The likeness is stunning
The likeness is stunning
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Based Harold
>I don't understand the concept of cartoon
I remember the sharp nose was a defining feature of dude from the anime. Oh well, guess I'm looking forward to the dough face version of space cowboy. They know how to make em and I know how to watch em
>jew fro
>martial artist
check and check
it’s perfect casting bigots
I'm not mad they cast an asian I'm mad they are making this dumbass live action show at all
>Hurr durr it's impossible to find a hot guy to portray Spike Spiegel let's make L a black guy duuurrr
Arr right white piggu you got probrem? dat rook just rike spike. Spike Speiger traditionar asian name honkey
Based fucking retard. Imagine expecting a live-action movie to cast someone that looks like the original ANIME character
>Imagine expecting a live-action movie to cast someone that looks like the original ANIME character
are you white boys serious? this is actually something you're mad about?
>martial artist
>check and check
Just because he's asian?
>Spike has caucasian features, a german name and a deep smooth voice
>cast a funny looking bitched faced gook with a high pitch irritating voice
This. Taking a 10/10 anime and making it into an 4/10 live action abortion is always the saddest thing.
Yes, Asians have racial bonus to unarmed combat
>japanese character
>cast a korean actor
um sweetie that's racist
>casting Light with a white guy
Actually the creator has said that Spike's a Jew.
I don't care if spike isn't white, the point is that the actor looks nothing fucking like him. You're being disingenuous if you disagree.
>that hair
>spiegel is a german-jewish name
>main pistol, Jericho 941, is a jewish pistol
checks out
John Cho is likely the only well known Asian actor that they could afford and was available at the time
I couldn't even finish watching it and I sat through the Japanese version.
Thing is, Hollywood is normally pretty obsessed with casting youth actors, but for some reason here they go with the old man, though they would have been perfectly justified to cast a 19 year old zero body fat pretty boy for this role. They get the perfect chance but insist on fucking it all up, nice job retards
its not even a race issue as people are trying to make it.
The guy doesnt look like him and the age mix up ruins the story.
>could’ve had korean chad with proven action background
>get chinese fishmonger bloodline instead
Were they desperate to cast or just trying to get props? Why has casting been so shit in the past 5 years?
ahahahahha why they cast this old ass dude
is that mr Miyagi hahaha
true, you can even see in OP pic how old man is starting to grey in his hair. And asians don't grey early usually, but this geezer is fucking greying, man.
Like I said, you could have casted a male model young japanese skinny boy and all is good, would be even cheaper
Here's your asian in white-face bro
Spike never felt like a young guy. What else do we know about the show?
Unironically pic related would have been a great choice
Adaptations are not supposed to be 1:1 with the original. You probably think they'll use the stories from the anime episodes too instead of creating new storylines.
>”He’s Korean and has work experience on Star Trek so it’s pretty much exactly what fans of this property would want”
or this, but he's very picky with his roles (and that's a good thing)
Thanks, Michelle Obama.
you would think incels would get over their _______ adaptation not being anything like their game/anime/book.
had fun watching the e;r vids about it though
He looks like a very disappointed Asian dad.
imagine having a black woman as your boss, your initial anger at being subordinate to someone who got her position because of race/gender would change to pity as you realize just how incompetent she is
Forget the other bullshit. He's too old.
He looks just like the guys in my animus.
What if John Cho was cast as Han Solo? That would’ve nailed it too
>"you're going to be their Spyke"
what did he mean by this?
>hollywood jewing themselfs and yellowwashing a jew character
Wtf is going on here, is the simulation machine broken
I could never pity a chick unless she was under 13.
never met an asian that isn't half my size
spike looked like a young guy and was a young guy
they can grow to five feet tall and in a foight are known to kick with their legs
Hes 27, thinking about it that's probably to make him part of the 27 club.
At the very least he needs to be younger than fucking jet the boomer.
He never said that
>hot guy
please don't let this be made
Incredible Jewish profile. Spike Spiegel is at the very apex of Jewish masculinity.
western death note didn't ruin death note, western dragon ball didn't ruin dragon ball, calm down
This and only this
I really don't get how people can say Spike is Asian with a name like Spiegel, pointy nose & a big jewfro, hes clearly a kike
Turning an Asian like Vicious into a White guy is pretty predictable for Netflix too
because woketards are delusional
I can't even call you out as a kike, I bet most Yea Forums posters are retarded enough to think jews are white
Honestly would be better, Netflix probably can't afford him though
he's a martian
i don't get why people call goku/vegeta "asian" when they're saiyan
obsessed much?
what matters is your skin tone.
shit casting fuck me, but what can you expect from netflix
>the holocaust was white genocide
i dont mind making jet black but faye should be asian and spike is 100% a jew
he was good in Exorcist where he plays a feminine guy, but can't take him seriously as any character that's supposed to contain testosterone
of course you dont mind you are a negro
aryan actually
John is almost 50. He won't be able to do half of the shit Spike does and yes they can get a stunt double but Spike's character was all about him doing the martial arts and being cool while doing it.
what about this guy? at least he has sharper features. can't remember any other asian in tv
isn't half the series he just being lazy though? there's like 2 or 3 scenes where he actually does fancy stuff
about every episode has something athletic, probably 20 out of 26 episodes. is this going to be a movie or a show?
