The sets for Missing Link look great

The sets for Missing Link look great

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I want to get drunk and mess around with her

Look at the top of her head, dude!

She's going bald!

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That is a really great set if I'm being perfectly honest, famalam.

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based jodelle poster

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Imagine if she let you hold her hand.

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>nose ring

also how come Ive never even heard of this?

They literally just began advertising it

No idea what they’re thinking

>how come Ive never even heard of this?
You're not a fan of Laika or good films?

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girls with nose rings will eat your ass

you know what else looks great? jodelles fat tits in a tight sweater

>being a tits guy
please grow up

but will they let me eat their ass?

im more of a jodelle guy

You might be interested in her new film, Office Games

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The story seems a little soi and I wasn’t crazy about Kubo but I’ll see it


She's cute, but her nose looks like a faucet handle in that pic.

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i imagine that every night before i cry myself to sleep

no, sex is overrated.

Love is better

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no, not based
she has a hideous uncanny valley look with her fake eyebrows, freakish nasal vestibule and asian mom hairline

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>Love is better
This is true. Falling is love is a beautiful experience. I know my soul mate is out there.

What about recieving anal sex? Sounds better than love TBQH


Eat meat

lick pusy

We're all gonna make it, bro.

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I really enjoyed Kubo, I will watch this

I like the black stockings

>The story seems a little soi
Please explain why you feel the story of this children's movie is "a little soi".

Who is that girl? She gives me a boner.

I like that wallpaper, very jojoesque

she knows how sexy she is

what a tease

me in the back

Jodelle is pure.

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nylons make my peepee squirt


imagine if she looked at you like that and started moving her legs apart and said “c’mere baby” haha wouldnt that be strange

please be respectful

Needs more Jodelles tbqh desu

Not wearing natural fibers

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Slightly zoomed in version

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God i wish she were stepping on my throat


She's pure. Pure sex.

Would be nice to see the set instead of this anal whore.


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easy there user this is a blue board...

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god i wish that were me

Imagine if a 5/10 SJW whore let you hold her hand? Why would I want to imagine that?

leave the thread meanie


>Not good

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checked & underrated .... hope you get your wish

Slightly zoomed in

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Don't open this image and imagine her celebrating your birthday

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Thought I spoilered that

You just know they went to a male strip club afterwards.

whoa that's the bitch from Dark Matter

Why do it to yourself?
You probably don't want to click this link
and imagine her singing to you

They both seem so wholesome and preppy. Her sister blocked me on instagram for a weed joke. Nothing mean or perverse, just a weed joke.
They probably just ate cake and went to bed early.

I watched it yesterday.

Very disappointed. This has some of the best animation works this studio has done, but the fucking story, characters, and tones flip from being great, mediocre to fucking beyond bizarre.

This needed a serious rewrite and recasting.

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I think it's cute how her sister is so protective of her. One of her insta posts she was talking about how she used to have to block creeps when she ran Jodelle's social media back in the Myspace days and Jodelle said she still kinda does it now anyways, making her block people.

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I don't care about her I want that damn Coraline key necklace.

good to finally know whos responsible

i want to scream

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>OP shows impressive sets from Laika who is the only big animation studios who actually gives a shit about the movie they make
>anons decide to jerk off the girl instead
next time, you better use pictures with tits in it, OP.

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so is the humor as bad as i think it might be?

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Yet Jodelle follows Seth Rogan and consorts with homosexuals

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