ITT: Actors that are your height

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honeypot thread
as if your info isn't out for everyone already

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Nice try dataminer

not every shitpost is a psy op zoomer

Shit...I better delete the EPIC games installer. Sorry Mr FBI and Chinese govt. I have nothing to h

You best believe in honeypot sites

You're in one.

5'8 masterrace

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honeypots exist that doesn't mean that every single dumb shitpost you see is one. besides the only board feds really give a shit about is /pol/ you really think G men are monitoring this board? What are they investigating? sneedposts? lmao

That chart is bullshit btw. Ben Stiller is nowhere near 5'8, and Danny Devito's real height starts with a 4 for sure.

I really really hope G men see my autistic shit everywhere


Who am I kidding? I'm not following anyone with these stealth high heel boots...with a suit no less

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Right. They all lie to appear taller so I'd dock everyone on that list by at least 2 inches

I really really hope there's some middle aged boomer G man that has to sift through cunny and brap posts on Yea Forums for some investigation. Maybe they're trying to find abatap or some shit

Especially as they get older, you shrink with age

I'm Mark Wahlburger

A man of culture, and refined taste

this is crazy

im 5'10 and am considered short where im from

you are telling me im taller than these brohans?

who else Dinaric master race here

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If you were dissatisfied with your height and had the money to do this kind of procedure, would you deal with the pain?

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Cool famous people my height
Biggie Smalls
Gregory Peck
Honest Abe Lincoln
Howard Hughes
Jimmy Stewart
Osama Bin Laden
Thelonious Monk
6'3" master race d e s u. not freakishly tall, just tall enough to be attractive and physically capable


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Mark Wahlberg is 5'6 get that shit out of here

I think they measured with shoes on lel

same user, under 5'2" is definitely too short. over 5'10" is definitely too tall. like i wouldn't say no to a good looking girl at those heights, but it would be a long term deal breaker

Lincoln was more like 6'5 and Bin Laden was 6'6. GTFO pathetic manlet.


trust me, i've had sex with both of their bodies and they are definitely 6'3"

where does the manlet hate come from? im a 5'8 manlet and the only people i've seen making a big deal of height are lanklets

I'm gunna stuff you in a locker faggot

>wasting 6'3 genes on a 4'11 womanlet

It's a meme mostly. That said if you were 5'4 or something I'm sure you'd notice it more.

>he thinks height is a factor in a fights' outcome
kek at you faggot, most lanklets don't even know how to throw a punch

cope some more faggot I trained with the Gracie's

this but unironically

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I've seen that, it's essentially a truck spacer lift. But for humans.

If you aren't Mike Tyson, then yes, height is the determining factor in the outcome of a fight. Unless you've been fighting absolute women.
I got my ass handed to me enough times to know not to pick a fight with someone who has better reach.

If the right manlette comes along I might waste my genes in her. You only live once etc

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This is true more often than not. Anyone saying otherwise is being contrarian for the sake of it

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>tfw I got thrown to the floor by a chick once like that.
She asked me for a cigarette and I denied her. She threw me to the floor like I was fucking nothing. I couldn't punch her now could I? The white knights would've been all over me. She was a model and had been in some magazines. Christ that shit turned me on. I took revenge by offering her friend a cigarette, while she was standing next to her, getting her even more seething. I still felt emasculated. I sent her a facebook request and she accepted. Pretty sure she was turned on too. Never did manage to follow up on it and turn it into sex. But she was of the crazy kind, always drank liquor. I probably missed one of the greatest fucks of my life right there.

t. blog

Or you dodged a bullet. If she got that edgy over a cigarette no telling how mad she'd get later on over simpler things. Remember the cliche about not sticking your dick in crazy

am a lanklet and can confirm
I look scary but am completely worthless in a fight

Lanklets: not even once

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Kek at those huge differences for 1 inch
It's like those 6' vs 5'11" memes

Guys like that should just take steroids and bulk as hard as possible and become monsters

Yea. I always worry they'd take a shot to the twig legs and they'd snap because not enough muscle to compensate.

>take steroids
They've got enough heart problems as it is.

I've literally dreamt this webm. Different ending, though.

That kid screams genetic condition like Marfan's or something. Bulking would be baaaaaaaddddd.

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>turbo manlet

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It's a good combo. Better than tall and ugly.
You will get your looks match but she will be short.

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Lol that twig is barely able to move as it is.
He's probably ending up in a wheelchair by 30.
The last thing he needs is more weight on his already overburdened joints.

I never really had trouble with women, but it does sort of suck tbqh. I'd be a gigaslayer if I were taller.


Acting, where you need to be of average height to fit best in shots, but where all the shots will be carefully crafted to make you look 6'3.

Looks painful af

Yeah, but it does make sense to say, "but if".
Might as well be angry that you were not a born into a billionaire family or have 300IQ or some 99.999% talent.

You end up a semi-cripple, afterwards.
Plus it is humiliating to have to go through literal torture for a year just to get some pussy.

could be better could be worse

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How the fuck is Clooney only 5'10? I thought he was at least 6'1.

most actors are manlets

More like actors that are your dick size

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you're an average guy

They try to make all men look tall on camera.
Ironically a bunch of manlets created the height supremacist western culture we live in.

>tfw tall but clumsy as fuck
It's like I never actually grew into my own body.

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>that little freak on the right
Fucking hell this little FREAK is a fucking abomination. It's a testament to how far we have declined as a society that he wasn't dashed against rocks as an infant. What a horrible, disgusting affront to the goodness of God's creation.

If I were anywhere near Los Angeles, our modern Gomorrah, I would choke the life out of this little mongrel's disgusting and hateful demonic face.

My day is ruined for having gazed upon such filth.

