During a trial separation from Marge, Homer begins dating a 20-something hipster, voiced by Lena Dunham

>During a trial separation from Marge, Homer begins dating a 20-something hipster, voiced by Lena Dunham

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>formerly a 20-something sneedster.

>During a trial separation from Chuck, Sneed begins dating a 20-something hipster, voiced by Slena Dunhaneed

how could homer turn down ham

Sneed feed and seed

Fuck and Suck

>Lena Dunham, hambeast.
what did she mean by this?

how could homer turn down sneed

She likes Sneed


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Does she fuck and suck him?

>Didja do de burdowsah?
Bartic head
Wanna know more about it?


Can I -dare I say- Sneed?

Lena Dunham looks like that? Huba huba, caaa zooooing, unga bunga!

Wtf that's not the joke. The joke is that you'd think it was named Sneed's Feed and Seed on purpose for the rhyme, but absurdly it was previously called Chuck's Feed and Seed and just happened to get bought by a guy named Sneed.

Who is the guy on the b&w poster in the background, Lou Reed?

Did they fuck and or suck?

Reading this thread now and the sneedposting is seriously getting out of control. And I am a sneedposter who has received dozens of 3 day bans and multiple 10 day bans for my sneeding. What... have... I done?

Hello moe poster. Want to know how I knew it was you?
No sneed poster would feel sorry for Simpsons!

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>sneedfags can't even spread past specific threads on Yea Forums
Formerly Chucks, currently cucks

That's a step down from Mindy, what'll they think of next I mean sneed

sneed has no beef (formerly veal) with other threads

(car pulling up) Chuck: well well look at the city sleeker pulling up with he's fancy german car. homer: but this car was made in guatemala. sneed: well pardon us mister gucci loafers. homer: i bought this shoes from a hobo. chuck: well adi da mister park avenue manicure. homer: im sorry i belive in good grooming. (footstaps) old guy: t'he you not gonna grow nothing on the old simpson place that whare you're daddy abandoned it. homer: oh what do you know. old guy: well (chuckels) i know you're soil ph is up around 9.6 and you need a 7 to 8 max. homer: oh that's just superstition (homer taking seeds and puts them i a bag) you watch me i'll grow something out there. old guy: not if you're planting gummy bears. homer: d'oh

Came here to say this.

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>During a trial separation from Marge, Homer begins fucking and sucking a 20-something farmer, voiced by Chuck Sneed

The only Sneed I know of is the one from CIA's flight plan.

>"My flight plan lists Sneed, Mimen, and Dr. Pavelleure, but only one of you."

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>formerly happily married

Being a bit generous with her appearance aren't they? Someone should rectify that.

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Holy basedola.

feed and seedpilled

>our marriage is on the rocksons
>homer fucks an incestous pedo

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Who does Marge sleep with during the trial separation?

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One of the writers literally said it was suck fuck

Why don't they just ban the word sneed like they did with basedboy?

Only the owner (hiro) has permissions to change the wordfilter.
This is why we have all the last shit moot set still in place. Like smhtbhfam.

>moot left 4 years ago
Aah where does the time go?

Jery get ipad

She wishes she looked like that

White American women are hambeasts by nature

The Lena Dunham character's father. Seriously.

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>we will never have a cozy simpsons thread ever again

why havent they blocked the word already

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Sneedmasons control Yea Forums

lou the black cop.


>White American women are hambeasts by nature
>Lena Dunham
>White American
Uh huh

The Simspons put more bad into the world than good. Even excluding the last 20 seasons, they created a slew of all knock off sitcoms like Family Guy.

>happened 100 million years ago
>OP wants to drum up conflict
Fuck off. Should have posted this when it happened.

Family Guy is derived Looney Tunes humour. The fact that it has the "5 or so family members" set up is because that was the only way to get networks to pick it up. Meg and Chris are largely pointless characters.









