This shit is fucking grim man I wasn't prepared for it

this shit is fucking grim man I wasn't prepared for it

Attached: our planet.png (1541x1231, 2.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

here, change your mind with this birb braining other birbs because it (presumably)huffed some manmade fumes

Attached: IMG_2628.gif (324x216, 3.87M)

>that penguin in the orca's mouth going slowly underwater

Attached: 1501697640427.jpg (462x462, 79K)

watching this makes me know humans have it so easy, being an animal looks like consistent suffering until you get savagely taken out.

¿what did walrus mean by this?

Inb4 faggot derailers

we're making it even worse for them

Attached: Doomer.png (237x278, 149K)

Oh no animals die who could ever imagine.

Yeah. It used to be like that for humans as well, before we got smart enough to avoid it. We're the winners of survival of the fittest. We are the fittest. They're not.

They don't understand though. Watch some animal being killed then go watch the muslims raping and beheading the scandinavian girl, tell me which is a worse existence.

Let's blame climate change while we're at it too!

>animals die a brutal, entirely preventable death due to human behaviour
OP instance is objectively due to climate change

There’s supposed to be water there

Agreed, something must be done about shitholes like America, India, and China

How do you know? I'm not against climate change action at all but Attenborough has been caught faking show segments before, with politics on the line it's even more likely.

I'm not making any statement on why it's dead, just OPs reaction as if it's a new horror. Animals have no sense of self. They are purely beings-towards-the-world as heidegger would put it. That makes horrors of existence, pain and death much lighter almost to the point of triviality. When falling the walrus isn't afraid it's about to die, it's just in a state of alert about what it has to do next.

because it was observed before this documentary existed and has clear, proven cause and effect. the ice is gone, they need to rest, there's only small areas of rock available near their feeding grounds and its exceptionally hazardous.

Yes climate change is happening, but the thing you have to prove is if it's because of humans or not.

It's not like the climate never drastically changed before humans were even a thing. What's the ice age?

You're relying on an awful lot of contingent stories. He could be up on rocks for any reason and could have fallen for many. I haven't watched it and i believe in man led climate change, but these types of shows on it are wildly unreliable.

it is afraid of falling and it is experiencing pain just as we would. it does not have a sense of death and conclusion to it's life but it really doesn't need to for this to be an intense, terrible experience worthy of empathy.

>observed before this documentary
Then why areb't you posting the study that says there increased population is limiting space for them?

How the fuck did the walrus make it way up there to begin with, seem like it was his fault.

holy fuck please educate yourself before spouting utter drivel

There are tons upon tons of studies that prove it. At this point, if you're still denying it, there is nothing that will ever change your mind

If this isn't a metaphor for Trump's America, then I don't know what is.

user we both know that you are not the fittest by any definition.

But what is a fear of falling without understanding the consequences? It doesn't know falling can kill it, it just experiences falling. At most some species may be apprehensive of pain but the experience totally lacks the wider fear of death.

when you fall it isn't the concept of death that causes your physiological response

>But what is a fear of falling without understanding the consequences?
A fear of falling. You idiot.

Global warming is a hoax.

Big companies push it to drown the competition in regulations and scientists falsify their findings to get grant money.

Debate me, bitch.

Attached: 34E05845-EB7E-48CD-9F8D-67E3ABBE4BA5.jpg (749x724, 63K)

Why should we care about the future generations? They are just potential people. The present is more important than them. We do not owe them anything.

>Debate me

Just go on a trip near some coalmining town. Take a dip in the river while you're at it.

how do big companies coordinate the agenda, data and conclusions of scientists globally? including independent ventures. there are literally tens of thousands of extensive papers on climate change

Fuck Drumpf.

The blood of those poor walruses are on his hands.

The biggest problem with this climate bullshit is that only western countries care about it while not even being the main culprits of it.
The EU can make a thousand regulations, but that won't change a damn thing in India and China

>*scratch disc*
>yep, that's me

Not the same as we have it. Not at all.

How do global companies operate globally?

I don't, I care about the environment. I hate people and am sick of seeing them. Hate drives me.

Oh look, it’s another attack on the West by the left, this time wrapped in an environmentalist lie.

The Soviet Union and China literally made places inhospitable. The left can’t be trusted with the environment.

Nice one brainlet

lol you don't know what I experience any more than the walrus

I love good propaganda.

we are the main culprits. they're producing primarily for our consumption and poor third worlders have a fraction of our carbon footprint. they need to improve their terrible waste disposal process but that is also part of the race to the bottom to compete in providing cheap goods

No, you're talking about the shock. Like if the floor suddenly gives way. If you fall off something the fear of potential consequences to yourself plays into it. I've fallen off a balcony and fortunately it was only one story into a garden so was absolutely fine but the idea of limbs breaking or worse shape the experience, the sense of a vulnerable self is integral to it. Animals do not have that, they have a shock.

