Daddy issues
Sum up an auteur's oeuvre in as few words as possible
Sofia Coppola likes any guy who has what she wants. If she wants to be a photographer she’ll fuck a photographer. If she wants to be a filmmaker, she’ll fuck a filmmaker. She’s a parasite just like her fat, pig father was.
I watched her The Beguiled last night. Wasn't kino but was entertaining. Somewhere is good too.
Neil Breen: God Complex
Ana de armas: MOMMY
I hope you already fucking saw the original. It's one of Clint's best movies.
I'm not that much of a savage to have not. Really one of my biggest doubts about her version is why did we need it?
So ronery
I know nothing about Francis Coppola as a person. What did he do that was parasitical?
Not that user but didn't Francis leech on his wife while filming Apocalypse Now?
Dead children.
Black Men & Feet.
The only movie I saw of her was Lost in Translation. Was pretty good.
helped a convicted child molester to get work in Hollywood
Kek, how the fuck do you ever have to leech off someone when you've made the fucking Godfather trilogy?
How come she always smiles like she's in chronic pain?
neurotic narcissism
blonde chicks are so fucking hot
Dubtrips speak truth
oh shit communism broke
>friendzoned by an actress