What do you think about people who claim that there is no such thing as objective quality in art and that movies cannot...

What do you think about people who claim that there is no such thing as objective quality in art and that movies cannot be fairly compared to one another?

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What do I think? Heh... *takes a long drag on stogie*

... I think: fuck you

I think you're seeing the results of this kind of thinking every day

i think Sam should get a job and move on, his 'art' is terrible

How do you objectively appraise a piece of art?
Can you PROVE that Bernini is OBJECTIVELY a better sculptor than Rodin or vis versa?

Can you OBJECTIVELY say Laocoön and His Sons is better or worse than The Rape of Proserpina?

Is Beethoven OBJECTIVELY better than Bach and can be so demonstrated like demonstrating that 2+2 = 4?

I ask myself questions like that every day.

Pretty sure you can but you faggots would be in denial about it.

try, entertain us

What makes a film objectively good?

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proper lighting, sound, cinematography, actor engagement