Would Garrett have done a Fortnite dance if this was done in 2019?

Would Garrett have done a Fortnite dance if this was done in 2019?

Attached: make her day garrett.jpg (1280x720, 77K)

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Nah, he's a New Jack Swing/hip-hop dude.

he would have finna flossed on her

pussy slayers don't do the fortnite dance

This is the prime example of what happens when you don't have any friends. You live in your head and you get ideas from movies and media and there is no one to tell you it's a bad idea.

Who was in the wrong here?

When i first saw this it took me 5 minutes to realise the fedora wasn't edited in.

The people behind the cameras.

the jews

Shari's Berries

All those nigs watching a kike try and BAGEL a white girl.

Laugh all you want, he at least had the balls to try, which is more than can be said for 99% of Yea Forums.

Stop projecting.

Hey zoom-zoom, word "projecting" is not a magical yugioh card that trumps all in life and magically unhurts your feelerinos

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Hi Garett

it's better to not try than try and fail

This more than anything

He’s just a boy, there’s nothing gained other than a sick satisfaction by filming him embarrassing himself, gaurantee whatever guy was filming him had a secret shame he can remember but desperately hoped stays forgotten. He embarrassed himself in front of a girl, what boy doesn’t do that at least once

>He embarrassed himself in front of a girl, what boy doesn’t do that at least once
Any sane boy with common sense like me.

I know it’s all about love and shit, but this is the one time being the shy loser that doesn’t talk to anyone is better than being a sperg that embarrasses himself in front of everyone and has it uploaded online.

>having the balls to try to impress a roastie so that she chooses you for entertainment

yeah no


Yeah much better to die a KHV like you will right?

Haha, now this is a blast from the past.

I wonder what are Garrett and Alexa up to now.

99% of us are more self-aware. If you're a beta fedora-wearing nerd, you have no chance with Stacey, hence why she ended up with a football playing jock. There are plenty of fat girls he could have tried to impress. He's not brave; he's a fucking moron.

Not disagreeing with anything you said. Still better than to spend your entire life without talking to a girl once, or at best once and then being """"depressed""" while blindly assuming that all women are the same for the rest of your life.

When he goes in for the kiss


It's like two magnets repelling

sharis & alexa

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I love that this video exists. Everyone line up and laugh at him for fucking existing. How hilarious that he tried pretending he's an equal to his peers. Everyone look and fucking laugh.

Damn he made it. What have I done? 30 years old and nothing to show


I tried talking with this cute german exchange student girl in statistics class (she sat next to me). She was friendly and helped me out but the conversation died out pretty soon. How do I take it from there?

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wtf he's cute now

>happy ending
At least there’s hope

>Garrett has a gf an Yea Forumscels don't
difference between trying and failing and not trying at all

happy for him. he is living a good life now, has a qt gf. and she is used up goods with some nasty scar on her. into the trash she goes.

it's their friendaversary

>risk being a cringe meme for all eternity

No. If the girl ever saw the video of him dancing with that fedora she would cuck him.

There's no indication of that in the pic

Ask her if she'd like an egg

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Wouldn't surprise if he's also a feminist.

Pretend that you are Muslim and rape her till she loves you

it's literally not though

cram it, incel

>trying and failing is better than not trying at all
pick one and only one

Ask her what part of germany she is from, ask her about germany, ask her why she did this exchange program, what her interests are...

...ask her what she likes to do for fun, ask her if she wants to go grab a drink with you tonight/or lunch after class. ask her for her number, hit her up for statistics class stuff (when is that exam again? did you get that note?) but always drive it back to doing something social with her.

fuck her right in the pussy

I hear G*rmans are into scat, try asking her about her poo habits

talk to her about ww2

Don't mention the war.

Dress better, say hello anytime you can but don't go out of your way (for example if she is sitting in the back of the class don't go there just to say hi), strike up a conversation about the class or maybe people you both know.

I had a german exchange student in and she asked me about the war, i never brought it up with her. even most young germans are so apologetic about it, it's kind of sad since they had nothing to do with it.

>even most young germans are so apologetic about it

No wonder they do nothing when Muslims rape their women. Fucking cucks.

Truly retarded advice

>this is the millennial demanding better conditions


Bathe. You will feel good once you're clean.

Talk to people in person. It's not as weird as you think to just randomly just start talking to someone (men or women).

Stop doing drugs if you do them.

Cut out the porn. You'll begin to see women as real people instead of sex objects.

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Garrett has a gf and you don't

But it feels kind of awkward to transition from conversaion about the assignment to general stuff. It's one thing if we work together but we didn't. Good advice though, I guesss I can now greet her and probably sit down next to her again and from there make conversation.

Ye this is my plan. The problem is that the class is very big so it's not likely I'll run into her. Also I'm a 23 year old virgin.

What's the good advice?

Of course, she's seen it. It's impossible not to. He made it because he never gave up and kept trying.
Cope harder

Lol, what kind of nigger doesn't take a shower every day?

>Also I'm a 23 year old virgin.

Nobody needs to know that,you'll be fine if you know anything about sex and I sincerely hope you do. Now for the hard truth,user. You probably won't end up with her. I don't mean this an an asshole way but if there were no sparks in the first conversation and if she didn't give you any signals, you should drop it. Finding women is like choosing a puppy and it's easy in college because there is a ton of girls and you should pursue the ones that show interest in you.

Just don't be afraid dude. Women that are cool, which is what you want to find, appreciate you trying. They know it is hard, they really do, don't listen to the shit you hear on Yea Forums so often. If your "jump" into personal stuff isn't super smooth, they understand that and generally respect you having the balls to do it. Look you gotta make the jump, but if she isn't helping you along at all then it isn't a good match anyways. You have to do 60, she'll do 40.

If it doesn't work out, then you practiced and will be better for the next one. This meme doing the dance for the girl should actually be inspiring rather than a cringe - he had the balls to be there. His chances were better than the guy doing nothing.

just be yourself


years ago i mocked him.. now he makes me feel ashamed

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>being a gaming nerd is considered unironically cool now

i was born 10 years early