Wow, you can really tell Obama runs Netflix now

Wow, you can really tell Obama runs Netflix now.

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Disappointed in Sir David tbqhwy.

I don't get it. Was this a documentary or is it a news event? Because i saw the news reporting about this dumbshit, and honestly, who the fuck cares. And why the fuck is it, every time some new pile of shit is released on netflix, cunts come out from the woodwork and circlejerk over it? What the fuck is wrong with you retards. Kill your fucking selves and save the fucking planet.

Reminder walrus have been documented falling from cliffs during haul-outs since even before the 90's which can be seen on youtube. This is not a new phenomenon to do with the weather.

Reminder even in the amazon rainforest canopies of peru and brazil, animals that have evolved to climb trees often fall out and are preyed on by other animals. (Iguanas, monkeys, birds, cloths, ect).

Reminder sheep falling from the cliffs of New Zealand is a daily thing.

Even if you believe in climate change or not, this is propaganda you may not be seeing through.

Didnt watch it. Are they saying these dumb walruses get rekt because of us?

>these globally agreed upon climate change statistics are all actually an American political scam
Zozzling at amerimutts

Yea, the literally say westerners are at fault because of clinatee change. In reality a polar bear chased them to the top of the cliff and netflix lied.
All this is because Geoege Soros and Obama bought netflix and use it to push liberal science

desu, the lemmings ordeal makes me immediately sceptical about any display of thingsleaping to their deaths that isn't roseanne barr's career.

do we really need a thread for every netflix show?

can you provide a source for that

a yes since IPCC is so infallible and non corrupt

Sure, most of us watch netflix. Whats out there thats better?

Ever hear of Climategate? ((Scientists))/have been caught red handed faking this shit


How did it get up there to begin with? I doubt it could climb that high. There must be more walruses at the top of the hill and this one was trying to get down.

Literally everything?

It's a shame. I'm anti-lib, but I can't vote for right wing parties because they just don't give a fuck about the environment. That's literally the only issue, if they start giving a fuck about the planet I'll support them easily.

based chain of dubs
77 > 66 > 33
netflix faggotry confirmed and exposed
based pirates and non-netflix users

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A lot of right wing hunters supply money to help conservation sites in Africa. Donald Trump also just passed a law protecting a huge wildlife refuge somewhere in America.

I understand your lament and a lot of them are pretty fucking retarded with animals/environmental issues, but its not completely bad.

Cope. Capitalism is destroying diversity of life on earth, that's a fact.

>It's my fault that Pajeet and Chang throw car batteries into the ocean
t-thanks obama

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You're an idiot.

>dgaf about the environment =/= cucking yourself

SJWs invented clouds to cuck the white man out of existence
Hurricanes isn't real you retards, fuck off back to Re¶¶it if you believe in that shit

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Im pro environment but vote for the GOP because I only care about abortion and gun rights. I even intentionally spread misinformation because if people dont believe in climate change it harms the democratic party

And you have no argument.

Dubs confirm

>have no white guilt whatsoever and vehemently hate those who do
>also think the environment needs to be protected
>also pro-abortion and pro-death penalty
Why do we have a 2 party system again? No matter who I vote for I won't get what I want.


I wouldnt know a fucking thing about netflix if it were never posted here. really there isnt a single human being i know who talks about it, really people should short the stock i have a feeling its going to really die in the next year.

>climate change didn't exist in the 90s
Based retarded Boomer

what am i supposed to understand here?

Lol why worry about climate change? Just evolve so it doesn't affect us.

STOP REPRODUCING (white people only)

Yeah because the communists cared so much about the environment.

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>since before the 90s is the 90s
Based retard.

The idea of climate change as we see it now didn't exist in the nineties because there was no evidence of it happening. Walrus during this time were not "pushed to their limits" here as the netflix series suggests they are now.

What did (((they))) mean by this?

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You're a fucking liar OP, I know it's you and your many factories that are polluting the world! I saw you put a bottle into the garbage can instead of recycling, you did it! That walrus blood is on your hands REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

> I support baby murder
Go fuck yourself. Vote GOP because the left wing is for faggots and pussies.

