Litty kino is back on the menu buys
Litty kino is back on the menu buys
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ugh hollywood is still whitewashing black roles
All fucking capeniggers must fucking hang
Confirmed Certified Litty.
Black Adam isn't black and the Rock isn't white
>Ladderbro was saying he was out as Black Adam
Try again sweetie
Capeshit is about to get LITTY and RAUNCHY this summer with the ROCK
Very smart move on WB's part
Do the first film low budget and then bring the star power in for the sequel/spin off when you can afford to throw more money at it.
It's actually so level headed and smart I think WB didn't do it on purpose and did it by accident because they're fucking retarded
Is there a celebrity cornier then the rock? The dude comes off like the biggest corporate lapdog. He coasts off of being the rock and being built like a brick shithouse
Will it be pisskino?
You are autistic.
any others I'm missing?
That Black Adam costume looks great.
>Mr. The Rock
I'm dying
>Thank you Mr. The Rock
Isn't "The" the first name, so it would be "Mr. Rock"?
im ready for another raunchy romp
it was actually Dwayne's idea
raunchposting was one of the better things to come out of Yea Forums.
it was no the architect but better than most of the sneedposting capeshit zoomer trash that is here nowadays.
Gimme ancient Egypt black adam fantasy action LITTY Kino
Im gay
>typecast as playing Ancient Egyptian demigods
weird niche
>Mr The Rock
Is Zack Levy completely method and from now he is gonna just act as a 14yo?
>catch ya on the flippy
lol, I hope this is not a shop. levi is taking the littypill and it is good stuff
>not just linking the rocks fucking instagram
>rock and Kevin Hart play slaves in ancient Egypt
>rock becomes black adam
>Fights acient Egyptian Gods and mummies so the wizards worry about his power levels
>black adam kills all of them except for Shazam who sends him to the shadow realm
>Shazam 2: sivanna and Mr Mind free Black Adam as they go through the seven realms
Writes itself really
>for the FANS and not for the CRITICS
Why the shitty costume? Also he better wear a fucking wig, black Adam has glorious black hair.
there is no fucking costume yet
100% Certified Litty
Mousevel lit-erally and utterly BTFO
Is that the flesh inside a horse's hoove
Oh fuck yes.
B-but disneymommy told me Shazam flopped and there would be no black adam movie!!!1111!
First name “The” last name “RooOOoOockkk”
>Trust no one. Not even yourself.
The streets shall flow with the piss of the unbelievers.
>Kevin Hart as Mr. Mind teams up with Black Adam
not flesh, but yes it's the inside of the hoof without the 'shell'
Hell yeah it does. I actually hope they do something along the lines of what they've been playing around with on "The Tick," where the person's own preconceptions play a role in what their Chadform looks like. That would mean that Billy hasn't even "final formed" yet.
Fucking kek.
>Jumanji 3 is about the Seven Sins trying to escape into our world through an MMO.
>The Rock and Kevin Hart
I don't know why, but these are really comfy in films together. I assume they must be good friends in real life
This. I want Black Adam to be the reason there's a Sahara Desert and Libyan desert glass. Give us something fucking huge.
the franchise is actually under New Line, and they've always been smarter
>OUR Shazam
I know he's technically part of the DCEU but still I find that funny.
>who would have thought that out of all people The Rock would be the one to save capeshit
Is there anything The Rock can't save? Ed's mom aside.
why does he keep saying "our"
he's an executive producer
This image is strangely pleasant to look at.
That dude really wrote “catch you on the flippy”?
>I'm always thanking people for something but truly I'm very thankful today
So he's not even hiding that he lies when he's thanking people?
>Black Adam
>Shazam 2
>Shazam vs Black Adam
Is there a harder working man in the business than /ourguy/ The Rock?
Black Adam
Black Adam 2
Black Adam The Third
Black Adam vs Shazam!
Unironically, he's definitely at the top of that list. As well as like 3 to 4 blockbusters each year, he stars in an entire season of Ballers each year too. And he stays in amazing physical shape (might be steroids, but you still have to work fucking hard to get and maintain a body like that).
The only people comparable are actors like Eric Roberts. But honestly, bit parts in 100 films that only require a couple of days of filming on your end, and very little acting, are much easier and more relaxed than literally starring in everything you're in. And you can say that the Rock barely acts, but just 'acting' like himself in a way that seems natural and charismatic is really fucking difficult.
to be fair, he only plays himself in those movies