This is why I hate people who bitch about hunting. If I had the option of being eaten alive by a bear, or being shot, I know what I prefer.

What am I looking at?

Post one

They're potential brown people. We probably should be adopting a scorched earth policy.

Look, just be transparent. If you’re going down the emissions route then China is the biggest culprit. If you’re not just admit you want to take down Western capitalism

and you're just conveniently ignoring how they are smashing along rocks all the way down before writhing in pain at the bottom

We can make inferences, if we're going to talk about P-zombies it's another debate.


i'm sorry are you illiterate? the emissions are primarily producing our consumption. exports.

>this PROVES global warming!

why were they climbing the cliff and throwing themselves off?

protip: if you want money and notoriety in science then prove a major established theory wrong

grant money is given out for prospect experiments not for the conclusions of those experiments

It's irrelevant to the discussion if he falls on syringes of C-fibre agonists all the way down. The animals can feel pain, shock and some probably apprehension of pain, but they don't have the wider sense of self and the existential threat of damage.

They'll keep doing it until refugees are finally welcome.

mammals feel pain and agony similar to humans

fish and anything lower on the intelligence scale do not

>Chinas manufacturing is fucked
>that's why we need to get rid of our cars
>destroy and rebuild all structures
>And stop having kids

So you're just going to deny general scientific consensus based on years upon years of research and objective studies? Your cognitive dissonance is astounding.

Post one

Legit made me squiggle me puggle (lol)

>but they don't have the wider sense of self and the existential threat of damage.
absolutely false, what do you think survival instinct is?

>order 1000 tendies for my obese retard self
>chickens slaughtered for meat to supply my fat retard ass
>"they're the ones that kill the chickens"
neck yourself

man.. why you gotta do me like that..?

Attached: co2-emissions-per-capita.png (1005x930, 86K)

>P-P-PLEASE SPOONFEED ME! I'm too much of a brainlet to educate myself
Nah. An idiot like you will never learn anything, it would be like debating a wall.

>opinion of one zoologist is automatically correct because it aligns with my view

I don't know... I'm not in the best mood rn

Thought so

>you do not fear death
>how can you waddle faster, and catch more clams without the most powerful instinct of all
>make the climb, without the blubber then fear will find you again

lol yeah why can't we all be more like the somalians

I wonder what it will look like after we replace every car on the road with a new one. Or renovate every building in the country. And then all the lithium mining for all those batteries needed for all those solar panels that have to be built. Do you have the factories running on happiness and love yet?

>got pain $16.90 an hour to work on climate models.

Yes user that sweet grant money

Instinct, not conscious thoughts. Unconscious humans can withdraw from painful stimuli, doesn't mean they are experiencing pain. Now don't give back suggesting im saying animals don't feel pain, it's a clarifying example. The animals have inbuilt survival behaviours but they absolutely don't have a sense that they will or can die as most aren't aware they are a 'they'.

i've seen data showing canada and saudi arabia with higher greenhouse emissions than anyone else, wonder why there is a discrepancy

Doesn't count. If they ever exported anything to the US then it's our fault.

>episode one
>the salt crystallizes around the baby flamingo's legs
why dont the film crews help the poor animals in these situations
surely carrying a single distressed baby flamingo over to the water wouldn't destroy the ecosystem

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Outside the first world stats just aren't reliable, where they can even take them it's not certain they are honest.

Imagine acting like you care about future generations as you simultaneously support abortion, contraception and are busy doing a birthstrike because muh planet.

brainlet cannot understand collective good

Animals die all the time without humans filming. As do humans. A general principle of reporting is that you are there as an objective witness, not an actor. It's important for accurate and trustworthy reporting.

Carbon flux is key to this debate

This means the amount of carbon dioxide that is produced by natural causes and absorbed by natural causes (namely organic matter and the oceans in the form of carbonic acid).

The flux during the holocene has been rather equal with slightly less carbon dioxide being produced compared to the amount absorbed

however once humans introduced a new source of carbon dioxide we pushed the equation to slightly more carbon being produced than is absorbed overall

How can we prove this? We can look at the isotopic properties of the CO2 in our atmosphere. Carbon that has been cycling naturally in our atmosphere for thousands of years will have gained an extra neutron from cosmic ray bombardment that happens constantly, however this carbon 14 eventually decays into carbon 13; with this knowledge we can deduce how much carbon on average has been produced from unnatural; namely oil and coal sources thanks to their propensity to be carbon 13

Studies show that approximately 33% of carbon dioxide was put there by humans. Exactly the amount you would expect to be added for the observed warming to occur.

>China has no environmental standards so Westerners should give up their cars and pay more taxes

This is what you sound like and this is why the green movement stopped being a thing

What is collective about one group sacrificing while the others do as they please?