>t-the climate is always changing!
>see, i'm right!
Imagine having your hand in every basket and pretending to be philosophically honest

Here's a redpill for you: communism and capitalism are the exact same system just with different people owning the industrial base. 19th century death cultists will deny this but they can't dispute it.

>The idea of climate change as we see it now didn't exist in the nineties because there was no evidence of it happening.
So all those things about climate change, recycling, and the environment I had to learn about in the early 90s in school never happened?
You're fucking retarded man, don't rewrite history you never experienced.

Why do you think there are only two options? Capitlism and communism both suck balls. Focusing on environmentalism is what we need to do.

>Wiypipo are the cause of all the world's ills. In fact, it's 16-30 men sitting at home not working who are to blame. They should feel bad and take their frustration out on imaginary women.

I really respect Attenborough, but /pol/ and Re*dit are absolutely right: this was editorializing a bit too much

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If you don’t think there is a global effort to make white people go extinct then you are just not paying attention or are naive and unironically believe that the powers that be give a fuck about you.

Remember hiw the ice caps were supposed to be gone like a decade ago? They are not only still there but getting thicker. It looks loke.climate change cant prevent new water fro being made after all

The left wing definitely is for faggots and pussies but the right wing has plenty of stupid shit too. That's the entire point of my post.
And idgaf if niggers and single moms kill their babies. That's a good thing.

I'm against abortion, but like 75% of abortions are black children. So it's a double edged sword, a necessary evil.

Where do you get the idea that they're getting thicker, moron? They are melting, just slowly.

You're being philosophically dishonest.
Keeping the environment clean does not equate to climate change and climate change does not always equate to global warming.

Here is an article from a few years ago about walrus' LEAVING ice to go to dry land.

Learn about animals and the environment instead of just sucking on the tit of netflix propaganda. That's how you can properly care for it.

Based tinfoil hatted retard. I would say enjoy your mental illness but then again you have to enjoy your personal company only.

the reality is that climate change was real, the political leadership would likely actually be doing something about it, since they not only have the information us plebieans hear, but the real sobering insider shit. None of them, not even the annoying liberal ones, have actually done anything that meaningful to stop the "threats" they constantly whine about. It's just political posturing to get votes, like 90% of all manufactured problems that don't actually affect any of us

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Dude they go back and forth every damn year, and no one is able to reliably predict what the fuck is going to happen on a macro scale year to year much less decade to decade. Yeah, the environment is changing but it's 99% based on what the fuck the sun is doing, not the Earth. Were on the tail end of an ice age, of course the global temps are on the gradual rise.

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Imagine creating jobs to simply plant trees to create forests kek.

Liberals are fucking retarded

It’s muller time! Right?

From NASA actually doing something useful for once instead of photoshopping black holes

Why can't we just all accept that caring for nature is a good thing? Regardless on feelings of global warming, climate change, the meat industry etc.
Can we all agree that nature is good and we should try to protect the diversity of life on our planet?
I'd that so hard to agree on?

>they're not melting, they're getting thicker!
>actually they are melting but it's not our fault!
Pick one next time.

That's pretty pointless considering trees will do it their fucking selves and probably do it in a more aesthetically pleasing way than pajeet

The logging industry plants more fucking trees than any green initiative. But that doesn't fit the narrative. Not saying there's anything wrong with planting a fucking tree but c'mon.

when I was about 6 years old I got a translated french kids science book that was published in 1998. It made some wild claims about the Maldives being swallowed by the ocean by 2020 and that coastal Belgium and Netherlands would have to be evacuated by that time as well. So where is the happening I was promised? The science behind climate change or global warming or whatever other term will there be in the future is just randomly guessing dates when something may or may not happen

listen if God wanted walruses to live, he would simply make more ice

I don't know why you liberals just don't understand that, also Youtube demonitized my favorite Let's Play account this is why we need to kill all the SJW environmentalists

No argument, and I'm not even the user that you were initially talking to.

