Beer Pong edition
last thread here
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If you're going to put a whore as the OP image then at least make it a whore from a good Trek show.
meme trek
>tfw no good tea
/ck/ always bullies me for using teabags instead of fresh leaves.
what does /ck/ think of your choice of prune juice?
tea is for sissies, no bloody crumpets either.
That fruit loved Pineapple Cake
Only because it represented the colonial rule of the british empire.
>feeling ridiculed in /trek/
it is the children who are wrong
Tomorrow is the original season 2 finale. The ordered a 14th episode in December, way after they were done with season 2 filming. So, two finales really. They're going into the future tomorrow. Next week they'll be attacked by the V'draysh (future Federation). Craft is their next captain. Season 3 will likely be based around the Discovery crew fending off the V'draysh while trying to reform them to old Federation values.
That's not how it works.
>Episode 13 was supposed to be the finale. Ends on a note they planned to end the season on.
>Episode 14 is the new season finale. Ends on a note they plan on ending the season with.
>Episode 13 and 14 are both airing.
Sad tomorrow is the last episode with Pike.
Who gives a shit? Why do you watch something you hate, make your shitty charts about it, and then come here to bitch? Do you have autism or are you retarded?
>I'm a troll lololol
You're obviously not. You come here every night to bitch like a little faggot and then you reply to yourself for hours in the hopes another faggot will want to bitch with you.
You are most likely the most pathetic poster on Yea Forums.
I like Discovery though?
You can't hate a thing without knowing it. Chartguy is just a fun minor troll.
I don't think I've ever been as mad as you in my life.
Yikes, sweaty. Who hurt you?
I ain't even a troll. I just find it amusing that my opinions make people mad. It's pretty much this way with any franchise I like.
But Tilly is a good girl, not a whore.
I don't care about your opinions, it's you I hate.
>Discovery finale theory incoming
The increased the episode count is because the original fired show runners had production far enough behind schedule that they missed their original end of production date. So instead of having to pay more just to get the same amount of episodes, they spread the length out to balance the added budget hit of keeping production running longer.
Also Saru, Burnham and the rest of the crew aren't going to ask some random future bumpkin soldier to be their Captain.
Well maybe you're not the real chartguy, his stuff's obvious bait and lots of fun.
She's a whore for science. Captain Killy executes people for swearing.
And how does that make you feel?
He's spent 10 years at war with the V'draysh and he's the only person who knows dick about the 33rd century. Already 10x more qualified than Burnham or Saru.
So a perfect target for woke girl power mutiny #2
Janeway didn't make Neelix the captain
Neelix had no experience
Voyager already had a captain.
But you're probably right Craft will be Disco's morale officer
If, and I stress if Discovery went to the far future, Saru would be the captain and Burnham his XO. No question.
He's already captain-in-waiting while Pike is temporarily aboard. It's the entire arc of Saru and Burnham's characters to get to those positions.
these edits are fucking hilarious
What the fuck is going on in this Trip/T'pol baby episode
Why are they setting all this shit up right before the end of the series
They were clearly hoping they didn't get canceled
Bridge Buffoonery is art
Needs work
Not quite Yu-Gi-Oh: The Abridged Series level
Actually true:
>This character was invented to live or die based on whether a fifth season of Star Trek: Enterprise was given the go-ahead or not. While the episode "Terra Prime" was in development, Manny Coto had the idea that, if another season was indeed approved, the baby would live, but if the series was canceled, the child would die. The writers hoped the baby would live, as they expected it would make for "a great storyline." However, the death of Baby Elizabeth echoes the fact that Enterprise was canceled at the end of its fourth season.
>when DS9 and ENT fans complain about STD not being Trek
Hilarious, really, their lack of self-awareness is astounding.
lmao imagine people having differing opinions
enjoy your wrongfun
>gay ENT nigger given a hot gf at the end of S4
Yeah yeah nice try bois
>p-pleas don't point out our blatant hypocrisy
You haven't seen the Data painting arc yet
Anbo-jyutsu, the ultimate evolution of the martial arts.
I didn't want to be the one to say it, DS9 fans are a little touchy
The Last Jedi ripped it off
>black miner giving a raciss speech against aliens
This bit is interesting
The public mood had already shifted beyond a point where the wars were in some way popular, and was shifting into the current era of identity politics
This was like 2004, it's weird to see it that early
Show me senpai
The Terra Prime eps are depressing
TV began to get so much more negative in the years after 9/11
Where B-girl at?
