Damn, Julian Assange looks like that?!


Damn, Julian Assange looks like that?!

Where'd his hair go? He was so proud of it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Honestly thought it was a Muslim.

Finally those kids he diddled will get justice.

>this guy gets dragged into a police car
>people like clinton walk around freely
honk honk

Are all British police officers so based and smug as this lad at the front?

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Honestly forgot about him.
What were his crimes again? Did he forget his porn or knife license?

who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

for it's pic related.

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Assange raped two swedish women. He's basically a nigger.


I remember when he got arrested before some guy who was in the intake cell with him posted online about how much Julian Assange smelled.

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Does he have a PS4 in his cell?


now that is certainly true and not made up

>>Assange raped two swedish women
lol bullshit

God I hate England, fuck this country so much

And by rape, you mean he had sex without a condom before verbally and explicitly telling them he was going to insert his penis without a condom, which by swedish law is prosecuted as a rape.

>fight world government providing nothing but accurate data
>plebs hate you on behest of patricians
>no one cares about your plight

humanity was a mistake

welcome to the drone age


He spent half a century inside dude.

Julian Assange arrested after being found in possession of weapons of mass destruction

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He should have used his knowledge to kill every major government. Corrupt fucks everywhere

And by "had sex without a condom before verbally and explicitly telling them he was going to insert his penis without a condom" you mean he uploaded confidential government documents that expose corruption.

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Name a more cucked country

arrest this goy

Doesn’t pretty much everyone consider him a hero aside from a few elderly conservative partisans and people he exposed? This will not end well for politicians.

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no he didn't lmao. he was accused of having sex without a condom

I'd like to see what you look like after swallowing that many blackpills. I'm not surprised he looks batfuck insane

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Got em, coach

Yeah, blueshare really did their campaign of discredit well - that is, the people did not care enough about Assange to care about ridiculous character assassination they were peddling.

reminder that one of the "women" who accused him, anna ardin, was a political operative with connections to the cia. it's almost too funny to be true

Not really.


Okay, but how does this effect me?

US finally gona kill the dude. Such justice.

>gets extradited to the republic of Florida
>immediately put in an electric chair as soon as he gets off the plane
fucking americans

Everyone (the media) was on his side when he was exposing Bush, they turned on him when he started exposing Obama

No. Most people don't give a fuck about him either way, and those that do mostly despise him. It's only the Drumpfkins and Russian bots who are upset.

The rape stories were manufactured to smear his character. Common political tactic.

Does stress really make you look like that?
Or is it the third world country water?

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Yea Forums will be spammed with a new “hilarious” meme for a few weeks and clutter up the catalog

Terrifying to think people are cheering that somebody exposing corrupt governments was captured. The world is fucked

can anglos just kill themselves?

>Drumpfkins and Russian bots

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same shit happened with snowden and manning, don't care which 'side' leakers are on, exposing governments for the fucked up actions they make should never warrant punishment


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>be a whistleblower
>get a movie made about you
>no one actually really cares about you or what you exposed because nothing ever ever changes
>get your life ruined
Nothing short of a full scale revolution that ends with mass political executions and public hangings of corrupt traitorous scum will even make a dent. You must forcefully remove them root and stem in order for anything to change.

Yeah man, I’m literally shaking I’m so scared

Only creepy internet guys like him, sadly.

Snowden was never captured, you retard.

All he had to do was not be such a fucking slob and he wouldn’t have gotten kicked out. Truly a hero for our time

he resided within the UK you retard.

i was referring to normalfags cheering on and encouraging the idea of them being punished, you retard

Yeah, a third world country

You are the illiterate retard, retard.

Nope. Him and Wikileaks turning into fanatical Trumpfags in 2016 soured a lot of people on them. Trump pretended to like them too during the election then turned on them after a bit so most of his supporters who just adopt his beliefs as their own turned on them too.

Daily reminder that Assange was killed years ago.

>his arrest was televised so technically this is Yea Forums!
based mods

ITT: retards

>point out that clinton is a crazy criminal cunt
>city-dwelling shitlibs turn against you
imagine my shock

Also the operation to kill him was known as “Paul is dead”

Wanted for treason by the US

Fortunately, politically conscious zoomers will prevent this injustice.

(could world government dream up a better populace?)

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How long until he's handed over to the yanks and buried in some black ops torture hole?

Here's your democracy bro

go back

he wasn't a us citizen though right? Kind of hard to be treasonous against a country you aren't a citizen of.


>worst shithole of the west
>not uk