Why do right wing shows outperform left wing shows?

Why do right wing shows outperform left wing shows?

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flyover retards have nothing better to do than sit at home watching tv

Id guess scarcity. Conservatives are 50% of the general population, so we have the demand, but >90% of TV writers are libshits, which limits supply.

>muh family values
>cocaine snitch

hey mister candyman my nose is empty

>Former drug smuggler (((Conservative)))

conversative boomers are the only one watching tv

its funny you call last man standing and roseanne right wing shows just because the lead actor right wing, when it's written and produced all by leftists and jews and have very strong left wing biases

You sound stable.

well we can't all be boofing heroin before catching an uber to go to our gay friend's latest gallery opening in soho like those other glamorous folks now can we

Wait, what?

>well we can't all be boofing heroin
Throw in some opioids and you describe small town America pretty well

Middle America low IQ dumbfucks.

the fact that you have internet access is amazing

>just moved to rural town in eastern Idaho
>car's already been broken into twice
Fuck small town living and fuck white trash.

All shows in Murrika are right wing shows, they can be conservative or progressive (or as mutts say "liberal"). But you won't get left wing shows out of jewish products designed by corporations.

Most lefites don't watch TV, where as older folks and conservatives come home and park their ass in front of the tube and watch 6 hours straight of Fox news and mindless sitcom dreck. Even my dad, who is arguably more liberal than conservative, would come home and watch Last Man Standing and Big Bang Theory until he fell asleep. It's just what boomers do, it's the only outlet for entertainment they feel comfortable with.

>lived in rural New England towns my whole life
>never lock my car, hardly even ever lock my house
>never seen a cop called out for anything other than directing traffic
>neighbors indoctrinated by centuries of puritan ethics to mind their own business and never talk to me
Based small town living. I love being white. Although it's environments like this that make northeastern liberals ignorant to just how horrible niggers can be, which is what makes you liberal in the first place.

All leftist shows exist outside of the mainstream in america. In the early 2000s independent animation kino on the internet was dominated by left wing artist though.

Since when does not being bat-shit nuts make a show suddenly right-wing?

>I love being white
Is this a cringe thread?

Based Normposter.

>be white
>have good credit score
>never get pulled over
>can literally pee on a cop and he just laughs
>own 128 slaves who do everything for me
>Trump pays me money for killing minorities and beating women
>own mansion on the moon and time machine
>somehow this is cringe
Seething nigtard detected.

The people who do drugs like heroin and meth are the small town redneck trash, user. Big city folk just do weed, coke, and molly. Towns with populations below 30,000-40,000 are the ones the serious narcotics problems.

Tv is an aging audience. Young people watch Youtube instead.

Sad that now being a show with just a regular husband and wife pairing with pretty normal values is now "right wing". The overton window of television is so shifted that something like modern family is now the "center" because what's to the left of that is even more degenerate.

>rural America
>not riddled with drug addicts
You had me going for a minute there, Cleetus

Actually we have tons to do because we don't have to stay inside of tiny areas to avoid minority infested shitholes.

Based. White liberals exclusively live in white areas. They're spoiled.