Wow, anime is THIS deep?

Wow, anime is THIS deep?

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He's not wrong.



Well, he is right though.
Also, his arc sucked in the anime, some of the worst animation in the entire series.

These are the words of a person slowly coming to the realization that he is the problem. Every moment of his existence he is hurting people, so it became an unexamined part of his self-image. He just accepted it as the way things are.

If you are fighting an enemy and you have the option of killing him or persuading him into a deeper sense of integrity that makes him a stronger ally than an enemy, which is the more favorable victory?

His observations were correct, his conclusion was just retarded.

Anime dialogues are cringy af

Too much exposition and a serious lack of show don't tell
Even the best anime have some great ideas but the delivery is sub par to say the least.

konan’s fight with tobi, itachi’s character arc and tobi’s(to an extent) unironically were.


>I havent jerked off in 3 years for the fear of ripping my dick off
man, this one really got me

Why, do you have superpowers?

after 3 years of no fap yeah

Itachi is the most overrated character in all of anime.


great show

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>Who cares if I was born into hatred and loathing? It isn't about what you're born with it's about hard work and dedication... The true shinobi way!

>...Actually... I was born with the chakra of a ninja God therefore I'm destined to be the strongest ninja in the universe. :)

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>naruto all about getting strong through hard work and being succesful through one 's own merits
>mooches off the OP 9tail's chakra whenever things get tough

i just made that point so please dont repeate me

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That's why Sasuke was the better main character.
He was born into the most powerful clan in history, was considered a genius when compared to anyone outside the Uchiha clan, and yet he still had to struggle throughout the entire series. And unlike Naruto, he always overcame his struggles through his own effort and determination, instead of through some BS deus ex machina.

Yeah, but he also wins over the demon fox with his friendship, which is also what the series is about.

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how on earth does some whiny little brat win over a chaotic and malevolent demon?

i read yours then remembered the neji fight and typed this for no good reason but didn't feel like deleting it

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The writer retconned it so that the the demon was originally good.

By showing him how strong his will and passion is by getting smacked around by life but getting up every time.

Do you want me to just tell you what happens in the whole series, lazy faggot?

And you got more (You)s than me. you should be ashamed

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>Watch over 3000 hours of boring ass asspull naruto

Yeah ill take a hardpass.


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