
I'll Get Another Edition

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1st for Kingdom of the North

People shit on Dorne in the show however isn't the book Dorn plot also messy , incoherent and filled with retarded characters?

azor jon

if daenerys makes it to the end of the show alive I'm going to kill myself

It is the season that everything went to shit, there were a couple of out-of-character descicions (Whitewashing Cersei and Tyrion) a couple of questionable changes (Jaime rapes Cersei, Talisa, Brieanne fighting the Hound) but season 5 is where everything went to shit and has not recovered ever since.
In a perfect world, this would need to be 2 seasons, with bunch of characters established in seasons 1-4 but if I were to write season 5 with the same time limits here is what I would have done:

wot u tink ur doin

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shitty book plot about dorne doesnt exempt the fact that the show plot about dorne is also shit if not worse

user I have bad news for you...

Hot sweaty sex with Shireen

) Meeren
Dany faces 4 major problems - Mereen is broke and no noble familes will lend her the money, former slaves are starving, she can`t control her dragons, and Sons of the Harpy are killing people.
Since writer clearly are not planing on her being THE MAD QUEEN then I would remove her idiotic mood swings. She is trying to do the right thing but has to go through a narrow path of compromise.
Add character of Skahaz ( Mosador can actually take the similar function) either a former slave or minor nable who leads the faction fully supporting Dany. He constantly advocates for her to be ruthless and tear down old traditions. He uses Sons of the Harpy threat to get more money for his militia.
Hizdar wants to reopen the fighting pits
There is an attempt on Dany`s life, by the Sons of the Harpy, Barristan is critically wounded but kills the attackers. Dany intially wants to execute the hostages and imprison the nobles, but to protests of of former slaves marries Hizdar and reopens the pits. Skahaz is removed from power.
When Tyrion gets to Mereen, he quickly bonds with Hizdar and give sound economical advice, helping to bring back trade in Mereen.
In the Pit, Drogon is simply attracked to the noise, he lands and starts burning killing people. Dany jumps down, grabs the whip and beats him into submssion. After that she flies away.
Hizdar seaizes the power and keeps Tyrion as his advisor, Daario, Jorah, and bloodriders go look for Dany, And Barristan, recovers and finds out that the fucking Lannister Imp and Hizdar rule the city. Skahaz meets up with him, tells militia is still loyal to him, and accuses Hizdar of being The Harpy.


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2) Sansa, Theon, Brianne and the North
We neither have time for Sansa to do stuff in the Vale, nor remember who the fuck Jeyne Poole is, so we keep the plot of Sansa marrying Ramsay. BUT:
She does it on her will, in despite Littlefinger prostest. But in the show, she actually has leverege over him, she is more of a partner than a pawn. DARKSANSA
She pretend to be ARYA, and plans to ake controll of the North from within. DARKSANSA.
She slowly wins over Ramsay, turns him against Roose, replaces Myranda`s place and pretends to enjoy Ramsay`s tortures. DARKSANSA
And when Brieanne and Pod try to rescue her, she foils their plans and allows their capture AND Torture. LADY STONESANSA.
Reek does not escape with her, we are going away from Jeyne Poole storyline.

3) Stannis
Leaves Shireen, Selyse and Melisandre at the wall. He does not burn his own fucking daughter, like a moron. Before Battle he sends Davos to take Shireen to the Free cities and Devote his Life to seat her on the Throne. Stannis loses the battle but deals immense damage to Bolton cavalry, leaving Roose weak and dependent on Norther lords.

Yeah, but all they had to do was re-write it so that Doran was secretly working to support Danny instead. The final outcome would have been the same, but it wouldn't be as pants-on-head retarded as what the show did.

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Stannis is still alive.

>People shit on Dorne in the show however isn't the book Dorn plot also messy , incoherent and filled with retarded characters?

No, it's pretty cool with different characters in a different locations that gives us a broader view of Westerosi society and what's going on in the story.

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4) Dorne
Simple – make Myrcella the main character and the main driving force.
She spends a lot of time in Dorne, and hears all about the atrocities commited by Lannisters. She and Trystane plan a coup, with Trystane replacing Doran, and Myrcella crowning herself a Queen according to the Dornish Laws.
Jaime Receives a threat against Myrcella and travels to Drone, but is delayed but an assasination attempt.
The sneks, Myrcella and Trystane try to depose Doran but fail and are imprisoned.
Jaime arrives and Doran blames the coupe on other dornish lords, and claims there was an attmept to kidnap Myrcella. Jaime takes Myrcella and confesses to her on the boat that she is his daughter, but unlike in the show she fucking hates him for it, as she alreay dislike her lannister half, and now she knows that she is an abomination.

Doran releases Trystane and Sneks, (and Varys is there too) that he allowed coup to happen and now Trystane will travel to Mereen to meet Daenerys, while Elaria will be on the small council, Obara will go to Old town, Tyene will infiltrate the Sparrows, Nymeria will be sent to treat with Tyrells.

