Capeshit never ends

>capeshit never ends

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Feel that borther

>posts a gif of an actor starring in capeshit

joker won't be capeshit at all

>capeshit character
>won't be capeshit
go back

Yeah neither will your fucking whining

Will we ever get back to the days of movies like No Country being best pic winners and making 100+ million?

fucking end yourself

never seen any

nope. movie budgets are either 1 milion or 100 millon theres no wiggle room


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Nothing wrong with this, it's something that will eventually slow down but it doesn't need to die, like westerns.
It's not like kino isn't being produce at the same time, sure the action genre took a hot but drama is as strong as ever

unfortunately that doesnt stop the billions of dollars and thousands of employees manpower and talent being poured into capeshit instead of being used for something useful

Nothing ends, user. Nothing ever ends

go back to larping in your blog faggot

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What was he doing here?

being recognized as a nominee

Raimi's spiderman counts

>tfw you realize the people on this board who defend capeshit aren't being ironic

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Stop pretending that you are edgy, cut. Many people will watch the Joker including those who don't care about comics and shit. It just looks like the origin of a killer clown and people like these characters.

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>getting pissed at movies

good mans smash the bad man and problem gone he smashie the bad so its good

He seems like he doesn't even care or want to be there. Does he always have this attitude?


he says he thinks of movies as a team effort and dislikes being singled out, but honestly I think he just really hates the Hollywood scene and can't flat out say it

other good man have problem with good man but they solve problem and smash bad man instead

d-dont lie to me user

I don't understand how people don't get tired of capeshit. All these movies are the same. Even something that gets praised as being better than the other capeshit movies like Iron Man 1 or Guardians of the Galaxy is bland.

What's so exciting about CGI battles where superheroes just punch or shoot magic beams at each other? Where is the fun in finding out how the superheroes will defeat the supervillain when they always find some asspull way?

>don't think
>buy ticket
>look at bright flashing color
>look at actor you recognize
>laugh at quip
>affirm your decision with your fellow ticket-buying group members
>drink sugar
>eat popcorn
>good guy win so you're happy
>no bad thought allowed
>happy happy happy

this is like saying "I don't understand why people don't get tired of football."

how is capeshit in any way comparable to sport? what the fuck is even in the heads of capeshitters that you would type that lol i actually do not understand that analogy

Do football players have magical powers and are there teams with plot armor? I don't care for sports but I can understand the appeal of watching people who dedicate their whole life towards sports play and the excitement of rooting for a team that you have no idea whether they will win or not.

Sure. When the great purge happens.
And it will.

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kys plebbitor please

it's a spectacle and a show. There is a large crowd and many fans. The energy of crowds is a real thing and very enjoyable. Everyone knows how the game is going to end -- someone is going to win. Everyone knows the ball is going to get thrown or run. Field goals, kick-offs, penalties, etc.

if you can't see the similarities then i dunno man

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no football players don't have magical players. you are a literal idiot, or literally an idiot take your pick

>not having any respect or passion for anything you like or do in your life