This is the end of the Universe and its border

This is the end of the Universe and its border.


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Other urls found in this thread: shit nigger/order/asc/

You're a big hole

looks like your mums ass after a night at the club.

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Open your ass and your heart and mind will follow.

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>>Yea Forums

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I've just had yet another unproductive day in a very long string of unproductive days. My life is an abysmal black hole because I'm pathetic. ;_;

looks like a donut for homer sneedson haha

repeating digit party

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Literal IRL kino

thats ok

I doubt it.
It's simply a collection of supermassive atoms compressed by the collapse of a star
Why does everyone act like it's some supermagical unicorn bullshit?
No there's no wormholes
No there's no entrances to other dimensions
No there's nothing magical or interdimensional shenanigans
It's simply the result of an explosion that left such massive particles that the gravity is the same as if the mass was still all contained in something the size of a star and light can't escape
No its not going to magically increase in gravity and pull you in like an intergalactic magical vacuum, you would be pulled in by gravity exactly the same as if a star of the same mass was there
Yes its very interesting but let's stop pretending that it's going to be some magical fucking thing

this whole board is a black hole

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that hack Chris Nolan got it wrong bravo

>this whole board is a black hole

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Stop posting it!

It's not the end. It probably poops you out somewhere else. It also probably doesn't hurt you either according to Brian Cox

Have sex

Have sex.

Have sex.

Very well.
Panties around your ankles and against the wall. Now.

have sex

Based brainlet poster

Eat dick

No stop propagating these fucking lies
If you get pulled into a black hole
A black hole isn't some fucking magical wizardry
A black hole is a bunch of atoms compressed by an explosion
If you get close it will pull you in as much as a star of the same mass
And then you get squeezed and compressed to the point that all the matter in the black hole has been compressed
There's no portals none of that shit you simply are stuck and can never get out and of course you'd be dead


He actually nailed it. This is taken from a parallel angle instead of perpendicular. The circle part in Interstellar is actually the lensing of the light while the line across it is the part you're seeing here. (just from the edge instead of straight on.

Have sex

>being afraid of black holes

I've seen a lot of things on here. But come on, black holes? You know they're effectively just hologram projections, right? They're just natural backups. Fuck it's two backups at that. They're a natural process, like puberty. Nothing to be afraid of.

Us humans will never ever encounter a black hole in the first place, since it's hard to hit them. They're tiny.


Thank you, user.

>black hole

I prefer coloured

nice try xzcx!qr'gor

>You humans

Black holes don't exist.

Looks surprisingly like the one in interstellar.

>It measures 40 billion km across - three million times the size of the Earth - and has been described by scientists as "a monster".
>It was captured by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT)
>Event Horizon

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>You humans
>post deleted
>Us humans

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Furthermore everyone thinks that after a star collapses the leftover black hole will magically increase in gravity and pull fucking things from millions of miles away and that's just stupid
The mass of the Black hole is very compressed but it's still as much or less than the star that was there to begin with so the gravity is also equivalent
Holy shit brainlets take a physics class or something
You niggers need science


Bröh :DDDD

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how'd they take a picture of something that absorbs light?

Honestly dont trust anything coming out for the public anymore.

>Star collapsing

That's not how it works. The stars and planets are there because there's an etheric 'collapse' in the center.

The light being absorbed shows up not the hole itself

That’s a massive over-simplification. This is a ridiculously compact amount of mass. This thing would theoretically fuck with time thanks to its gravitational pull. In theory, beyond the event horizon are conditions that do not obey the laws of physics as we understand them. It’s not a magical portal or anything, but it is a cosmic phenomenon that we will probably never be able to fully understand due to our limited perception of the universe. Have sex.

The point is that there is no increase in gravity over a star or object of the same mass
Too many fucking scifi movies have got your brains thinking that it's a magical space vacuum and it's not
If the sun became a black hole of the same mass right now it would not suck the earth in; the earth would stay in the same orbit it has

Why waste so much money to take a picture of that? It so trivial and insignificant for most of humanity. Literally done for the amusement of scientists.

>This thing would theoretically fuck with time thanks to its gravitational pull

I hate how everyone legitimately believes this.