King`s Landing
5) Just move Lancel reveal to the end of the Season, otherwise there is no surprise that he ratted Cersei out, remove Loras`s birthmark idiocy, and bring back the crown being in debt to the faith as additional reason to arm faith
Or maybe, imply that Loras will tell the High Sparrow, and bait Cersei into trying to kill him.

6) Arya in Braavos
Do not make Waif the antagonist, and just give Arya more stuff to do rather than sweeping floors. Make her train with poisons, learn language, collect information on the streets.

it's remarkable that they both managed to be shit in completely different ways.

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who the fuck thought this shit costume out?
>get slashed across the chest once
>blade cuts the little knots holding the plates together
>plates fall off
>chest suddenly exposed in battle

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Near. Far. Where EVER you are.

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Okay what the FUCK was his problem

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>no backlink

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Isnt that little scarf thingy underneith the armour

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It’s called a scale armor and it’s historically effective in battle.

Are dothraki horses immune to dragon fire?

I think the idea is that you wouldn't get slashed because you'ld be far more flexible in whatever the fuck that is (plate-mail?) as opposed to the guy in solid plate

Its probably for the best the last thread was a bunch of retards arguing about horses for 250+ replies

What was the point of Arys`s and Hotah`s POVs? Literally useless

oh cry some more ya fucking losers. no matter how loudly you whine, the horses were fine.

They practiced alongside Dragons offscreen, yes

How did Arya perfectly disguise herself as Walder, down to his mannerisms, voice, stature and body?
I assume that the faceless men have some sort of magic that allows them to completely impersonate someone with their face, by praying to the many faced god or whatever, but how did Arya have this power if she left the Faceless men and wasn't even in the hall of faces where their power comes from? I get that she stole a bunch of faces from the hall of faces, and that's how she was able to impersonate the cup bearer, which makes sense because all of those faces already were enhanced in some way in the house of black and white, but how did she do this to Walder's face when she's across the narrow sea, and pretty much an enemy of the faceless men at this point?

>being this autistic about being proven wrong
you're obviously one of the HBO writers on the show otherwise you wouldn't defend lazy writing in a shitty TV show this hard.

Kek fair enough

Arya`s plot is the absolute worst in the show, even Dorne is not as bad since you don`t really care about dorne.

>that one autistic user that keeps defending plot holes and errors in the show with his weird headcanon

Post your reactions when King Aegon VI Targaryen legitmizes Lord Gendry Baratheon to continue that proud line of Stag chads.

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>Hotah's POV
If I had to guess, it's to get the POV from someone who isn't an insane Dornishman, and thus not forcing the reader to step into the mind of a cartoon character for a massive chunk of the book

Just turn off your brain bruh

Add Quentyn to the useless POVs senpai

The same way dothraki can ride through dragon fire and take no damage, it's a shitty show made for teenagers.

What makes a good thread? What is a good thread's single most important quality?

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>not forcing the reader to step into the mind of a cartoon character for a massive chunk of the book
But Cersei`s POV is the best thing about aFfC


What about the Victarion chapters?

Its already begun

I'd like to remind you all that Daemon I Blackfyre was the true heir of Aegon V T*rgaryen and that all subsequent T*rgaryens are nothing but filthy pretenders
thank you for your time and kindly remove any T*rgaryens that you see from these premises

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The face thing pisses me off. You obviously don’t need to wear someone’s face to be disguised (Jaqen had Arya’s face) but for some reason they still do the whole face-cutting-off ritual? Not to mention how they obviously change more than just their face, they change their body, hair, voice etc.
The whole Braavos storyline seems too truncated for me. Arya goes there, gets beat up by the Waif, washes dead guys, gets an assignment, kills Meryn Trant, gets turned into a beggar, gets beaten up some more, has to kill the actress, doesn’t, gets stabbed by the Waif, kills her, leaves. Yeah, I’m sure she’s a great blind stick fighter, but there’s absolutely no evidence to show she gained either stealth or actual face-changing skill.

>the night king is dead
>cersei is executed
>the kingdoms are rebuilding
>dany is chosen to be queen
>dany is about to sit on the throne
>a spear flies across the throne room and rips her head off
>the crowd gasps
>admist the crowd a hooded figure emerges
>the guards immediatly surround the figure
>in tears jon snow approaches the cloaked figure
>"whah?" he asks
>he grabs the figure by the cloak, sword in hand
>a faint chuckle is heard underneath the hood
>"rhllor hungers..."
>the cloak rips off in a fiery vision that sends jon snow and the guards flying across the room
>the whispy strands of hair on the mysterious mans head flow from the force eminating from his body
>he turns to the crowd
>it's stannis, reborn
>grey worm orders the dothraki forces
>"kill him or hundreds will die!"
>stannis nods his head
>fade to black
>stannis drums start playing

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>That one user who didn't pay attention in science class, and thinks you instantly combust, when you come in contact with fire.


in a fantasy show about magic, dragons and zombies he is still so worried about horses running through fire

imagine being this autistic

>darkest season yet
>all the characters wear black
Absolute kino

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>normal fire is the same thing as FIRE FROM GIANT DRAGONS
the same fire that turns people into ash in seconds and melts castles, aight.

