What are some good kinos to watch with one's gf?

What are some good kinos to watch with one's gf?

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gf (male)

Where do I get a gf(male)

What a cute gal.

She makes a way better girl than a boy, top qt

Daily reminder traps are gay as fuck and stop being delusional

any new pics recently?

Are there black traps? i've seen trap qts of all ethnicities except black, what gives?

>muh instinctual need to categorize everything
You should be executed by the state

id be down to fuck a dude in the ass if he was prettier than 99% of girls

Hey guys any movies to watch with my new bro?

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stop shilling urself you fucking tranny freak

double life of veronique
>traps are gay
is there a more NPC-tier """opinion"""? i bet you'd prefer this bro wouldn't you?

>has to inject itself with female hormones every day in order to look like a 6/10 girl

>Tfw a fucking girl ends up having better facial hair than you.
How the fuck do they do it, is it just testosterone?

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tfw girls make better guys than you

Shes hot and all, but her teeth are FUCKED.

When she stops pouting and starts talking it looks like she has a bit of meth mouth.

Black men can't become traps because they're the most masculine and alpha type of man. Only beta sissy white men are meant to become traps.


this but quite literally unironically

That's not a dude fuck off.

queen (male) of Yea Forums

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Maybe you should transition to a woman

cool and epic Yea Forumseddit thread

I wonder how that shit happens, I have a 8 inches dick, high levels of testoterone and I still have the facial hair of a 11 years old boy.

that's true
a friend put me through that faceapp thing to see what i'd look like as a woman and i looked the same

A very cute (((girl)) but I would never touch him. That seems pretty gay.

Sounds hot, post the pic

imagine dumping the hottest thickets whitest load in her mouth hahah

>IRL ahegao

What are some good kinos to watch with somone else's gf?

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What's that Bobcat Goldwaith film where the girl regrets how in college she let a dog fuck her and begins to suffer social consequences as people begin to find out years later?

imagine her to you

IMAGINE this was the boy you pick on during hs and then years later you meet (her) and wants to '''hang out''' for old times sake.

time for a bannu

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Why? There's no nudity.

white boys boipussys are perfect

I got banned for it before(who knows why)

thanks for the new fetish

>try to become girl
>become attention whore
>become real whore

big think

weak androgen receptors in your facial hair follicels

How to fix?

IMAGINE if Chad who used to bully(You) is now pic related and wants to ''hang out''

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At least post a webm you faggot

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betas pay well