That's a good thing

that's a good thing

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Other urls found in this thread:

lmao incel lion hanging with hyenas instead of a pride


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He doesn’t look like much of a threat now.

when did article headlines start being written in a tone of voice appropriate for a mother talking to a small child

i thought scar was supposed to be aesthetic, not a lion leopard

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why the fuck does he look so mangy

original Scar is dark colored but looks dignified as fuck

bloggers are children, and they spent more years than most listening to their mothers

Link or it's fake

Wow, what a good way to effectively ruin your movie. It looks like a retarded lion.

They could have at LEAST made his mane dark brown.

when Yea Forums purposefully started cropping out screengrabs that show these are all op-ed pieces and not actual news stories or pieces of hard journalism. so /pol/tv/ can push the narrative that all news is fake in case someone pointed out that their god despot is corrupt. Replying to this with NPC, cuck, libtard, rent free, seething, cope, muh emails, or any other canned /pol/ reply (including your stupid glown pepes) is just proof that I'm right. In fact, any reply to this post is proof that I'm right. Doesn't matter what it is. Because I'm right.

He looks like Norman Reedus.

why do redditors treat the internet like such serious business

I want to see how this works out
In the animated story the upper white Lion class works to keep the uncivilized stupid minority Hyenas in their place back in the ghetto elephant graveyard (they even have ethnic-sounding voices)
Then the one jew lion uses the stupid minorities to gain power and the entire city, erm, I mean the entire pride land goes to shit simply because they took over and ends up looking like the Hyenas' shitty ghetto
Then the white lion comes back and the jew lion is killed and the hyenas go back to living where they belong in the elephant graveyard ghetto and everyone goes back to being happy and the prideland looks beautiful again under the rule of the white lions
I thought this kind of story would t work in the year 2019 but heeeeeere we are!

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this is stupid, he had a black mane for a reason, it was supposed to be a trait the hyenas took as royal, they done fucked up now

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Soulless vs soul

Scar was never supposed to be a physical powerhouse like Mufasa, but like said, he at least carried a dignity and intelligence to him. The redesign makes him look like mangy runt that'd fall over if you look at him wrong.

>this nigger doesn't realize the irony of reply he gave
you have to go back

I don't understand... What are they impliying?

It's extra stupid because Lions naturally get black manes when they're older. No reason not to have it.

Shouldn't he have a black mane?

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Darker, fuller manes indicate a healthy lion with plenty of testosterone

Jeremy Irons >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Chandelier Edgy4

He sounds like shit, that's all that matters.

The Lion King is a great plot based in classic literature (Hamlet ofc) and grounded in Campbell's Hero's Journey. Scar is a very interesting character as a King Claudius-type, but I also see a lot of potential for him to be even better if he was just given a bit more nuance. He could easily serve as a sort of Miltonian anti-villain. I wish they would give him a bit more charisma and perhaps a noble aim or at least more convincing rhetoric than he had in the animated version. It would make the story much more interesting if he had some valid points instead of just blindly desiring power. The animal kingdom is so timeless and so archetypal, it's almost biblical in scope, like the first betrayal in Eden, it's a plot that is just begging for a real, mature treatment.

Too bad this will just be a politicized remake with an all black cast with only the buffoon and jester characters being voiced by whites. I do still think some of the cast will be good fits for the voices, but I get the feeling this won't go very deep. Maybe in another few decades someone will see the potential in slightly altering and widening the scope of the plot. I see a lot of potential in The Lion King's basic premise, even the title is kino if you separate yourself from the history a bit, it just sounds badass.

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so they made scar a low t blonde incel?

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Didn't they also censor couple of scenes from the animation? Or its just tv meming? e

This, the eyes are too far apart, he looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome.

so is Scar going to be gay in this one too? Is he going to hang out in his palace with Zazu and the hyenas, daintily lick his paws and ignore all the female lions

>Naala and Simba fucking in 3D

he's going to be on top of Zira first scene he's in

Hi Dr. Peterson

Why even bother with realism in Hamlet starring talking animals that dont act anything like they're supposed to in nature. Why are the Hyenas Scars lackeys? They outnumber him a million to one. What do they benefit from being this losers henchmen? Hyenas are capable hunters, generally more so than lions (who are the more common scavengers and thieves).


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Millennial brains are so tarnished by years of high fructose corn syrup that they literally need the article's title to explain to them how to feel. Many such cases

I really hope this fucking tanks it's a shame James Earl Jones decided to be in this travesty

I don't understand why they didn't kept the original color palette, since real life Lions actually can have it.
Same of why using black actors when it's some fucking Lions, removing the feel of the original cast. (Iron as Scar was fucking fantastic.)

absolutely based
t. culture warrior

Looks like a dirty lion dying of disease

>well done simba you became The Lion King™
Really disney ?


