TLC kino thread

TLC kino thread
dr pimple popper + 600lb rerun shortly after

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Her nice shoes are gonna get stuff all over them.

>based pimple Popper after hours

you just know

I don't know if I can watch this thing burst. This is my first popper and I'm queasy and cringing.

Damn is she gonna drain his 10 inch black growth?

pimple vote for the back lump patient:


1hr 600lb life after, too

How has T.I. fallen so low?

money on lump

>glossy shoes that are easier to wipe off
clever girl

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Shit can be nasty but it's always an interesting watch.

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Chicken bone

>tfw eating yogurt while watching this
I'm more desensitized than I thought

Put me down for gush

lump, it moves around in one mass is why

The sounds

>Just jams her fucking finger in there.


Dr Lee wants that BBC

>its too close to the spine, i gotta get it out gentyl

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got it

She got wet when he complimented her shoes which, to be fair, were some pretty cool shoes.

His eyes are to close together

>Like a little baby butt cheek

>I'm happy to come back any time just to say "hi".
What did he mean by that?

>man has lump
>goes on and on about how its affecting him and he wants it gone to return to normality

>woman has a lump
>names it

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>30 years ago
Why not take care of stuff sooner?

he might be a dick show listener, he always recommends complimenting a woman's shoes

These sisters have decent bantz

>cream of mushroom soup
thanks doc

Finely some good food

this show and 600lbs Life are teaming up to keep people on their diets

oh god the cottage cheese
fuck my life


Could you imagine the poor bastard who was eating yogurt during that?

im eating cheese right now

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>Dr. Lee will never nervously remove a cyst from your sack and nervously apologize every 5 seconds for any pain

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>i branded you with your sisters name
what did dr pimple popper MEAN by this

>mfw i unironically have a cyst in my sack
where do i sign up

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The fug

Why does she need subtitles outside of the fact that she's mexican?

would you?

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new patient
bum bump


i'd suck on it desu

>Extra butt cheek

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gonna say lump

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I had a "pimple" in my dick once.
It was really solid, I had to slightly cut the skin with my fingernail to take it out. A completely solid, white matter unlike any pimple I had before came out. Shit was weird.

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I have a sebaceous cyst on my back, I wonder if I can get on the show and have it removed

i had something like that on my finger when i was around 12
Like a pimple thats just made of rough skin, kept growing until it got big enough to get ripped off when i tried putting my hand in my pocket once
shit was unreal, never had anything like that again

Oooooo I wanna watch gay home designers

Please do. And say hi subtly to this shithole.

I had a bump on my butt once. It wasn't anything like this, but it popped and it bled for like a week straight.

>legging and sportsbra commercial

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>Wow user! That's a pretty big cyst, huh?
>F-for you.

Wear a janny shirt so we know it's you

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What if there was a little person that was 600 pounds?

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>ass so fat the fat is literally trying to escape

worst pimple I ever popped was in a relative's ear canal, completely blocked her hearing. I could sink a sewing needle half an inch down and she couldn't feel shit.


If I get on the show I'm definitely doing this

>the cyst rises
>they expect one of us to get gushed, doctor


incoming 600lb life (Brittani)

Ok so I'm not watching this show (don't have cable) but
before you get a mystery lump on your ass looked at? What the fuck is wrong with these people?

>i'm ready for you, user
>are you in?

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>My last dermatologist didn't pop so good

Remove it yourself. I removed like half a dozen cysts from my sack in total. They seem to pop up every year or so when unchecked. I basically take a pin and stab underneath the cyst until the needle's head pop out from the other side. I think move the pin upwards until the sack skin rips open and then I squeeze the cyst out. My cysts are round reads that are hard. Like hard round balls of fat or something.

>fat induced schizophrenia

they're probably mostly lower income and don't have insurance, so they'd have to pay out of pocket

Daddy issues?

Did anyone actually see the episode in the OP image? Hoping he had to disrobe for her and we get some good reaction shots from her.

mostly poorfags
you can frequently see people opting out of having any numbing or anesthesia on the show

I didn't see much of a reaction

It was on his back friend.

Bummer, this is why we NEED Jews in media, they know what we wanna see, wouldn't have missed that chance for some hot BM/AF ludity

How much she weigh?



How much does this cost?

