Massachief was a black man, das right!

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Thats right whiteboys, your favorite little video game series you and your pathetic whiteboy friends played belongs to the black man now. How does that make you feel?

> According to Wolfkill, while in the games we never see Master Chief's face, this may change in the TV series, which would seemingly ruin the mystique of the character, but also may make relating to the faceless Spartan easier.

Oh nonono

Why do normalfags ruin everything they touch?

Why not have new characters and explore a part of the world separate from what the games have told?

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B-but user...

i don't give a shit. who would even watch a Halo movie?

Why not make a completely original series instead of rehashing the same 10 franchises every few years?

Jews using the things you like to push their agenda

I don't even understand why you'd need to do that. Besides Chief, the most prominent characters are a black man, a white woman, a female AI. What are they gonna do, make Johnson a woman to make him extra diverse. Oh, shit, that's what they're gonna do isn't it?

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Brand name recognition.

> Remembering playing 4 player split screen Halo 3 with my friends...

Why cant we go back to that better time bros? Everything is so much worse now..

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Video game TV shows and films have a hard time being good already. Why would they give themselves more hurdles to get over?

>we want the gay audience

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Thank god. We don’t need anymore wh*te actors in leading roles in movies. We need to let Black men have their time to shine.

>muh relatability!
God these people are fucking stupid

Johnson or Chief will be made gay

being progressive is more important to them than making quality, not that theyre necessarily mutually exclusive

The answer we were looking for was creative bankruptcy. You were close though so you'll be awarded half marks.

It's something extra to think about though. Now they need to make a good film AND make it inclusive. Rather than just hire the best actors they need to get lesser actors if the best aren't the right right *insert minority* enough

It needs an Australian guy marine who dies all the time, but shows up in every episode without any explanation given.

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>blacks steal yet another thing

Content in that I'm being proven right.

>not that theyre necessarily mutually exclusive

They are though. Making media about politics makes it propaganda, not art.


>tons and tons of lore
>hundreds if not thousands of battles with the covenant
>different stories
>different characters
>white spartans, black spartans, female spartans, male spartans
>some of these characters have awesome stories and others have sad stories
>still make the main character of the games black

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this worked really well in the stallone judge dredd flick

He's a perpetual from warhammer 40k

>random characters being made brown or gay

Is anyone surprised by this at this point? I'm fucking numb to it now.

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Remember that time they introduced a new black Spartan who was younger and tougher and cooler than Chief and hyped up as the man who would hunt him down and destroy him

Then they actually fought and he got blown the fuck out instantly

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Hey guys, remember:
If you ignore them, they'll leave!
Oh wait that didn't work, enjoy what you choose :^)

>mfw imagining them going to a planet of black people

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This isn't news, this is just a given

Did Nurgle create the Flood?

Halo already had a black main character. Why not use him?

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>takes off helmet
>it's a muslim woman wearing a full face burka

If you read a Judge Dredd comic, you know that Dredd is a stubborn person who lives by the law to the point that he keeps his helmet on, even during break times. Only to take it off when bathing The Stallone film "worked" because execs knew you can't put Sly Stallone in a movie where he's covered up. The director argued to keep it on Sly, but higher ups one it out

Attached: Judge+dredd+trigger+mentionlist+cartoonsands_7910b3_6078103.jpg (823x1278, 374K)

A Brute backstory episode might be cool to be fair.

It's actually like some kind of weird reflection of real life where the two black guys introduced in the 2000s were great and everybody loved them but the one from the 2010s was an unbelievable faggot

while in the games we never see Master Chief's face

Attached: master-chief-face-revealed.jpg (640x325, 19K)

I always wonder if the guys who made Dredd realize how hard they fucked up by making a literal fascist superhero

Halo 4 legendary ending


Dredd is a Parody/Critique of America...so yes

>Dude you're screencheating
>No dude I'm not screencheating

It began as a parody

>durrrrrr murrica is fascist

t. Eurotard who needs to buy a fucking pass to watch porn and gets sent to jail for insulting Islam on Twitter.

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Dredd is a fascit hero made by ironic british socialist/commies/marxists, yet the portrait is as a good guy for the reader because communists sucks and should be sent to the cubes for eternity.

>mfw I WAS screencheating

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>a literal fascist superhero

There's literally nothing "fascist" about Judge Dredd. If anything it's authoritarian.

>video game series that hasn’t been good in years is giving the scraps to the SJWs
I’m seething

They'll probably also make them orphans who voluntarily agreed to become spartans instead of kids who were kidnapped and replaced with rapidly aging clones, specifically made to combat secessionists

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>tfw Lan party and screencheating on the opposing team's TVs

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Take THAT you gamer nerd incels!

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As long as they don't get a human to play Arbiter, I'm good.

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Does it really matter. he looks like a toy soldier, it's not like vader where the mask has actual mystique.