>its a Janice scene
Its a Janice scene
im rewatching sopranos for the second time now and they really are the worst. also the jamal ginsbourg episode sucked ass too. it took me weeks to finish watching it
Replace every Janice scene with more Aid and Lesbo Tennis instructor and the series goes from a 9.5 to 12 out of 10.
>its an uncle joon storyline
he's easily among the best 3 characters of the show
>It's a Janice shoots that fucking loser Richie scene
20 years in the can, taking it up the ass.
the scene where tony 'test drives' furio on the korean salon was the last time i remember being entertained by this show, there was never another good scene, it all goes very stale.
>Carmella scenes
Imagine being THIS brainlet.
Janice scenes are good.
Annoyance and contempt is what you're supposed to feel for her. She played the part perfectly.
Take out an entire fucking family?
>Lemme tell you six things...
under the boardwalk...
>even Bobbys kids can tell Janice is trash
>it's a Vito scene
Did you cry user? The Sopranos is so brilliantly written It made me depressed over a Roastie youtube.com
Guy who sings this song died last week
People who think Tony didn't die shouldn't post on tv.
fuck you nigga
Why you cryin'? He's gonna be fine.
decanter is a fag
>mfw plebs telling me the ending sucked
>same plebs who thought the fly episode of Breaking Bad sucked
What was his name again
This fuckin guy hooooooo
Up in the club
>gross Rolling Stones tattoo on tit
Made me gag every time.
Cheese fuck
sugarless fuck
>It's a Ralphie/Phil/Mikey scene
>it meadow and her jewish nigger basedboy bf episode
>it meadow losing her virgintiy to said jew nigger basedboy episode
i know these women
He's the one that stole her bike, right?
Was there a reason they chose the whitest looking nig possible? Was he someone's kid?
i wonder whats french canadian for i grew up without a mudda?
Watching for the first time and just finished the episode where everyone finds out Vito was gay
Was hilarious they could never get away with that now
the sugarless mutherfucker
For me, it's the Italian.
*glorified crew
t. fag without the makings of a varsity athlete
>user, we need you to wear a wire
What do you do?
>it's a meadow scene
Is Janice the biggest pleb filter of all time?
>she will never pimp you out
i'll do a wire up your ass, drive a lionel up in there
Sacrebleu where is my mamman!
My Nigga
Feed them bullshit, disinformation
How would he have reacted if he knew is shrink was seeing a shrink?
how long?
>you will never get pegged by a mobster's sister
what's the fucking point
My archnemesis....
its a very effective technique
Ainsposedabesein'ere Yufuknidiots
Watch it tone
why is there a construction site photoshopped into this star wars scene?
what the fuck was david chase thinking?
beautiful television
This scene is so laughably terrible. What were they thinking?!
Why does Sopranos have such weird camerawork sometimes?
I even saw a slideshow cut once.
even the guys in the back look like c3 and r2
can anyone help me pinpoint an episode? it's the one where Paulie has a dream that Pussy is cooking in his kitchen, and Paulie asks him something like "when my time comes, will i stand up?", then he wakes up and starts lifting weights.
Go shit in your hat!
Chase was just dabbing on everybody else by flaunting the fact he could do intentionally shitty stuff and still make by far and away the greatest character piece ever created
TV shows have different directors for different episodes
Chase didn't direct most episodes, user.
Chasing it
Fuck, I'm retarded, it's Remember When
He didnt need to be directing
That actually pissed me off. Someone better should've killed that asshole.
Scenario 1) Start farting and shitting because I'm nervous and scared
Scenario 2) Write on a piece of paper telling everyone I am wearing a wire and that it's our chance to feed them bullshit
Scenario 3) Walk into the place and tell everyone I'm wearing a wire and that I had no other choice. That I just wanted to say my last goodbyes and I'm going to prison forever.
I never got why everyone pretended Adriana was superhot. She's just above average.
Who was in the wrong here? For me, it's Tony. Should have got the fuck off this house's stoop
thanks, that scene is kino
jesus christ this board is so retarded
>it's a the roommate with the juicy fat pussy episode
Chuck (currently Sneed)
yes perhaps after an epic fight scene like in Star Wars
Her body is great, face just looks old.
Very true, for most of the characters, their performance was 10/10
Gives me a chub every time
>that scene where ralphie is cracking up while he watchies his gf get beat up by sil
me too
dubs btw
How did Phil get away with taking it up the ass but Vito didn't? Especially when Vito would've never taken it up the ass if it wasn't for his medication.