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Blocking finna make it worse.
t. Yea Forumsfag

jannies are afraid of sneed

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Oh oh oooohhhhhhhh! Now I get it it. The writers of The Simpsons are indubitably geniuses.

they openly admit constantly that they took a lot from the simpsons though

where did it all go so wrong bros?

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you relize if they block the word or any correlated to it, the amount of shitposting and spam will fuck the board for months. hopefully this fucking happens.

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Formerly right

after s11e05

would be worth it for the memes desu

wow, the jews even separated homer and marge so they could be promiscuous, Lisa is polyamorous, Bart is a feminist cuck...
Thank god for sneed

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The only thing they should be doing with The Simpsons at this point is ending it.

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Damn OP, nice post. Really got me thinking hard abo- sneed.

I've never been more disgusted by an image in my life, why is Homer in bed with another woman. The original justification of the morally questionable behavior of the characters was that it provided an accurate representation of a family's imperfections, that even though they tried to be good people they often made mistakes. Instead of showing an idealization they tried to show reality, it was supposed to show the that even though people can have flaws but still be good people. This is blatant degeneracy and showing it doesn't send the message that it's ok to not be perfect, it sends the message that it's ok to be a filthy degenerate.

>I've never been more disgusted by an image in my life, why is Sneed in bed with another woman. The original justification of the morally questionable behavior of the characters was that it provided an accurate representation of a farmer's imperfections, that even though they tried to be good storeowners they often made mistakes. Instead of showing suck they tried to show fuck, it was supposed to show the that even though people can have feed but still be seed. This is blatant degeneracy and showing it doesn't send the message that it's ok to not be cityslicker, it sends the message that it's ok to be a filthy cityslicker.

dating a 20-something hipster
>20-something hipster girl not owning Dragon Dildos

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Literally every person in this thread would let lena dunham sit on their face, you cant change my mind

formerly wholesome

ahem, I don’t mean to be rude user but I dated a non feminist cutie anorexic girl a few years ago so I’m ruined for life with fatties. You should pity me.

First of all jesus christ that's disgusting

Second off it's not HER, it's just a character she voices

formerly dubitably retards

yeah because people are spamming so.i and fa.m all over the board watch out rehrioer. filters kill niggers like you dead.

Basically this.

The entire point of the show was that even if they get on each other's nerves and their personalities clash, they still love each other.

But now Marge is lezzing out and Homer is banging other women. It's fucking bizarre.

I mean at least taytay looks nice.
But she doesn't even care.
Nepotism will get you everywhere in entertainment.

weird, usually i want the opposite of whatever type of girl i was with last. so if i was banging a little anorexic girl last id probably be looking for some chub

no dude that's obviously SN Eeed

>trial separations after 30 years of marriage arent realistic
user most marriages end in divorce. that doesnt make them bad people. :)

Its blocked on r9k

I wanna be her piss drinking boyslave. I desperately need her to step on my cock and balls and spit on me. I want her to peg me and tell me I'm a worthless loser.

this but unironically

I actually found this episode to be the most interesting alt-future episode of the Simpsons. I would have been interested in seeing it go on for a season, even if it of course makes a mockery of the classic frozen continuity.

I mean I did bang a tinder fatty after the relationship. But I’m a neurotically visually person. Also...fat tits feel different than skinny but big tits

Idris Elba

wow! thank you! formerly I did not get it!

Bravo Nolan

I thought this was the joke too
this is more clever than actually funny

Marge's actress' voice is like listening to someone choke on a lit pack of cigarettes.

I wasn't being ironic

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Bug Grungie

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Does Homer actually dick her, or do they shy away from conflict like that?

>people are spamming so.i and fa.m all over the board
Yes, they still do this, but you are newfag who wasn't here when filter was just introduced.
Shitposting was INSANE, full catalogue of so y threads

Have sex

Homer is officially a fag.