>It’s called a scale armor and it’s historically effective in battle.

It's supposed to be lamellar armor.

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these costumes look like fucking shit even by got's already low standards

Will Arya kill Melissandre?

What is suspension of disbelief?

>points out error or plothole
Every thread.

This is scale armor.

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>thinks his science class was discussing dragon fire.


But he is alive and is riding Viserion

>jon wearing a gorget, and some stanky ass cheap leather
lol he's a main character and he gets to dress like a fucking bum

Nonsense. Cersei's POV was rich and fully-realized. She wasn't a toon at all.

If the Dornish are cartoons, Victarion was a "graphic novel"

The fire coming from within the dragon, is fueled y whatever dragons have within. When flames spread, they're no longer fueled by the dragon, but whatever they're burning. Men and grass in this situation.

That scale would break by any half-decent warhammer, kind of like how you break the scale every morning. Fuck off unless you know what you're talking about

Isnt that a coat of plates

Where did grrm write this?

Where was I proven wrong? There was another guy that was arguing it all, and I piped in at the end. I'm not saying I agree with what happened in the battle, but in the end the horses weren't shown to have been burned. Running through fire ain't gonna combust you, at most they would have been singed. And yeah, fire has different levels of temperature. So fire coming out of the dragons mouth would be hotter than fire just sitting on the ground, burning on grass.

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And thought that she and the faceless guy sort of left on good terms? A sort of "you can't be one of us but I like you and will give you some help" arrangement.

dorne is entirely garbage in the books. it's not as bad as what they did in the show, but it's still pretty fucking bad. doran's whole master plan is sending his idiot son to go marry dany based on some stupid marriage pact that was supposed to be between viserys and arianne. it's really dumb.

You need a basic understanding of the properties of fire, to understand how retarded your idea is. The dragon created the initial flame. But the fire that spread, isn't fueled by the dragon itself. It's jumped onto a new fuel source.


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Flaming horses

But can dragon fire melt steel beams?


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It's not normal fire you fucking brainlet, it's magical fire coming from a huge dragon. It's literally shown turning people into ash in seconds in the show. The fuck is wrong with this guy?

>doran's whole master plan is sending his idiot son to go marry dany based on some stupid marriage pact that was supposed to be between viserys and arianne
And he waited so fucking long to do it that everyone involved in Elia's death was dead (or zombiefied) by the time he did anything.

Fire horses exist pic related

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>Karl Tanner is one of the mutineers
>mutineers kill Jeor Mormont
>Karl Tanner is from Gin Alley in Flea Bottom
>Davos is from Flea Bottom
Will Davos reveal to Jorah that he knew the Fookin Legend?

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Wow, good thing these were special horses then right? They're the most durable horses in all of Planetos; dragonfire doesn't burn them!

ok, let's put it another way. So you're cooking on a gas stove. You can adjust heat based on how much gas you feed to the flame, right?
Now, take a piece of paper, and set it on fire. The fire on the paper, is now wholly dependent on the paper for its fuel. The paper fire, burns at a different temperature, because it's not getting the gass anymore. The thin paper it's much fuel, so it's probably not a very hot flame, relative to the gas flame.

He had two plans: son to Dany, and daughter to young griff (not explicitly said but quite obvious). He doesn't really have much in the way of resources to fight a battle on his own, so he just sits and waits. Not like he has to worry about an attack anytime soon. The whole of Dorne is negligible really.

If Arya disguised herself as a male, would she have a penis? If so would her penis be functional? Will it be to scale to the person she’s impersonating’s actual penis size? Could Arya just put in a penis disguise and basically turn herself into a futa?


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Davos was already a legend and had Flea Bottom in his rear view mirror by the time the fookin legend was a boy

The whole plot to proclaim Myrcella a Queen looks like a group of 10 year old going on a boat trip without parent`s premission. Seriously, on whose fucking support did Arianne count? Two and a half retards and an anime character?

Even this is a better than what George had

But it's dragon fire, not real life fire. Dumb fuck.

Are you trying to say dragons aren’t real?

No it's not. It's fire, that resulted from dragonfire.

>The whole plot to proclaim Myrcella a Queen looks like a group of 10 year old going on a boat trip without parent`s premission.

for me it is by far the lowest point of the books. i was confused while reading it because it was just so unbelievably fucking stupid, i thought it was like a joke or something

>fictional dragon fire is the same thing as normal real life fire
please just kill yourself

It's literally historical real world scale armor.


If dragons had that powerful a fuel in them, wouldn't they explode if you exposed them to a massive amount of oxygen (like with Bronn hit the dragon with the balista)?

It would be like a building on fire that explodes when a window/door bursts and a massive amount of air gets in.

Dragonstone has the best castle in the show. I'm glad we're gonna see it again.

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How can one season be as shit as season 5? Holy honest fuck

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Was Lancel’s fat ass mom thicc or just literally fat?

Dothraki obviously trained their horses to be completely immune to fire.

s7 is pretty much just as bad as s5

So easy to fix it too - why not make Arianne heading an actual faction to depose Doran, and Doran just secretely honeypoting the whole thing to rid out disloyal lords, create a reason to break Trystane and Myrcella bethorthal and make himself look loyal in the eyes of the Lannisters (Look guys, I quelled a rebellion!)