Because womyn are perfect.

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That's what I'm saying.
Stop being stupid anons black holes aren't magical yes they're anomalies but they're simply a collection of supermassive atoms.
No portals
Not space vacums
No fucking time travel
Get the fuck over your scifi bullshit and face facts

Anyone just not care? This doesnt seem like that big of an accomplishment. Just something they toss out to make it seem like NASA is still important, but what does it actually change? I remember when I was a kid in the 90s and being optimistic when the Hubble telescope took a picture of the Pillars of Creation, yet it's almost 30 years later and space exploration just seems like its come to a screeching halt. Congrats, you took a photo I guess. I'll be excited when they make serious attempts at mining asteroids or colonizing planets.

No, it simply confirms that our idea of how black holes are structured was right.
It doesn't benefit you because you are a stupid, average civilian, what could a scientist do to improve your life, new techniques make the CGI of your shitty Marvel movies better?

>Why waste so much money to take a picture of that?
It's knowledge, money spent on that is never wasted.
What would you spend it on instead?

>is 29 years
>spent the last 14 years working on this
not even mad desu

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I say
At least put a man on Mars for fucks sake
For all our power and technology we haven't even set foot in any planet other than earth
How can we ever even hope to leave the solar system?

>What would you spend it on instead?
Fucking up the world controllers

Have sex

Except ESA did this, not NASA.

>what does it actually change?
Nothing but tell us that were are in the correct path.

>space exploration just seems like its come to a screeching halt
It does if you don't inform yourself, both on what advancements are done and what challenges there are to it.

5 minutes user. Be productive for 5 minutes tomorrow and each day thereafter. You'll notice a difference. Try and make it 10 minutes on some days. 5 minutes a day can really add up. Eventually you'll make it to be productive hours and hours a day. I was in the same boat, user, but I'm pulling myself up 5 minutes at a time.

>money is never wasted if you spend it on knowledge

A lot of debt ridden under employed college grads with sociology degrees would like to have a word with you.

The Earth's orbit exists because of the 'black hole' inside the sun.

>This is the end of the Universe and its border.
American education, everyone


Lol you know that's never going to happen so give up
Give up, like yesterday...
It will either go toward funding war for the glory of israel
Or to free gibs for stupid niggers
Pick your poison.

proofs for all your claims?

It's basic fucking physics for fucks sake go take a college class or Google it you nimrod

>it does if you don't inform yourself, both on what advancements are done and what challenges there are to it.

Is taking pictures one of the challenges it takes to colonize a planet or build some FTL drive? I get it's an advancement but how important is it really? I've spent decades being disappointed by "space discovery" news stories just like this one that have seemigly gone no where so excuse me if I'm pessimistic.

>At least put a man on Mars for fucks sake
They are on it.
As it is now, going to Mars would be, at the least, a 3 month journey.
How do you make astronauts survive that journey?
How do you ensure they have enough resources?
How do you ensure there's enough oxygen?
And how do you make it so they don't spend 3 months just sitting completely still?
How do you make sure that, 3 months later, they don't just find it that the landing place they chose after months of research isn't covered in a gigantic dust storm?
And then, once in Mars, how do you bring them back and ensure you didn't pretty much send people to their deaths?
How do you make the ship launch again? Mars is not the moon, it has a much stronger gravitational pull and an atmosphere, you need an actual, relaunchable ship for that.

We haven't gone to Mars yet because it's a completely different beast from the Moon.
The Moon is merely 3 days away, hell, some of the most advanced rockets reached the Moon in barely 6 hours.
There's no atmosphere, and gravitational pull is so weak that you need almost nothing to reach escape velocity.

Who else is in love with it all

Fuck you'd be afraid of your own shadow wouldn't you? There's literally nothing to be afraid of with black holes. Us humans will never be killed by one.

>goes to college
>reads books made up by people that dont know shit either just make it up
Im smart! I read books about people that have never actually had sex in a black hole but They think its this! Because they went to school to read things that someone made up too

Proof for yours?

I wonder if there are things that are objectively big in the universe. Lika a nebula or maybe a planet that takes up 1% of space.

