”All shy people are bad people

>”All shy people are bad people
>”I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. Oh, yes. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge. He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.”
Was Orson Welles roght?

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Well, he's not wring

It's a cimplocated issue.

>>All shy people are bad people.
All roasties feel this way about guys who aren't extroverts.

Everything he said about Woody Allen is correct, and I doubt Allen would dispute a word of it

no Orson just took himself way too seriously
acting is not some high art it's for faggots

this. They're glorified jesters

not really, if you're shy but look like this they'll still be all over you
good looking guys are rarely shy though, to be fair

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Wring?? WTF is wring???

I want to fuck her so bad

Why is dis bitch talking about me and calling me Woody Allen?

name?i don't recognize her

I'm good looking but I hate women and people and niggers, so most interpret it as shyness.
Even when I'm openly moody and coarse they think I'm le mysterious or some shit.

Now that's a body JESUS CHRIST

nothing is wring when everything is white

Dakota LENGson

lmfao underrated

>I hate women and people and niggers

>I'm good looking

Post a picture and let us be the judge of that.

Yup. Acting wasn’t a well respected job til Hollywood came around with its massive production values. It used to pay shit too. Most actors prior were almost beggars.

He's not wrong, but it's true of virtually all writers.

All shy people ARE bad people, though. Being a piece of shit or being severely mentally ill (which goes hand in hand with being an asshole) are the only reasons to be shy (and often unfriendly too). Someone being good looking or not doesn’t determine whether they’re bad people or not.

don't need affirmation, I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not.

good lord the body on this one


Well yeah. A handsome, non-fat guy can roll out of bed in the morning and get away with anything.

Acting isn't a well respected job now either.
The VAST majority of actors work other shitty jobs just to support themselves.

Not true. I'm a theater actor, i don't have other jobs even though my payment is shit.

Orson Welles was just jealous because Woody made a film whenever he wanted, and Welles was a fat alcoholic loser whose projects all failed.

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Fucking this. Actors and fucking footballers are being paid retardedly well for what they actually fucking do. This society is fucked.

prove it

>Being a piece of shit or being severely mentally ill (which goes hand in hand with being an asshole) are the only reasons to be shy (and often unfriendly too).
Or maybe the person just born shy?

Fat fuck drunkard cunt found a very convenient way to put down people who are already, evidently, insecure and anxious.

being born shy = being born an asshole

Sounds anti-semitic.

Prove how? I'm not famous.

These things have no co-relation

post a photo of your thespian license


Cope. Show me one shy person who isn’t an asshole. WHY would one be shy?

You're a fucking 3/10 lmao.

I can see her pusy

>only ugly people can hate others


based orson welles. anyone who disagrees is a nerd or a virgin or both

I wonder if shy people just come off as assholes to non shy people by default because extroverts are unfamiliar with shyness and it confuses them.

>All shy people are bad people

I'm a shy guy and I'm a cunt.

>Show me one shy person who isn’t an asshole.
>WHY would one be shy?
Genetics? I'm shy since I was a child.


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I wish there was a backstory on this picture.


post the webm

This has to be it. Extroverts literally can't comprehend why one would by shy. My coworkers used to think I was a stuckup cunt simply because I didn't like small talk

introverts btfo

Chaplin was a shmuck

here, enjoy

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see people understand you, they just don't like you

why is this hotter than opening the pic

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Probably. As a timid person myself he seems to be accurately describing me now that I think about it.

>shy people suck
>sad the fat obnoxious loudmouth

Lol, I will take shy people over extrovertfags any time. At least they aren't terrified of silence.

Was it rape?

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HAHAHAH of course.

>passive aggressive backstabbers who secretly hate you
>will try to sabotage you every chance they get
yeah sounds like good company

Why are you shy? If you have “no reason” you’re mentally ill.

Not really, he seems like a typical normie cunt always making everything about himself, letting his insecurities shine through
>waaah why is the shy guy not talking to me, I bet he feels superior
>I'm the real victim here cause I have to act modest even though my blown up ego is hurting!

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Not really, they expect you to be all over them. Most girls won't make the first move, and the ones who do that's a red flag

I know they just wrote on a scanned picture, but I like to think he just laid there and they drew a perfect line stretching from his arm to the couch.

>ywn rape her against that harsh concrete floor

>passive aggressive backstabbers who secretly hate you
thats literally everyone, not just shy people

> tfw pretty good looking
> hot chicks giving me fuckeyes walking down the street
> random cutie literally handed me her phone number on the subway out of nowhere
> doesnt matter tho cause i'm a turboautist who managed to bed 1 (one) girl in my nearly 30 years on this planet
you know what i'm glad i had the one, better than nothing, i thought i'd just be a virgin for life

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Welles will be remembered long after Allen is dead.

literally me

Weren’t actors tied for or below prostitutes as the lowest position in society for most of the history of Europe?

so it does feel better to just get the one down? i knew they were lying to me

No he’s baiting you. It’s not worth giving up your wizard powers.

Lol so will Allen.
Have you ever met anyone who actually said Orson Welles was one of their favourite filmmakers, or who said Touch of Evil or Citizen Kane were actually one of their favourite films? He's respected as being good/important/influential more than people actually enjoy his films.

Just to let you know, the people telling you sex isn't worth it and that it's the same as masturbating were all lying to you.

wanna know what else they're lying to you about?
> relationships arent all theyre cracked up to be
> it's not like a relationship really fixes anything dude
i've never been as happy before or after as i was during those brief 6 months that the relationship lasted. i guess most people can't really imagine a life spent alone so they don't have that baseline misery to compare their relationship-saturated life to.

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I have actually, quite a lot. Find less retarded friends and associates.

That's the worst.
>Standing in the corner at a party because I'm too retarded to interact with anyone
>Girls come up to me because I'm mildly handsome and it's dark
>They might be into me (idk I'm too retarded to tell)
>After a minute of talking to me they realize that I can't hold a conversation and lose interest

And now I'm fat and ugly, so I don't even have that anymore.

But is it a bad thing to be an asshole compared to, what?

Coward's vanity.

I figured. I had a girl cuddle me once and literally got high off it. There are studies that show how loneliness kills you. You are probably right that they don't mean harm by their bullshit, they just aren't able to compare it to someone who really is alone.

I'm an omega autist and even I've had girls just start making out with me in bars and eventually drag me back to their place for a fuck. You must not be as good looking as you think you are.

Yes, being likened to a rancid bodypart where poop comes out it not a good thing.


of course people like Welles. I like him. I liked Citizen Kane & Touch of Evil.

But fuck all anyone is about him in the same way as Woody Allen fans, which is basically most people who like drama films at all.

to be fair welles made his last film half a century ago, whereas woody allen is still going. it's not really surprising

It's not just that, Welles' films aren't actually liked in the same way that say, Bergman or Ozu films are liked either.

Also Welles was only 20 years older than Woody & Woody made some of his best work; Midnight in Paris and Blue Jasmine and Cafe Society this century. I don't see how Welles only doing anything good in a 20 year period is 'fair' when you're trying to argue that he'll be remembered better.

>citizen kane is my favourite movie

said literally no one ever