Well the fuel itself would already need to be ignited. I don't think exposure to oxygen would necessarily ignite the fuel. Also, Drogon got struck in the wing. I don't think it's fuel is stored there. However, when Viserion gets struck, you do see it's neck burst into flame.

What's this about flaming horses?



was it autism?



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>fires works magically

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wildfire does

Fire isn't actually a substance. It's not like water. Fire is a reaction. It's not like dragonfire splashes onto nearby things, and remains dragonfire. No. Dragons breath fire, and then it causes a reaction that creates more fire.

Y’all racist as shit. I bet if Stannis rode a horse through dragon fire none of you would question that shit

if you don't feel at all like fucking this boy. you're not a human being.
im not saying I would actually fuck him. maybe i'd feel bad about tainting something so beuatiful or molest someone so innocent

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Roose would be richer than Tywin if Lancel's mom were one of Walder Frey's daughters

That's a coat of plates.

Unironically a great song.

because he is azor ahai you booger head

Greenmeme is not fire

>everyone becoming a asoiaf dragon expert

>No it's not. It's fire, that resulted from dragonfire.

Different user here, and I always perceived (from my D&D days) that dragon fire was kinda like napalm and not like a burner on natural gas stove; i.e. flaming dragon saliva.

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I am an expert on dragons. I own eight dragon dildos. What are your qualifications? I thought so.

How did this cute shota become this goblino?

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He did nothing wrong

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Bong genes

Yes, dragon fire is magical for gods sake.


shoulda recasted him

i really hope they dont do dragon vs dragon fights in this season, they're dumb as hell. if you've read the princess and the queen you'd know

I think the point in Arianne's story, is that you were supposed to realize how bad her idea is. Clearly, her plan is retarded as fuck. But she's a dumb girl who thinks she's a player, when she's not. The book even emphasizes how she has more in common with Oberyn than Doran. She's hasty and reckless, and it has dire consequences. But also, it shows just how controller Doran is, and how he's steps ahead of everyone.

That being said, the sand snakes are still cartoonishly disobedient.

He killed the greatest swordsman that ever lived

Cute boyish looks are very ephemeral

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based pedo

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Then why explain it?

Instead of getting the multiethnic prequel about women and more white walkers we should just get an adventures of young Davos show that covers his pirate days up until Storm’s End and then the Greyjoy Rebellion.

>The whole plot to proclaim Myrcella a Queen looks like a group of 10 year old going on a boat trip without parent`s premission
Complete with police showing up, aresting everyone and Arianne getting grounded in her room to think about what she did
lmao what a hack writing
>it has dire consequences
It has no consequences.

It's literally perfect reddit reactionvideos fuel, of course d&d are going to do it

not likely, Joer Mormont was killed by Rast, not Karl, so there's really not very much pottery potential there and as far as the characters are concerned no revenge to be had, and really not point in bringing it up to anybody. Besides, Davos would have no way of knowing unless someone literally was like "hey, remember that fookin' legend Karl?"

>that dragon fire was kinda like napalm
I never got that idea. But I began to think about the idea in these threads, since that appears to be the idea that you guys have. And to that, I don't see any evidence of it in the game of thrones universe. In fact, wildfire is distinctly described as a napalm type flame. Where it burn nonstop, until it's completely out of fuel. And it's delivered by a liquid type substance. Dragonfire, has always been described rather plainly. Save for the unique color. It's only remarked as being super hot.

please no

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God, there was so much potential there. The poor show producers probably had no idea what she would become when they cast her.

Poor, inconsistent, writing.

he got killed by quasimodo and killed a dude with a wooden sword like a pussy

he literally didnt
he was just an angsty but loyal kangsguard
d&d had to turn him into not only a pedophile but a child beating pedophile just to reestablish to showfags why arya wants him dead and made him a completely reprehensible bad guy twirling his hitler mustache so the audience can all scream YASSS QUEEN as his eyes are stabbed out
just one more reason season 5 is a big fat stinky turd

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Did the guys in the casting department don't look at picture of their family to get an idea how will they grow up?


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>everything is lost
>army of the dead gets to kings landing
>all the remaining characters hide in it and defend it
>the dead break through
>cersei turns to qyburn
>burn them all

the potential there was was if she didn't age. it's obvious she wasnt going to grow prettily

Watching the marathon I just got a flashback to when the season three finale first aired. I didn’t read the books until after that season so I did not see Stannis deciding to go north coming at all it was such a bizarre feeling hearing Mel, Stannis and Davos talk about the Nights Watch and the army of the dead as if two unrelated shows had just crossed over.

Dumb but cool.

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>Dragonfire, has always been described rather plainly. Save for the unique color. It's only remarked as being super hot.

When Daenerys goes to Astapor to buy the Unsullied and Drogon burns Krazynes to death, the guy continues burning even after the dragon goes off to burn other people and since humans aren't flammable, the flames are clearly being generated by the dragon's saliva.