I could make the same statement about the reality of race that your side denies

>they need to improve their terrible waste disposal process but that is also part of the race to the bottom to compete in providing cheap goods
you are a retard

Us sacrificing now is better than us doing nothing

being greedy is the antithesis of collective good

nice goalposts. all groups should be held to the same standard

>having a child is greedy

Attached: fucked.jpg (225x225, 6K)

A big reminder to all climate change whiners is that there was more than one ice age thousands of years ago.
Like 6 of them. Explain that libcucks.

Alright if the solution to climate change is less kids, and all groups should be held accountable the same way, then the whole planet should stop having kids. Or not having kids isn't the solution to climate change.

What collective though? The chinese don't see themselves as "collective" with white europeans. The blacks certainly don't. It's only collective in your head and so the collective good is a fabrication of your own.

I used to agree with it years ago, you shouldn't get involved.
It's kinda stupid at this point though, when you spend most of the episode preaching about humanities negative impact on animals and how we need to fix it, you're kinda beyond the point of needing to remain impartial and inactive. People should be helping.

Yet the incels still whine and cry online

the whole planet should have less children. one per two adults for example until a sustainable level is reached

(((Collective good)))
Good goyim

>a country has a huge underclass of barely literate peasants without access to the basics of modern civilization, therefore it isn't a heavy polluter!!!!

they still wouldn't be on those cliffs if the ice was there

Sorry buddy. That's racist.

You know how I know you're American?

Milankovitch cycles and feedback loops generally cause the climate to trend towards either hothouse or ice age

your comfortable life exists as it does due to that concept

The whole planet does not have an over population problem. Again you want one group taking actions to solve a problem they can't control.

Haha fuck that. I'm already on two and going for four. Good luck with a long term plan when only the people who think about the future have no kids and those who don't totally replace your genetics.


He probably thought the Paris accord was a good idea

I said all groups should be held to the same standard. if one group achieves lower population and consumption earlier then they can of course return to sustainable breeding before others. that's what a standard is

i'd rather do the right thing regardles of other's actions

based netherlands appearing green and progressive while polluting that much

The third world and its inhabitants and economic migrants are encouraged to breed while Whites are encouraged not to because of (((climate change)))
Makes you think...

Then that's not doing the right thing, stupidity that doesn't achieve good aims is a bad thing.

>this entire website

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failing to achieve a good aim is better than contributing to a bad one

little kids are even more retarded than animals psychologically and emotionally
does that mean we shouldn't care about their suffering because they don't know shit?
you might just be a sociopath

>oh herro white man
>yes we kill all baby
>you can trust
>now we can open more factory
You have a lot of faith that other counties wont cheat or lie. Because that is what would be in the best interest of their country. And that seems like a concept you just cannot grasp.

Worse than that he wants a population who has a declining birthrate to be targeted with propaganda

Well in that case, I better hand over half of my income in taxes to the government and sell my car so I have the privilege of using public transportation with all the unwashed niggers.

i never said would, I said should. this is what the world should be doing, but i don't believe it ever will

Do you support abortions?

you're moving the goalpost
you never said anything about concious thoughts
sense of self isn't limited to thoughts

>this entire thread
>no one has posted the webm yet

Ok link?

That is correct. Furthermore, China's current pollution output is highly related to American consumption. So if Americans cut down on their consumption of Chinese goods (and goods in general), China would generate even less pollution per capita.

No because it is contributing to bad outcomes. If you have identified a good then not working on the means to enact it is intellectual laziness. If it isn't straightforward you just abandon it and defend your idleness saying "at least I did X!"

If you care about the future and believe over population is a problem the solution isn't as simple as "have less kids yourself" all that leads to is those with lower IQs out breeding you and a future where no-one has those concerns and consumes until everyone is dead.

Instead you then have to identify that problem as an obstacle, you can't not have kids yet, that's a later step. First you have to deal with the problem of other populations who don't care and less of you is only going to make that problem insurmountable. Its not being good that you describe, it's laziness at best. Whites need more children if the world is going to be saved.

>not one response to this post of truth

Depends, potential is part of it. That baby will grow to be a mind. Beyond that toddlers have a sense of self, you have to go very young to precede that. However prior to it yes their suffering is less than that of an adult.

>that sociopathic autist shitting up the thread about how he doesn't care about animals

Attached: orca_vs_seal.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Yes it is. If you don't have thoughts you don't have a sense of self. There is no you at all.

Im not searching it up. Genuinely hurt me that video.

>>Yes climate change is happening

lmao who is dumb enough to believe this shit

Yes. But *I* am a sociopath.

the problem is already insurmountable and we're already passing thresholds. I contribute directly through others ways such as limiting my own impact, consumption and educating others. I can educate others in the same way I could my own children without directly contributing toward the most resource intensive thing you can ever produce


Attached: (((climatechange))).jpg (353x960, 65K)

Thise studies are from faggot libs paid for by government subsidies. Call me when private companies and the Free Market have a solution

Anilams are proven (with brain scans) to have thoughts. The same areas dedicated to concious thoughts than the ones in our brains are active.
Educate yourself, this has been known for decades.
Many animals use tools, make tools, have objects that they give to their offsprings so they can give them to their own offsprings, etc.
This isn't as black and white as your two dimensional mind wants it to be.

