"White people scare me" - the movie


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you niggers complain about everything p

and then they hate-watch it and create threads about it so share being triggered with other mutts.

is this another wicker man?

>one black guy in the trailer
who will survive along with a random white girl.

>such an original aesthetic


Is this bizarro world? Yea Forums is nothing but wall to wall crying about mutts taking over entertainment and society at large. In truth, the pervasive narrative on Yea Forums will me that this movie is another attack on white culture.

it is. If white people in europe scare you maybe you really ought to get the fuck out.

>TFW no pagan aryan cult to be a part of
Even though they probably wouldn't want me.

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It's scary due to their uniformity, and they're isolation. It plays on the same fears of cults, and other organizations where everyone looks and dresses the same. It's scary, because it plays on the idea that something that looks nice and friendly, can have a hidden darkness to it, just under the surface. These are themes you see in all kinds of horror movies. This just has a scandinavian flavor to it.

How do I get into slavic paganism?

>If white people in europe scare you maybe you really ought to get the fuck out.

They never will. They'll just stay and complain about their "oppression".

Attached: Immigrants Running to be Oppressed.png (500x379, 175K)

> a decent post?
>on Yea Forums?
>at this time of the year?

>posting pro ukrainian propaganda

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then fuck off back to africa nigger.

White "people" don't scare me, but they do disgust me. Fucking crackers.

Scandinavian horror movies are fucking trash, all swedes and niggers must hang.

post your iq

I actually think walking unkowningly into a Blót where you're the sacrifice is kinda a terrifying prospect.

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Have sex.

It looks boring, the soft lighting really annoys me, and it's trying too hard to make it seem "off." A24 is the definition of "trying too hard."

I saw The VVitch and although it was creepy and kinda disturbing, it wasn't all that great.


Gött me sill

It's made by an American Hollykike.

If by 'another' you mean not as good, less original and with no Christopher Lee then yeah, probably.

The concept of "white" was created by Christians during the Reconquista.

>The concept of "white" was created by Christians during the Reconquista.

The concept of "white" is as old as the human eye's ability to distinguish between variations of hue in human skin-color.
Recognition that different people from different places had different colored skin is documented in the earliest known civilizations and even the earliest known writing.

There is nothing wrong with ethnic homogeneity; it's an entirely natural state. You only think otherwise because you've been exposed to films where this homogeneity has been cast in a perpetually negative light. It's the expressions on these peoples' faces and their body language that are more unsettling than anything, and that's very much intentional.

>what neopagans actually believe
Google sangre azul.

What does a Spanish glam band have to do with it?

Just because a classification of whiteness existed at one point does not mean the concept of whiteness itself originated from that point in time. As the other poster said, the concept of race has been around since the formation of the human eye.

Ari Aster is a pantheist faggot and Hereditary was a shit film that Yea Forums only liked because mainstream audiences didnt like it.

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Fear of being surrounded too. Fuck I almost had a panic attack once when I realized I was alone in an opening and suddenly saw crows everywhere. In trees, on buildings, in every direction, probably hundreds of them in total. Now I know they were just fucking crows, but the sudden realization of being vulnerable must have triggered some kind of primal survival instinct.

Ethnic homogeneity, is fine up to a point. But when you can't tell people apart, because they look so similar, then it becomes freaky. But it's not just that per se. it's the fact that everyone is dressed and behaving the same. If you look at an urban area of Japan, you see a lot of samey faces. But they're all dressed and acting uniquely. And it's like, "ok, these are just people living their own lives, going about their business".

Bu if they all started dressing and acting the same, then it would be really weird, wouldn't it?

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The outfits in the op are all quite different

>But when you can't tell people apart, because they look so similar, then it becomes freaky.
Yeah, but now you're engaging in hyperbole. Ethnic homogeneity =! everyone looks exactly alike.
>if they all started dressing and acting the same
I think you'd very quickly find that people have their quirks even in rural, homogeneous societies.

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google asian crime rates vs american crime rates

Too bad they cut the sill-gore from the trailer

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I mean 'white people' is a stupid classification, there are non-Europeans with paler skins than many Med types. It's applying an American conception of race (where European ethnicity has been completely mixed) to the rest of the World.

Death cult movies are cool, the fact that this is a twist on MYYYYYYY scandinavian culture just makes it more interesting.
and stop being offended on my behalf you mutt cocksuckers. You're like the fucking SJWs being triggered by someone wearing a sombrero while actual Mehicans couldn't give a shit less.