Wildfire was clearly developed to duplicate this effect and both are essentially magical napalm.

Besides, if dragon flame was a burning gas like a stove burner, the dragon would have be a huge blimp to contain enough flammable gas to do any damage.

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She was so cute, they probably assumed ugly skipped a generation. Or perhaps she would grow up like her dad.(who doesn't appear to be involved)

>it's obvious she wasnt going to grow prettily
Stop lying.

it was retarded. the only thing i liked in that story was the peasants rushing the dragon pit and fighting dragons. fucking madlads

Why do they call him Stannis? Because he's the Mannis! LOL.

why do they call her dany? because she's got a fanny! LOL.

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Why do they call him Ned? Cause he doesn't have a head! LOL.

Is Maisie Williams an orphan or adopted? Not looking at the mom, dad, siblings, relatives to suss out where these "cute" features are going post-puberty is a failure of due diligence no different than a retard that says he wants a beautiful wife to grow old with but fails to notice how hideous his fiance's mom is.

Then again, the GoT casting department is run by an old jewess and a fag so...

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It certainly has a residual effect like napalm youtube.com/watch?v=g_wIDp2yKs4 and it's cremating people in seconds so no, you cannot ride a horse through it.

Don’t argue with them

>it's a high sparrow episode

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why do they call her sansa? because her mothers a dumb bitch! LOL

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but they did

Post the comic with “thread already ruined by.... [xfags]”

because it's shit

Why do they call him Mance Rayder? Because he likes to dance at gay bars! LOL.

>Did the guys in the casting department don't look at picture of their family to get an idea how will they grow up?

It's just another example of how incompetent D&D are. They vaguely remembered the line from the book where Sansa calls Arya ugly (mostly because Arya is a Tom Boy who doesn't care about her looks, while Sansa is superficial and wholly focused on appearance) and like the brain dead talentless retards they are, instantly believed that Arya is literally is an ugly girl when in fact, this is just the typical shit talking that siblings do with each other and as Eddard later mentions, Arya actually looks like a very young Lyanna, who was smoking hot.

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why do they call him the hound? cus his face is round! LOL

magical horses, dawg, can't explain that

Why do they call him Drogon? Because he's a dragon! LOL

>pic related
they totally did it right?

why do they call him loras? because he should be a florist! LOL

Stannisbros lets relive his best moment!

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Behead those that besmirch the Darkstar.

So what the fuck happened to Edmure?
Is he at Casterly Rock or not?
Where the fuck is he if Arya murdered all the Freys?

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jon snow has a weird looking dad

you realize george played a big part in who got cast for each role right?

How convenient, just like Daenerys entire story line.

I don't know who that guy is, but he looks like he's made of FLOWERS hahahaha

Why do they call him Sweetrobin? Cause his virginity I'll be robbin'! LOL

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The tv show is retarded and nothing from it can be used as a valid citation.

That said, I agree that horses wouldn't be able to ride thru a field burning from dragon flame anymore they could though a field burning from wildfire or napalm.

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>and since humans aren't flammable
You wot, mate? I thought people were flammable. It just takes sustained heat to catch. Hair is definitely flammable though, right?
Butin anycase. what was Kraznys wearing? It was probably his robes helping the fire along.

>Wildfire was clearly developed to duplicate this effect
Was it though? Wildfire was created by the alchemist's guild. And they were established before Targaryens came to Westeros. I'm pretty sure. I'll need to check that.

>Besides, if dragon flame was a burning gas like a stove burner
I don't think they use gas themselves. I only used a gas stove as an example to show how one flame source can create a flame of an independent source. But I think the dragon flames are more magical. Maybe they have some kind of liquid in there though.

>you realize george played a big part in who got cast for each role right?

No he didn't, it's obvious that his contract with HBO meant he had no say in the development of the tv show.

If HBO let him sit in on the casting sessions, they were just throwing him a bone.

HBO already confirmed Radmure for season 8. So we will find out soon enough.


if theres one thing the show did right, it was this kino

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I don't know how to receive this post. Is it ironic? Is it genuine? Is the video meant to be watched ironically? Is it meant to be watched genuinely?
Why are we even still talking abou Stannis after all this time? I'm utterly confused. I don't understand the posters on this site anymore. It's like you're all speaking a language I don't understand.

Dies in the first episode

I would've liked it that Dany and Jon were actually twins separated at birth.

D&D say that GRRM requested Dinklage and they thought it was a good idea. They also said the only person they were deadset on that they picked themselves was Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon and they knew they needed a biggish name for Ned. The rest was all the casting director.


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have sex

>>and since humans aren't flammable
>You wot, mate? I thought people were flammable.

If we were, then there wouldn't be any need to pile on a shit load of wood to cremate us.

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'its obvious'

you really live in your own deluded world huh?

It’s hard to remember how much D&D hated the character when watching this part. They made him so fucking badass. And “come with me and take this city” is such a good line for OC. So right to the point and the total opposite of the speech Tyrion gave.