This is supposed to be alien, and yet it is only a revamp of LCARS.
Vulcans were created as a parody of Japanese society.
It is a merging of the fed LCARS on a Cardie display system.
The dumbest part about VOY is that the showrunners felt they had to set it in a new quadrant, as though the Alpha Quadrant's been spent and there's nothing more to see there. In reality, One quadrant alone would contain far more worlds and species than one single show could ever hope to portray.
Holy shit is B'Elanna Torres the worst character ever? Definitely my least liked character yet. What a fucking cunt.
Vulcans are actually psychic and shit so it's not superstition.
Parapsychology was serious business when TOS was made; we had episodes like "Where No Man Has Gone Before," that originally was the second pilot.
When talking about them being Japanese, it is about the combination of high technology and weird traditional rituals.
If they'd gone in intending it just openly be TNG 2.0 based around long distance/frontier exploration alone without immediate support or resupply that might have worked
Craft was pretty based so this fanfiction would be cool.
At least trek moved beyond that nonsense in the modern era.
nobody should count the 90s wiccan shit that forced its way into star wars
I remember that Picard was able to use the Vulcan nerve pinch. ESP is an embarrassing leftover from when the concept was taken more seriously.
is that what the new midnights edge video says?
Who was the best Picard waifu? Crusher a shit.
They should have kept those uniforms, goddammit.
The TNG versions of them were REALLY bad though
Like cheap cosplay versions of them. I will never understand why they fucked up the collars
watch the one where she rapes paris
She is very unlikable, yes. She's not really a bad character but she maquis so the stories dried up when they abandoned the core concept of the show.
I think it was just that they weren't tailored to the actors. They were literally borrowing them from the TOS movie wardrobe dept since those were still being made. They used whatever fit least badly. I'm not sure what the explanation for the missing / short collars was though, and I think if they'd had them it would have made them look better.
The missing belts didn't help either
If they made the old uniforms properly, everyone would have noticed that the TNG uniforms were a horrible mistake.
I like color!
Holy shit, that would have been a disaster. TOS movie uniforms are still the best and comfiest of all Trek uniforms.
yeaaaaah that doesn't work
The Motion Picture uniforms on the other hand
I would like to sit in one day of the writers room for STD to see all the retarded shit that gets thrown around before the retarded shit that reaches my screen
STD is bad, and you should feel bad.
A little? The series finale alone was hilariously bad.
>that fucking montage followed by another 15 minutes
I personally couldn't believe the climactic battle of the entire series was stock footage
Dem Uhura boobies
Defiant destroyed? lol built you another one becuz
When Avery Brooks starts a sentence slowly and THEN BEGINS TO TALK LOUDER ANGRILY AND USES AN ODD CADENCE AND GRINS AT THE END, it’s great acting.
Seriously, quit spamming this Creatura. Its so bad it actually makes the new Ogro from the Orville look good in comparison.
>This was like 2004, it's weird to see it that early
The Terra Prime two parter out the Reeves-Stevens are ridiculous old liberal boomers who probably love the current environment.
The show basically shows the idea of protectionist and nationalist policies as the stuff of Nazi Germany while promoting the elements of diversity and open borders.
Nothing short of a Trek propaganda film.
>Good thing you've got mandatory phasers, Lieutenant, 'cause I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!
>the poster is that image of Behr
Hard pass
Why is Behr the face of DS9 when it wad really Michael Pillar’s creation?
He’s not the face of DS9 he’s the face of this documentary, which he made.
Although I wish someone else did because I cannot stand his purple beard.
Behr was show runner for the period of the show it's most remembered for, basically. Pillar left after season 2
Interesting, I always hated the later seasons of DS9 and now I know why.
I could’ve told you why.
You have no taste, that’s all there is to it.
today is gonna be pretty rad
>Defiant destroyed? lol built you another one becuz
Imagine being in /trek/ without watching the Trek movies.
You know they built more Enterprises just becuz too? Building replacement ships is a Starfleet tradition.
/trek/ loves to hate DS9, for the same things the TOS movies did. But of course they’ll never acknowledge it because they’ll never watch the movies, just VOY on repeat.
Based. Jadzia has the nastiest gash this side of the worm hole. Only Troi gives her a run for her cunny.
Replacement Defiant is fine, it's that they didn't bother to use anything but stock footage for it so it has it's old experimental registry on it.