I have one on my back that's about the size of a dime and under the skin. Just slightly annoying but if it was $100 or less I'd do it

>6 day drive

If you can't afford it, do it yourself. Just make sure you sterilize the equipment and you gauze it up nicely afterward.

Don't do this. You probably wont get it all out and will make it worse or even get an infection. Leave it to the professionals

This, dermatology is pretty easy to do at home, I cut all my own moles off. Bought a new sharp pair of scissors, dipped them in rubbing alcohol, actually did a cleaner job then the dermatologist I went to who charged $150 per mole.

Just office visits at a doc's office are like $300ish (in the midwest anyway) if we're talking full cash but it depends on if you're going to a big hospital network's derm, private practice, small clinics, etc. and whether you need procedures done and pathology labs. Obviously call ahead and ask about financial aid if you can't get medicaid or decent insurance.

Whats Dr Now's end goal with importing fat people into texas

To be honest with you user I've had a skin tag on my taint for a year and I haven't gone to the doctor, and just last week it started seeping pus and sloughing off skin and I still haven't gone to the doctor. I really, really, really fucking hate going to the doctor.

>Make texas a superpower by exporting lard.

Just cut it off yourself man, don't be a pussy. Just make sure you disinfect everything.

I considered it except for the fact that it's pretty large and everything I've seen about it says large skin tags fountain blood. If it was somewhere I could see and more reasonably mess with myself I still might but since I'd have to be using mirrors and shit to see what I was doing and then be spraying blood from my ass I felt disinclined to. On the bright side at least the pus has basically stopped and it feels like it scabbed over.

A pair of scissors is sharp enough for you to do it?

Fat people lose weight better if you get on their ass about it all the time. Probably has to do with "shit, since I'm paying to be here, might as well actually try losing weight" too.

Ive heard tying dental floss around it tightly will cut off the blood flow and it will fall off after awhile. Anything has gotta be better than spread your hairy ass for some Indian doctor to poke around in.

Worked for my moles, but if it is a skin tag by your asshole that would be pretty difficult to get to yourself, also what if it is actually a hemorrhoid, cutting it off would be a disaster.

I don't remember an episode of 600lb life where the fatass realized just how hideous and gross they are quite like this one.

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>knows you're a monster
>don't do shit about it
>be delusional and think you've lost 200+ pounds even though you haven't lost shit

mental illness is a hell of a thing

But how did you know he was Indian? Are you a wizard?
What's worse is I have no fucking confidence in him because I've gone to him multiple times for other relatively simple shit like a cyst at one point and he just drew a circle around it with a sharpie and scheduled me an appointment with a surgeon. If I knew I could go in and suffer the indignity of having someone slice my ass like a ham I'd probably just put up with it but I feel like I'd go on a goddamn rampage if I went in and he sent me to someone else.

I've heard about the dental floss thing too, but that also sounds iffy for a few reasons. One, probably pretty difficult to do when I can't see. Two, apparently it can take a few weeks for skin tags to die and fall off when you do that and they can get really sore and painful which would be bad given I'd be sitting on it. And finally three, not sure tying off is a valid option given it's fairly large (Maybe the size of a pea or two). I had just been ignoring it and checking it when I'd have a shower to make sure it wasn't growing, but then one day out of the blue it freaked out on me. All I can figure is it got partially twisted by itself and half died.

>eating 3lbs of food for dinner while watching my 600lb life
maximum comfy

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If you already humiliated youself having him draw circles around your asshole, then why not just go back and have him finish the job?

if you dont like your doctor just find a new one lol. it's not that hard

Based frog fren

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That was for a cyst above my dick/below my belly button. He only grudgingly gave me antibiotics for it even though I felt like I was going to die and the pain was exactly like a cyst I had some 10 years ago. Then the surgeon I went to inspected it and said yes indeed that was a cyst and scheduled me for another appointment with him like 2-3 months later to remove it because he didn't want to do it while I was still taking antibiotics. Then I showed up for my third appointment to get it finally removed and he didn't want to remove it since the lump had almost vanished due to the antibiotics, so he didn't do anything and now I can feel the lump slowly growing again but that'll be another adventure for another fucking time JESUS H CHRIST I HATE THIS SHIT SO MUCH I APOLOGIZE FOR BLOGPOSTING BUT NOW IT IS POPPING AND OOZING OUT OF ME


She'll be on the pole by the time she's 18.