>NPC's arent re-

Is this a common conception? I literally never heard it until reading kinda comments today and someone said “that moment when Simba CLEARLY penetrates Nala”
I thought it was just fuck me eyes and an allusion to what happens after the scene, but now I’m seeing people imply that they were having onscreen sex

and it’s everything and why that’s a good thing

They want the black panther audience with the all black starring cast. NIGGAS AINT GUNNA WATCH JERMY IRONS

>the writer isn't allowed to put his opinion in an article, if he does it means I'm being told what to think
brainlet logic

Right, the news media would never intentionally lie or spread propaganda. Everything you hear from plutocratic owned publications is completely and utterly true. No agenda or narrative at all!

Fuck Trump, Fuck /pol/, and Fuck you.

you are not wrong. unironically. 100% real reply from me. no tricks. too many fags on 4chins have their contrariness switch solderd on and cant turn it off to admit a truth. no no, must always push the alternative opinion. time to grow up little kidz.

>Opinions and editorials aren't journalism because they aren't "hard" journalism!
>let me also just ignore all the hard journalism that does this as well!
Seething incel. If you even glance at my reply you are admitting that I am not wrong. Because I am right.

fuck you. you're just projecting your own lack of critical thought ans susceptibility to suggestion.
"and that's a good thing" is honest. it tells you up front, in the title, that this is going to be an article where the writer's position is in defense of the titular event
if you're so used to being brainwashed by people on the internet that this makes you feel threatened you need to kys


t. mental child sucking at the teat of the press

this. /pol/tards are so used to underhanded "WHY ARE ALL THESE JEWS IN THIS PLACE?" propaganda that they feel threatened by honest opinion pieces
they think everyone is as stupid and unable to think for themselves as they are

Have sex

>he thinks the propaganda directed at him is 'honest opinions'
fucking lol

t. brain dead retard who thinks reading an opinion equals immediately believing it

yeah you just happened to arrive at the same conclusions as the press through your shared eminently rational appraisal of reality

It's not propaganda if it tells you their position up front you brain dead moron. I can then read the article and decide for myself if the writer has a valid point or not, and whether I agree or not.
Critical thinking is an alien thought process to /pol/incels who think discourse is about spamming the same meme again and again in the hopes that everyone who reads it believes it through repetition.


I never said I agree with the opinions of these articles you retard. I said I appreciate being told up front what the position of the writer is, so I can then decide for myself if I agree with him.
How is that so hard for you to grasp?

>It's not propaganda if it tells you their position up front
You are so childish and naive it is actually cute. Your idea of propaganda is a crude and outdated cartoon

Its not panthers its lions you retard, it’s in the god damn title of the movie. Fuck off

It's actually the opposite of what you just said, brainlet:
old style "THE COMMIES ARE BAD" propaganda doesn't work anymore
new propaganda is "WHY ARE ALL THESE JEWS IN THIS PLACE???" aka dishonest underhanded implication instead of honest opinion

I see so if somebody says 'Jews are in these places because they're nepotistic and hire each other' that's not propaganda because it's stating the opinion outright?

Somebody claiming 'this is just my opinion' is absolutely propaganda if it directly omits information to shape a certain perspective. And it's more sophisticated because the author can hide behind 'just my opinion' while the implications are very clear: 'these are the correct opinions and you will be outcast if you don't agree'.

He looks a little like an Asiatic Lion.

lol, remember the early early leaks that said he would be a white lion?

Asspained blogger "journalist" fag detected and that's a good thing

Someone should tell these lions about nofap

I come here to exercise my cringe muscle and it's getting overworked lately

These live action Disney remakes make my skin crawl.

They seem more blatantly soulless, cynical, and cashgrabby than the usual Hollywood shit.

Boy. I sure am glad they made all of this memorably designed, expressively animated cartoon animals look like generic real animals not capable of human expression. That adds so much to the movie.

Around 2011 it was decided that as 90's kids begin to mature and have kids of their own, Disney would begin to gather data and profit from their nostalgia and the opportunity to sell the same old product to a new generation. This has been planned for a while. Beauty and the Beast was first, followed by Aladdin, and then The Lion King.

>But there might be something to celebrate about this new Scar design and to understand why, you have to dive a little deeper into who Scar is and the history of Disney villains.

>Though never explicitly referenced as queer, many people understand Scar as queer coded due to his effeminate mannerisms, slender figure and exaggerated facial features. He’s also a trickster, another hallmark of queer villains like Marvel’s Loki. Disney has a penchant for making their villains queer or queer-adjacent. Ursula is modeled after famous drag queen Divine. Aladdin’s Jafar is high femme and Yzma is a walking drag queen caricature.

>The new Scar, as presented in the remake, lacks the animated affectations sported by the character’s animated counterpart and looks much more like the other lions, albeit a little more raggedy.

>Myles Johnson, a Black queer writer, opined about what Scar’s new look might mean for the historical ways that villains are presented. Not only do villains tend to be coded as queer, very often in media, especially video games, “evil” characters tend to have darker skin as opposed to the fairer-skinned heroes