Series finale and they couldn't spring to shoot some new shots of the Defiant or stick an A on it's name? Really?
Jadzia never had sex with her own son, so she has that advantage over Troi.
All the money went to the acting budget. The list of guest stars on the finale is astounding.
Nobody wants STDs.
Did Combs get paid twice or once they have you booked can they make you play as many characters as they want?
>did you ever consider.... trying to fuck the program?
wtf guinan, not cool!
psycho bitch
How should we like it were stars to burn
With a passion for us we could not return?
If equal affection cannot be,
Let the more loving one be me.
>a bloo bloo why am the goo people so meany headed
Typical solid mentality . git gud faggit
I'm not racist, but all solids are scrubs.
>grown man
>literally LARPs as fog
Why are changelings so embarrassing?
>grown man
>literally posts in /trek/
you aren't nearly as impressive as you think you are
Changelings are literally Jew substitutes from top to bottom.
The line about destroying the entire alpha quadrant for Odo was basically a variation on the Rabbi Yacov Perin quote about Arabs.
TOOTSIE ROLL ALIEN: I am grateful.
The pic that saved /trek/
Holy shit user, I just had the heartiest of chortles. Thanks for brightening my day with that.
Pretty much nobody is excited for Picard for exactly that reason, you strawmanning dipshit.
star trek
If these walls could talk, amirite?
Live Long and Wear Asymmetrical Collars.
How did Spock know Nazis are weak against manly chest hair? Spent a lot of time around Nazis, has he?
>hutch died in 2016
>no chance of a picard and hutch arc in the new series
Why are they even bothering with this show? Give us something new so we won''t be disappointed like this. The Picard show would just end giving us the shit still alive characters that are fat, old and have had terrible cosmetic surgery.
Was Spock secretly a knight of the crooked cross or just a slave to fashion?
Spock is jewish, genius.
John DeLancie returns as Q in a human race redemption arc.
How a person spends their nights is their business but you have to admit there might be a problem if they start inviting their friends who happen to be starfleet captains to their rallies.
Spock uses secret black Jewish death cult magicks but is not himself of the tribe. He merely appropriates the surface symbolism for his tfw no gf photography.
Those uniforms are incorrect.
Why does the so called best Star Trek have the worst doctor character of the entire franchise?
Worst engineer too, even Troi had Face of the Enemy. Crusher and La Forge were both terrible, Broccoli and Ro should have replaced them permanently.
It had the second best for a single season, then Redhead McMilfTits decided she'd made a terrible mistake by leaving.
Care to elaborate, friendo?
>he doesn’t understand the joy of existing as other forms
user quit embarrassing yourself
Odo can masturbate in ways we can't even imagine.
We don't know that. Given her attitude it wouldn't surprise me if Dax purposely went out and fucked their kid after the host parent died. The species is creepy and amoral.
It wouldn't be incest.
Polaski should have died and been replaced by Lieutenant Selar so Data would have had someone to compare emotional beats with throughout the series. Riker should have died and been replaced by Tasha who would have been fighting to rescue her father figure during the Locutus arc instead of Riker who just wanted to save his boss so he could go back to not doing anything all day.
Now, T H I S, I can fap to.
Post /trek/ moments that warm your heart
>literal escapism
Changing yourself into a hawk or fog is literally like playing vidya, changelings are literal children
>post non-trek
No amount of virgin rage is going to stop DSC from being canon.
Imagine they land on a planet and
My ideal crew would be a bunch of perfect star trek gf senior officers who replaced all the uglies, moldy oldies, and freaks, with a rotating cast of Instagram thot tier ensigns who just need a break in the industry and they all fly around laughing at how hideous Klingons, Ferengi, and Pakleds are
Reply to this post if you would like to know more
this + bondage in every episode
DS9 had many purrrrrrrduction issues.
The bondage representing the constraints by which we are all bound in life and struggle to escape, no doubt. A character-driven series, very empowering stuff. Trek has always been about freedom.
I have the freedom to masturbate to these stills.
I'd watch Mean Girls Trek
Star Trek: Dimensions (2020)
Follow Captain Biff Rudiger and the brave crew of the USS Dauntless as they explore the galaxy, facing great challenges and incredible new lifeforms.
S01E01 (2020)
The Dauntless is on a mission to explore an uncharted star cluster in the Higgs expance when all of a sudden they receive an emergency distress-call from a Romulan bird of prey. On board is ambassador Martek and he has news that might have dire consequences for the entire quadrant.
trek is just a ship and a bunch of colorful personalities going around doing cool shit stop burdening it with galactic wars which will decide the fate of all life in the universe
I miss the star trek card game.