>not using their own propaganda tactics against them
the problem is simple ignorance

Just muh dick. And a blackhole that sucks so good light cant escape also known as ops mom

>Is taking pictures one of the challenges it takes to colonize a planet or build some FTL drive?
Not to colonize planets, that's a completely different tree, but an FTL drive would mean breaking, or sneaking around some of the laws of physics.
Understanding how the universe is structured would actually help that.
One of the ways to move at an apparent faster than light speed would be with a concept known as Alcubierre drive, NASA even made a mockup of how a ship with such an engine would look like.
But even then, those theories rely on us getting our hands in elements that we are not even sure if they exist.
In order to ensure if they exist, or if they can be created, we need to understand the universe and what laws govern it first.
Black holes, at some point, break the laws of physics, so the more we know about something that challenges our current understanding of how the universe works will never be a wasted effort.

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oh no

NYEEEEAAH did someone forget to take da lens cap off?

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How about this
I volunteer for a suicide mission to Mars
Send me to Mars with enough provisions for the trip + 2 weeks of exploration and a lethal injection so I can end it when the provisions/air run out.
All I want in return is to be the first man on Mars.
Many men have died for lesser endeavors.
Fuck it I'll sweeten the deal;instead of the lethal injection at the end of 2 weeks I walk outside and take off my helmet to see if my head pops like in Total Recall and livestream it all to help pay for the event.
We will all die one day anons.
But how many of us can say that we LIVED??

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This, anything that could disrupt society is kept in the dark, anything we hear is bullshit or mundane truths.


Single objects? No, but there are structures.
Right now, the biggest is called the Boss Great Wall, a 1 billion light year wide supercluster.

As for single objects, there's IC 1011, the biggest galaxy we know of yet, but even that is not a significant part of the universe.

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Attached: 1554964924271.png (1445x640, 765K) shit nigger/order/asc/

>current year sociology

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it isn't nearly the farthest object we've observed so it can't be true also the edge of the universe isn't exactly a place but a time

Well that is interesting and I hope for the best but I’ve honestly come to the conclusion that governments and corporations (the people with the money and resources to run this kind of operation) have no real desire to go to space because they care about money not knowledge and it’d be too difficult/risky an endeavor without a surefire way to turn a quick profit off of it



Of course they won't reveal anything big until they either have no choice.
I still think it's funny how people ignored that research NASA did a few years ago of how it would impact the disclosure of alien civilizations to society and religions.

Pffft she told him what to write

>we struggle to imagine just how big and massive the milky way is and how many stars are within
>there are galaxies this much bigger
>the universe is so large that there may be even bigger ones out there that we can't even see

She cute

>Well that is interesting and I hope for the best but I’ve honestly come to the conclusion that governments and corporations (the people with the money and resources to run this kind of operation) have no real desire to go to space because they care about money not knowledge and it’d be too difficult/risky an endeavor without a surefire way to turn a quick profit off of it
Welcome to the real capitalistic world, Neo

You don't know what 'black hole's are.

I certainly hate that she got the blunt of the attention when it was no doubt a team effort of at least a couple dozen people if not more than a hundred with these big eye catching projects.

But there is no way in hell he actually WROTE 850k lines. It was likely data validation and mdoels that he just took from somewhere else. She literally gave a TED talk on black hole and intensive imaging.

Then instead of looking at what NASA does, look at what SpaceX does.
Their entire business relies on getting people to space.
Their goal, in the end, is becoming the first space airlines in the world, they know that, no matter how long it takes, whoever becomes the first company to achieve that, will probably become the richest company in human history, so they have a special interest in such things.

And they are not doing bad at all, their current rocket, the Falcon Heavy, which is already being used, has almost all the features the SLS has, which is NASA's next rocket that's been delayed countless times and that might not be ready until 2024, and even then, that rocket would cost almost 10 times per unit more than the Falcon Heavy.
They are already surpassing NASA in regards to putting people in space.
I would be surprised if NASA is the one that gets to Mars first, and not SpaceX, specially since they've been already working for a few years on what they think will be a rocket capable of not only reaching Mars, but landing, launching and coming back.

