TLJ positivity thread

Say something nice about The Last Jedi.

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it killed soý wars

I was told if I have nothing nice to say I should say nothing at all. If others follow that philosophy, your thread will die in a few minutes.

It showed kylo for the giant pussy he is.

Nothing personnel, kid.

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It's good enough to put me to sleep.

Rey yelling at the red guy is good/sexy.
Finn’s facial expression when he decides to sacrifice himself.
I liked the throwing/dropping lightsaber thing even though it’s silly.
Luke’s wink to Threepio made me feel like a onions guzzling numale

Incels got BTFO

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I'm genuinely struggling with this.

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It ended Nuwars.

>actually thinking this
oh sweetie


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Luke's matrix lean made me puke.

Special effects are pretty good. There's some pretty visuals in general here and there. Hamill gave a good performance. I like the movie more than TFA overall, but that is by no means high praise. They're both giant messes.

The battle scene at the end had a good color palette.

Finally got a hot female lead

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Hahaha I really thpught he would help her but he didn't
Expectations completely subverted wow bloody brilliant
Never saw it coming
Bravo Rian


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it makes TFA look like a masterpiece

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>The sound editors and mixers did a good job, especially on the space battles
>I also thought the production designers + cinematographer did a good job on the scene where Finn and Rose are to be executed
>Location scouts did a good job finding that island
>John Boyega does a serviceable job with the absolute shit that was written for him. He’s better in this than Force Awakens
>Mark Hamill got paid and that man has deserved more jobs in career than he got
>Edgar Wright got paid
>it subverted my expectations that the guy who directed “Fly” and ”Ozymandis” was a good director
>at some point it’s over

>cinematographer did a good job on the scene where Finn and Rose are to be executed
Care to explain? I like the scene for Benecio’s attitude but as far as I remember it’s just people standing around in front of a greenscreen

Maybe I’m thinking more costume design and the way the extras are framed, combined with some good closeups

You will LOVE episode IX.

I want to cum on her forehead and lynch that nigger

I can't do it, the film was objectively a disaster in every single way, from the casting, the plot, the writing, the cinematography, and even the marketing and promotion surrounding it. They killed Star Wars.

I want to do lewd things to Oscar Isaac. He’s too good for NuWars but Poe’s ok i guess.

It's probably the best of the new Star Wars movies, either it or Rogue One. The only thing holding it back from being up there with the best of the series are too many attempts at comic relief that fall flat and shouldn't have been there in the first place. Despite that issue it's still a very enjoyable movie and probably Hamill's best ever performance. It's such a pity that he's so dissatisfied with his role because you can tell he still have it his best and I think he should be proud of it

Luke using Kylo's own dark side against him in the battle was the greatest moment in the whole series.

Kylo was obsessed with the idea of an overpowered Luke. He did not find it weird Luke deflected 5000 blaster shots. "That's just his powerelel, zomg he's such an OP legend". He was expecting a lightsaber fight. He was expecting Luke to act like he would, competitive and full of ego. He was expecting a genuine duel that's about which one of them is more powerful. At worst he was expecting Luke to sacrifice himself to let the other escape. He did not expect a simple illusion. He did not stop to think for single moment during the fight, he as obsessed and full of anger. And this could only work becasue of how Kylo viewed Jedi and the Force, and what's it all about. It could only work becasue of his distortions.

And it's beautiful because in this, Kylo was an audience surrogate. The fans hated the scene for the same reasons he did. They got called out.

TLJ was a mess but this was an awesome scene.

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it ended

Its not a bad movie, its just repetitive and has nothing original.

It ended

Come on, when you saw holdo ram snoke ship you came diamonds

At least is the last one of this shit trilogy, only good thing i could come up with

It's much better than TFA and Rogue One. Normalfags have shitty taste.

I liked the Luke scenes on Crait. For the most part complaints about that seem rare. The fact he dies right after is what most people take issue with, along with various other things in the movie.

best i can tell you is that i didn't see it, OP

so hey, at least i can't say anything mean eh?

The part where he directly lifted from Dragon Ball the trope of having the dust clear to reveal the hero is completely unharmed was cool until Rian shit on it with his terrible sense of humor and writing by having luke brush his shoulder off and then be a force ghost and die.

You have shitty taste too.


Must be fun being a psycho.

The cinematography in this movie is kino, you are trying too hard.

It ended

i like how it subverted my expectations

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I only had to watch it once, it ended, it's basically fan fiction so I can pretend it doesn't exist.

never saw it

Maybe, but you forgot an important detail that was confirmed: Kylo was fighting stupid and making those faulty assumptions in large part because he's actually terrified of Luke. Because of course he is, considering their past. So he was going for it full stop and letting rage take over to push down fear. I mean, just look at how distorted, dangerous and evil Luke looks in Kylo's view of the bad boy bedtime incident.

