How did monkeyzilians create such a masterpiece?

How did monkeyzilians create such a masterpiece?

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Give a monkey a typewriter, infinite time and he will write a Shakespeare novel

hi /pol/

>never listened to seventee's Brazilian music

is it sill good nowadays

shakespeare didn't write novels you idiot

No shit, but the monkey will. Retard.


You're not white.

Play a record!

I couldn't sit through 5 minutes of this movie.

just a typical life in brazil is interesting, way more depressing that living in one of those shitty countries in africa

>watched this in my film studies class back in high school
What a film, holy fuck
I actually enjoyed writing about it
also, before anybody else says it, >film studies class

Actually a comeback for the ages.

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Brazilians creators tend to be creative (mostly due to the lack of funding). City of God was the rare moment where a genuine decent director and screen writer got properly funds.

Carandiru and Elite Squad are also great

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>tfw you will never tag team a roastie with benny then smoke weed after
why live

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500 years is a little off from infinite time

It's really not that good, though.

Brazilian here. Cidade de Deus sucks.

>monkey has no taste
no shit

I'm whiter than you, fatty.

no it suddenly became bad. fuck do you think, retard?

Another brazillian who disliked that movie completely here. Seemed the movie was just wankery to the favela lifestyle and glorifying being an inhuman terrorist, reason as to why so many youngsters like that.

Mind citing what were the reasons you liked it?

/int/ more like
christ, you tourists are insufferable.

>glorifying being an inhuman terrorist
did you even watch the movie?

Because it was directed by someone white.

Lame she is wearing a gross bra they give you after you get a boob job to help form your breast. Bet it has blood stains on the nipples.


Yeah, it's almost impossible to be a BR and not have watched it. But the youngsters love Ze Pequeno or Little-what-ever you call him. No one here cares for the MC.

And also, even regarding the MC, there's nothing interesting about him. If you like a dark movie about a piece of shit (Ze Pequeno was more of protagonist than the other guy), then I can see you liking it.

that doesn't mean that they're glorifying shit, that means people in your country are retarded criminals

Its definitely not, all the movie Lil Zé is portrayed as a maniac and a loser, the only time he is able to fuck is when he gets so sad nobody likes him, that he resorts to rape, he is show as the villain and almost everyone gets relieved when the kids murder him, meanwhile some characters like the MC, are just incapable of doing violent acts, he tries to rob others but fails everytime, its not simply a "people who grow in bad places turn bad", there is a whole range of people there, from the MC who even through Lil Zé killed his brother, is unable to take revenge, to Mané galinha (forgot his english name), that turns bad in his revenge quest, Benny who mostly did robbery and drug dealing until he could leave the lifestyle, and Lil Zé, who loved the lifestyle for its own sake.


BR here, never watched the full thing nor do I have any intention to. I hate favelas and everything to do with them, I'd rather watch a movie that is just 2 hours of different favelas being carpet bombed.

"How did x film age?" is the most reddit question ever.

Vai tomar no seu cú irmão, aposto que é um polaco leite azedo de bosta, que foi asaltado uma vez, agora fica hiperventilando de pânico toda vez que alguém mais escuro aparece por perto, você é uma vergonha, um bosta cagão, não tem nem coragem de piratear um filme pra ver e falar mal, seu branquelo de pinto pequeno, olho sem alma, cabelo amarelo.

No, someone forgot it outside the fridge and it turned bad.

Lol how new are you? It doesn't matter, you should go back to /b for another year

t. Brazilian

let me guess about the plot: the hard life of living in a favela maybe?


oh wait wrong movie

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City of God is entry-level, how much of a pleb are you?

t. macaco favelado
Eu nao sou seu irmao seu monte de merda seca. Ja pagou o traficante dono do seu morro (e do seu cu) hoje, ou o seu e da milicia? Tinha q ser um macaco de morro pra achar normal essa nossa sociedade fudida onde as pessoas de bem tem medo de sair de casa a noite e se reagirem vao presas. Chama os outros de covardes mas se nn tiver com uma arma na mao e seu marido atras de vc na moto se caga todo.
>inb4 "nao sou favelado"
Se nao e entao e um comunista de iphone sustentado por papai e mamae.


ihh ah lá, o branquelo deve tá se tremendo todo já, é daqueles que quando passa na rua só olha pro chão ahhhahauhsshau

not him but the first 5 minutes is the chicken chase scene and it can be disorienting

I don't think so, any being capable of experiencing time would get bored after the first trillion trillion years, even if they could fast forward time a trillion (x), it still would look like no land is in sight. If I gave you a riddle to solve, or a complex math equation, if you had no education or training, you'd crash into a wall. No matter how far the land beyond the wall stretches, your own ineptitude will not be remedied with infinite time. You can't scale that wall.

don't mind me, just posting the superior monkeykino

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Most Brazilians I know (I live in an area with a ton of Brazilian immigrants) hate this movie cause they say it makes Brazil look bad

Maybe the real city of god was the friends they found along the way.