Faye being mexican is hilarious, she was born in fucking Singapore
I remember back when people wanted Keanu to be Spike.
Anime people are white
This is why Reeves was a good choice, he has the looks but most importantly he is very well trained for martial arts & shooting shit, Cho will likely use a stunt double or Netflix will cut down on the action
he is martian you know
>Netflix will cut down on the action
>Netflix action
i hope they do desu
Why not that Lewis Tan guy that is an actual martial artists if they wanted an Asian actor.
Well if the creators say they are Japanese, they are Japanese. The thing is that they purposely draw the characters with Caucasian features and either ignore or downplay their real ethnic mongoloid traits which they themselves find ugly. It's a very weird culture.
>death note
>cowboy bebop
Oh and I forgot to include last airbender
His chin is way too weak and his nose isn't big enough.
This x1,000.
Reminder that Spike was modeled after Phil Lynott, the lead singer of Thin Lizzy (who was black.)
10 episodes
Is Spike a japanese name?
Was Ein originally a nigger too?
*Spike Spiebel
*blocks your path*
Fuck Cowboy Bebop. I am laughing so hard at this mess
does anybody care outside of this board?
nope. its the main character from the long goodbye here and an asian dude from some 70s movies who died young
>have the chance to, for once, accurately cast a jew
>go for a chink instead because they can't comprehend the source material beyond that it's from japan
Bravo, Netflix
wtf spoilers i was going to watch this tonight
Here's your Spike, bro.
the asian dude isnt from that movie and "died young" i meant the asian actor, forget the asian guys name but here he is.
Wasn't it a japanese actor? This guy, he even has the hat and the suit.
His story made him feel older. He went through shit and settled for a crap job.
japanese are asian, yeah its a mix of that guy and marlowe from the long goodbye. john cho doesnt look like either of em.
>japanese are asian
do you have a single fact to back that ass up
I still do.
>adaptation needs people to look exactly the same rather than having same character traits
Are you stupid?
Yeah let's cast a dude who's in his 40s and looks 50, for a character that makes me throw my back out just watching him
John Cho really needs to get one of those jawbones they cut off Korean women implanted onto him.
Here is your Spike, bro.
Get an actual jew like andy samberg or jason schwartzman(put him on a diet if need be).
Even watanabe admited this.
Who is your unconventional pick for Spike?
They want to avoid cries of 'whitewashing' by retards who think anime characters are all japanese.
this, and normies can't tell the difference between jews and white people
They are ugly compared to white people. Whites have the best facial aesthetics.
neither can you. that's why you have to triple check by googling their ancestry
/pol/weebs in denial
>tfw you are a black female supervisor and know the white men who didn't get the promotion feel this way regardless of your superior performance at work
nobody knows that feel
imagine being this retarded
Light was Japanese, gayboy.
said the nigger to the judge
Spike was a jew
he was an atheist martian
maybe his mom was jewish but he was still the sperm of a martian
Haven't seen this, do ya recommend
Me! (Not posting a pic because that’s career suicide)
Why didn't they hire pokerman to play anime guy?
>cast a Korean-American as an anime character who’s clearly supposed to be an American Jewish man
>cast a white Girl as someone who’s supposed to be the actual Southeast Asian
>cast a husky in a role that’s played by a porgi
Whoever casted this show deserves a helicopter ride.
>casting a 50 something for a 27 year old
> making jet black
Based keanu is and always will be the only best choice
>not white
Don't care. If he doesn't look like me I don't care.
Goddamn chinlets.
Too bad he can't act for shit.
a cowboy bebop live action movie can be made 10,000 times and it will always be awful
stop being a bunch of babies
He's right
Only autists on Yea Forums care about the origins of the "pure aryan race"
To the rest of the world, jews and anyone with a light skin tone is white
He was up for the part and should have been casted.
Their anatomy is inhuman, and anyone who still falls for these old propaganda images is braindead.