Raising a kid as a single mom is incorrect tho

No, Homer wimps out while it's heavily implied that Marge and her date did in the next scene.

wait, homer is being voiced by lena dunham? fitting

I hate the sneed meme.
and by the sneed meme i mean the show The Simpsons

more like

uh huh

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wasn't it just a dream

I've seen Lena Dunhams tits. But not her ass. What's the ass like?


a beanbag with a slit

Sneeds feed and seed, formerly chucks suck and fuck.

He should be dating a sneedster lol

bag of rocks and salty cream

Feromerly on control

Sneed and Chuck


>while it's heavily implied that Marge and her date did in the next scene
I wouldn't be surprised desu. I have the feeling the writers would feel more comfortable making Homer the cuck rather than Marge. Like one of those shitty "future" espisodes in which Marge leaves Homer for Krusty while Homer is shown as a loser


Wrong, they gave us Sneed


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well yeah you dont wanna fuck a big ol fatso but thicc became a meme for a reason user. its a real thing

It's Ian Curtis

like ripping off a bandaid. Or taking chemo instead of slowly dying of cancer.

user nobody is arguing that kids are better off with 1 parent

White than you, ahmed

Farmer #1

>Simpsons is now pure AIDS
>SNEED is Yea Forums cancer personified
>tfw when don't watch that shit or post that gay meme

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Maybe in another time you would have received your deserved applause.


Lena wears less clothes

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this is actually disgusting.

imagine being the person that had to tattoo this hamplanet.

Looks like a fat slut I could fuck, if it weren't for the fucking disgusting tattoos and jewish genes

Who is that guy on the poster in the background?

Remember when she got so upset about Trump winning she got skinny for awhile but then realized she loved food more than she hated Trump? That was funny.

Good post
It should also be noted that Sneed


But the storyboard artists came up with the joke.

Why is Lisa's pearl necklace on the lampshade?

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Its weird to me how ugly leftists always have this pathological need to portray themselves as attractive, even in something so banal and mundane as a zombie simpsons episode. Is it arrogance, is it social conditioning? Or do they really just want the world to see them as beautiful, because deep down they see their essence and it is dark, hateful and ugly just like every other progressive

I honestly want someone to explain the fucking mystery date meme.

based boomer thinker

Imagine typing this post while unironically supporting a president with fake hair, a fake tan, a doctor who lies about how fat he is, and who needs to pay women to have sex with him. And has a mail order foreign bride.

How do you know who he supports, you assuming Allen

Who said anything about supporting tump?

I supported Trump, I'm not going to lie but not because he was a good guy or a strong candidate he just happened to be more in favor of states rights then Clinton was

t. Uses an anime avatar on Twitter

Seething (2019)

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Simpsons fucking sucks now.

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for what the fucking fuck

it was all just a dream

I used to read Word Up! magazine


completely annihilated, uninstall Yea Forums

No you retard its Chucks feed and seed, like someone throws around feed and their seed- jizz

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It's still Chuck's seed and feed, retard.


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rule 63 chuck

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What do you think that brown and yellow thing is in the background?
>it used to just be yellow

>Embrace your curves, girl!
>(because nobody else wants to)

Two minutes and eight seconds after OP invited disaster by daring to start a Simpsons thread on Yea Forums disaster struck

it turned out to be a dream or something


It does. If there's a divorce, its pretty much guaranteed one of the people involved is a bad person. Most people are bad people.

I've been divorced twice are you serious right now with the incel bullshit? Its not my fault I got bored of my husbands, they were mean to me but obviously that doesn't suit your narrative. BAKA, PATHETIC!!!


>mail order foreign bride
Better than Obummer's MALE order bride.
How's that feel, Demon-rat?

Oooooh my, oh my my my....

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Formerly tumor antropomorphized and straight meme

Reminder that Sneed is just the modern desuspam

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"
-Hillary "Madam President" Clinton

Wifi semen prince norris?

The writers disagree



Ding-dong diddly cringe.


Basedesu (formerly basneed)

The common point in both of your divorces is you, meditate on that.