OP here. can /pol/ please fuck off to their containment board while others post animal hardship kino

Attached: Penguin_Slowly_Dies.webm (640x480, 2.31M)

Collective being residents of earth, autismo.

tfw it rained every 2 days this winter and snowed every time the next day after it rained and my grandad who is old as fuck (87) never saw that in all his life, ever
>he actually never saw it rain in winter before


>bitching about inserting politics where it doesn't belong
woah irony

This seems like a really sensible article that I am 100% going to click and read earnestly.

there is nothing political about my thread opener you deranged cunt

>animals make tools
>animals give family heirlooms to offspring
>source: trust me bro

Education has minimal impact on children, heritability is all. Telling the kid of someone who was not inclined to care about these things will be a failure 90% of the time. Whereas even if you had kids and didn't teach them it, it would still come to them 90% of the time.

If you want a future in line with your beliefs you have children.

you left out laughter. rats can be observed laughing.

>b-but this libral did this one time and it made me angry

Attached: the_reason_pol_sucks.png (1306x354, 78K)

Basically, you'r enot doing shit. You and I aren't the problem. Our carbon footprint as a population is small as fuck compared to big industries.
When these industries can't sell you their shit, they just export and still make as much environmental damage (more so because of the shipping).

He's senile.

You're having your own retarded argument about anilams here. No-one has said they don't think. Thinking is not sufficient for a sense of self. Not even close.

No, Sally Sensitive. Netflix is the one wrongly inserting.

he didn't fly so good

i've said it before and I'll say it again:


It's not a real collective when no-one else works towards it or considers it so. It's head canon. A black would sooner stab you and take your money than let you stop him fucking.

in that case I don't need to even educate that many to surpass the benefit of having my own. even a 99% failure rate would yield far superior results

nice deflection Jew

interesting that a White baby's feet is shown when talking about the negative effects of reproduction
hmm...really making me think

>talking about actually ecological changes happening that effect the subject of the documentary is is wrongly inserting because it goes against my infographically-defined preconceived notions

another retard that can't grasp the concept of principles and ought

But it won't. You need more than 1% to think about these things. Also you aren't the sole educator and increasingly with your tactics the educators will be oppositely inclined to you.

What's actual head canon are these arbitrary definitions you're making but I guess we have to shift the discussion back to niggers somehow. Right, fellow kekistani?

even birds will "sculpt" small branches and use them to dig for maggots in dead trees
other birds will crack eggs open by dropping them onto stones to get to that delicious cannibalistic meal
don't you know anything?

Except once again you aren't principled if you don't act in such a way as to enact them.

Wow another really sensible article from that same generically named site with a perceived connection to a prestigious academic institutuon for faux-credibility that I'm sure properly cites its sources to peer-reviewed academic scholarship.

Netflix never actual did any study on these walrus. They went in with their narrative, took some video, put their narrative on it. There have been previous studies of the walrus on the cliff. They didn't say climate change.

if I teach 200 people, which isn't a lot, and 4 of them go on to agree and make change, i've surpassed the potential good of being a parent in addition to all of the saved resources for 2 more humans? I can only act upon what is within my own control

when did denying science become a partisan issue?

when american teenagers and middle age redditor magapedes flooded the site

No because you could do that and have kids. Meanwhile as said by your plan the ratio of those genetically not inclined to care will rise, as they will in those teaching. You need more than 4, you have to be thinking of long term change. You need to make permanent substantive changes to the population and that is done through genetics, not education.

Happens on both sides, a lot of the right deny climate change, a lot of the left deny human population differences.

Does "incel" mean anything anymore?
Yet another buzzword that millennials have rendered meaningless?

you're an idiot
that's the point that started this debate in the first place

its just a funny fuck liberals troll
the only people who actually dont believe in climate change are senile boomers and oil executives

It's the new "troll", i.e. "person whose opinion is different from my own"


Maybe people don't need individual cars. Maybe you don't need to demolish old buildings to build now one. Maybe people don't need to renew their consumer electronics every 2-3'rd year.

it means virgin
and yes your opinions are worthless until you've had sex

You are factoring out the scientific consultation each episode goes through and the scientists with the film crew while they film. But I guess because they didn't have a study on that specific walrus it doesn't count.
>There have been previous studies of the walrus on the cliff.

No it isn't. Pain is thought, no-one has ever said animals don't feel pain. However their pain is lesser than human suffering as we have a sense of self with consequent knowledge of vulnerability and death. A rat laughing is not indicative of it knowing it exists you fucking idiot holy hell.

