So you be waiting for the bus and this nigga comes running at you

So you be waiting for the bus and this nigga comes running at you

Wat do?

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Pull out a gun and shoot him, he's not superhuman like Michael or Jason

unsheath my katana

run nigga lol

I speak hillbilly.
We'd laugh and share a drink.

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run for a while then throw wrench at head. Then run presumably

pow pow

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>I, too, am holding a chainsaw and wearing somebody else's face
>"Well, this is awkward" we both say as we scratch the back of our heads in unison.

>third guy shows up

Call an Uber

run until he agroes on someone else

Outrun him, he's carrying a chainsaw so he shouldn't be too hard to beat especially if he's as careful with that thing as he should be.

offer to suck him off to spare my life. Or at least get to suck him off before he kills me

I'd run the fuck away and he'd run after me and I'd be huffing and puffing and so would he and it'd go on for an uncomfortably long time, kind of like this sentence, until eventually either he caught up with me or I tripped and he masscared me with his chainsaw, or I'd manage to break line of sight long enough to lose him and get away.

Beat him with a broom stick. Seems to be the only thing that made him afraid.

I honestly find the cook to be the creepiest guy in that movie, the way he switches from almost seeming rational and sympathetic to a raving lunatic seemingly at random.

My dad and I watched this at one point, and we both lost our shit laughing at the black trucker at the end who abandons a perfectly good truck, and just takes off running to parts unknown.

second movie worth watching?

Yes but it's more comedic then the first.

Pull out my m1911 and unload on him.

i just realized that lampshade is a head. i never noticed that.

I put my Jason mask and beat the shit out of this beta cuck

The set design on this movie was next level for the budget.

Fun fact: the actor playing leatherface had to slow the fuck down in order to not catch up to the main actress and accidently graze her with the real chainsaw he was holding.

reminds me of the Mad Hatter dinner scene.

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>the autistic guy in the wheelchair's actor stayed in character the whole time during filming to get into his role, pissing everyone off by staying in the wheelchair and acting like an asshole
>leatherface's actor was so sick of filming the same shot over and over he eventually just said fuck it and cut the lead girl's hand for real

As I recall the story, he could barely see out of his mask, so there was some times where he came really damn close to cutting her, so the terror you hear in her screams is very real.

>waiting for the bus
are you a negro or something?

That episode of Joe Bob's Last Drive-In was fucking fascinating.

anyone ITT actually use the bus regularly?
what's up with old black guys that walk out in the middle of the street to see if the bus is coming?
we can all tell it's more than a couple blocks away and out of side, but some older guys just walk right out in the middle of the lane to see what's coming

Probably intentional.

I don't use it regularly but the few times I did I simply looked down the street from the sidewalk to see if the bus was coming. I don't know why these fucking weirdos walk out to the center of the fucking road.

Yes, Chop-Top is unironically the best character in cinema history.

Zombie Leatherface would be cool af tho

You'd be the guy they pretend to befriend before they rape and eat you. hillbillies pull guns on each other all the time because they're as socialized as a pittbull raised by blacks for fighting in africa.

This shit has literally happened to me and my friends. we were around 14 years old on holloween and some guy dressed like this comes running at us with a chainsaw. The answer is that you fucking RUN. Probably didnt have a chain on the saw, but it was real and it was revving like fucking crazy. He was hooting and the whole bit. Growing up in a small town is crazy. only one black though

Outrun and kite him until his cardio shits out, then find a nice rock and hit him in the head, and cut him into tiny pieces with his own fucking chainsaw for being a stupid fat fuck and thinking he can fuck with me like I was some bitch.