

Honestly? If it triggers /pol/, I support it.

You’ve watched so much cuck porn all that nig jizz has gone to your brain

How low IQ do you have to be to think a live action adaptation of an animated movie is an upgrade? It was animated in the first place for good reason.

You'd think
But retards still click on them, hence OP's post

Discord tranny

There's only so much SOUL I can handle in one scene lads

It’s faggot trainnies like you getting triggered keep up you fuckwit

fuck literally everything Disney does these days especially their fake outrage publicity. fuck everything actually. fuck it all

lions for people, panthers for kangs

nice link faggot

It would if the movie was live action. It is a CGI animation.

$1 billion at the box office lol
Suck my dick

So why is it a good thing? Anyone read the article?

Scar always seemed like a greasy Wop to me

Even people who love the trailer seem to have one issue that they at least are reserved on until seeing the movie.

Chiwetel as Scar. He's no fucking Jeremy Irons. Irons has a real gravitas in how he speaks. In this, Scar sounds dull and boring.

You are assuming the people who write them have any brains.

They do you dumb brainlets
Anyone who grew up watching discovery channel remembers the Lion dummyies experiments. And for the record Lions with too much Testosterone go bald and are bad mates (like the ghost and the darkness) since they are likely to attack their own kitties. Stop thinking about fucking black cocks and going full retards when someone say the word "dark".

>Scar is a brother to Mufasa, after all, so him being an entirely different color - something in the original to highlight his villainy - would be a step outside the realism the film is going for.
Nothing special, t b h.

they dont respect animation anymore. i dont know if it's just because disney is ran by new people or what but they view animation as 'inferior' or 'for kids' and think they can tell these stories BETTER without it. really despicable

You're the one mentioning black people.
I'm saying it doesn't matter what they find attractive since they have no choice with whom they're gonna mate.

Who cares?
This is animation, not real life

ok how can you make a lion to look like an prostitute merchant arab?

It has nothing to do with blacks, you retard. You're the one implying cuckshit.

I'm more pissed off they've replaced based Jeremy Irons. He's still alive and well.

>You’ve watched so much cuck porn all that nig jizz has gone to your brain
>You’ve watched so much cuck porn all that nig jizz has gone to your brain
Fucking moron.

>something against whites is done
>articles telling why that thing it's "A good thing" emerges
I see a pattern there... pluse if the journalist is jewish and/or woman or so


Attached: bbc planet earth 2 lion fucking shits.webm (1920x1080, 2.18M)

This, black maned lions are typically the pride lords by right and by conquest in the wild.

Scar has always been the one true king. Mufasa is a usurper.

These articles certainly write themselves. Are these journalists even self aware?

>An immigrant raped my gf; u mad /pol/? ;)

>/pol/ protects peopke from immigrants and the virginity of maidens from the degenerates

Why are they making this again?

What can a lion realistically do to a big boy like that

>rowan atkinson is being replaced too with john oliver

Why was this allowed?

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>disney makes anything
KYS snowflake


Whenever I read
>and that's a good thing
I get annoyed and don't read the rest.


Its a movie about an evil leader who takes charge of a country and ruins it with savage immigrants (hyenas) until a native rebelion dethrones him.
/pol/ loves it.

Yo /pol/, where is your gf?

just make the fucking characters look right, what don't these fucking retards understand?

>they have no choice with whom they're gonna mate.
Yeah they do. Female lions can and have chased away males.

She's your gf. I'm just dicking her for you while you sweat in your chastity cage.

I feel like his scar isn't vibrant or visible enough, hopefully they fix this.

What I find more interesting is that they looked at original Scar and thought he was a nigger.

The whole thing looks retarded in live action, and it's not live action.

If it´s all CGI it´s not live action. It´s hyper realistic animation. Still, this is not what we should be discussing. We need to know if he is gay or straight and what he identifies as, for all we know he identifies as a gay hyena.
Maybe they should make Nala kill him and make him a metaphor for strong women overthrowing the patriarchy. I mean, it´s so obvious Scar is like some sort of drunk step father or something and has probably raped every single female lion of the pack. If Simba, a man where to save them, that would send the wrong message!!! Lionesses need to be strong and independant! We need a lion QUEEN!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

> INB4 the incel
> INB4 have sex

it would if you stopped resisting them and voting against your own interests, but oh well.

have sex

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I'm confused. What am I supposed to be upset about Yea Forums?

In reality? Replacing Jeremy Irons as the voice of Scar.

it's a lion.

what now?

Why do trannies all have those crazy eyes with the dilated pupils?
I had a friend who turned out to be a genderqueer faggot and his eyes were exactly the same, like they're stuck in a state of hyper arousal from their childhood abuse.

Turns you on, doesn't it?

A black man killed your mothered and raped your wife and she's pregnant with your wife's daughter, and here's why it's a good thing!

Why the fuck do burgers love John Oliver so much?

Black Mane lions are socially more attractive to lionesses compared to yellow/orange/brown haired lions. If we ignore the sequel, Scar is not the lion who anyone's attracted towards

Id whitewash her nigga scar

I never thought of it that way
wtf i love scar even more now.

the original was better

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>and that's a good thing
>it's a good thing
>it's bad for us
>why x is y to us
>good thing

Why are thoses titles so LAZY? I mean seriously, they've been to schools and all that stupid shit to learn how to write proper articles and all for THAT? What the fuck are they, fucking toddlers in a kindergarten playing journalists?

I'm surprised to they didn't make him albino

What percent of OP's waking hours do you think are spent crying about disney?

>Why are thoses titles so LAZY?
Because they're designed for triggered crybabies to click on them and then spam them all over social media like the useful idiots they are.

you are fucking retarded, lions mane grows darker, once they lose a fight they lose their mane before it regrows bright which is why is retarded that the evil guy who fucking won the fight and fucked up his dad and so many before him doesn't have one.

>making shit up to prove a point in the internet

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>If it´s all CGI it´s not live action. It´s hyper realistic animation. Still, this is not what we should be discussing. We need to know if he is gay or straight and what he identifies as, for all we know he identifies as a gay hyena.
>Maybe they should make Nala kill him and make him a metaphor for strong women overthrowing the patriarchy. I mean, it´s so obvious Scar is like some sort of drunk step father or something and has probably raped every single female lion of the pack. If Simba, a man where to save them, that would send the wrong message!!! Lionesses need to be strong and independant! We need a lion QUEEN!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
>> INB4 the incel
>> INB4 have sex

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I'm not seeing it.

they're writing clickbait

im so fucking tired of disney's marketing using identity politics.
im so fucking tired of retards on this site that fall for it.
im so fucking tired of the movie industry.
im out.
you wont get another fucking dollar from me, hollywood.
i dont need your hatred in my life.
goodbye and good riddance.

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cling to its neck and bite it until it gives up and collapses.

Man, looking at each version side by side...
2D Scar >>>>>>>> 3D Scar.

Emotion, mood, depth, color > Mangly lion.

I dont mind his color, but his physical build is all wrong. Scar is supposed to be royalty too, but in the trailers he looks like a fucking hobo starving lion.

Yeah, this was my biggest problem too. This lion is supposed to be intimidating, physically and mentally.

well he cant just be a red devil anymore now can he. also where do people find these retarded headlines

Speak for yourself, faggot.

>... is a good thing

Unironically bite his ankle until he can't step on it.

Saw something like 90% of people only read the headlines anyway. So there you have it

no, you don't want to be around its legs at all as that's where the pain comes from. lions jump up at the throat, exactly like the lioness did in the video. she failed to sink her claws or teeth into anything, that was her downfall, pun intended.