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>that do not obey the laws of physics as we understand them.

Because laws of physics is an incredible arrogant term, time doesn't exist it's a human term, there may exist laws that govern the universe but we're not even close to understand even a single one of them contrary to what you may have been taught, the system we've used in order to "discover" them is a self-adjusting system made by arbitrary rules that is often broken and has no intrinsic values with the fabric of the universe.

Yea when we were competing with the russkies we were on the right path
The only good thing that came out of the cold war was the competition brought out the best in us
But then the niggers tapped us on the shoulder and reminded us that they need the gibs and distracted us with race war bullshit
And then the rag heads distracted us with 9/11
And then the shortsighted corporations tapped us on the shoulder and reminded us that there's no immediate profit in space exploration
now that we're not pushing the limits of human intellect as much don't forget to thank all these assholes on your way out for impeding the progress of the huma and race.

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This is the end of the Universe and its border


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I think Amy has nice tits
They never gave her credit for how hot she was

>This is the end of the Universe and its border.
no it's not? back the fuck off?!

What has hindered space exploration is the Outer Space Treaty, which almost all countries have signed and says that no country is capable of claiming extraterrestial territory for themselves.
This is what made nations lose all interest in colonization efforts, since they literally made it ilegal.

The treaty does not say anything about private companies owning territory though, so companies like SpaceX or Blue Origin are free to take, claim and build anything they want out there.

because she's up against cyclops titty monster voiced by the ultra omega mommy

> She literally gave a TED talk


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I want to come deep in it I WANT TO IMPREGNATE UNIVERSE-CHAN


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They're actually partly why I dont think we ever will make it to space, they certainly seem the most poised and capable to do it yet aren't they going broke and floundering as a business, with tanking stock prices and investors jumping ship?

No, this is the edge of the Universe.

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I simply cannot take anyone who speaks bong seriously.

>once in Mars, how do you bring them back and ensure you didn't pretty much send people to their deaths?
imo this shouldn't be a consideration because of the tremendous cost it adds to the mission. it would be more feasible to set up a permanent base on mars than to taxi people back and forth and expect them to spend 6 months in space. think of how many more supplies you could bring if you didn't have to bring 3 months worth of equipment as well as a launch pad


OP never said we should be afraid of it. Also, you think knowing basic shit about black holes and posting it here impresses anyone? You're a pretentious faggot. Go commit die.

Partake in intercourse.


zoiby won the dog contest he was only second to a fucking hypnotoad

They never will, the government will always keep them afloat because SpaceX is the USA's only alternative to begging Russia to launch their stuff into space.
Even NASA itself now relies on SpaceX to launch all their shit.

>Literally done for the amusement of scientists
It's empirical validation of our theories of reality you fucking ass burger. If you don't see the value in that you might have caught the 'tard.

fuck women for taking credit for the accomplishments of men

get up outta my eyeholes

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it seems like you're the one who doesn't know.

you realize they're not literal 'holes' right? they're not portals to another dimension or rips in the fabric of space-time or anything stupid like that. they're just really really really dense objects. they're still matter like everything else, they're still subject to entropy like everything else, it'll take a very very very long time but eventually they'll dissolve into electromagnetic radiation.


Anyone else sketched out by this. How can they take a photo of something billions of light years away, but can’t take a photo of the flag on the moon?

You clearly don't understand MDE if you think he was parodying Ted talks about imaging algorithms

The black part of it is the event horizon. What ever crossed that was lost forever. The light the cameras are capturing here were the ones that were able to escape. Probably the result of plasma at an excited state which is orbiting the hole and other light that trajectory was affected outside of the event horizon. The one depicted in Interstellar seems to resemble it

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It's not universe-chan. It's just super massive black hole-sama you uneducated retard

That's because this isn't a "photo", it's a reconstructed image based on data they have. It's literally impossible to take a picture of a black hole. Pictures require light to bounce back into a lens, a black hole keeps that light in its gravity.

You all fucking suck. Let me spell it all out for you so you can understand it.

All space travel and images so far are not real. The best you can do is look out some scopes and see some planets and things that look like what you think you might see.