Elite Squad is dumb as fuck. Only a dumb third worlder could think its kino.

Well if its not, why did they leave it?

>film is called "brazil"
>it has nothing to do with brazil
the ultimate power move

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>nenhum argumento
>nem sequer nega ser um favelado
Se eu disser que nao e piada ninguem acredita. Voce devia ir atender a porta, deve ter umas 6 balas perdidas esperando pra entrar.

que argumento parça? Se só ficou bostejando que nem um branquelo de condomínio que nunca pisou em bairro pobre e acha que a vida é o Datena, acorda pra realidade virjão

Honestly what else could you make a movie set in Brazil about? Poverty and crime IS Brazil.

Why are the people from shit countries always the most patriotic? Do you think I am proud? No I just lost my 4G connection when the train entered a tunnel and had to switch to public WiFi. Literally rape.

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During cold war era, third world countries were expected to pick between USA or Soviet Union, which gave them a internal feeling of being weak, as if needing to side one or another, and in turn made their governements try to create a bigger sense of stability and union, forcing nationalistic ideas on them during that time.


But has it read any Shakespeare?

obvious shill post, work on you format next time this question and answer work is too obvious.

>Ainda nenhum argumento
>continua nao negando ser um rato de favela
>"voce nao sabe o que e realidade!"
Acorda seu verme vc nao e especial por que vive na merda, e essa sua atitude de bosta e o proprio motivo pelo qual voce nunca vai sair disso. Ate voce deve saber que esse papinho de vitima do sociedade opressora e so pra ganhar dinheiro e programas do governo. Pelo menos tenha o culhao de admitir sua propria incompetencia e incapacidade de melhorar sua vida atraves de esforço e trabalho, como fazem os milhoes de brasileiros que nascem na pobreza mas nao perdem tempo choramingando e sendo favelados de bosta. Cresce um pouco e depois vai discutir sobre a realidade.

Bread and circus. Patriotism is an easy tool to manipulate people.

Arrombado, por isso que não vale discutir contigo, você nem se toca que o filme, não trata a pobreza assim, o filme todo o Zé pequeno é mostrado como um noia psicopata falho, enquanto o Buscapé sai da vida da favela pelo talento em fotografia, você fica falando de argumento, mas veio cagar em um filme que você nem viu, fala pros outros crescerem, mas da piti de algo que nem assistiu.

No joke, why do people think this is good? I didn’t hate it, but I definitely wasn’t captivated or drawn into it the way people rave about it. I also think Portuguese is a hideous language. 1990’s LA gang movies are way superior to this.

>I also think Portuguese is a hideous language.

Go masturbate to daddy olavo bitch

>still not le_epic redpilled
There are several people of color in this movie just so you know

vai dormir Nando Moura, para de falar merda em site de punheteiro gringo

>ass: leite com pêra que nasceu rico

O cara tá dando xilique, tendo um trequinho e chamando o bait óbvio de favelado, porquê ele ficou bravo por um filme que ele nem viu, e ainda fala pra todo mundo amadurecer.
Volta pro 55, meu deus.

>it glorified that lifestyle!
You must live in absolute SHIT if you think that lifestyle was being glorified in any way

I'll never understand why you suck so much the dicks of those movies but never even talk anything about pic related, which is said to be our best movie ever everywhere I searched.

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>Portuguese is a hideous language
You have no taste dude. You can hate all the retarded monkeys shitposting on the internet, but the language itself sounds cool as fuck.

>be brazillian
>come into thread and shit on favelas
>immediately after other brazillians come to shit on you for shitting on favelas because ???
>''look at that monkey trying to be white''

Niggers even on the internet.

fuck favelados and fuck maconheiros

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fucking cariocas thinking everyone here in br live on shitholes like them

you can keep guessing though.

Sounds lame

This movie made me wish a was a monkey living the SlumDog life, fucking everything in sight, partying every night, and dying young in a blaze of glory as king of the Favela before the aids or some other nigger disease takes my life

Absolutely. The first movie was brutal. Enjoyed it more than City of God but I can see why mainstream doesn't agree with it.

I hate this poster. it always triggers me

This one was also pretty cool.

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The way brazilians romanticize violent armed niggers is genuinely disgusting.

Imagine watching a movie about how violence ruins the lives of everyone who practices it, and thinking its idolizing it.

Is this an american thing?


>Imagine watching a movie about how violence ruins the lives of everyone
You're right up to this point. You're either unfamiliar with Globo's propaganda or feigning ignorance.