It was the only thing that made me think the franchise wasn't dead.
I just came up with Mean Girls Trek
post pics of it zzzzzzz
>bones just letting that chest hair breathe freely
>Other Star Treks boring. This one not. It faster paced and more drama.
Star Trek is supposed to be for us incels and Grand Wizards, not normies with well adjusted, fulfilling lives.
It won't be cool if normal people like trek.
the joke is that star trek always tried to appeal to normies, but they'd always respond back like
>it's boooooooring!
>what's even hapeniiiiiiing?
>those aliens look siiiiiilly!
leaving only basement dwelling nerds to appreciate it
wives should be made to watch trek until they like it
>it's boooooooring!
>what's even hapeniiiiiiing?
>those aliens look siiiiiilly!
these are all legitimate concerns
>leaving only basement dwelling nerds to appreciate it
We're not picky. And we're loyal.
>those aliens look siiiiiilly!
I beg your pardon?!
>gaze into my eyes and know hell
Roddenberry had exquisite taste
TOS is the only Star Trek. The first two movies serve as an epilogue even if they shouldn't be considered 100% Trek. Everything else isn't even close.
I want to poke a finger into one of those holes to find out how deep it goes
Can III and IV still count as Trek? Even though IV was kind of dumbed down for normies.
what's a good ENT episode?
No. Spock died in II. They are fan-fiction.
You posted it.
S02E09 Singularity, wanted to pick a good episode that wasn't a two-parter or that was continuing a major subplot.
>be Vulcans
>put V's on their jackets
Carbon Creek was pretty rad honestly I might even call it the best episode of ENT shaka brah
Always relevant
hi V
she doesnt even have volcan eyebrows
>glossy comm-badges
get it right!
Their afternoon in cosplay will be remembered for as long as google exists. Long after you have died and your posts have been archived their love for Trek will be remembered. No one will remember your name, Anonymous.
thick eyebrows were all the rage back then yo
God, I hate ValleyForge.
ikr, he's so fucking smug
There should be a show that is Star Trek but Blackadder. At the very least, it'd better than Rick & Morty Trek.
Why did they scrap the greatest Trek spinoff concept ever? I want to see the episode where Kira has to give Ziyal 'the talk'
>Even as early as the series' first season, many story pitches ended up being unused for DS9. Fred Dekker, who worked on that initial season, later recalled, "On Deep Space Nine, we staff writers would hear pitches a few times a month, and I came across a couple of ideas that I thought would make terrific episodes. So I would write these up and submit them thinking, 'Yeah, this is going to make for a great episode,' only to never hear anything about them again. It was like throwing ideas into a black hole. Eventually someone said, we've got one of the biggest recurring casts in franchise history, why not create a small-scale snipoff?"[12] The spinoff, which was to be titled "Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Naprem" followed the eponymous ship and its crew, which had been introduced in the 4th season episode 'Return to Grace'. Cast would have included Marc Alaimo [Gul Dukat], Nana Visitor [Kira Nerys], Casey Biggs [Damar], and Melanie Smith [Tora Ziyal]; talks were conducted to bring Jeffrey Combs [Weyoun] in as a defective Vorta (a plotline which would later be used in Season 7).[13][14] Preliminary scripts outlined frequent guest starring from DS9 cast members as well as a romantic plot between Alaimo and Visitor, who had been enemies in DS9's original run. The idea was scrapped far into preproduction when studio concerns over split viewership and Visitor's pregnancy suggested an attempt to balance two shows at once would be damaging.[15]
How would that work? Star Trek isn't funny.
Hire British writers
not too smug, I hope
I like Ro
yu want sex with girl
warp speed is impossible
it's not impossible just improbable
transporters are impossible
>*Beep bop*
Does it count?
What's the deal with trek portraying engineers as loser chomos? it's bullshit
Computer, given that there is no discernible difference and the fact that you can program the girls to resist, does it count?
>pretty rad
>perfect star trek gf
>shaka brah
Why are there so many alternate timelines where the Nazis won?
>Computer, load program Virgin Humiliation 2
>Increase Leah Brahms disgust level 300%
>Run subroutine smallpenislaughter.exe
>Disengage dignity protocols
>Run program
When will the invention of the h-deck free me from my incel fate, bros?