I agree. It aches to know our society is wholly dysgenic.

Smaller actors fit in cameras better.

The Hemsworth brothers had a hard time getting roles because they are 6'2 to 6'3, you will literally not get roles because of your height.

He died a few years ago iirc

I'm trying to remember an article I saw when one actor complained he hated being in scenes with another actor who he towered over. Because of his height, directors made him remove his shoes for every scene so the other manlet actor could appear as tall or taller than him.

Pic kinda related

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Cool, im the same height as statham.

It's not just that.
It also ruins the visual image of the scene.
Tall == dominant
So if you are taller than the rest of the cast you are only fit as a henchman or a boss.

If your entire life and job is your image and you get mogged by the average Australian I would be an upset hollywood actor too.

Im 6'2 so, nowhere on this

me but I'm a manlet lol

Which one of your parents had the short genes. Sucks when dad is tall and mom is short then I ended up barely average height.

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>tfw croatian but 176cm barefoog
this is the equivalent of being 5'6" in the US isn't it
my dad is 6'1" and mom is 5'7" though so it could be worse

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Imagine being smaller than Woody Allen. You'd just want to kill yourself right?

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Daniel Craig.

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I'd just own it and try to date taller chicks regardless

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Depp is alot shorter than 5'10

god i wish that were me

both are smurfs fellow balkanite :(

glad they both found love i suppose

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>tfw taller than my girl and I'm not even tall but I wish it were the other way around so I could experience a being lifted by her as she gives me head

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Wtf I never knew Prince was a midget.

Have you never seen him on those award shows. He was famous for his super high platform shoes.

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>I slept with Chad

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Backstory on this pic?

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As a short guy, this pisses me off. Even GEORGE CLOONEY needs to compensate for his height to appease audiences and conform to social norms? He's George fucking Clooney - he could be half his height and draw women.

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What movie?

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Same height as Stanley Kubrick

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Me in the back

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just embrace it dude.
I legit shagged a gorl a head taller than me because I flipped her shit test onto her.
>are you insecure about your height?
>no really, you're just too tall

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Yeah - the CIA is desperate to obtain anonymizes height demographic data for Yea Forums

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Why did you think that, gaywad? I always assume literally every actor is short unless it is blatantly obvious they are tall, like clint eastwood for example. Everything else is camera tricks.


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Robert "down here" Junior

>believing google's info on actor heights
lmfao. if you want actually correct info go to celebheights, it's a site quite autistically devoted to figuring out the true height of actors and actresses

never take women seriously, the shit tests are there to make you falter and look like a bitch on purpose.
Rise above it and treat them like children.

t.robert manlet junior

that's the site where RDJ's height autism is exposed though

>flipped her shit test onto her.


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How tall is Leo Dicaprio?

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RDJ is 5' 8½”. Gwyneth (5' 9”) and we know she is wearing killer heels ALL the time in Iron Man scenes but RDJ appears taller...problem solved

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Why is RDJ so insecure about it? Radcliffe is quite a bit shorter and he couldn't give a fuck

even Renner doesn't give a fuck.
no amount of money can fix inborn complexes I guess.

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my guess is that he got used to wearing lifts everywhere and being perceived as taller than usual, which lead to him not being ready to reveal his actual lift-less height to people

of course now everyone notices he's wearing huge lifts and it's slightly depressing and funny, but he's too scared of being seen as shorter than usual to stop doing it

I never knew I wanted this so bad

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>germany 1.80


Who here /5'7"/

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5'7 masterrace checking in!

Anyone else here /smallguy/

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174 checking in

>his agency resume
Did he file the flight plan with them?

all those turks brought down the average.

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literally worse than gender reassignment
you don't fuck with bone structure
make one bad landing and you're fucking done for

I always forget Bardem is a manlet. Ever since NCFOM I've had this picture of him being at least 6'3. Shouldn't be surprised though, he is spanish after all.

Why would a woman ever let a lesbian touch her


My dad wasted his 6'5" genes on a 5'1" woman. Cursed me and my brother to live a life of being 5'9".

You do know self-measuring ends up with about 1 inch, or 2-3cm, more than assisted measuring, right? If I were you I'd just be happy you can cite a stat saying you're taller than average, instead of pulling on that thread

Sounds more like you were saved from whatever manlet genes your mother had by your dad's outlier height

Whats worse going blad or being a manlet?

5'9" is the weird height where you're still far from tall but you've also escaped manlet status, but don't think for a second that you've been 'saved' if you're below 6 feet

Doesn't work anymore. If you don't play their game then they move on. They'll have ten more dicks by tonight, you'll get zero more messages for another two days.

Im 197 cm and fingolian. What does that make me?

you're either tall as fuck or a balkan rapebaby

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damn too real.....

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Having reach and knowing how to use it are two different things. I doubt most of the lanklets on 4 chan have skills like Ali or Hearns but good luck with that.

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It's good she's so up front. Most roasties keep those things in their head so they can string you along and waste your time, maybe get you to buy them something/they're broke for the next couple days so they want cigarettes and dinner.
I'm not against them having standards, but they should be up front and clear about them so guys who don't want that shit and hassle don't have to even bother trying, they know to keep on moving.
I'm not being sarcastic, it is good that these 4/10 roasties let it be known that they have impossible standards, it's a warning sign. My only hope is in 10 years when they're more desperate for a "relationship" that they're forthcoming with the miles of dick they've received, the loads they've swallowed, their abortion high score, so they don't trick guys.

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honestly it's better to be so vocal about your desires than to keep them bottled up

lmao at the dutch fags

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What flag is dutchland? I don't know flags

Serious question:

I'm 5'7/170cm, will my children be turbo manlets (5'5/164cm) if I marry someone around 5'3/162cm?