Animals go extinct all the fucking time. You think this good.

>when the walrus realizes there is only one way to leave this gay earth

I mean he wasn't wrong in suiciding

Netflix is owned and created by Marc Bernays Randolph, a great grandson to Edward Bernays who pioneered the use of propaganda, renamed to public relations for the purpose of mass manipulation in a consumer society. Among other things, he is the reason why feminist fought for the right to smoke cigarettes. Everything that Netflix produces is made to brainwash you. The documentary The Century of the Self describes Edward Bernays work.

At population media center you can read about how some of it works.

Here is how I know she is full of shit: If I believed vampires were real and going to kill me I would sleep with garlic strangs everwhere, crosses up, a squirt gun full of holy water and a steel gorget about my neck.

No piberals act like they believe it. Oiithey flies in planes. They worry about shit like reparations which I assume wont even matter if we will all be dead in 12 years. They are either a moron or disingenuous and either way leads me to the conclusion climate change is a bullshit ploy to raise taxes and expand government power.

You want what kind of world? One devoid of everything but humans? Is that a place where you wanna live?


And bigfoot is real too! And Elvis was an alien!

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I realized libshits were charlatans when female actors got up on stage and cried about women making less than men and how oppressed they are, when they make more than 98% of men in the world and certainly all men doing dangerous construction work/farming, simply talking in front of a camera.


>t. a literal shill

I realized they were full of shit when I started questioning the Jews.
You can't trust a jew, they lie about everything.

No cope. I want the environment protected. Republicans aren't doing that. I hate libs and SJWs but at least environmentalism is on there agenda. Seriously what is the arguement against protecting the environment?

>protecting the environment
what does that even mean?

You can't accept both that the Netflix CEO is a propagandist and that the environment should be protected? They're not conflicting statements.

Yeah I think we should pay more taxes and not have kids, but only white people, brown people in africa and india can do whatever they want hey atleast I’m helping XD. Gas yourself.

Don't overfish, don't throw plastic in the ocean, don't destroy habitats. Pretty simple.

Reducing waste, recycling, reusing, reducing consumption of meat, reducing use of fossil energy etc etc
Have you honestly never heard of this concept?

I am syaing he pushes propaganda. An example of that is climate change

>fossil energy
>peak oil meme

>environmentalism is on the agenda
>yes please mine more lithium and make shitty batteries that pollute more than they contribute
>all while lining Big Green™ shareholders' pockets


>Reducing waste

You cant recycle everything

>reducing consumption of meat
Not possible

>reducing use of fossil energy
also not possible because nobody is willing to invest into nuclear power and keeps waiting for fusion (can take a loooong time)

>Have you honestly never heard of this concept?
The concept is also retarded because it would only happen on a national level, pajeets and chinks and africans will continue shitting on nature.
If you want to protect the environment you should think about way getting rid of the subhumans that produce the most problems.

>Reducing waste
already been done in western nations
already been done in western nations although pointless to recycle paper, plastic, & glass
already done with practically all metals
>reducing consumption of meat
fuck off vegan scum
>reducing use of fossil energy etc etc
pointless until battery tech evolves, hamstringing entire economies when fossil energy is arguably cleaner than a lot of the "green" ones

Hey, if you have a better idea of protecting the earth I'll support it. What do you suggest?

>fossil fuels are a limitless resource

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Great arguments guys. So what do you suggest we do?

Do what were doing already in western nations while developing the tech instead of diving headfirst into a foolhardy agenda that will inevitably ruin us all and contribute to the death of millions due to mass starvation? The tech isn't there yet. We're trying in the west, and doing a pretty damn good job. Not perfect, but good.

Spend your time educating the fucks in the 3rd world that throw car batteries into the ocean instead of properly disposing of their waste that we all have to deal with once it's in the ocean.

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Nuke all non whites would be a great start.

>oil is made out dinoooos

I agree with both of you but which party should I vote for?

Voting is pointless, all parties work for the same kikes.

unironicaally based and red-pilled.
put me in the screen cap.

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