Convince me that holo-women aren't superior to flesh women.
>can do anything a fleshie can
>looks don't degrade
>doesn't cheat on you
>no bullshit arguments
>tfw I never finished my Barclay rpgmaker rape game because I can't write at all
Well of course it counts, why wouldn't it, haha?
Give me a TNG episode to watch, lads.
Did they really have beer pong?
Data's Gay
S04E13 Faces
Sub Rosa
No, OP just wants to shit on DSC.
Imagine failing to get laid when the entire crew is so intoxicated even the android has sex
>tfw no comfy talaxian yes-man to talk about underage girls with
2x08 A Matter of Honor, first gold star episode of the series.
Because in most parallel universes they did.
Reminder they portrayed her as winning a ship wide half marathon
She has more fuel to burn than anyone else.
>those aliens look siiiiiilly!
which is why the Gorn rules, and ENT's mirror episode fucked up by changing what they look like.
>Yesterday, I did not know how to eat gagh."
>implying there is anything Riker wouldn't instinctively know how to eat
also I had a bunch of those cards but never played the game because everybody was into Magic instead. ;_;
>Garak is in Hellraiser
>Jadzia Dax is in Hellraiser III
>Ezri Dax is in Cube
>Weyoun is in Re-Animator
>Odo is in Images
>Kai Winn is in Exorcist II
Why did DS9 in particular have so many horror actors?
Because DS9 is actually Hell
She’s a charming negress
Yeah, the CGI Gorn were a mess.
>The state of Spock's ears
Seriously, look at pic's gorgeous ears now look back at that. This is worse than what they did to the Klingons.
Unironically true, but not in the way you mean
oh my
Damn pointy eared, green blooded vulcans
me in the back
>"It's important to bring in fans who don't care about the core product!"
Allow me to digitally remaster this for you.
You're such a retard
me in the front.
god's special retard
All of the Risa episodes were gigantic wastes of time. They didn't contribute anything to the overall stories and usually just assassinated characters, like when Worf became an incel terrorist. Risa is a trash planet.
blame terrorism
make new thread
Its a clear aesthetic that no one needs anything but a the thinnest grasp of history to understand.
Also wishful thinking.
counterpoint: waifus in swimwear
Are you me?
>my mind to your mind
Your thoughts to my thots
star trek
I watched all of this but even with the laugh track I couldn't tell where the jokes were.
Enterprise reminds me a lot of fallout 3
I made a naughty!
don't tell le j@nny
You. Effing. Na'erdowell.
Why do you ask for a new effing thread at 257?
Just to fuck with me?!
I guess delete my thread mods but at least ban this guy I'm replying to.
why is dukat raping picard?
Just cancel that SJW propaganda already
Ever felt this way about /trek/?
i want to fuck her brains out, is that so wrong?
>still alive characters that are fat, old and have had terrible cosmetic surgery.
so like the TOS movies except for TPM
Yeah. I stopped visiting them regularly 2, maybe 3 years ago now. But it's fun to jump in from time to time.
why don't you go start a "consumer revolt" on twitter over it, you little bitch
There'd be something wrong with you if you didn't feel that way. That is Mystique, after all.
Yes and no. Trek is way more vast than the Sopranos universe.
>We're with the Orion Syndicate!
How come this romulan was so cute?
Most romulans girls are cute, the better to backstab you.
speaking of Orions lets get this piracy started.
aging TOS crew was comfy as fuck
maybe except for that awful scotty uhura romance in star trek v
>he liked the old hag uhura doing a """"sexy"""" dance to distract people
jesus i didn't even realize its her
its like they made her younger and hotter than when i first fapped to her
>new episode of The Orville airing
>suddenly all the fake STD posting stops
>all the ENT posting stops
This really says something about these generals
new Discovery torrent's up.
nobody cares about the orville fag
itsabeena looong road
This. Seeing them get older but still clearly enjoying playing the characters was comfy. It seemed like it would go on until they couldn't anymore, but then everyone started pushing for TNG movies. They sucked and we missed what could have been maybe 3 or 4 more TOS movies that, while not necessarily being kino in the traditional sense, would have been maximum comfy to watch as long as they were self aware of how old they were. Which they always seemed to be.
wrong song, Einsteen
I have a question about post-production: How did Troi's milky moo-moos get milkier with age?
this is true
What kind of question is that? They all get milkier with age.
Fap withheld.
