Why doesnt Anakin show up as a Force Ghost and tell his grandson to stop being a edgy faggot?

Why doesnt Anakin show up as a Force Ghost and tell his grandson to stop being a edgy faggot?

Kylo Ren worships Vader, so obviously he would listen to Anakin....wtf Anakin.

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because toxic, fragile masculinity

why didn't the eagles just fly the ring to Mt. Doom?

because the onions would not allow it

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He killed his own father there's no turning back

because he understands that his grandson is a millennial.

why is Yea Forumss "masculinity" so fragile anyway? Isnt everyone here a successful Chad with a hot wife and 2 aryan children?

He wants to see what will happen

He clearly pops death sticks to keep his dead ancestors from pestering him like Cade Skywalker did

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Hes on his own force island waiting to die after having to deal with nu Luke for the last 20 years.

I didn't watch the movie so why does he kill Han exactly? is there a reason for it or is it just to show how much of a baddy he is?

imagine trying to fap knowing your dead ancests could pop in at any time.

thank god some of the comics didnt make it into cannon

To embrace the dark side/kill the light.
Even though it immediately gets forgotten and he has the same dilemma with Leia in TLJ and makes the same decision which also has little impact.

how can they possibly redeem this character? he didn't kill just some rando, he killed Han Solo. if they go the Reylo route it just makes Rey seem like a psycho for falling for a guy who murdered his dad in front of her. I feel like they didn't think this through.

because disney needs to make more money

He hesitated killing Leia and decided not to. One of his wingmen blew up the bridge instead. But, yeah, it has no impact and later he's trying to wipe them all out. No confrontation between Leia and her son at all. The character relationships are shit.


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>He killed his own father there's no turning back
I don't think so. I doubt he'll survive the trilogy but I think he'll have a redemption arc of some kind.

That could be easily explained by Snoke blocking Anakin's force ghost somehow. A better question why why nobody ever just told him how Darth Vader killed the Emperor? Luke never told him? Leia never told him? Han never told him? It was never ever brought up during his training at the academy? How does he not know?

Shit happens when people writing sequels haven't seen the source material.

he barely does. he holds the lightsaber in front of han and he basically gives him permission to do it. its more like suicide than homicide. han thinks it will be the turning point that will bring him back to the light, and it kind of was.

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Too busy being reincarnated as Rey.

The cannon book adaptation explains that Kylo knows about Vader's turn and considers it his biggest failure. Oh wait this board doesn't give a shit.

There is no reason for anyone to care about some crappy novelization.

anakin has killed like 20 kids

I'm pretty sure he does. Snoke and Kylo just consider it an aberration and a moment of weakness. I don't remember if this is established in the dialogue for TFA anywhere, but it's an obvious assumption. If he knows Vader was his grandfather why wouldn't he also know about his sacrifice? Leia (and Luke) would've wanted him to know that too.

You shouldn’t have to do homework to enjoy a movie. Especially something as important as this.

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>Lucasfilm has their slaves damage control their shit writing in the non-canon books that contradict each other
That doesn’t help.

yes but we're shown Anakin's descent leading up to that point. whereas with Kylo we get a two second flashback. also only Luke, his son, sees the good in Vader. Obi-Wan didn't see it, Yoda didn't see it, even Leia didn't see it. Who is going to redeem Kylo? Rey? some random girl he's known for a day?

Han banged anakin's daughter. He let him die on purpose. Also I think the Vader left overs might be separate from anakin reedeamed.

How come Anakin died and turned into a young force ghost from his prime but Obi Wan and Yoda are as old as when they died?

Anakin was young when Vader killed him, from a certain point of view.

something something poetry

So? Obi Wan was young when Ventris killed his celibacy.

Did they ever address why they aren't force ghosts 24/7? Seems like a lot of bad shit could have been avoided if they were giving the main characters advice more frequently instead of once every blue moon

>Who is going to redeem Kylo? Rey? some random girl he's known for a day?
Who knows? I don't think Kylo will die without some kind of redemption, though. It would shit on Han's death and Luke's "No one's ever really gone" line in TLJ. Granted, these movies haven't been the best at respecting previous ones.

Because he isn't a force ghost anymore. Its pretty obvious that Rey is Anakin reincarnated. Otherwise he would have shown up by now.

>Its pretty obvious that Rey is Anakin reincarnated
pls no

Legacy was great. You have shit taste

I didn't actually watch the prequels, but did Obi-Wan know that Anakin was tricked into the dark side because he wanted to save Padme? If he did, why would he think Anakin is irredeemably evil?

Why would he listen to Anakin at all?
He worships Vader. You even stated this.

>why does he kill Han exactly?
because harrison ford hates han. It seemed pretty cathartic for him.