>“come with me and take this city”
GRRM wrote the episode where he says that line

Once Arya is reunited with Gendry she’ll probably forgive Melly Sanders + brotherhood. As far as Arya knows Melly killed gendry. Finding out he’s alive will change her mind.

Your right, that explains it. I can’t belive I forgot that, this was the episode where they cut his chain and he got pissy.

Stannis' reaction to the guy saying "hundreds will die" is flawless.

Not when she finds out Jon is alive thanks to her.

the one true king.

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>mfw Lyanna dabs on Jorah when he finally comes back to Winterfell in E1

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Arya isn't pretty. Ned is said to look plain. Jon is said to look plain like his supposed father Ned. In fact, despite being the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna, Jon is said to look like Ned.

Ayra reminds Ned of his his sister Lyanna, because she has the stark look, while the other kids all have the Tully look. But remember that Arya is plain Ned's daughter, not Lyanna's daughter. Sansa calls Arya horse face, because all the starks are said to have long faces. This doesn't only come from Sansa, but also Catelyn, who remarks on the stark look early on.

Rhaegar crowned lyanna the queen of love and beauty, in respect for her performance as the mystery knight. Not because she was especially attractive. everyone was taken by Ashara Dayne's beauty, not Lyanna's.

The only one who says Arya is pretty, is the kindly old man. Who, wouldn't you figure, is a faceless man, playing the character of a kindly old man. So of course he'll say nice things. Also, he was trying to convince her of a lie, in order to make the glamour work better.

Gendrya is the only thing I care about at this point

maybe, but the whole "let's cast ugly people on purpose" thing is a woke phenomena and GoT is pre-woke. It's possible that they casted her because they wanted an ugly girl, but it seems more likely that they just didn't think it through, judging by their track record of random casting fuckups amidst casting brilliance like the original Beric Dondarion (a literal unremarkable extra-tier nobody) "Fabio" Daario and "teddy bear" Gregor

>D&D say that GRRM requested Dinklage and they thought it was a good idea.

Literally everybody was thinking Dinklage for Tyrion, the guy was born to play the role but if HBO had wanted Verne Troyer instead, there was nothing GRRM could have done about it.

> They also said the only person they were deadset on that they picked themselves was Mark Addy as Robert Baratheon

Dumb & Dumber ultimately could have been overruled by HBO executives based on the casting director's suggestions or simply on a whim, GRRM had sold the rights and D&D were employees.

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Of Davos doesn’t kill Mel when he sees her again he needs to just move into a cuckshed. She got his son killed, led his best bud to his doom and then murdered his surrogate daughter and he after his threat the bitch still has the audacity to come back to Westeros. If he cucks out again after not killing Brienne he will be up there with Robert for Top Cuck.

That's just because we're mostly made of water, right? I bet if you could make a heat hot enough, then we'd burn. Say, dragonflame for example.

>take time to line up sword swing with little knots to knock off the armor as if his health is tiered like a video game baddie
>get fucking rekt in the process

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And Bobby wasn't in love with Lyanna. He was in love with the idea of becoming bros with Ned and with the story of being the brave hero that overthrows the evil king, his evil son and saves his betrothed.

>you really live in your own deluded world huh?

Have you not watched the show? Clearly GRRM has no say in the production.

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Not at all, Doran sent his son away with almost no preparation, money or necessary provisions.
>secret mission
no fucking way, he never intended for his boy to succeed, he intends fully for rule to pass to Arianne.

When is the premiere?

April 14th at a certain time.

>I bet if you could make a heat hot enough, then we'd burn.

The water would turn to vapor and the body fat would burn but even a modern funeral home crematorium doesn't burn the body 100% into ash.

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Anyone got any sweet twitter memes?

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Just finished Battle of the Bastards again, can I get a moment of silence for the hardest nigga in the realm?

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there are multiple episodes that he wrote the script for as well as consulting for other episodes

do you talk out of your ass in real life too? or do you just limit it to your shit posting online


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He parred was with the show after they butchered his season 4 episode “The Lion and the Rose”

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>Arya isn't pretty.

Sure she is, when Lady Smallwood bathes and dresses up Arya in proper girl’s clothes, Gendry gets a boner and almost fucks her.

Arya is only called “ugly” by Sansa because she’s a slob and doesn’t care about her appearance.

It's the classic trope of an ugly nerd suddenly becoming a hot chick because she took her glasses off.

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>that he wrote the script for
he hasn't done that for almost 3 years of production

>Gendry gets a boner and almost fucks her.
are you a woman? wanting to fuck someone doesn't have to mean they are pretty

ok. So, does a body actually catch flame in a crematorium? And if it does, how long will the flames sustain on our bodies alone? Long enough to kill someone?

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>there are multiple episodes that he wrote the script for as well as consulting for other episodes

All of which was wholly subject to HBO's approval.

Unlike The Walking Dead author Robert Kirkman, GRRM has no say in the production, because he and/or his agent are greedy dumbasses who signed away the rights to the books without insisting on some level of control over the tv show.

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When I went to a youth boot camp, we had a male platoon and a female platoon. The girls that came in weren't pretty. Maybe like 1 or 2 were "cute". But after only a few weeks in there, they were the only girls around. Suddenly, they started looking real pretty.