Basically, he's not a full one-to-one audience surrogate. At least Kylo has understandable canon reasons to react like Luke would be a more deadly and overpowered opponent than he was, rather than wishful thinking.

Unlike that lazy hack Abrams Rian Johnson at least tried.

Kylo was pretty alright; Driver has a way of elevating the scenes he's in and the characters he's bouncing off of. In fact, Kylo is the only alright thing to come out of this sequel trilogy in general. That probably won't change in IX.

I had no expectations, but if I did they'd have been subverted.

I like Kylo's Tie Silencer. It looked like bad ass custom Tie Interceoptor from ROTJ

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I liked the scenes with it, too, and that Kylo has that ace pilot blood from both sides of his family. Too bad we only got to see it in action for five minutes between two movies.

Worth the wait. Shame I got timezoned out of watching the premiere.

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>Say something nice about The Last Jedi.
I liked killing Snoke. Because beyond being an evil space wizard that corrupted Ben we don't need to know anything about him.

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He was a shitty character with a retarded name. I'm glad he's gone too

He was lame to begin with and Kylo was obviously the central antagonist Snoke existed to flesh out. I never understood why people gave as much of a shit as they did about Snoke.

Cinematography of the lightspeed lorebreaker was kino.
Kylo was pretty cool.
Rey and luke interaction was interesting.
the second act on the casino world was such a mess it distracts from the problems of the other acts.
I didn't like the movie too much, but it wasn't an abomination

the scene with R2 and Luke in the Falcon is the only scene in the ST that felt like what I thought watching a Star Wars sequel should feel like.
Reylo is an interesting dynamic but it's propped up by nothing and trapped in a shit story.

>I liked killing Snoke.
I liked how he died. It was a cooler, more interesting death than a lot of deaths in Star Wars. I don't mind him being Kylo's training wheels and he was derivative anyway, especially given his characterization in TLJ. His corpse being played for comedy afterward was shit, though.
>we don't need to know anything about him.
I don't agree with this. Who Snoke is and where the fuck he came from are a pretty big wrinkle in the story. Having him just show up in a sequel to make total buffoons of Luke and Leia is contrived writing and a lot to make the audience accept without elaboration. I don't think Snoke needed to be more plot-relevant than he is but his overall role in the story was not handled with elegance.

If the "threat from the beyond" rumor is true, it could possibly relate to Snoke somehow, or he'll be from the same place the threat comes from. Then IX could explain some things about him posthumously.

>Say something nice about The Last Jedi.

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Posthumous character development is just filling a gap. I'd appreciate it, but it doesn't solve the issue of the death of a character that I have no reason to feel anything about. He's just evil villain man

It forced a generation of men to move on from Star Wars.

I was a Star Wars fan since like 1990, when I was seven. Collected the toys, read all the books, played the games, read the comics and wore the VHS tapes out. Now? Fuck, I can't bring myself to get excited about anything Star Wars anymore. Disney killed all of the love and good will the franchise created in the fandom over the last few decades in just a few years.

I've never seen fans get shit on so hard in my life.

Similar but younger story to you mate. People moaned about the prequels but at least they didn't actively destroy the world, they built on it.

I shit on the prequels pretty hard but I was also pretty lenient since it still felt like Star Wars and I liked Revenge of the Sith. If I knew how bad things were going to get I would have just had a sensible chuckle about it then and let it be.

For me the prequels shit on the original trilogy as hard as the sequels have, just from a different direction that makes it somewhat easier to ignore. There will never be a world where the 'clones' of the Clone Wars being a bunch of Boba Fetts or Anakin building C-3PO and being a "Chosen One" are not awful and stupid. Not even a world with Snoke and prank calls.

1990-7 =1983 2019-1983=36

Jesus fuck dude your almost 40. Get off Yea Forums.

It ended

I discovered Yea Forums March 2004 on my high school library computer while looking for anime and hentai and just never left. I spent my whole adult life here. I fucking hate forums and forum culture, I don't have anywhere else I want to go.

You're really here forever.

Nice math skills, teen-kun.

Cinematography was good.
That’s about it.

Why did you show your work?

Imagine spending your youth on current year Yea Forums.

Episode 7
Kylo staabs Han thru the chest

Episode 8
Kylo stabs Luke thru the chest

Episode 9
Will kylo kill lea thru the chest

It's almost over.

>she closes her eyes an force heals
>lives to the end

We can only hope.

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