When did you realize Avengers: Age of Ultron is underrated cape kino? Me? I always knew.
When did you realize Avengers: Age of Ultron is underrated cape kino? Me? I always knew
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shit for literally plebs
>mommy did you see that big purple man snap his fingers! I miss Spider-Man already!
Did you know you gotta be 18+ to post here?
Go back to watching your superhero movies, and playing fortnite.
also shit for literally plebeian brainlets like you
Have sex
sex is shit for literally plebs, the proletarian masses
The movie itself is pretty bad, but Ultron was a good villain: he wasn't developed very well, but he had potential with the daddy issues, and Spader gave a good performance. I would like him to return so Avengers 2 isn't completely inconsequential as it is currently.
What made it so bad? I've never seen people give a reason or reasons why, they just said it was because that's what everyone else was saying. Just being curious, because I liked it admittedly.
I like this scene. I rewatched Ultron and if it wasn't for the quips, It's rewatchable. Ultron not being Ultron from the comics will piss people off though.
the movie was a bit of a mess, could probably be improved with a different edit or directors cut, heard the first version they put together was about 20 minutes longer.
Based Hawkeye saves this movie.
The opening assault on the base looks absolutely terrible.
>spader gave a good performance
Thank you, almost no one is willing to admit this. I remember the hype over his voice acting in the trailer alone, and he definitely carried it well throughout the film.
No he was a bad villain. He started out great with his intro at the party. But over time he turned into a clown making quips, oneliners, singing, having daddy/creator issues.
You kidding? It was pretty good, especially since they used music from Battle of New York.
The hammer-lifting and Ultron reveal were the only good bits in the movie.
The spent too much time on irrelevant things and not enough of things that would add gravity to the story.
if the movie kept more in the tone of the trailer it could have been good, seems like a case of studio meddling in the final cut.
Yeah I liked the music in the trailer, especially Ultron's speech. I love the way he delivers "There are no strings on me".
There it is
Agents of Shield did a better Ultron Story with AIDA.
yeah, for a long time I thought it was just a meme but agents of shield is actually decent after the awful first season.
>seems like a case of studio meddling in the final cut.
No, it's typical Whedon. They fired him and he did the same thing to JL. He'll sabotage any plotline, upset the tone, skew characterization or derail pacing to throw out a joke or to make way for a plot only he cares about. If anything there wasn't enough studio intervention in Ultron.
go to bed zack, your cut of JL is never happening and the world is a better place for it.
Nope. He's shit. I'm actually a former Whedon fan. He always does it After the 3rd or 4th time all under different studios, you can't keep blaming them.
It's all trash
it was widely reported his original cut was about half an hour longer, and the studio forced them to edit it down, it's a pretty clear case of studio meddling in this instance.
>you're unbearably naive
>well, I was born yesterday
Most of the quips in that film were pretty fucking limp but that last one made me crack a genuine smile.
And he cut out the good bits and left useless banter and falling on tits jokes.
that phrase in itself is so oxymoronic, it hurts.
I don't what the fuck Marvel is doing. If you can't be funny, Don't attempt to be. At worst, You take away from the gravity of a situation. I like that quip too. It's also looked like Ultron was pissed when he said that.
It's one of the worst blockbusters I have ever watched. As bad, boring and stupid as Bayformers.
There is nothing wrong with the film aside from Ultron not being quite menacing enough.
We used to say the quip interuptions were too much but compared to Ragnarok, Ultron looks Zach Snyder level humorless.
The daddy/creator issues is straight from the comics.
The only difference between bay and the mcu, is that bay is less pretentious
Yes because Vision made light of the topic while Ultron considered it so serious that his entire life goal was all about it.
It's important to note that Vision and Ultron agreed about humanity's fate, only Ultron tried to prevent it and Vision was all enlightened and at peace about it.
>The daddy/creator issues is straight from the comics.
Doesn't mean it's good.
I dunno, user. Based on what we've seen in interviews filming AoU almost killed the MCU. Apparently the entire production was poorly run.