>Somebody came up with a term to reference "whiteness" at some point
>That means the concept of "whiteness" didn't exist before that, and it was created at that exact moment

You're a brainlet.

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No one asked you snownigger

Oh, I see the problem. You think I'm saying that Europeans are scary. No. I'm not saying that. That's just how the one user dishonestly framed the idea of the movie. He reduced the nuances of the movie's presentation, into simply "europe". I wasn't responding to his retarded notion that europe is scary. I'm attempting to explain why the movie is scary, and how it simply plays with a certain aesthetic. Exaggerating it, and heightening the oddities. That's why my explanations sound hyperbolic. Because the movie is a hyperbolic form of the aesthetic it's borrowing.

If you hate brown people maybe you should go back to Europe.

>Diversity is important
>All Japs look the same

Do you think about the things you're saying before you say them?

Nah I like Indian food nigga

Japan has a lot of issues stemming from its homogeneous culture. I mean you have schools harassing students who have natural brown hair by demanding them to either prove it's natural or you're forced to dye it black. One girl recently had her entire scalp fucked by the dye reacting badly with her skin.

multiculturalism is unironically the best way to go. I like seeing different people and eating different foods when I go out.

"Diversity is important" is a loaded statement. I didn't say that. Don't put that shit on me.
I fail to see your point either way.

have sex

>dressed and behaving the same

who gives a fuck what peoples fucking outfits are? that's literally the concern of women and fags. No one will remember you for your outfit. People shouldnt be concerned with those things. These aesthetic gimmicks are only distractions from actual individualism and success in any one medium or craft.

Why is it that such a small country has produced so many amazing artists and innovators? The Japanese are truly badass. (Kurasawa, Miyazaki, Kojima, Toriyama, Otomo, Miike, Miyamoto etc etc.)

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stop listening to E Michael Jones just because Owen told you to

That's how societies stay homogeneous

The decision to dress like everyone else, is a symptom of low creativity. The more uniform the dress, the less innovative your society.

this is true, we nords are not the same as you evil rats

a24 has yet to release a worthwhile movie

midsommar? no thanks i'm celtic

The USA has a lot of issues stemming from its muttogeneous culture.

Not really, they're slowly fixing themselves and most immigrants are assimilated within 3 generations. Lol our big cities are getting less White and more safe everywhere. Cope, cleetus

It's intentionally made to be subversive. It pathologizes homogeneity and traditional european culture and aesthetics in the mind of whites and it inculcates browns with a feeling of being preyed upon by whitey. It's Get Out: Sweden Edition.
All media is propaganda, all media shapes the worldview of the consumer. Even if not explicitly and intentionally made that way, if something is sprung from the mind of a neurotic jew who's raised on holocaust narratives and a feeling of being the perpetual outsider, that's what the product will reflect. Though I am convinced more often than not the messaging is very much intentional. Things don't just happen, multimilliondollar productions aren't just thrown together and people who want to write a story want to write it for a reason, usually to push their perspective. You don't spend years in film school studying semiotics and subliminal messaging techniques or whatever to then disregard it.
These kinds of people are highly aware, political and machiavellian. Just because you're a naive 100 IQ prole who thinks movies are about cool explosions and surface-level plot doesn't mean the producers are.

Ta dig i kragen.

"People wanting to fit in is bad because someone was allergic to hair dye" is the best argument against homogeneity?

Does anyone actually believe this? Uniformity of dress and behavior shows that it's not a fractured hellscape without an overarching culture. Now we have hundreds of subcultures and "unique" individual styles, most of which are shit anyway. It's a society in disarray where people don't identify or agree with, and can't relate to, eachother. Fake and gay individuality. You don't have an eternal soul yearning to express its uniqueness. You're just a product of chaos.

Oy vey goyim look out for the scary white people that dress the same

You now what that picture needs. Muslim rape gangs.

yea man, all those violent whites in the city.
when someone is thinking of violence in a big city, he has the image of a gang of whites

Every pagan aryan cult needs a hermit that lives on the outskirts of town that an outsider can go to with questions before venturing into town.

You're either
1. not an American
2. have never experienced American cities
3. a lying fucking faggot
American cities are shitholes, this from an American who has had to live in them. The really pleasant (at least generally) places in America are the more rural/semi-rural ones.

I'll take what I can get goddammit.

one who uses "cletus" as an epithet is usually a nonamerican or a coastal liberal, which is the same thing

>name is literally christian

You're inferring too much from a 90 second teaser and you're too quick to put on the tinfoil hat.
Hereditary (same director/writer) was incredibly successful and in the end about a hysterically evil cult of white people doing horrible shit for greed. No one cared, not even /pol/tards. Why? Because it wasn't political in the slightest.
Not every horror movie is subliminal and machiavellian jew propaganda you paranoid fag.