>Arya is only called “ugly” by Sansa because she’s a slob and doesn’t care about her appearance.
This AND the fact that she has the long sullen face of the starks.(A horse face)

>It's the classic trope of an ugly nerd suddenly becoming a hot chick because she took her glasses off.
Nope. Just a girl who probably isn't exactly ugly, but isn't exactly pretty either. Rather plain like her father and cousin Jon. But you also have to take into account, much like how Sansa thinks being a slob is ugly, boys think that appearing feminine is pretty. Even if it's just an ugly girl, who made herself up.

Was too in love with people who hated him, ie his family.

they option shit all the time and just sit on it. he never thought it would actually get made and if it got made, it would never survive past the pilot. It almost didn't.

Doran was killed in Season 6. George last wrote for the show in Season 4.

But TWD has even less to do with its source material.



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> Sansa called her horseface? Welp, then Arya clearly must literally look just like an ugly horse!

Holy shit, are you guys completely unable to read between the lines?

the discussion isnt about who got final say but you insisting that george didnt help in the process and that none of his opinions affected the show which simply isnt true especially for early seasons

yeah the jew hacks got all the say at the end of the day but they also took a lot from what george told them, and some plot bullet points dont save from the shit writing of the D&D

they're completely written out of the show

Notice how Catelyn remarks that Sansa surpasses her own beauty. But has no word about Ayra's supposed "hidden" beauty.

Imagine thinking Dorne was the dumbest plotline when this exists.

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And if the show is anything close to the ending in the books. Cersei probably pays double what they did and they get got.

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>Cersei probably pays double what they did and they get got.

Except for the part where the Golden Company is more loyal to Blackfyre than they are to gold

>But TWD has even less to do with its source material.

Because the source material is complete shit after the prison arc and even Kirkman realizes this.

But he still had enough control to get Frank Darabont shitcanned when the showrunner wanted to change the story to include retarded shit like zombies with feelings who have zombie relationships and form zombie communities.

Meanwhile, D&D straight-up wiped their ass with GRRM's magnum opus all he could do was stand there and count his money.

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I spent hundreds of posts defending that story. Trying to rationalize it all. But in the end, it was never justified. It never made any sense. And I was wrong.

they are literally sell swords

>Doran was killed in Season 6. George last wrote for the show in Season 4.

The show went off the rails in S02 and GRRM couldn't do jack shit about it.

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>“Everyone’s a threat,” Williams says. “We’re done trusting people. We’re done with being pushed over.
>“There’s no more goddamn excuses. You’re in or you’re out,” Turner says, chuckling a bit. “If your name ain’t Stark, you ain’t getting in.”

Who is ready for Arya to turn on Jon "I'm not a Stahk" Snow Sand Targaryen?

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fwiw, i'm sorry what i said about your mom in those threads

The westerling plot isn't that important, i don't why you're so upset about it not being in the show when we still get the Red Wedding anyway

yeah and their whole meme is that they never break their contracts

I thought that Darabont got shitcanned for demanding a bigger budget so he could make something better that didn't involve spending an entire season in a fucking farm.

>they option shit all the time and just sit on it.


>he never thought it would actually get made and if it got made

Maybe but he still signed the worst contract in Hollywood history when he handed over complete control of the work that will define his life.

While I agree that George's word could be vetoed. That doesn't mean he didn't have an influence over the direction of the show. Ultimately, Talisa wasn't a huge problem. It's the larger plot points that mattered. All we needed to know about Talisa, is that marrying her, was an insult to the Freys. All that extra shit about who orchestrated Rob's downfall from the shadows, would have over complicated the already dense plot, with a bunch of extra details.

Find a line more reddit than this, I dare you

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This episode is so fucking excellent. I showed it to my dad with only the context of who Stannis and the Lannisters were and he loved it, it's just an expertly made episode of television.

>[bastard slaughter intensifies]


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I drink and I know things

>Notice how Catelyn remarks that Sansa surpasses her own beauty. But has no word about Ayra's supposed "hidden" beauty.

Catelyn is a superficial bitch like her daughter Sansa, remember how she shit on a young Petyr Baelish who was willing to die for her love? Then she threw all caution to the wind when Sansa was betrothed to that little shit Joffrey, then she shit on her brother Edmure for doing exactly what any military commander would have done, then she shit on Jon Snow (after shitting on him his entire life) when Robb said he would make him his heir?

My buddy's ex-wife is like this; their kids are simply reflections on her, like a new purse or pair of shoes.

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?? Did they really say that? It doesn't make any sense.

Also, it's "I drink and know things." The show lampshading how much they flanderized the character, and yet the braindead fans lapped it up.

>yeah the jew hacks got all the say at the end of the day

And that's all that matters.

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>Maybe but he still signed the worst contract in Hollywood history
Not even close since he got money from it which at this point is the only thing Gurm cares for.

The Witcher author sold the rights for his books for 4,000 bucks

More like Jaime comes to them to help and they turn him away or let him die trying to help.