He knew that Palpatine had been manipulating him. But by the time Obi-Wan meets Vader again in the OT he had hacked his way through the Jedi Temple (including extensive pedicide), had choked Padme in front of Obi-Wan, and was complicit and active in the various cruelties of a despotic regime, including the destruction of an entire planet. Given the stakes and how powerful Vader was, it's not hard to see why Obi-Wan and Yoda might be resistant to trying to reason with him. Luke had a lens into Anakin that Obi-Wan and Yoda never did and never could have had since they were so directly connected to the virulent thinking that led him to being Darth Vader to begin with.
>I didn't actually watch the prequels
Why not? They are not good movies but they're worth a watch if you care about Star Wars enough to ask these questions.

I think he'll be redeemed but it'll be an act of sacrifice in some form, not unlike Vader's. Having Kylo die without any redemption is a pretty pessimistic reflection on Han's final moments.

the ST is a pessimistic reflection on the OT

cause Anakin is Vader, duh

Very true. Star Wars should have stopped in 1983.

There is no good way to save Kylo Ren. He has lost to Rey in both movies so far. If Kylo Ren goes back to the light side, it will only be because he believes he can't win.

Also, the Knights of Ren are a bunch of students from Luke's school, and Kylo is responsible for their current condition. You can't redeem Kylo Ren while just leaving his knights to fuck off and die somewhere unseen.

I’ve thought this since the first trailer with Vader’s mask came out.

>If Kylo Ren goes back to the light side, it will only be because he believes he can't win.
I think it'll be within the context of Hux taking control of the First Order if it happens. The issue there is that Hux isn't exactly that convincing as a villain after TLJ, even if I suspect IX is going to put focus on their antagonistic relationship. The fact there's no one else to pivot to for a villain is what makes Kylo's redemption more difficult than Vader's. I don't think as a character in himself Kylo is that irredeemable.

Still, my guess is Kylo will sacrifice himself to stop whatever evil superweapon plot Hux comes up with. Maybe the Knights of Ren betray Kylo too.

Kylo ren will decide last moment to repent and do the right thing. His loyal knights of ren will be alongside him at this critical moment and will be swayed into disloyalty.

Needless to say kylo will cut them all down (only.see part of the fight, he defeats most of them offscreen) and show up at the final fight and.dies from his wounds inflcited by the knights moments before Rey kills the final villain.

Pant pant I was never the one, you were always the...

Sorry for the spoilers.

Today I will remind them.

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Kylo was fine when they were using the last deathstar to blow up a bunch of nameless planets. Didn't even flinch.

Anakin doesn’t know anything the girl Rey doesn’t know already.

What's your point?

Kylo is worse than that dude

There is no reason for him to care if Hux uses a superweapon.

but Hux is a clown. is he really going to be the main villain of the movie?

Because that would make respectful use of the series' continuity and redeems a controversial part of it while making a reaffirmation of Anakin's redemption.

You would have to like Star Wars to write something like that.

I think JJ is going to try really desperately to pretend TLJ didn't happen and write Hux like he was in TFA, but also focus on the knights of Ren as the primary antagonistic force

Except none of the knights are going to have time to establish their characters or distinguish themselves as individuals instead of the faceless bad guy group, so we're basically going to get Phasmax6

I doubt Abram remembers they exist.

I can't even remember, have the Knights of Ren been shown or talked about at all other than that one flashback? Am I forgetting something?

There is if Rey is at risk. I'm just spitballing a context where a climactic sacrifice makes sense given Snoke is dead. He could also get mortally wounded fighting off the Knights of Ren or something. Or maybe he'll be a turbo-cunt to his last breath; I doubt it, though.
I think Kylo will still be the central antagonist for most of the movie, whatever happens.

I don't even know what the nuwars trilogy is about

like the OT/prequels had an obvious story but what the fuck is the disney trilogy about?
>snoke is dead, his character was never flushed out
>the 'new rebellion' is reduced to a handful of people
>ray becomes a jedi for some reason, who cares
>kylo kills his father and is emotionally dead
>is there supposed to be a love story going on between finn and the fat asian woman?
>what is finn even doing at this point?
>what are ANY of the characters doing?

Even if they wrote in Kylo falling in love with Rey, I don't see Kylo just switching sides. It would look like bullshit. He killed his parents and his mentor, and is effective ruler of the known universe.

Kylo doesn't know that

I think they thought, because its Star Wars, people would just eat whatever shit sandwich they produced, fuck having an actual plan or overarching plot. its insane when you stop and think about it.

maybe they'll establish a truce/relationship but he'll continue to study the dark side of the force

they're literally on the poster

You could never believe he loved anyone, or that he wouldn't turn around and decide that they need to die in order to get them out of his head.


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but ghost yoda burned them with lightning user

>I don't see Kylo just switching sides.
I don't either. That's why I think it will be a sacrificial act akin to Vader's, which is a little boring and unoriginal, but so is the rest of the ST.
>He killed his parents
He killed Han. We don't know what awful Frankenstein's monster of unused footage we'll get as an excuse for Leia's story yet.

