Bf out of town. What movie should i watch?
Bf out of town. What movie should i watch?
my bbc
blacked raw marathon
TDKR retard
Your weight you fat whore.
Dialation Nation
Also you will never pass
Get off my sneedboard, and i choose the bird most of the time, but occasionally the cage
Go out to the bars, get drunk and get dicked.
ahh, thread already ruined by an incel picture.
post le ebin frog next
Is your bf a nigger?
Gangs of LONDON
Bitch, you need dick?
Master and commander.
You probably won't get it though.
Big Trouble in Little China
Your father is a cuckold
That's my favorite movie. Maybe something I haven't seen.
Hey baby where you at now?
Best thread on tv right now
Probably nothing interesting, women don't really get movies.
Fight Club Followed by The Matrix
Fuck that come cheat on him with me. What do you think he's gonna do out of town?
Birth of a Nation
Captain Ron
>fight club
You're probably ugly.
Looks fun. Thanks qt.
Yeah but so are you, let's do this already
I am ugly thanks.
Grandma's Boy
>54 kb
the state of you thirsty cunts
I like to save space
How many guys do you have lined up to fuck while's he away?
Are you a girl (female) or girl (Male)
name five things you hate about your bf
Don't worry your bf's not in this thread. You can give us a real answer.
Why does that wojak have a choker
Black belt in dick sucking
This. It'll get you in the mood for some BBC
I'm not a tranny or a trap
Snoring, doesn't like my cat very much. That's all I can think of.
See, incels I kind of understand. They flooded Yea Forums, that's life, you try to deal with it as best you can.
Femcels now?? Oh, you gotta be fuckin' shittin' me!!
Go outside. Have sex.
Lord almighty and his son.
He's bleaching someone I guarantee it.
Post your feet right now or things are gonna get messy in this thread
Okay if you're an actual woman you're better off asking for advice on a site that isn't 90% comprised of basement dwelling neckbeards
so if you stuck your hand in/on your vaginer right now, what would it smell like?
Are you?
bitch just post tits now
Depends, what kind of films do you like?
>that pic
>implying black women don't have the worst obesity rates of anyone in the USA
Gangbang My Face volumes 1-4
Ok fair enough. No dick for you.
How about something weird:
Angel heart
Or something funny maybe?
Anger management
Or something serious...
LA confidential.
Also I have to concur with Its important to show your feet.
That way I know you're not Bree Larson.
Have you seen her feet???!!!! Good God!
you guys behave just like the orbiters/incels you spend all day criticizing
BLACKED, the entire filmography
Ayo bish u need sum dik?
Post your triceps. We need to know if you are fat.
pls post pusy
Blacked porn
>I’m not a tranny or a trap
Triumph of the Will
Honestly surprised the pahjeets haven't asked "her" for bobs an vageets yet.
Ghost in the Shell (1995) and Yojimbo were the first two movies that came to mind for some reason.
What movies do femcels watch that isn't romantic trash?
Wish I had a weird artsie gf like my mum to watch suprisia with (she was grossed out)
Male virgin btw.
Give gib big titty bbw gf mummy gf
>huge fat deposits to the ass
Dogfucker copes are so adorable.
Goto >>/gif/
and learn
Watch Carpenter's The Thing
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
No Way Out (if you really are a chick then go straight to this one)
In the Mouth of Madness
The Rope
>Start movie
>Check back while I go potty
>You guys still at it
I already found a movie sillies
which one?
>The kitten fears the banana
>wearing a choker
fuck off whore
chokers are cute
captain ron
>while I go potty
Imagine the smell.
Salty pee and coins
Master and Commander
Master and Commander
Fuck black men. Preferably two or morw at the same time.
My penis tastes like strawberries
Been there beforw. Not a threesome but one.
Good for you.
Now show your feet.
I'm a guy btw if that matters
I am sad that you ended up choosing the worst film suggested ITT. Cpt Ron is terrible but maybe OK for chicks and fags for the exclusively male body focus.
It's not terrible. I'd seen a lot of the other suggested stuff already.
Have you told your boyfriend or are you too ashamed and disgusted with yourself as you should be?
I hope your cat gets out while you're getting deep dicked by chad and then a dumpster truck runs it over and then you're so sad that you kill yourself. Not even being ironic.
don't bully my cat :c
kill yourself
Women don’t get “sad”, they’re emptyheaded fucking animals. What she would do in that situation is start welling up because the simple wiring in her stupid whore animal brain tells her that crying is the most socially advantageous thing to do to reap maximum pity, validation and resources from Chad. She’ll then immediately post a picture of herself crying to social media, to which her DMs will overflow with competing males trying to “comfort” her, at which point she will choose the richest and most attractive ones to come fuck her brains out and buy her shit without the other’s knowledge of also doing so.
Open bob and vagena
>emptyheaded fucking animals
hot desu
post feminine pusy
Watch jake and josh.
>all the faggots in this thread posting unironically
Absolute newfags. The correct response 10 times outta 10 is TITS OR GTFO!
Get back on track niggers!
PLEASE be my girlfriend
go back
Fuck off back to re ddit first cunt.
The absolute state of Incels
can i come over ahaha
No. Sorry.
Bring snacks and yes
>implying it's not cucked to spew some kike rhetoric dehumanizing women
>implying you aren't just as stupid as women