Can we get a soul vs soulless thread?

can we get a soul vs soulless thread?
give me examples of this

Attached: soulandsouless.jpg (720x960, 108K)


Soul: lotr
Soulless: the hobbit

ironically the soleless shoe has more soul than the shoe with a sole.

Why did the children of Yea Forums who cried for help when presented with dishonest vs honest accept this so quickly? Is it from their board?

Attached: grove.jpg (480x480, 61K)




some what relevant

Attached: noassvssass.jpg (700x721, 83K)

Attached: 1554940479509[1].jpg (1269x675, 65K)

>homecoming soul
Tobey Soul
All others Soulless

Attached: makeup.jpg (650x650, 78K)

shooped garbage

have sex

Attached: 1554864160923.jpg (1794x4528, 1.08M)

Let the Right One In

Let Me In

imagine being this pleb,
their personalities are totally different,
the story is different
god you are dumb, are u a nigger or something?

fucking anti-art mcdonalds arthouse shit

Soul: Finn Wolfhard
Soulless: Timothee Chalamet

Harry Potter vs soulless Fantastic Beasrs

Soulful Cube
Soulless Saw

Soul:Yea Forums