Happy birthday, Daisy!
We lobe you
Happy birthday, Daisy!
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>perfect girls don't exi-
>flat as a board
She's pretty and all, but she still has certain shortcomings.
fuck you daisy you mary sue whore
Do you kiss your mummy with that mouth?
She's doing CW reshoots for the 10th time. Congratulations Daisy.
Mary Sue is a sexist term. Daisy said so herself.
You don't want to be a sexist, do you?
>waifuing an average-looking (at best) actress with a history of unimpressive movies and cocaine addiction
Will she show abs in trailer?
No u
Damn Daisy looks like THAT?!
Tell me Yea Forums, why can't she close her mouth?
she wishes she looked this good
When is it?
I will never understand Daisyfags
her sister is cuter (and can have kids)
lets not forget that she is barren and sex is painful for her. i hope for her sake that she cooks a mean gulasch otherwise nobody will ever marry that.
redpill me on that pussy
>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
>tfw Daisy will never give you this look
Cringe, I can tell from here you don’t have sexual intercourse
>Daisy will never silently beg for mercy
Hey bitch take acting lessons and learn how to smile.
big healthy teeth
I loved that outfit
She's unironically gorgeous
Daisy only gives this look to her Adamu.
Unless you are Adam Driver. Then she will happily beg.
Episode 9 is going to make The Last Jedi look like A New Hope.
CW reshoots start from April 17 to May 6. Daisy is most likely in NY right now. The director was still in NY recently.
She'll go to Chicago for Celebration tommorow.
In what context?
Shouldn't she be naked? She wasnn't born with clothes on.
Are you?
I would feed her and impregnate her so boobs grow.
based aryanposter
CW reshoots started on April 5, Daisy was in NY until her makeup artist came on the 3rd and they both left for Atlanta (where the reshoots are done) on the 6th
Her boobs could definitely use some growing.
looks way too neat, she's probably a dirty slut irl
So she was shooting in Atlanta without the director? Because Liman was in NY on April 7 and then NJ watching WrestleMania.
pornstars with similar body? asking for a friend
Don't know, Flora is in Atlanta now and i assume Daisy went with her. Liman also posted that reshoots have started on the 5th.
Probably preliminary stuff, i dunno.
And Tom Holland was still in LA as of yesterday.
Porn is bad for you r friend
Probably has a maid
he can't help it. but you can help him.
There is also the possibility that Flora went alone to set up her work space and stuff. Also the possibility that Daisy was never in NY.
Wow she was a lot younger back then. I honestly thought she was cute in that shit movie
she is so cute dudes
Both Flora and Daisy were most probably in NY. Because Liman, associate producer of CW and other crew members were there. I am guessing to prepare for the reshoots and Daisy was there to read the revised script early, whenever she came back from AUS, Mar 29/30. Flora arrived on April 3/4.
So is Daisy in Atlanta today for her birthday or what?
Who knows? Let's see if anyone from CW crew posts something. If not, then she's probably in NY.
Mark Hammil landed in Chicago from LAX today. But no sight of Daisy yet. So she most probably wasn't with him.
Either that or NY
Mark announced he won't be at SWCC though
Where did it go wrong bros?
He was trolling. He's in Chicago already. Why else be there if not for SWCC?