I'd eat his asshole any day of the week.
he gud boy, nuffin
no gays pls
I'm not gay I just love making boys squirm
majke neew thred
>not clapping when you saw the grilles
pike manleet
Reminder that tonight's episode of the Orville had more Trek actors in it than STD.
>Cassidy Yates
>Deanna Troi
>Captain Kurn
>Advocate Chopok
>directed by William Riker
No, it's just a redress of the discovery bridge with Abrahms lights and impractical design.
The grilles are wrong...they're supposed to be hexagonal.
Tonight's episode was useless. As usual, nothing makes sense, characters are only similar to canon in name, Pike is still the best part, and Burnham still knows everything. Perhaps the strangest thing was how Discovery allowed the crew back on board after putting up the shields to protect itself from being blown apart by the JJprise.
Also, they were trying to hide Tilly's pregnancy like Crusher's in 'The Host'...
>fucks a islander the day before her wedding night
fucking disgusting
There is some vindication here for those that said there was a way to honor the original without looking like a cardboard set. Unfortunately the lighting and reflections and coldness of it all still steal away the good old comfy feel we all wanted out of an Enterprise bridge. If they had used some kind of carpeted floor and reduced the harsh contrast between the darkness and bright lights then maybe they would have hit on it. Much like the uniforms, it feels like they tried but didn't understand it enough to get it. This is what something looks like in the hands of those that know and care nothing of the source material, and only make clumsy attempts to mimic selected aspects.
>way to honor the original without looking like a cardboard set..
Already done. Fuck these posers.
Nice cardboard set.
Why are you so afraid of true creativity and originality? Why does it scare you so? It's okay user...come back to the light. Discovery is at worst a joke...and at best............
This was never going to happen. I'm talking about plausible ways they could have retained both the spirit and comfyness of the original bridge, instead of making it another cold sterile soulless set.
lmao that looks like out of a Big Bang Theory episode
That's why it's shit. TOS is a period piece in Trek canon. STD ignores it completely, which means that anything by the same name depicted in this shit-show is just pretend-trek.
You watch the Big Bang Theory? lol
>he doesn't watch one of the most culturally relevant shows
I'm watching those episodes right now
Pretty rad so far but I'm not sure what's going on
Archer's hair looks awful but you can see T'Pol's ass crack in some shots so I'll see how this all plays out
The green girls episode before this one was pretty rad
>culturally relevant
That two parter is easily one of the best pieces in Enterprise, and proves quite easily how an entire series could have been shot in the modern day with this vintage aesthetic. Enjoy it.
>No, it's just a redress of the discovery bridge with Abrahms lights and impractical design.
lol lol GOTCHA!!!'s not a redress. And it looks like a redress. This further proves that the designers are even more culturally, visually, and artistically bankrupt than I thought. They are bereft of creativity. Beautiful! Fuck, even I COULD DESIGN A FUCKING BETTER BRIDGE!
Those madmen actually rebuilt the TOS sets. That's dedication.
>the first human spaceship looks more futuristic and complex than the one that is canonically from the future
NX-01 looks like the steampunk equivalent of the Ent. The NX-01 is segmented and bulky. The Ent is sleek and uniform. It's like a rotary phone compared to a smartphone. One has a lot of moving parts and complicated bits, the other is a sleek rectangle.
It's more than dedication. It's love. True, unadulterated love for a series that meant something to people. STD will never accomplish that, nor will it garner it.
That's what these writers and producers simply don't understand. They believe that surface-level conflict and empty 2016 epithets can replace fundamental human feelings about hope and optimism. They believe that visual distractions can move the soul as easily as solid, visual familiarity. And it's easy to understand why.
These 'writers'...they have never experienced anything in their lives that is real. They've never known love, or compassion, or friendship. They don't know how it feels to have parents who love them, nor do they understand what it's like to love them back fully and whole-heartedly. They don't know what it's like to trust someone who has earned their trust, and most importantly, they have no idea what it's like to consider someone else's point of view.
They simply generate stories, self-insert themselves and their personal conflicts with the surrounding society in 2018, and assume that the rest of the population not only identifies with their minority politics but also shares the same belief of what is right and wrong. It's sad...because it shows just how alone they really are.
Complex is right...with technological advancement comes simplifying form, if possible. A modern nokia from 2003 looks like a toy compared with the brick cellular phones from 1989. But the tech inside is far better.
>not Defiant
Yikes at my own post.