>kylo kills his father and is emotionally dead
He sperged out when he saw the Millennium Falcon, and he didn't want to kill his mommy in the beginning of the movie

Rey took them. You see her put them away in a drawer on the Falcon. Yoda was being a dick and trolling Luke.

That's not really how the dark side works killing your own parent should send you further into darkness


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Cade Skywalker was an infinitely better written and more interesting character than Kylo "Broflovski" Ren ever could hope to be.

Prove me wrong.

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it might be implied that han allowed him to kill him, because it would settle their issue and possibly grieve kylo into the light.
see: remorse

but kylo sucks in every way and so did the writing

The Dark Side doesn't mean remorse is impossible.

>but kylo sucks in every way
He's the only thing in these shitty unnecessary sequels I like at all. I think they've fumbled with him, though.


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Because none of the writers thought what they were doing through in any capacity. They just HAD to do the nostalgia pandering no matter the cost. But they ALSO had to shit on the old guard to prop up the new, pretend it was a "passing of the torch" thing, and keep hitting those I KNOW WHAT THAT IS moments.
Turns out you can't do both at the same time, inconsistencies are going to pop up, you're going to have to pretend they're not there or inconsequential, fans will take note anyway, call it out.
And then your only recourse left is calling them alt-right, nazi's, russian bots, sexist, racist, misogynists, crybabies. ANYTHING to discredit them to try and dupe the masses into watching your contradictory garbage and squeeze some profit out of the shitshow you managed to work yourself into.
But that can't last, it isn't how you build up a loyal fan base, and brand recognition can only get you so far. Before you know it star wars movies are flopping as the fan base YOU divided implodes into a bickering mess.

It's almost funny how Disney let this happen.

>But that can't last
it will last at least as long as the trump presidency so about 6 more years.

I would say the motivations of kylo ren should be explored in the films that are about him, not relegated to third parties to sort your botched barely-thought-out mess of characterization out, and then blame the fans for not "getting it".
I wasn't even aware this was "explained" in some books. As a moviegoer, kylo's motivations are a confusing mystery.

>the book
oh you mean this one?

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If I were in charge I would reveal that the Anakin fell to the dark side again after his death

But we know no one has the balls to do it my way

>Anakin fell to the dark side again after his death
That would shit all over the OT.

But Kylo admires Vader, not Anakin.

>Anakin fell to the dark side again after his death

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fuck books and fuck n word in plural

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>That's not really how the dark side works
The Dark Side doesn't work.

They keep getting killed by their students or turning back to the light. Sometimes getting killed by their students who turned back to the light.

>Kylo doesn't know that

Kylo Ren talks to the Vader helmet in The Force Awakens:
>Forgive me. I feel it again. The pull to the light. Supreme Leader senses it. Show me again. The power of the darkness. And I will let nothing stand in our way. Show me... Grandfather... and I Will finish... what you started.

Why would he call Vader grandfather if Kylo didn't know it was Anakin?

It's funny that he thinks Vader started anything. Vader basically got duped and was simply stuck with Palpatine afterwards.

Han wants him redeemed so he'll be redeemed. Literally the last thing he thinks in death is that he hopes his son can come to forgive him.

disney is trying to distance itself from the prequels

Define "lost to Rey." He didn't fight her in TLJ and the grapple over the lightsaber was equal between them. He might have felt he lost something in regards to Rey, but she didn't defeat him a second time. Despite how he acts, he ends TLJ with the First Order he now commands on top and the Resistance as the underdogs who will have to scrap to win.

And we have no clue at all what the fuck is up with the Knights of Ren or what Kylo is and isn't responsible for.

This is literally false. He looked very grave standing there watching it and he tried to argue against the plan when Snoke first agreed to it. He actively didn't want that weapon fired.

>Show me again.
>nothing happens
Thanks JJ.

No. According to spoilers, some threat from the beyond shows up and fucks with both the Resistance and Kylo himself.

He killed his father and that still wasn't enough to kill his struggle between light and dark. If that didn't make him full dark side, nothing will. He'll switch sides.

Yes he does, and it's implied in a novel that learning this only later in his life was a catalyst to his turn. Leia purposefully kept the truth from him until the galaxy as a whole knew.

Kylo is going to redeem Kylo, and Rey, Leia, and Han's memory are going to inspire him to do so.

Yes it should. The fact that it didn't is supposed to tell you something major about the character.

Sauron would have seen them and ringwraiths killed them.

>some threat from the beyond
This is an obvious place to take things but it's the sort of thing you probably shouldn't do in the last movie of a trilogy.

Kylo worships Vader, not Anakin

Then why isn't Force ghost Obi Wan stepping in to help? Since TLJ established Force ghosts can interact with the physical world, he could have been an immense help at several points of the trilogy up to this point.

we almost got something like that for ROTJ

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Thats not Anakin's force ghost

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Yeah but he died like a bitch in the last movie lmao

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Vong incoming

I think he has killed them already

>he only has 2 aryan children

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because snoke is anakin
cades issues were a lot better than "i wanna be hardcore but myself wont let me"