People like you who sell their country, the future of their children (well, probably not /your/ children), and the future of the planet out for food are the scum of the Earth.

Good, fuck every single aryan ritual. Fuck aryans in general. Hopefully in the future they will be recognized as the bad guys of history.

>being okay with some form of multiculturalism means selling the entire planet out

Jesus christ...
and I hate seeing violent sandniggers who attack schoolchildren when I didn't have to 5 years ago.
Keep your disgusting kebabs in your sandpit, thanks.

I like how "wypipo horror" is now a new genre.

niggers fear what they can't comprehend (because they lack a prefrontal cortex [even apes and cetaceans are smarter than them{no really}])

Multiculturalism doesn't have to mean third world retards flooding into your country.
A Frenchman living in Germany is still multicultural

Midsummer is actually mostly a Christian tradition. Winter solstice on the other hand was practiced by pre-Indo-European people and then later also by some Indo-Europeans.

As brown "people" destroy all of civilization it's important to remember the TRUE horror of white people not dancing enough or not eating spicy food or whatever dumb shit subhumans are accusing them of this week.

*makes gorilla sounds*


Fuck Amerimutts


>Kupala Night
>When it's obviously Swedish Midsommar

Fucking brainlet baka

White people destroyed more cultures and civilizations than any other group in human history.

Saint Eligius warned the recently converted Germanic people in the Netherlands not to partake in old fashioned heathen traditions like midsummer. Only after it was altered as a celebration to Saint John it was again allowed.

and that's a good thing

no they didn't. nigger

>Saint Eligius
Why does that sound like a Sith name
>Darth Eligius

Of course they did.

no they didn't. nigger

Niggers have been here 100s of years but still commit the majority of violent crime. What is being fixed exactly? Some inner cities are deadlier than being a soldier in afghanistan. Fact is diversity doesn't exist everyone lives in segregated neighborhoods anyways. And crime in the white ones, even the very poor white ones so fuck your socioeconomic arguments, is lower than in brown or black neighborhoods.


Op is a FAG

It's so tiresome, but this time no one will be bottle fed into their information tube with the internet. It will be bedlam and top level guys will probably be found dead by some random unemployed white guy. Retarded rich boomers.

I just wanted to point out that Ari aster is a Jew basically making a horror movie about white culture

I would just as soon as all the darkies leave believe me

>our big cities are getting less White and more safe everywhere

You might be the single most delusional libshit in existence.


[Citation Needed]

I remember the nigger that though that there was the KKK 100 times worse than in the US when he went to Spain during holy week.

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Good video, I'll finish it later

we are talking about white people but this shit is actually scary.

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It's a cult of scandanavian people who ritualistically sacrifice brown skinned people. How is this not an attack on white people?

looks cool as shit

>another attack on white culture.
>white culture
Spotted the American.

More McDonald's arthouse shit

And they should. Some of the worst atrocities committed by man were at the hands of whites.

b a s e d

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you sure? the Nazis all dressed the same, but had the great idea to burn kikes. top minds over there, if you ask me.

We need to warn POC to stay way from white lands ASAP!!!

is this one of you?

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My family does that all the time bro, every summer solstice we make a sacrifice to the pagan gods of privilege

don't be a pussy

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dumbest shit I've read this year. those big cities are full of shitskinned niggers incapable of living in civilized society.

for fuck's sake, chicongo had what, 24? 30? people shot last weekend alone? nothing more than primitive, low-iq, monkey savages.

That's pretty based.
I wanted to do that too but I found out that finnish people aren't scandinavian so I'm not allowed to their parties

t. doesn't know chinese history

lot of good people on both sides!

Triggered millenials sicken me
>this film isnt diverse enough I'm litetally shaking!
>this film has white people as the villains and another race as the victims/protagonist its an attack on white people!
Fucking thin skinned culture warrior faggots, your entire generation

Thats why i said some you dipshit

This. How the fuck else are we supposed to maintain our disproportionate hold on movie-roles and college admissions?

>Expecting any of these underage faggots to know any history beyond what r*ddit and late night talk show hosts tell them

That's why Europeans who don't follow a Judaic religion are depicted as evil.

