This is the completed Star Wars mural

This is the completed Star Wars mural.

It's still not finished apparently, and theres an updated version with BB-8 but I can't find a quality picture of it that I could add to this image

Attached: star wars2.png (1751x750, 2.92M)

Attached: star wars 4.png (3252x369, 2.86M)

Holy shit the sequel trilogy, Solo, Rebels, and Rogue One look so lifeless compared to the others.


sequels look so soulless compared to the rest

how do they manage to produce such garbage art when the posters of the two pre-disney trilogies are so fucking beautiful?

just look at young luke's face or ep 2 anakin ffs they look like mouthbreathing fetal alcohol syndrome retards

Holy fuck this pic made me realize the sequel trilogy has not created a single memorable vehicle or alien. What were they thinking

>What were they thinking
they weren't beyond making a cashgrab, I though this was clear to anyone with a functionning brain

If they had played their cards right and captured what made the originals and to a certain extent even the fucking prequels so loved, they would have made far more money in the long run. I mean, if TLJ wasn't so fucked up then Solo would have been a monster hit

Star Wars fatigue is what killed Solo, not TLJ

Meant for

>Holy shit I'm a manchild with confirmation bias
Whoa cool
Shut the fuck up faggot.

lol, its all just traced from stills and promotional images
what the fuck happened to rose though, looks like they didn't even bother finishing her off, look at the difference in detail

Attached: D3463WhX4AAR4Un.jpg (477x477, 137K)

Attached: Potato.png (1440x2560, 1.62M)

She was rushed, not even in the one thats at the celebration

>no memorable set pieces or ships to be included in the most recent films

the absolute state

You shouldn't be using slurs, shill. Lucasfilm and Disney don't like that.

Lmao it looks like a draft

it's because those all have moments and characters that are showing emotion. Look at all of the other ones. No iconic moments captured on them, and the most emotion on anybody's face is like the Jedi master in rebels, and Finn in TFA. The rest of them are lifeless husks.

Hey man, take a screencap and report me to get me fired. Nigger.

>Pierce Brosnan as Thrawn
Why isnt this a real thing?

Too kino

Uhh, where is the Holiday Special? Just because spaceshit fans got filtered harder by it than the Great Filter, doesn't mean you should exclude it from the mural. Arguably the best Star Wars film, because it actually has soul.

Attached: das.jpg (1292x918, 477K)

why is Luke so feminine here?

Attached: 1555015090442.jpg (410x500, 65K)

>It's still not finished apparently, and theres an updated version with BB-8 but I can't find a quality picture of it that I could add to this image

Is there an image of it?

>all the ships and creatures in the OT and prequels
>sequel trilogy is just some jackoffs standing around


Attached: completed.jpg (646x646, 30K)

>copecel has no argument

Hey that does look a bit better.

thats a nice cop out
star wars fatigue means, fatigued of shit movies right? shit movies like solo

lol at captain phasma and rose
2 super integral characters

This "Star Wars fatigue" bullshit is tiring to hear, if it was real then Marvel fatigue would have set in long ago.

Whats the big difference between the two? Marvel has never put out a movie as divisive among fans as TLJ


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I don't even like SW but from a purely artistic standpoint he's right.

he's a Twink. what do you think Sheev wanted him for?

Dont EVER let your ipad get below 10% again.

I'd say BB8 is memorable, at least the most memorable thing about NuWars, but for some reason he's not in it

He is, in the completed one: The artist didn't get enough time to complete it for Celebration.

Two Kylos in the new addition because he's a super special villain

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Attached: just some thoughts.jpg (1751x750, 709K)

I really think that having 3 year gaps between episodic films is perfect. Space each trilogy out by 5 or 6 years as well. It would give them a lot more time to plan. The problem is that they saw how much we wanted Star Wars again but gave us too much too fast. I love cake but it felt like I was getting cake shoved down my throat every day when things started rolling. They thought they could treat Star Wars like Marvel but that’s just not possible with the kind of franchise it is.

Luke Basedwalker

lol fuck this site

>having 3 year gaps between episodic films is perfect
you know what's even more perfect?
Good star wars movies.
I don't give a fuck if it takes 10 years or 6 months to make one. Star Wars fatigue is the result of shitty retarded movies, shitty retarded marketing, and shitty retarded people making both who also voice their shitty retarded opinion in any available media outlet (so basically all of them).

That’s why there needs to be even longer gaps between the trilogies themselves so they have a clear plan during pre-production and don’t change teams with each movie that comes out.

It unironically won't change anything as long as they don't change their entire philosophy for producing these movies and fire pretty much everyone involved.
As long as they pander to the retarded shit they read on twitter and believe they got a market here it won't stop
Problem is, the retards believing this are running the fucking company

There's something missing there

Attached: images(2).jpg (764x401, 52K)

There is not too much orange jailbait, fag.

>all the extremely popular Star Wars media not on there
>literal who shit (Rebels, Soilo, Rogue One) and abortion shit (TFA and TLJ) is on there
I hate modern Star Wars.

3 kylos and yet Sheev only appears 1 time in the prequels and another as the emperor in the OT

Remember how much Finn was marketed before TFA? Now he is barely there in the bottom corner

Attached: 8C1A5820-F77C-4B2C-994B-0258F65E942C.jpg (1751x750, 555K)

The name's 'nuruodo

Attached: cf251e9e474bfb677edc6ea3e951598c.jpg (844x1123, 168K)

sadly time like star wars is not what it used to be

I've since let my subscription expire

>Filoni got his waifu on the mural
Absolutely 100% based

Why is it so fucking small.

He deserves it

You're talking out your ass

To stop people printing it off the internet and making their own murals instead of buying officially licensed ones for insane inflated prices

ah yes, the resident Yea Forums pedo,

So they can sell it.

Same shit. Should have included Keri Russell for some eye candy

fatigue only happens when the movies suck, see Marvel

The artist being told to draw Finn with a lightsaber for TFA is such a slap in the face to what he could have been

Why does Luke look like a twink or tranny

The argument is you're a gay shitskin who should hang themselves. The evidence is your post. The verdict is death.

laughing so hard at this reaction

It's just the characters. The other images have vehicles, secondary characters, and iconic scenes. The new Jew Wars is such a lifeless joke.

Kek. Rian's retard baby


the onions filter was truly an amazing addition. basedfilter