Black holes do not exist in the way they are described and Relativity is all incorrect, not out of ignorance, but out of malice.

In the center of every planetary/galactic body there is nothing. Same as at the center of an 'atom'. It's the reason you can see into the sun when a sunspot appears.

Life even tiny has a significant meaning and even purpose in the universe.
Life is a member of the class of phenomena that are open or continuous systems able to decrease their internal entropy at the expense of substances or free energy taken in from the environment. According to physicists such as John Bernal, Erwin Schrodinger and Vladimir Vernadsky. As opposed to the inert non-living objects by self-organizing and self-replicating we are capable to sustain entropy decreasing not only internal in ourselves but also external. We reshape the world around us.
Meaning that we are probably the only real thing that stands between the universe and it's Heat death. Just think about it.

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Literally a 30 second Google search
Now shut the fuck up about it I'm tired of hearing from assholes like you.

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We can, but the photo taken of the black hole is not a conventional photo, it's radio waves represented in our visual spectrum.

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The big question is what are we going to do about the black holes on our own planet that drag men into hapless marriages, divorce and alimoney?

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I saw a drawing earlier, who has it?

You want an extra dose of synchronicity? I watched the film again the literal day before they announced the photo. Any /x/philes wanna tell me what this means? We 40k now?

How does it feel to have such a shitty dumb opinion that you don’t even get pity replies on 4channel?

You seem stable, a real cosmonaut and an explorer.

Not quite. It is actually a photo, just taken with radio waves (which are still EM waves) instead of waves in the visible spectrum. The light (EM waves) captured is coming from the accretion disc immediately around the black hole, which is why it's a red ring (accretion disk) surrounding the dark circle (black hole)

It gets worse.

>added ability to change fontsize

>No there's no entrances to other dimensions
That shit drives me nuts.

Dimensions are conceptual just like numbers. There's no literal number 2 in the world and there's no literal dimensions either.

Maybe you don't need someone who is stable you just need someone crazy enough to sign up and go

Bitch relied to much on autofocus

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schizophrenia is a hell of a drug..

Who cares about other galaxies when even Andromeda is unreachable? By the way, how the fuck do they measure the distance even if it takes a light millions of years to reach it?

forgot my pic

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Based, found it

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the movie is named after an actual scientific term. the event horizon is the name of the point of no return around a black hole. it was used before the movie was made. it's like freaking out that Jurassic park used "Jurassic"


whats going on here




Black Hole-chan best waifu?

You can calculate how far an object is from us from how redshifted it is.
Pic related is a galaxy called GN-z11, the furthest object from us that we know of, more than 13 billion light years from us.

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>O Vey, that blurry thing you see, it’s a flag Goy
>now give Nasa thousands of billions of dollars.
Are you kidding me? You expect me to believe that blurry shit is a fucking flag.

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uh no it means she clearly understands enough about the subject to at the very least talk about it

please provide proof




>now give Nasa thousands of billions of dollars.
Actually, their yearly budget is of about 10 billion, and half of that is spent mantaining the ISS.
You give away far more money to Israel for no real reason every year, and you spend 900 billion a year on the military, even though the only enemy the US has are a bunch of muslims with Cold War era AKs.

And yes, that's the flag, you can tell because of how far it is from the descent stage, which is far more recognizeable.

I'll leave stable to the neckbeards sitting on the couch in their mother's basement.
I'll leave stable to the man who wants to die at 70 after seeing his grandchildren grow up
I want to be a fucking pioneer, to reach at greatness, to truly live and be remembered for eternity as that one dude that was the first man on Mars and whose head exploded like on Total Recall
Again, many men have died for lesser endeavors, for stupid wars and ideals, and everyone forgot about them immediately
I see it as a fair trade to lay down my life for the advancement of the human race and true immortality.

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said by a guy who probably believes lots of blurry pics and videos are of alien spacecraft

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Why don't they just throw a telescope into it?

tis ok, americans just sound like movies to the real world

Actually, we have very high quality pics of such stuff, back when not everything was digital and could be easily censored.

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tired of these protected off topic reddit threads

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Holy shit is that an alien dingdong

why are you looking that fag shit up? fag?