Now that the dust has it kino?

Now that the dust has it kino?

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It's a great sleep aid. It's boring as hell.

Superman = Jesus
Snyder = God

Attached: Literal trash.webm (480x360, 3M)

Yes. Unironically.

Why are capeshitters almost always iphoneposting tourist scum aswell?

Wait a minute. This isn't BvS. Where's Jesus? You almost got me there, user.

I liked Affleck as Batman. Otherwise the movie sucked.

Yes. It is kino. It makes me happy that Snyder delivered a world to us that’s malleable enough for a story like BvS and a story like Chadzam.

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One of the few REALLY good cape movies released in the past 10 years.

It's kino, but without a firm grasp of philosophy from Plato to the German idealists, you can't really appreciate just how kino it is.

great soundtrack
great visuals
batffleck is great
different from capeshit up to that point

really not as bad as everyone likes to pretend it is. unfortunately butchered in theatrical cut and memed to death by redditors. yes it's not perfect, but to me it remains very re-watchable.

such a shame whedon ended up killing JL, kind of retroactively spoils BvS for me

>it remains very re-watchable.

For me too. It’s maximum comfy. I watch it at least every couple of months.

It’s a bad movie that’s good in the capeshit pantheon. At least it tried something weird and failed

It’s too flawed to be kino, but it gave it a good shot, which is a lot more respectable than most capeshit

>Le kino
Fuck off Capeshitter

Someone fell asleep in my theater and everyone was laughing at how loudly he was snoring during some boring as fuck scene. I've never seen a movie completely lose an audience more.


Dubs of truth

God bless Zack Snyder, he doesn't give a fuck but it's in every way inferior to Man of Steel

It was always kino.

snyder didn't deliver shit
being the entire opposite of the shitfests that are BvS and JL is precisely why shazam and aquaman are good

Its a masterpiece, MoS and BvS are already cult-tier movies. Meanwhile people already forgot/dont care about Aquanigger, not to mention Wonder Jew.

Attached: the chad director Snyder.jpg (640x640, 88K)

>really not as bad as everyone likes to pretend it is
Yeah, people act like this movie shot their dog or something. The theatrical cut, while not great, still isn't nearly as bad as it's made out to be. I was expecting it to be comparable to the Schumacher films, or worse, when I went to see it.