>expecting actors to look like cartoons
This is comic Peter Quill, no man looks like this
Asians legit don't have chins
>We need a white actor who will play Spike
I got ya senpai
That's literally your average caucasion you trogloid.
john cho is an old ugly manlet
what the fuck were they thinking
Pic unrelated?
They did that anyway.
Besides, the actual age of the Bebop characters really aren't really defining features. Neither Spike, Faye nor Jet act their age.
ubermanlet detected
What are you on about? Spike clearly acts like a moody young man, he does look incredibly young and virile. Jet being a seasoned, older cop is a main defining feature of his character and Faye is a young slut.
Jet is like 34
Faye is a dumb slut, but she completely lacks youthful insecurity of a real 23 year old
Spike acts like he's been around the block but he's barely past diapers
>Jet is like 34
Damn you are right, they really fucked that up. He had a wife and all...
>Faye is a dumb slut, but she completely lacks youthful insecurity of a real 23 year old
Have you ever seen a thot? They live life on easy mode. Huge ego and very skilled in manipulation, also a solid grasp of social mechanics and how to play the game.
Spike acts exactly how I'd envision a 27 year old anime space mobster to act. His playfullness and sporadic light heartedness plus his peak physic scream young man not 50 year old dude.
>the actor in deathflix was a kike
>the original character was a jap
>retards like you reeeee about muh whitewashing
Here's your Faye bro.
Glad to see there are still some people here who get it.
Imagine the smell
The funniest scene from the harold and kumar movies is when they get off in Newark NJ and immediately see 2 guys that look like them get jumped. That's a very accurate representation of Newark.
cocoa butter
You would think you cucks would get over people rightfully shitting on Hollywood and Netflix.
And you cucks will watch it anyway. Just like The Witcher. This shit ends when it doesn't sell. The only people keeping this afloat are "fans" who will watch it anyway. No 34 y.o. feminist is watching this shit. It's all 18-35 yo males.
I am in rehab at the moment and the African woman inmate started farting loudly just this moment...
I wasn't the one complaining, baby boy. Learn how to follow a conversation before you contribute.
>jews cast one of their own (and a swarthy one, at that) as the japanese mc to get everyone mad at white people for "whitewashing"
>also cast black actor as mostly white character to zero outrage to rub in your faces that no one really cares that the racial makeup of the cast isn't true to the source material, and that the outrage stems purely from anti-white hatred that the jews themselves caused
How can one tiny group be so based?
jesus christ
>Anime people are white
>the actor should look like the character's polar opposite because it's a cartoon
>spike speigel's ator should ideally resemble spike spiegel
What even are you talking about with that bait, you just went full retard.
why can't a 27 year old be played by someone who is within 10 years of his age
>”he’s like spike but if spike’s face was hit by a shovel”
>”fund it”
Spike is based off of a Japanese actor
You're admitting that Spike Spiegel looks like a white man?
they should have just cast some 6'2 hapa from toyko instead of this ugly old ass manlet
There are multiple inspirations for Spike.
Which one?
What part of "why cant this JAPANESE character look like me?" Did you not understand?
Spike's appearance was primarily based on the main protagonist of Tantei Monogatari, portrayed by famous Japanese actor Yusaku Matsuda.
Spike was created by Shinichirō Watanabe and Toshihiro Kawamoto as part of the production entity Hajime Yatate. Created as a mirror image of Watanabe and based on Yusaku Matsuda's character in Tantei Monogatari,
if you think all asians are interchangeable then you're a racist
no one wants the character to look like themselves, they want him to look like himself.....
do you have cloth ears?
I'm honestly surprised they didn't pick a jewfro kike for the role, they could unironically have gotten away with it.
Ok well if you're arguing he should be played by a Japanese actor carry on.
He wanted him to look like a mix of himself and yusaku matsuda. Not Keanu Reeves. That what you want even though keanu cant act for shit
>yusaku matsuda
>not japanese
Why does this Japanese character have to be played by an old washed up stoner movie staple?
That's not what he was saying you dummy
How come we were mad a white/jew was cast as an asian girl in GitS live action but now we're mad that an asian was cast as a jew in this?
Maybe if you are a face blind autist
Flat potatoe nose
No double eyelids
No eye lashes
Fat, no define jawline
short small chin
Stright hair
Thin straight nose, pointy
Double eyelid
Long eyelashes
Thin, defined jawline
Long big chin
Weavy/Curly, almost afro hair
Why cant he? Netflix hires washed up actors all the time
It's time for your autism medicine.
But I don't want to watch a bunch of miscast washed up garbage.
It's a cartoon. No human on earth looks like spike in this picture.