Then why are millennials allowed to vote?

i'm outnumbered either way. I can educate many more with the time, energy and money saved from 2 children. predisposition is not a hard limit and neither are familial teachings. you are incredibly naive and ignorant to think children only follow their parents

>it's just a troll to spam social media with misleading information and get politicians elected that further an ecologically disasterous agenda

Attached: ciggy.png (334x328, 25K)

Yes your inane point was a sense of self isn't limited to thoughts. Well yes it is, if you don't have thoughts you don't have a sense of self. Not all thinking things have a sense of self. This is basic tier logic.

Ironic eh you zoomer virgin

Statistically they majorly do. There's a bit of rebellion and variation in adolescence but about 80% of adult political beliefs are heritable.

>it matters who you vote for
nah not really, you need to get black pilled, the current global economic model will inevitably destroy the planet

What does a rat have to do with anything?
You didn't read the links.
At least one person said it and I was making my argument to him.

citation please because i'm curious. again, simple math shows with those odds I can do more good with my time by educating

>Crockford is a specialist on the evolutionary history of dogs, especially in regards to their domestication and speciation.
So dogs, not bears.

>Crockford is a signatory of the International Conference on Climate Change's 2008 Manhattan Declaration,[10] which states that "Carbon dioxide and other 'greenhouse gas' emissions from human activity...appear to have only a very small impact on global climate," and "Global cooling has presented serious problems for human society and the environment throughout history while global warming has generally been highly beneficial."[11] Between at least 2011 and 2013, she received payment from The Heartland Institute, in the form of $750 per month, which Crockford states was to provide summaries of published papers that might not have been covered by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's Fifth Assessment Report.[1] This payment has been construed as an undisclosed conflict of interest, by blogs such as Desmog Blog.[2] Her response to such claims was a disclosure of the job description, how much she was paid, and the duration of the contract.[1]
Yes, I'm sure this person is not biased at all.

my point was that someone said it you doofus

Someone put rats laughing as support for their sense of self. I've followed all posted arguments and it's mostly your miscomprehension. You've repeatedly just said "but animals think!" Well okay, great. Try find someone who disagrees. Thinking is not sufficient for a sense of self.

This sounds like coping.

>name is literally Crockford

Attached: HAHA_NIGGA.jpg (480x480, 26K)

Oh look. Another television show we can't talk about without the /pol/ice trying to label it as wrong-think.

>Try find someone who disagrees
Read well little Timmy:

> "why can't we just have one side of the argument!!"

Jesus. I believe in climate change and am even the work officer for sustainability but you're everything wrong discussion.

>Those scientist were in the sound room when attenborough was given a script to read

Loving all the Amerimutts and other Westshits who're unironically oblivious to the damage they've wrought upon this planet, with joy I shall witness as your subhuman societies fall apart under the weight of their depravity.

Those are my posts. Maybe im confused as i believed you were linking them to disagree.

This doesn't mean the children will be exactly like parents. Far from it. Yes, it means that political beliefs are linked to our genes, but the children will not be always like their parents because their genes and mutations are different. That's why the highest correlation is between identical twins, lower in non-identical twins and even lower between siblings. They came from the same parents, but the difference is often very big (this is also true for other things like IQ).

Those scientists looked over the script before it got to the soundroom, ya tard.

Says ahmed as he blows more shisha pipe smoke into the air.

Always accuse your enemy of what you are doing.

Yes I'm sure they got final approval over the Netflix executives.

You do not need to have to have children to save humanity. Just adopt a child.

This is a very convincing false-flag. I'm talking about niggers and jews is completely within the scope of the discussion laid out by OP.

>I'm sure these crypto-kike globalists didn't do this thing that I have no proof of

You're confused alright. You say that it takes thought and ONLY thought to be self aware in one post and argue the opposite in the next.


Attached: IMG_20190328_142903.jpg (639x814, 92K)

A 50% pure gene concordance for something as specific as political beliefs is enormous. It's 80% overall heritability adults to children as detailed in the first link.

We aren't talking height, we're talking specific answers to political questions. The difference really isn't very big at all considering.

You're the one talking about them. Find me 10 posts out of the over 200 mentioning niggers or jews.

>If you don't willingly accept my inane ramblings then you're obviously a kiketranny libral
Maybe I just want to discuss nature docs and not have you shit up the thread.

No, i didn't say that in any of the linked posts.

It's not a standard nature documentary though, it's intentionall political and so getting annoyed at half the argument is no one's problem but your own.

What pisses me off the most is these is these idiots making these documentaries deciding not to save the animal that's being killed

If you discount the other studies because you saw a new video on netflix with a fancy british man telling you what to think, then sure.

Only in twins.

Found a way to post an animal death thread, huh?

There were no previous studies on these walruses. I'm going to call you out on bullshit assertions so just don't bother making them.