Obsessed with the reddit master race

That looks good though

Have an updoot sir!
>Edit: thanks for the gold kind stranger XD

The latter isn't even true. The victims in this movie are also white. Anyone complaining about white people being the enemy is retarded and didn't even watch the trailer.

show me a white victim

I'll take that form of multiculturalism if it guarantees niggers, wetbacks, and ragheads are excluded from said society.

they contribute nothing but crime and filth, all while taking everything they can.

the more I search of this the more I want to go see one of these

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fuck me. if maine wasn't full of libs, it'd legit be paradise on earth

If it represents white people as monsters and their societies as terrible, I honestly believe we should subsidize projections of the movie all over Africa and Middle East.
The most useful propaganda we can have right now is the one where it shows immigrants and brown people suffering at the hands of whites.
It might actually discourage immigration to some extent.

How the fuck do I do that? Take a screencap? Watch the trailer you retard. The first white girl that they show with a worried expression on her face is most likely a victim.

I think world at large forgets how brutally effective Europeans can be, when it comes to warfare.

But you are completely remiss, to ever compare that to savagery of Asians/Blacks.

Even in the darkest times of European history, you didn't have instances of cannibalism (worst cases were events like Stalingrad where the reasoning was lack of food, not the animal nature of the people), which niggers practice even today.

And Asians with their scientificaly proven lack of empathy (academia.edu/3620724/Chinese_Lack_of_Empathy_in_Development) sometimes manage to pull ahead of the niggers in terms of savagery.

Don't lie to yourself. They should be scared.

white people invented cults and is responsible for 99% of cults despite being only 56% of the population

They're next week, I really need the holidays.

>is most likely a victim.
oh so you're just making up shit

That's why it's full of libs

that's the most jewish looking film i have ever seen.

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Prove that minorities are the victim in this movie.

that sounds comfy as fuck

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>Was it made by Jews?
Literally why even ask?
>Looks it up
Fucking yids, muh scary white culture, what if they pogrom on me or dont pay their interest loans? What if the romans storm muh temple and end my religion?
Fucking Jews can fuck off

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If it's made by a Jew (((which is it))) than no doubt it's an attack on white culture.

>comparing Romans with snowniggers
>actually believing that a '''''white''''' culture exists as if people of Europe were ever unified

You aren't wrong, blacks really DO complain about everything, good posts.

>muh food
Die fatties, die

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>>actually believing that a '''''white''''' culture exists as if people of Europe were ever unified
we have unified a fair few times, what's your point? Do you think every other culture that unified did so out of some form of altruism? Or perhaps by force? Fuckin nigger.

>best: lowest crime rate
>worst: least diverse

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>most immigrants are assimilated within 3 generations
Doesn't matter if new immigrants are arriving all the time you fucking idiot.
>our big cities are getting less White and more safe everywhere
This is not the case anywhere on our planet. You're othing but a lying faggot. Kys you dumb whore

Fuck yeah, my only regret is not having enough time to destroy more >:)

>comparing Han chinese with Zhuangniggers
>actually believing that a ""chinese"" culture exists as if people in China were ever unified
Your Jew tricks have no power here

n checkin

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And we'll do it again.

Without the cringey music this trailer is pretty comfy

>Best: Lowest violent crime rate
>Worst: Least diverse

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Considering how much death and destruction white people have caused in this world its a nobrainer to be afraid of them

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For sure, and considering how much rape and death black people have caused in the western world since their introduction, it's a nobrainer to be afraid of them too. :)

Hmm, i wonder who taught them to do that...

Fuck Maine. Full of libshit runoff from east coast cities that don’t have to reap the crap they sow because minorities don’t move there.

ari aster is a hack

Their ancestors who raped and killed each other over who had the better head dress.

Probably the same people that taught them lipdiscing and neck stretching

Africa was a peaceful place before the white man showed up. This is a fact.

Compared to normal countries midsummer's solstice where you drink yourself dumb and have a bonfire, Swedes dance around fallic poles like faggots. It's good material for faggy and scary movies, I don't understand why Yea Forums is butthurt about it.

>death and destruction
read - civilization

Attached: liberia.jpg (1000x662, 192K)

Look at all that trash white man has dumped on that beautiful landscape.

>Part 2

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Liberia was a country given to liberated black slaves. No white intervention or aid

Yeah bro and King Tut was black

>Believing lies


As opposed to what, America, that third world shithole?

Lmao you paranoid cucks are so delusional, you see anti white propaganda literally everywhere.

It's just a movie, why are you so triggered?

pic related accurate

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>The decision to dress like everyone else, is a symptom of low creativity
Are you telling me Japan isn't creative?
They are certainly more creative than the US.

