Attached: 1554920933860.jpg (360x419, 25K)

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What were they thinking?

>makes 2 shitty hellboy movies that barely make money
how about read the fucking comic book you dumb spic.

>caring about money
What are you? A fucking kike? lmao

I was always on his side.

>Lionsgate and Boyega can suck it

>not caring about film quality
Hola, Spic

This man has two alright films and is a better art director than actual director, basically he's a hack

Tbh, the first Hellboy was pretty Mignola accurate, despite a few things. Second one was 20% Mignola 80% Del taco. I don't even know what this thing with Milla Jovovich is

>box office and film quality is the same bro

sorry taco, you were always a hack, lol not sorry

Pan's is a lowkey mastepiece.


Attached: pale man bad.jpg (620x614, 62K)

I don't care about a tweet, Pan's is easily a top 25 from this century.

No. It's good but not that good.

Are you a zoomer? That might explain the backlash.

Are you retarded? That might explain the faggotry.

SEETHING ZOOMER + le leddit switcharoo.
You have to go back.

>You have to go back
The irony.

>he doesn't mix French with English

>he tries to get out of the reddit hole he dug himself into

>movies literally aren't good and also do poorly at box office
hi dummy

besides copying some characters the entire tone of the first movie is nothing like Mignola. Its basic Urban Fantasy trash that was popular at the time.