He spent 20 years in the can makings grilled cheese on radiators and jerking off into tissues you goddamn faggot fucking corn holing son of a bitch
based retard
I finally get this meme now thanks
Your brotha Billy. What eva happened dare....
on geonosis?
Retard show perfect for the retards on here.
Start mind fuckin these donkeys like you wouldn't believe!
what show isnt for retards if Sopranos is
Whoa whoa whoa... Whatddju say?
you godda bee ona you post
Big Bang Theory
>carmelas spec house scene
>it's a "Vito is Gay" spin-off series
I know you guys like to meme about this show but can we finally admit The Sopranos isn't that great? Breaking Bad is better because they never lost sight of the story. The Wire is better because they followed through on season arcs and then set themselves a new task next season, keeping it fresh. See also: The Americans, Fargo, The Walking Dead, Justified, The Shield, Deadwood.
Don’t believe me? Find someone who didn't watch the first run of The Sopranos. Set them up with any of the shows above and ask them to watch both. The Sopranos won’t come out on top.
>oooooo! Vito, I told ya to whack him! >...JUST whack him?
>Breaking Bad is better
Get the fuck out.
Nice bait, faggot. Literally none of those shows would exist without The Sopranos.
I wish she sat on my face for an entire afternoon
>it's a Ralphie is a degenerate sex pervert episode
Was Richie the most psycho character on the show? Guy was just a complete asshole
It shouldda been him.
He was just an entitled creep no better than Ralphie. Thought he deserved the crown but had no leadership or people skills.
what is this, pusy for ants?
for me its fertile meadow
for me, it's thicc meadow!
That was before Tony swallowed the real redpill and looked at the per capita statistics
>dat hip bone
This but unironically
Hey guys. It's been fun browsing these Sopranos threads for the past several years but I've realized they are all the same and just anons repeating the same lines posting the same pictures over and over and over. I think I'm going to leave this website and never come back.
Anything else?
Guy goes to jail for armed robbery, gets out and tries to pay his debts to society by helping out kids. Was supposed to give a speech to a middle school about the dangers of drugs or something like that but the police department said fuck that shit.
Can't catch a break
momma's little HOOWA
No that is it. Any other questions?
Aunt's in your pants, I get it
those effects are just awful. why not just stick to the angles where you can't see her face. looks like that wayons bros movie little man
I don't think she's all that hot but her foot gaming is fucking on point
lmao this feels like some alternate reality shit, I didn't notice that at all when I watched
not a footfag. i think adrianas are too boney
Michael Imperioli was so fucking good
In season 1, when christafuhhhh is watching the news and is pissed off he doesn't get mentioned (when the FBI is raiding them basically), you can see the bottoms of her feet. They are k i n o
>its a georgie gets abused episode
he was right
she was so qt with amazing milkers
you're about the experience the rebirth of the instagram meme poster, stick around for a while.
Hey Yea Forums, do you think Ralkphie and Vito ever had sex?
Don't wave your hanky at me!
you're doin a good job davey!
I'm gonna need a bigger shovel.
i honestly think david chase might be going senile. the entire cast for saints is fucking godawful
would sniff
i member nipples in shows ALL the time in the 90s. why are they haram now?
you're not wrong.
>tfw you bet to show
this was fan service
>I di-dent
was it kino?
how can a show with so much murder and misery be so comfy
why did he say that
the food
the gabagool
the pasta
the spaghetti
the gabagool
what the fuck are you talking about pretty much every show that isnt on network or basic cable has tits
>prettiest/best girl doesnt get her bobs and vagene out for us
the only truly unforgivable thing about the series
Tony asked him if he did heroin again when he arrived to help clean up Ralphie's murder scene. That was part of the conversation.
why did he say it like that
i didnt know people actually hated janice. i thought she was funny. unlike skylar from shitty breaking bad where i sincerely hated her.
do you think Christopher licked her in her special places?
What? You see both her vagina and her tits.
He was on medication (heroin) and it changed his sense of humor
wah? you think im a fanook or sometin paulie?
god i hope she has a massive ginger bush
The shooting.
doubt it because if he sucked pussy he'd suck anything
id lick hairy ginger puss all night
those scenes plus the girl AJ ends up with in the final season when he first spots her in the hospital are kino
imagine the smell
>eating pussy is gay
Why are Italians so stupid?
did paulie do anything wrong?