>It's not a standard nature doc because I don't agree with commonly accepted scientific fact

>compares industrial pollution to shitskin pipe smoke
you deserve to be raped by those Niggers you imported to the USA

People itt need to have sex

Well it isn't, it's not focused on the animals, their physiology and their behaviour. It's focused on the result of a politically contentious human activity on their lives. Whether you like it or not it's political by design and as such all opinions are welcome.

I agree, they should have been standing at the bottom of that 80m cliff waiting to catch a 1 tonne animal with tusks

I am also a Trump voter who spends hours denying climate change on Yea Forums, how could you tell?

I can guarantee all the carbon coming from smelting factories and the plastic waste pouring into waters is cleaner than pure oxygen escaping from a muslim's lips.

>If you don't have thoughts you don't have a sense of self.
>Thinking is not sufficient for a sense of self.

even a dude wildlife lmao show with based attenborough manages to have that netflix stink about it.

Yes. Can you really honestly not see why you are confused here?

Ill change it to more logical terms.
> If not X then not Y
> X is not Y

These are logically sound statements. X us a prerequisite for Y but they are not identical.

How did he get there? Are walruses like cats, when scared they climb the highest tree in a moment and then can't get down?

Same person (tested twice) .95 next to
Identical twins—Reared together .86
Identical twins—Reared apart .76
Fraternal twins—Reared together .55
Fraternal twins—Reared apart .35
Biological siblings—Reared together .47
Biological siblings—Reared apart .24
Biological siblings—Reared together—Adults .24 [72]
Unrelated children—Reared together—Children .28
Unrelated children—Reared together—Adults .04
Cousins .15
Parent-child—Living together .42
Parent-child—Living apart .22
Adoptive parent–child—Living together .19[73]

This is for IQ.
>parent-child living apart - .22
>biological siblings living apart - .24
It's probably similar with political believes. Europe was full of racists hating homos and just look at it now.

Yea, totally. Im a conservative and I believe climate change is occurring but my two main voting issues are abortion and gun rights. Now the left is full of gun hrabbers and baby killers and since environmentalism is a lefty issue the only way to address it is to elect more infanticide supporting Dems.
By spreading info that discredits global warming I help undercut a democratic voting issue and help save babies and secure my right to a gun

>this fucking drivel again
The cognitive dissonance is astounding. The moment you refer to the IPCC it's like a clock work, THEY ARE BOUGHT, THEY DO NOT AGREE, MUH SUN STORMS
>n-no baka, my counter studies aren't funded by conservative thinktanks
Thank you for the warning. I will consider it before making any further posts.

Forgot to mention bugpeople as well.

This is factoring out other contrived bullshit like the western genocide narrative, "globalist agenda", and links to the telegraph and conservative blogs in attempts to pitch it as actual scholarship. People just wanted to talk about the show but you insisted on making it yet another dumping ground for your misery.

they don't have to get a job. and they all have gf's. even those dumbass penguins and fat bastard walruses don't fap three times a day and cry themselves to sleep.

animals live a sweet life.

then why aren't you dumping your nuclear and industrial waste into Muslim mouths?

go back

An op-ed from is not a study, user. It's a publicity stunt.

Hey guys, i've spent a lot of time with walruses. I've made this post before on the same topic. It will probably be glossed over.

Walruses normally climb up higher (and on top of other walruses) during haul outs to get away from other aggressive males/females normally.They're clumsy and fall quite often. This has been observed since fairly early on and can even be seen in other youtube videos from 30 years ago.

Other animals we have photographed falling down include sheep from new zealand and iguanas/monkeys/birds/sloths from the amazon. Even animals who have evolved to climb fall down often.

If you care about the environment thats great, but this video gas nothing to do with climate change whether you believe it or not. There are other examples of the media using animals to further an agenda and i implore you to research the behaviour of these animals

If you have any questions for a naturalist, please feel free to ask.

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Half of those are using nigger in a sense totally irrelevant to blacks and half are about chinese. Still i honestly commend the effort.

Spending time with your mom doesn't count as being a walrus expert.

Only first world humans have easy life

kek thanks user

> depression and suicide rates much higher in first world nations
Yeah okay user.

Because they are pussys

>If you have any questions for a naturalist, please feel free to ask.
Are the English human?

It's indicative of people generally having less pleasant lives. Having less square footage in your house doesn't mean you hsve a harder existence.

just barely

preferably a black one right?

we know why

Why are orcas so comically evil?

>preserving the natural world has nothing to do in a nature documentary

>Climate change has reduced the ice available in the Arctic
>more and more walruses crowd into small islands where there is not enough space
>they seek higher places for more space
>fall of the cliffs
Walruses may have been seen falling off cliffs before, but climate change creates the scenarios where these things happen more frequently.

where's the study corroborating that assertion?

>pretending to be a Walrus biologist on a Vietnamese shadow puppet forum in order to ironically pretend climate change isn't happening to help you pass the time and keep your mind off the existential dread of climate change

As previously stated in the thread, there are no studies on these walruses, but we both know if there were, you'd dismiss them as a conspiracy like you do with the studies on anthropogenic climate change. Hopefully the documentary will bring attention to this and promote studies in this island.

