"Dr. Lecter, I'm FBI."
"Dr. Lecter, I'm FBI."
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Fuck off whore
I can smell your cunt
Your a smol gril
For you!
Hannibal 2001 was really good
>sweet stickly fumblings
t. John Hinckley Jr.
Clarice, did I ever tell you about the time I fought a nigger in my office? He was a serial killer who made cello cord out of human intestine.
i dont get it why did lecter wanna fuck her?
because the author became retarded when he wrote hannibal
He didn't. He just liked the cat and mouse dynamic.
Except in the Hannibal book where Clarice and Lecter run off together after eating some of Ray Liotta's brains. The book was even worse than the film.
Jodi foster is pretty good looking and tiny. Also that West Virginia yokel charm of clarice. And really I think he just wanted to give her therapy. She's pretty fucking broken. You do understand the significance of the title, yes? If she saved the big fat woman, will she find peace?
He didn't want to fuck her he wanted to maintain her as some sort of muse and plaything that he nurtured. He used her as a vehicle to maintain a foothold of humanity while also feeding his narcissism by helping her and showing the FBI how brilliant he was.
I want to throw my cum at her
But Hinckley loved Jodie Foster. He even requested a nude drawing from an artist, who complied, and that drawing ended up prolonging his stay in psychological care. He shot Reagan because he loved her, because you know, bitches love guys who shoot presidents.
>shoot drumpf
>get laid
When they say Migs "swallowed his tongue" is that literal, like did he bite off his tongue and choke on it or what?
was the show's version of Silence going to match the film?
>Gub bay Bedekive Barling!
Lecter's neighbor was seriously /ourguy/
No one else would have thought "what's the best way to fuck with this roastie" and then reached the conclusion of "I'll fap, cum in my hand, then pretend to be sick and chuck the jizz at her when she turns my way"
how do human brains taste like
they taste like knowledge. when you eat a persons brain you steal their neurons which raises your IQ, it's why Hannibal was so smart
Like a bag of sand
They never obtained the rights to Silence, so the names of the characters, and even the plot would have had to be altered.
Kind of like nigger brain
Would’ve been more kino, but worse, if that makes sense.
Salty Coins.
Idi Amin Dada said he eat human once. He didn't precise the part but he said it was very salty.
So eat cow or monkey brain and add salt
He brainwashes her with drugs and hypnosis to become his waifu, it's not like she was given any choice
If I flicked cum in your hair, would you cry?
"It would be extremely shameful."
me in the cell next to lecter
You can't actually swallow it while it's intact unless you tear the lingual frenulum pretty severely.
FBI ain't shit
Why didn't they get CIA in to interrogate this bozo? He'd be completely outplayed intellectually.
I know, but it's still really fucking stupid.
You got a big appetite.
For you
He plans to, but over their dinner of brain she lets him suck champagne off her tiddy and tells him she'll do it willingly.
I read the book a little over 10 years ago, but that's even worse than I remember.
Politics, mostly. The CIA wouldn't stoop to the level of interrogating someone who is, to them, a petty criminal. They have to be seen to have more important things on their plate, like national security etc etc. Taking up unexpected extra work is like admitting openly that your budget is too high and you have too many people standing around doing nothing.
It's indulgent and bad storytelling, but I don't think the idea in itself is awful. Hannibal dominating her psyche to such a degree that he rewrites her personality is an interesting idea, but it just comes off as rushed and for shock value instead of getting explored
>You're not allowed to eat friends
I should have said he starts to, he injects her with some shit but it still seems like she wants it. He wants to make her into his dead sister that he ate, and she convinces him there's room for both of them in her brain. It's godawful and feels like Harris was already totally checked out by that point.
Manhunter >>> Lambs > Hannibal > Red Dragon >>> Rising
Harris is the George Lucas of this series. He has these crazy ideas but he needs someone with talent to make them into anything worthwhile. When the director is a hack nobody his worst tendencies stick out like an awkward boner.
Eating human nervous tissue actually gives you a nasty disease called "kuru". If you ever eat human you shouldn't eat the brain.
The whole book was schlock, he turned Hannibal into an anti-hero because people were so enamored with Hopkins' performance, he was a side character in both the original books until Harris decided to capitalize on it with such low denominator mediocrity that he called the fucking book itself Hannibal.
>Buffalo Bill is not a trans-sexual, Clarice, he just acts effeminate and wants to wear women's skin because he hates himself.
Yeah, nice try, Dr Lecter.
He didn't taste so good.
That accent was so damn cute. Does anything else have a southern girl trying to suppress her accent and getting called out for it?
fucking kek
Perhaps he’s wondering would you fuck me
he was a good friend
imagine seeing no women ever and then in comes one who is decent looking and decently young. She’d look pretty good
I was in county jail for only like 6 months and even 5/10 female COs started looking like 10/10s and if they were wearing any kind of perfume or even scented fuckin maxi pads it gave me a raging stiffy
I can't imagine what it would be like in Migs's situation
Haha yeah imagine
He just watched Taxi Driver way too much.
He was trying to imitiate Travis from Taxi Driver, which Jodie was in.
My 13%