Keanu looks way more like Bebop than that Asian guy
Staight thin nose
long face and chin
weavy hair
>that thing you liked, but with mutts
Why are you Americans doing this?
>spike is based off of a japanese actor (yusaku matsuda)
>start banging on about some completely different lad
>get corrected
>no ur wrong :)
Is that Asian Stannis
You should stop watching Netflix original TV series than
Netflix should stop touching intellectual properties I enjoy then.
Hey you're not wrong
no... not Tim Goodman...
How could they do this to /ourguy/, bros? It's not fair!
>the actor needs to look exactly like a fictional cartoon character in order for it to be good, no matter how good he is at acting and good for the role
This doesn't bother me. If Red or Ash were blackwashed, then I'd have a problem.
Spike is supposed to be a reckless and impulsive young man in contrast to the older Jet who is grizzled and experienced.
John Cho, who is supposed to play Spike, is a fucking 50 year old with greying hair. He doesn't have to be the spitting image of Spike but I don't think it's too outlandish to say that a greying wrinkled 50 year old man playing a youthful character is a miscast.
The last Harold and Kumar movie was over half a decade ago and was already taking cracks at how old he had become.
Those are definite caucasian features.
Does not matter one fucking bit in regards to spikes actual race.
Kenshiro is based of stallone, yet is canonically chinese (or technically, from some island off the coast of china)
Jotaro is in part based off clint eastwood, doesn't change the fact he's a hapa
Part 4's Yoshikage Kira is taken directly inspired by bowie, but he's actually a japanese salary man who's family had live there since the time of the samurai
And these are just the ones that I can think of off the top of my head
Knock it off with this brainlet tier argument
These fat American jokes get stealthier every day
Its like the casting director hated anime and did his best to ruin it.
>hehe real life person looks nothing like the nip cartoon! what a shitty series!
Because the kinds of consumeristic s oyboys who even watch Netflix live action remakes of anime / cartoon shows are usually brainlet xenophiles who will watch anything they can, but it helps if there is a certain amount of diversity pandering in that show for such pathetic people.
>Spike is based off a Japanese actor
And an American actor, he is clearly a hapa to anyone who isn't autistic about faces. Look up "the Long Goodbye"
>haha nobody's features look quite so stylized, so let's cast someone who looks less like the character than the average person does
>nationalities are a race
mutt education everyone.
except netflix dn is kino
there's a fucking prom scene
how can you not just fucking laugh
if it was harold 15 years ago it would have been an okay casting, but hes just way to old
why has no one posted a side profile of someone who actually looks like spike?
It's because he's supposed to be a kike. This is one of the few cases where casting the nephew of one of the producer's friends from temple would be the correct choice, for once.
This. Spike should look like a young Bob Dylan. Adrien Brody or Jason Schwarzman from 10 or so years ago would have been perfect.
Jet should have been Michael Clarke Duncan, RIP.
>hey people are really pissed at us for making shit adaptations and want us to *gasp* actually cast asians for anime roles
>should we start casting tryouts for young new asian talent?
>hey remember Harold and Kumar?
He's too old
I thought spike was Mars born and american.
But that's beside the point, i'm far more mad about Jet being changed, he was my favorite character in the cartoon and they decided to make him a nigger for no reason
>Adrien Brody
jesus christ user you're retarded
to be fair that's a goofy looking white chick anyway
What really pisses me off is that it's 100% not involving the seatbelts and Yoko for godly music, and also the TV show won't recognize the noir roots of a lot of the story and themes.
Fuck i'm mad already
I can't believe this, I am in fucking shock. A fucking pedditor is on Yea Forums openly. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!? HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK!? WHEN DID Yea Forums ALLOW PLEBBIT SHIT ON OUR FUCKING SITE?
Unironically kill yourself you stupid disgusting pedditor
That shit is terrifying to me, it's like a modern day sacrificial alter
Could have been worse. At least he has a decent body shape
>let's pick a normal hot girl and an ugly jap girl then draw anime out of it
Doesn't matter if it's true, this whole stupid shit brings the whole argument down. Shove a dick up your ass
Keanu Reeves exists, and still looks young for his age...why this nobody? ah...yeah...diversity hire
Oh no no no no
wtf japan, we're trying to give you diversity
Trying to figure out why people are mad here
Would you guys rather them cast a black guy instead?
it shouldn't be about "it could be worse", our point is "it's so easy to do it better"
Yes. I'd like to see the reactions.
>Keanu Reeves
>not the original diversity hire
Ah, the 51st state of america: Beirut, Lebanon.
I'd rather a younger actor who looks like Spike and is traditionally skilled in martial arts compared to an actor they obviously casted based on name recognition
They casted the only asian in Hollywood that doesn’t know martial arts, shit doesn’t make any sense
Thirded. Literally nobody asked for this.
