Is this it?

Is this it?

Attached: wotf3.jpg (1328x986, 876K)

No, it's Spark of Hope.

Attached: IMG_5568.jpg (2048x1536, 423K)

>hope hope hope hope hope hope hope
Nu-wars is so gay

Is it what?

No, they've already settled on Triumph of the Force
T. Works at Disney as JJ's personal boy slave

>Will of the force
Who plays Will?

Star Wars
Forced to Watch

I bet its none of those because they seem to like names with short recognizable abbreviations.
I mean the movies are shit but if you type TFA R1 or TLJ people get it

Everyone is wrong so far. The true title is From His Nap

>Force Awakens The Last Jedi's Spark Of Hope
fucking kino

They're not that smart.

I thought it would something with some finality. This would be meh.

So literally WoTF

Who cares? Disney sure as fuck doesn't. So why do you?

Star Wars: it's a force force force force galaxy

That's even more lame

Star Wars: something something Dark side

For fucks sake, it was leaked months ago

The First Light of Kenobi

My money's on Revenge of the Nerds.

A spark of Sneed, formerly Kenobi

Disney throws around the word hope when in fact it takes away hope from its fans

That has not been revealed yet, maybe a secret character


more like Spark of Cope amirite

You are all work. Look:

Attached: potężne gówno.png (655x891, 664K)

It is called Rebellions Last. A double meaning like Last Jedi.

A new new hope
Hope strikes back
Return of the hope
The hope awakens
The last hope
>Revenge of the hope

>The Force Awakens
>"The Force is female! Rey is the Force! She awakens!"
>Will of the Force
Uh oh.

Hope of the force

Star Wars: Force, Hope, Jedi

Star Wars: Episode XI: Destiny: Spark Of Hope

Part 1

This user gets it.