How exactly does climate change make a walrus jump off a cliff?

Its just gravity acting on a walrus, if you wanna see suffering go visit an african savanna.
Most mammals are too dumb to feel intense sadness or suffering so it doesnt matter.

Wrong humans have mostly been mentally retarded for most of their existence so they barely ever experience true mental suffering.

>climate change is a myth!
>climate change is mostly natural!
>it’s all India and china’s fault!
>you’re a cuck for the environment!
>it’s the animals fault for not adapting, survival of the fittest!
What’s next?

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>It won't affect us, only the poorfags!
Honestly I'm more worried about food shortage and bacteria resistant to antibiotics, but thinking that third world countries getting fucked won't affect the first world is idiotic.

"we both know" has no place in a scientific argumentation and you still haven't brought up anything to corroborate your claims. That's called talking out of your ass and thus invalidates everything you've posted in this thread.

Climate changers are the purest form of libtard mental illness literally doing something because its "the right thing to do" hurr. If the rock gets hoter than so what? The humans near the equator are adapted to heat so they can handle it or not thats just natural selection I dont care if they die in famines especially the blacks.

What the fuck??????

So far the "scientific"argumentation" in this thread has consisted of posting a telegraph op ed from a Heartland Institute mouthpiece and the usual racism.

Is this the power of American education systems?

which big companies? there's no big renewable energy corporation.
the big energy companies are coal, oil and gas. these regulations would effectively damage their bottom line and it's in their best interest to not have them.
Scientists don't make a lot of money. you don't go into science for the money.
both your points are patently false.

>Those who suggest these events are a sign of pending catastrophe are looking for victims of global warming to tally on a ledger, but in doing so they not only fail to acknowledge potential consequences of natural fluctuations in walrus population size but fail to concede the obvious resilience of this species to profound sea ice changes they have survived repeatedly before now.

It's not doing that because of mankind, it's doing that because it's just how that bird has evolved to sustain itself.

>expecting brainlet deniers to response seriously

the US isn't doing shit about it.

Attached: 1554936579526.webm (852x480, 1.91M)

Don't pretend everyone doesn't know what this thread was made (for the 50th time) for, sweetie

gj now i dont feel so bad

Fuck off with this attempt to guilt us about muh climate as long as our temperate latitudes as fine I dont give a fucking shit.

Based and birdpilled

>written by a woman
>multiple of the sources coming from polarbearscience((((dot))))com
It belongs in the trash

>tfw gross fat stinky walrus has a gf and you don't

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I don't give a fuck about what other people have been posting. I asked YOU to back your claims and you were unable to do it. The mature thing would be to own up to it, but you've decided to hide behind criticizing other people instead.

>The Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) is a lobby group in the United Kingdom whose stated aims are to challenge "extremely damaging and harmful policies" envisaged by governments to mitigate anthropogenic global warming.[3][4] While their position is that the science of global warming or climate change is "not yet settled," the GWPF claims that its membership comes from a broad spectrum ranging from "the IPCC position through agnosticism to outright scepticism."[1] The GWPF as well as some of its prominent members have been characterized as promoting climate change denial.[5][6]
>another conservative thinktank
>does not disclose funding sources
Ayy lmao

The power of American education systems is brainwashing children with Al Gore's retarded movie. Global Warming is a MLM Scam

>actually debating on Yea Forums
Only retards do this, big brains call their opponent incel or cuck.

>woodpecker evolved to eat insects hiding in bark
>huffs a chemical
>starts looking for insects in another bird’s body
>”evolution bro”
Ask me how I know you’re American

>several recorded mass extinctions in history.
>most due to dramatic changes in climate
>Wtf?! aminals are dying? :(
GO peddle your arrogant nonsense somewhere else

>as our temperate latitudes as fine I dont give a fucking shit.
>implying climate change is only affecting the tropics
Brainlet detected lol

He's gonna sleep it off and be just fine. Probably just fish blood he got on him. He's fucking fine.

>global agreement on this environmental science is an American political scam
Why are Americans like this?

Our regions are colder meaning we wont feel much of the burn from climate change, the melting of the icecaps will give us new areas to build docks as well.

here, let werner herzog redpill you on nature

I've already stated my claims. The reduction of sea ice is clearly linked to climate change, which has forced the walruses to overpopulate these islands.
You can read the IPCC reports and papers on this
Now, if you want some quantification, we have to wait until a detailed study is carried out.
The article you posted to back your claims are from the Telegraph op ed

This is false if you simply look up how often walrus have haul outs and how huge they get.
Even if you believe in climate change (like most of us do) you can look up the animals migration to see how blown up this has gotten.