Okay sell me on it. I'll set it up:
>hello "actor you think would do better", we have this much money and we'd like you to be this character in this movie
> one of those cartoons for children? That only man children like, and you only can pay me x amount?
annnnnd thats where you come in! Fill in the blank and convince that actor! Fire out that pitch!
Many people under 40 have better respect for the anime medium because they were more likely to have grown up with it
>It's all so tiresome
"i couldn't do it so it can't be done!" - you
cast and clothes are the easiest thing to get right about a series adaptation. you literally don't have to make it until you hire the people who look like the characters you want.
lol my heart just skipped a beat because I thought someone found my facebook profile and posted a picture of me.
34 is 50 in anime
Are you a former Power Rangers actor?
The white chick looks like a one piece character.
Last week I was rewatching an episode on blu ray. Jet makes a speech post credits literally saying
>I'm Jet Black
>36 Years Old
>I'm often told I don't look 36. But you shouldn't judge people based on appearances
>Or How much hair they have
You dunno what you're saying
He doesn’t have to be hapa. Godfrey Gao is 6’4.
I really hate hollywood jews and their horrible casting and adaptations
If your not going to do anime right just leave it alone you hook nosed cunts
white people deserve everything that happens to them
small brained cattle
I love it. See you for ping pong in the break room in 5.
hes supposed to be german isnt he?
>cast 50 year old ugly jew to play 27 year old handsome german
you would do well in hollywood my friend
>thanks for investing money with us to make this movie
>oh but I'm gonna hold into that money for the next 15 years till the right actor comes along
Yeah. Can be done and "feasibly realistically" are different things
>uses a Jericho
>Spiegel a hebrew last name
>somehow is Chinese
>i dont mind making jet black
So you're mad they cast a Korean instead of a nip for Spike, right? Spike is a fucking jap you dumbasses. He's not white.
i dont understand why you need asian in western adaptation of anime, especially if they weren't asian in the original material
Spiegel is the German word for mirror
What are Ashkenazi Jews?
he is a mutt from the future. he is from mars ffs
Thanks doc
Spiegel is a german name
the creator saw this actor and thought what ih he was white
the japanese creator probably has no idea what a jewfro is, and has probably never thought about jews at all
No source besides some rando on some chinese knitting forum.
now remove the jawline
you mean Ashkenazi Jews from central asia that immigrated towards europe when the huns migrate westwards? you mean the ones that over time adopted european last names in order to assimilate?
you propbably think goldstein is hebrew as well
Not him, but anime tends to like very young protagonists. So while 36 isn't old, Jet is depicted and acts like someone far older. By anime standards even Spike is unusually old for a protagonist.
I dont much care for jews
There are no Jews in Japan. Hell most Japanese people don't even understand Christianity. The concept of a monotheistic religion taught by a single Church is foreign to them.
heres your spike bro
I agree
but you do understand we are talking about the jewish race right, not the religion
my biggest complaint is that he doesnt look badass and smooth as ice but instead frumpy and unathletic
Look at Spikes profile and chinks on this site still have the gall to calm him asian or part asian-- fuck off, not even your mutt chinks get white profiles like that.
Fucking perfect lol.
Chinks are incredibly delusional when it comes to their appearance. Most anime characters have white features and shit like blond/red hair and blue/green eyes and yet we're supposed to immediately understand that they're Asian and it's racist if we don't.
actually looks like a decent
China Germany!?
China Hawaii? The fuck are they saying
is spike supposed to be 50 years old?
Your gay boyfriend isn't representative of an entire racial group fag
You incels never created anything in your life. Have sex first before you start screeching about shit you're oblivious of.
There is nobody cool enough alive that can successfully channel spike spiegel
But John Cho doesn't even come close, and it's not a racial thing. But I'm starting to think that this was all intentional so the articles about how white people hate Asian male leads can be churned out.
>nobody posted that benicio del toro pic
You guys are a bunch of retarded hypocrites, fet out.
>fet out
I'm half asian and likely mog you, unless you're taller than 6'8" and above 250 lean - i.e. on roids (6'7" 245 10% here)
>chink spike
>spic faye
>nigger jet
>husky ein
>nappy haired jew vicious
Honk honk.
You don't belong in this website. Go back to fucking reddit.
Isn't Harold like mid 40s now? He looks every day of it if he isn't.
This actually looks realistic. That dude is Spike as fuck
This movie should have been made ten years ago, at least, with Keanu Reeves as Spike, Bruce Willis as Jet, and some hot woman as Faye.
This guy can't act.
Who would Ed be?