I wish I had a wholesome daughter who enjoyed cooking and would become a wonderful wife once she grew up.

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I had a fracture on my pubic symphysis from capsizing whitewater rafting. Went to the only doctor in my network, gruff old Indian woman. NOT attractive at all but I got an involuntary erection when I took my shorts off in front of her. When she saw it happen she kept making excuses to grab it and move it up, to the side, down, "for a better look at my injury", took her glove off and ended up basically jerking me off.

dat ass holy shit

Have a doctor relative. Told me about "perianal cysts", that form in the crack above the ass. She said they have to rub vick's under the nose, so they can't smell it. She said the biggest one they lanced was as big as a lemon, and spurted so much, it was dripping off the table. Apparently that's the kind they have to cut out, and healing is literal hell, because they don't sew it up all the way, and has to be repacked with a wick every couple of days as it keeps draining.

She thinks that kind of thing is funny.

I liked the part where she said she doesn't even know how she's still alive
I dont think i've laughed as hard at anything else in this show

cute brapper

>that fatty falling down on the ground and jiggling
Does someone have a gif of that?

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My doctor relative does shit like that at home for free all the time. She said the reason to go to a doctor is just in case there's complications. She said just clean up with alcohol after, because you're just releasing infection into the wild, and keep the wound clean. She said skin tags will probably grow back, you have to dig out the root, or something, like moles.

She basically went full Punished Snake
>Why am I here? Just to suffer?

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Did you cum?

That's a child, you sick fuck

Probably would have if she had kept going but she was trying to pretend like nothing strange was happening, so stopped short and blue balled me. Which I'm glad cuz if I had nutted for that freak the drive home would have been even more shame-filled.

I had a pilonidal cyst once, and that fucker wept green pus for almost two weeks. I got lucky with the healing as it didn't take long, but it was a total bastard of a thing. Thankfully I didn't need surgery to have it dug out because I wasn't a dumbass who let's things get worse. Heard a few horror stories about people having wounds packed with gauze and awful smells. I got lucky for once.

How long is this sob story going to last ?

just got here, is this the new episode?

Yeah. it's the rerun

This bitch without a job is walking through a grocery store like some millionaire.
fuck this land vacuum

Damn. Look at all that cheese on that burger.

You can eat better on food stamps than you would working fulltime for less than $15-20/hr, shit is fucked. Thanks Democrats.

Why is zit popping and blackhead removal so popular? Sandra Lee started on youtube and her popularity actually got her own show on TLC which is surprising

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I unironically think it's an evolutionary thing

Kind of the same reason people are obsessed with what comes out of their nose- if it's fucked up then something's up with your body, so it makes sense to pay attention.

Similarly, removing impurities from your body gives psychological gratification. Watching them also does because your brain can't tell the difference, same as porn vs sex

removal of foreign object from body with minimal blood
also pretty much everyone spends like half of their years when theyre developing the most popping them off their face

it just feels good to watch

>the state of this beta male bringing his exgf from 10 years ago to Texas

>my FRIEND eric

>they're bringing a mattress for her to be on.

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>a REAL good friend!

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>the drive home would have be more shame filled
but at least you would have cum. potential laughs could have been shared.
>do you charge extra for happy endings here?
>no, that was pro-boner...

first time watching 600lb life and honestly what the fuck? What's the general story behind how people get this big?

i dont know how more on the nose they could have made this shit

thats why i said it was cute, dummy

90% of the time it's one of the two following
>abused as a kid, used food for COPE
>parents used food to show love

Eventually they get so fat they can't really work and then they are housebound, eating 24/7, and really balloon

The editors knew what the fuck they were doing. Dr. Now knew what the fuck he was doing.

The only thing to make it more on the nose was for Dr. Now to look directly into the camera and wink while saying "friend".

sad I guess. I'd probably just kill myself if I ever got that big

It's the end result of eating 5K+ calories every day for years, even decades.

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They used to be a thing. He probably just feels bad for her


plot twist

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My dad is a doctor and when this show comes on he gets really angry cause "Dr Pimple" is really bad at her job and hacks away at a lot of things. Basically shes a shit doc

>tfw missed the new episode of 600lbkino