To add insult to wound, these subhumans also possess the capacity to ruin your life with a single vote prevalence.

wtf i love the EU nao

Get Africans and Indians to stop migrating and shitting out spawn and then we can talk about global climate accords. Not that we really need to since we already beat the Paris accords everyone got so uppity about us not signing.

>w-we aren’t feeling it as bad as other places guys (despite evidence that suggests we do)!!!
>the water rising .6m for every 1c increase is actually a GOOD thing! We can build docks over our flooded east coast cities!
I bet you also think Manhattan flooding is a positive because it’d be good for the scuba businesses

>Exceptionally stupid opinion
>Backed up only by bad faith arguments
>"Well I guess I beat you in the marketplace of ideas, huh????"

It wont happen now it will take fucking centuries so shut up already.

It's not looking for insects retard. There's a tree right next to it and probably another ten million next to that. It's digging for brain. Not insects.

You make the specific claim that walruses falling off cliffs has become more prevalent due to climate change, and after nagging you for hqlf an hour, you finally dump 100 links to studies completely unrelated to walruses? Are you fucking serious? Have you ever written a research paper in your life? You can't just link me to the home repository of an entire research foundation and use it to back an unprecedented claim that you made. You are very dishonest.

Do you have links to studies that don't originate from conservative think tanks that use as their sources in their conclusion section?

He might be stupid, but blindly swallowing up propaganda from a netflix documentary is just as bad.

Woodpeckers evolved to eat brains

>>animals die a brutal, entirely preventable death due to human behaviour
Yeah, if it weren't for those piece of shit humans then all animals would live forever and the world would be an eternal paradise work no suffering or death whatsoever.
You fucking retard.

Here's a video from the 90's documented well before science recorded that the sea ice has all started to melt because of climate change.

There is more info i can send too if you need.

Taken right from my estuaries and coastal processes class

Attached: F9C2666F-6AF2-4230-8DE3-036F148A8F49.jpg (750x563, 158K)

>spouting utter drivel
You have to go back

Reminder there was a time Earth as so hot we had jungles in Montana so shut the fuck up about this rock heating up already.
I live inland faggot

Oh, so now the organization political leaning suddenly matters, huh?


I'm a climate change skeptic, thats why i posted the video of falling walrus from the 90's. Its a natural phenomenon that has more to do with a clumsy animal than weather.

Calling out that nigger's stupidity doesn't necessarily mean you're a bleeding heart vegan treefucker

>it’s okay that others will be affected as long as I’m ok lol
Spoken like a true incel. Well, I hope you enjoy it when the entire east coast is forced to migrate inland with you. I’m sure you’d love those millions of democratic votes moving into your state

For me it’s not so much the politics as it is polarbearmemesite

>which big companies
The oil/gas companies
An inconvenience to oil/gas is a killing blow to coal.

Attached: oil and coal.jpg (292x172, 9K)

Those others aren't filthy whites.

It appears to be just a website run by a professional zoologist. Is there a reason why it's considered a meme?

States are very big you retard just move inland, and that wont happen for centuries so shut up.

Climate change has forced the walruses to go to these islands in large numbers because their habitat has been reduced, this leads to an increase in the walruses jumping from simply being too many of them. That's my claim. We haven't had a study quantifying these changes.
The behavior itself of jumping off cliffs it's not directly related to climate change, like I've said, climate change funnels the walruses to places where this happens
The fact that the earth was once warm is irrelevant. The issue is that we are accelerating climate change with greenhouse gasses and rapid changes are detrimental to the environment and to our society.

>I dont have a single fact to back that up
>I'm gonna repeat it ad nauseum though
This is the point where everone stops taking you seriously lad.

No it’s mostly just /pol/hate
I know this is bait but some people genuinely think like this

Well put
You sound like a retard

>The issue is that we are accelerating climate change with greenhouse gasses and rapid changes are detrimental to the environment and to our society.
Detrimental in what way that affects humans? Who cares about fucking animals they can just evolve.

It ain't me saying it, it's science. Cope harder, cuntbag.

>I dont have a single fact to back that up
The fact that it was documented by the film crew in these place with extremely large population density?
So far you have posted a report that cites polarbearscience

Yup. The fact that a film crew saw a some walruses falling off a cliff. That fact. And you're using it to prove that walruses falling off cliffs is precipitated by climate change. Nice petitio principii you got going on there, friend.

He made a claim and gave reasons why he believed said claim, that’s all. How can you not comprehend that?

I don't understand how you can't comprehend how the animals being forced into spaces they can't fit will elevate the numbers of the ones that fall because they're trying to find space in cliffs.
I have not say that the mere fact that a walrus can fall off a cliff is caused by climate change.

>backpedalling this fucking hard
Make a retarded claim, get called out for it. That's all.

Explain why his claim that reduced habitats leads to overcrowded areas, which leads to jumping off cliffs is retarded

Cool. Provide a source for your fucking claim. Are you dense or just completely out of your element here?

I don't have a source, it's just a claim :=)