Every time she said spec house I wanted to strangle her
Fuck it would be so hype to see Richie in a can and mouse game with like Paulie and or Christopher
Yeah but who else is gonna stream it
Most underused Characters?
For me, its Albert Barese
What is the compulsion to sniff panties? Is it instinctual?
>made me double check
fuck you
little carmine. that guy need way more screen time. everything he says had me rolling
Dumb sissy
But what about that fight scene where she uses time stop for the first time?
That was one of the greatest moment in HBO history
have done with several girls pantsu. nothing odd about it i think
see you tomorrow
If you wouldn't have really dirty sex with Adriana, you are literally gay.
No I'm saying is it just an instinctual urge
Was Jerry Seinfeld in that scene?
I feel like she would be the one to choke back and command you to fuck her harder but give loving encouragement
>could've just done a phone call with an impressionist
>could've filmed the whole thing from behind her head to make it both practical and kino at the same time
>could've just done nothing at all because the scene serves no purpose anyway
>instead disrespect a dead woman's legacy by zombifying her with unholy special effects and filling the gaps in their nonsensical conversation with stock phrases to make her seem like even more of a puppet abomination
David Chase seriously must've been on LSD or some shit to have thought this was a good idea.
Oy gevalt! Show us the khazar milkers!
Definitely. She also struck me as the type of girl who would spit in your mouth during sex.
I would've cured her depression with my cock
absolute UNITS
I still think chase is a genius but some transitions looked like a grade 9 media arts class
Whoever wins, we lose
she is pure not a dirty kike
I'm a zoomer born a year before The Sopranos aired. I just watched it for the first time two years ago, having already watched both Breaking Bad and The Wire, and it blew the absolute living fuck out of both of them combined. Shut the fuck up you retarded cunt
>she will never grab you by the neck and tell you she’s ovulating and force you to creampie her while kissing your neck
glad to know there are at least some based zoomers out there
I crack up every time at
>I mean... I just can't believe it!
I am going to put them on a high protein low carb 1200 calorie a day diet to prove they want to lose the weight
life is unfaair
I know both of us will have a Lara there wearing girl to demand a creampie in the next year
Why didn't Ade just tell Tony right away that the feds were on her ass? If she actually worked with him to feed them bullshit then things would have gone much better for everyone.
Yeah? Maybe you're a flambe.
>If she actually worked with him to feed them bullshit then things would have gone much better for everyone.
Are you retarded? You're supposed to shut the fuck up and deny everything and do the time.
Tony shoulda killed Paulie instead of Chris.
Big mistake!
do you have the Tony dragonball z one too?
Tony woulda had her whacked
Am I being rused here? You clearly see both when she gets on Chris.
everyone likes paulie
For me, its Albert Barese
This still makes me laugh
time to get tested for alzheimers grandpa she doesnt show anything
>and do the time
Those drug charges were bullshit, feds didn't have shit on her, she was just way too dumb and scared. Not to mention that women can get away with pretty much anything except murder and even then sentences are ridiculous comparing to men.
DAE drink sugarless motherfuckers?
Who's the hottest chick Big T's fucked?
why cant she follow simple instructions?
the first russian is mega qt
Carmella was passive aggressive
Carmella was a NEET
have you ever known a NEET to do anything nice in return for their caretakers?
Charmaine in his dream
Did Tony pay to get her raped?
Yeah, he sniffed panties that were in a drawer and were pretty much guaranteed to be washed so they'd just smell like they came out of the laundry.
>Look, it's da before and da WAY before
gloria. who doesn't love a crazy italian girl?
She wore pasties. You can briefly see them in a scene
you just know she wasn't wearing panties
Go watch the scene where she climbs on Chris in the hotel. You can clearly see her vagina.
dumb moulie
this, and checked
Could you imagine? Being scolded by your wife in front of your kids just for saying fucking niggers after niggers literally just stole your car and lost your dog? He would have been better off if they took the car with the wife and kids in it.
you gotta redpill your kids gently or they will reveal their powerlevel in school or wherever.
she clearly consented why didnt he keep going
Gigi, Carmine Jr., Carlo, and honestly? Furio. Kinda pissed his character exited over something so stupid.
Outta respect of his father.
So glad that dumb wop was killed
I miss James Gandolfini bros :(
Doc it's just water, I spend a lot of time in and around the Hudson.
>it's a heavy breathing and food stabbing scene
Stop mixing your food around and fucking eat it