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So why did this guy not train the unsullied to never kill the masters? Seems like a huge mistake. Was he retarded or is Daenerys just the biggest cunt on the face of the earth and he never imagined someone would do that?

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any line with Euron talking about traveling to kings landing and fucking cersei with "muh cock" or the "banter" between Euron and Jaimie

>trained assassin
>stabs target in the gut and let's her get away

>entire episode takes place on the wall

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is Euron /fa/?

god his costume is retarded

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>Ultimately, Talisa wasn't a huge problem.

Spoken like true Hollywoodjew producers.

Jaime is going to die after strangling his sister.

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When I said I didn't want anymore renditions of Rains, I didn't fucking want this.

Seriously. What the fuck.

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strangling his sister with one hand?

>I thought that Darabont got shitcanned for demanding a bigger budget

That was part of it, he wanted more money to do zombies with feelings and Kirkman used the authority in his contract to get the guy shit canned.

wtf is up with the music cameos. Sigur Ros was kino but the rest have been shit. wtf was ed sheeran doing there


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With the one hand he has plus the golden hand, yes.

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i really hope its just something for the closing credits and not actually in the show

Joey Bosa, a professional football player, is going to have a cameo this season as well.

this. I'd submit "All men must die, but we are not men" as well.

Calm down, user. They're just women being women.

I honestly think he values the "executive consultant" / word-of-god status much more. He's an atypical writer in several ways and more like an uber-fan who crossed-over. He legitimately thrives on going to cons and talking to people, which is draining for most artsy types, writing especially.

It's a Gen-X thing. I think they had an actual band that they're into in The Rains of Castamere as the musicians. Might have been Mastadon because they're into them as well. Ed Sheeran was obviously going full retard with it.

>Seriously. What the fuck.

Nigga, you been watching the show for seven fucking season and you still haven't figured out it's all about playing to the empty headed Twitter crowd?

>Catelyn is a superficial bitch like her daughter Sansa
Sansa respects powerful female figures like Brienne.

She shat on Petyr, because she was already betrothed. And the person she was betrothed to, was kind of awesome. Petyr simply didn't measure up. It wasn't pettiness. It was just that she wasn't interested in Petyr, yet he insisted on going along with a fight, like a dumbass. Even after he got his ass kicked, she still came to his aid. Brandon would have killed him otherwise.

>Then she threw all caution to the wind when Sansa was betrothed to that little shit Joffrey
She saw the direwolf dying to the stag as a omen for what would happen if they angered the king. She pushed for the union, in order to keep her family safe. A bit overly superstitious sure, but not petty.

>then she shit on her brother Edmure for doing exactly what any military commander would have done
I don't remember this portion. Fuzzy memory here.

>then she shit on Jon Snow (after shitting on him his entire life) when Robb said he would make him his heir?
It was not common for highborn men to take in their bastards. Every other lord took care of the bastards from a distance. Hell, even Robbert was smart enough to do that. The fact that Ned took a bastard in, was a huge humiliation to her. As well as it threatening her real family. Being that Jon is technically older than Rob, his legitimization could ruin her family's succession. Not only that, Jon went to the wall, forsaking all titles. Arya was still unaccounted for. And Sansa was still considered alive. So there was still the fact that her girls could succeed, in case of Rob's death.

LF deserved all the shit he got for being a pathetic waifufag that thought that Cat would ever pick him over a Starkchad

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I love hip hop, and to a lesser extend R&B. But if I hear a single note from this guy, I'm going to be mad. Last thing the show needs is some whiny R&B singer overtop a sampled beat.

They're both shit, but the one thing I'll give TV Dorne over book Dorne is that D&D clearly know that Dorne is shit, but people will bitch if they ignore it entirely, so they rushed through it.

I'm glad that LF is confirmed alive
(saved by the faceless men btw)

I personally approve of Brienne fighting the Hound. It gave Brienne something interesting to do outside wandering aimlessly looking for Sansa, and it took Sandor out in a way that's a little more climactic.

It's also not like Brienne beat the Hound in his prime. He was fucked up from the neck wound infection, as Arya pointed out a couple of episodes before that.

Same. Can't wait to see the look on Sansa's face, when he shows up with the golden company.

They should have at least had Doran kill Ellaria instead of the other way around. At least the prince killing his brother's waifu after she repeatedly disobeys his orders and kills the princess makes more sense than some bastard killing his lover's family to avenger said lover.

It doesn't matter which actors get to stay for a couple of more episodes since they were clearly eager to get rid of everything involving Dorne as soon as possible.

They do these stupid albums every year and none of the songs are in the show. That article is just clickbait saying it’s for the show.

"I said knock and hold you cunts! Does knock mean draw?!"
"No Sir!"
"Does fucking hold mean fucking drop?"
"No Sir!"
"Do you all plan to die here tonight?"
"No Sir!"
"That's very good to hear!"

who profits most from this show?



The only way any of that works is if you assume that a bunch of shit happened offscreen.

New Thread

Completely agree. If they just never showed the whole Arya in Bravos storyline id be more happy to just imagine what happened during her training. All of it, start to end, made no sense.