It's the best white people could do after the Jewish race enslaved populations for hundreds (really thousands, according to Greek and Latin historians) of years

triggered mohammad

>anti white propaganda literally everywhere.
The movie is anti-Swedish propaganda and they deserve it. 99,9% of white people don't dance around faggy poles in midsummer.

Finally a worthwhile janny.

It's not any form of propaganda. It's about a fictional pagan cult that summons demons during an unrelated ceremony using the midsommar festival as a shield

By being a Jew.

>"muh Palestine"
welcome Jacob!

I think Americans should simply stop creating entertainment media, it would be for the best.

you creatures need a new obsession.

Step 1: be Slav

Step 2: find a Rodnovery group

Step 3: be Slavic pagan

>getting so triggered by a meme he posts it again
you're totally not a muslim

I'd be happy to have one if Jews didnt prove my point everywhere I look

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It's a fake pic why do you keep spamming it

>implying that typical swedes don't summon demons using midsummer as a shield
I'm onto them

at least you admit you're obsessed. Maybe if you had sex, your life would turn around and you'd get over this unhealthy fixation?

But really how is this an attack on "white culture"? What is white culture? How can you have a culture based on the colour of your skin? If this is an attack on something it's an attack against Nordic or more precisely Swedish culture.

I don't give a shit that they attack Swedish culture. It deserves to be attacked. I mean who dances around faggy poles on midummer, huh? Plus they oppressed us for 800 years.

Nice goalposting moving.

>Plus they oppressed us for 800 years.
If someone opresses you, it's because you were weak.

What goalpost moving? You didn't even explain what is white culture. Why should I care about Swedes being attacked when they have been aggressors themselves many times?
>If someone opresses you, it's because you were weak.
Lol if someone puts black people into movies it's because you are too weak to stop it. Stop complaining and embrace more diverse cast in movies.

>You didn't even explain what is white culture
Yes I did, culture from white nations.

>Why should I care about Swedes being attacked when they have been aggressors themselves many times?
What kind of pathetic nation do you have to be to be attacked by Swedes of all people?

>Stop complaining and embrace more diverse cast in movies.

I wonder who made this post

>Yes I did, culture from white nations.
I don't share a culture with Swedes, Norwegians, Danes, Baltics, Germans, French etc etc even though we are all white. There is no culture that is based on skin tone.
>What kind of pathetic nation do you have to be to be attacked by Swedes of all people?
American education? Ever heard of vikings, thirty years war or great northern war?
Because you are weak.

>There is no culture that is based on skin tone.
Well, look at blacks, there's a common thing in nations ruled by blacks and all of them being atrocious third world nations.

>American education? Ever heard of vikings, thirty years war or great northern war?
So, what people were you?

>Because you are weak.
No, "diverse" movies means they come from America, which means the movie in question is completely worthless because America is a third world nation with no culture whatsoever, everything they produce is automatic trash.

>Well, look at blacks, there's a common thing in nations ruled by blacks and all of them being atrocious third world nations.
That's not what culture means. Is there an Asian culture? No. Just like there isn't black culture or white culture.
>So, what people were you?
What does that have to do with anything?
>No, "diverse" movies means they come from America, which means the movie in question is completely worthless because America is a third world nation with no culture whatsoever, everything they produce is automatic trash.

>That's not what culture means.
Yes it is.

>What does that have to do with anything?
Didn't you say that they opressed you for 800 years?

American media is worthless.
Always has been, always will be.
When the US finally collapses, every movie, song and book made by americans should be burned and forgotten.

I browse /pol/ as much as the next guy but FUCK OFF

Is the Wicker Man also a "white people scare me" movie

literally neck

thisll definitely happen though

>white people being portrayed as evil is now white genocide

Holy shit you faggots are literally the same as BLM at this point

Back to Swindon, Carl.

>Yes it is.
Both Liberia and North Korea are shitholes, but it doesn't mean that they share a culture. Culture means a common language, often ethnicity, common customs and traditions. The billions of people with black skin tone don't share those things, instead there are hundreds of different cultures of people with black skin tone. Just like there isn't some meta white culture, but that there are tons of different cultures of people with white skin.
>Didn't you say that they opressed you for 800 years?
Yes but the details are irrelevant. What was relevant is that Swedes aren't the good guys.
>Yes. American media is worthless. Always has been, always will be. When the US finally collapses, every movie, song and book made by americans should be burned and forgotten.
Nah, there are parts of American culture that are shit but there are parts of it that are good, even excellent.

>there are parts of it that are good, even excellent.

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