New Bombstrap

Buckle up kino coming in hot

How long until Sam tries to apologise in the comments again?

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fucking CRINGE

i liked his other vids but this is shit

that was boring

I dont get the pregnancy part but I do know a guy who is dating a former camgirl
What a world

>t. cspeshit reddit tourist

why are you advertising eceleb shit here

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Don't tell me you didn't like the Skoal bit

Unironically really liked the upside-down tracking shot in it

Char-less was the mastermind behind the best sketches of MDE. Without him they're nothing, they're nuffin'. As far as I know. I like the guy a lot.

Him and Andrew Ruse are a great team. A vid with Nick would be great but I feel like Charles isn't really that into comedy right now.

Unironically enjoyed this, the phone call is pretty well acted too.

Sam is funnier and good with visuals, Charls and Ruse together make more refined stuff, in a way them being separated is positive. Shame Charls doesn't get as much attention, but he has a normal job and doesn't appeal to pol-tards.

What are YOU TALKING ABOUT I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts and my mind is filled with WONDER,

Unironically, that was pretty great.

It's Charles.

I think I’ve finally grown out of MDE. It was fun for a while I guess. I just can’t anymore.

This isn't MDE, faggot

who cares?


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No. It is Charls, Charls Carroll. Google it.

Shill your shit elsewhere


i do care that you're an annoying gamma male, but i don't care about your opinion about how you "just can't anymore"

If that wasn't a real call Charls deserves an oscar

So good. Either the script was insanely real to life or they were both just acting their assess off, OR it’s real and Charls sacrificed a relationship where he’s dependent for a skit. I hate Kaufman but this is that kind of humor well done.

>faux experimental sensibilities
>film student dutch angles
>red/blue contrast meme lighting
peak mcdonald's arthouse

i dont get it
charls broke up with a cam girl, which he hates?

For real, one of the youtube comments pointed out that the gf is only referenced in the credits as "A good girl"

Old Wounds

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Everything about it screams "senior thesis project for some shitty film school"

Dude I'll shit in your ass, you shit-ass

>constantly raves about noporn, nofap, porn is evil, porn kills your soul, etc.
>claims to be wholesome, pure
>uploads vid with gratuitous porn sequences and cursing

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It's not meant to be titilating

Wasn't that the point of the entire skit, brainlet? He breaks up with his camwhore gf. And the porn is blurred out. By legal standards, it would not even be illegal for someone under 18 to view.

I liked it.

The skoal part was really good. Everything else was shit.

Something about the way the MDE guys write makes the dialogue sound like gibberish. None of the words "stick". Same way it feels reading Laurence Sterne or James Joyce

I assure you it didn't go over my head. He was still showing it. It was gross and unnecessary. Not wholesome

the phonecall was the best bit real or not

what does it all mean
it's all stream of conscious ironic gibberish, they just say what they feel cause they know it'll probably get stuck in your head later

Is there a archive of mde stuff?

So? People can only create things that perfectly mirror their real life?

There is a complete archive of the YouTube channel. I would link it but the resident obsessed tranny would spend the rest of the day trying to get it taken down.

was 100% taxes "wholesome"?
it's improv i'm pretty sure

I want Charls to star in a Taxi Driver/Drive/You Were Never Really Here type movie. The autistic loner with violent tendencies.
He'd be perfect for it.

The whole point of the short is that porn is disgusting dick head

>Get called out on idolizing DSP, Russian ASMR prostitutes and titty streamers
>Get called out on being a camgirl himself, essentially
>Fans who are not cultmembers leaving because no real content
>Immediately slap together a video about being "above" camgirls

I see right through you, Charls, as do others now. You're a sellout that wants to be Joe Peterson New Age cult leader that promotes fiorced apathy and Satanic individualism ("whitepill") to zoomers for chump change. Fuck you.

t. Rube
You will never get it

Hey I seen a prototype of this aspergers post in the previous thread! Now it looks more insane and ridiculous.

> Satanic individualism ("whitepill")
I'll never get rightoids.

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That's interesting Baldanders

I like Charls.

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It's not ideological, it's personality. The one thing the dude you're responding to needs to understand, is that nobody's buying his bullshit. Not that his political opinions (which may be but are not necessarily right wing) are le cringe ecksdee.

Why did Charls sperg out during the Twitch thot patrol my dude? Why does he ban people for asking about him idolizing DSP? Why does he donate to Russian ASMR Prostitutes?

All of this is real, and on the record. You can throw out buzzwords like aspergers, insane, etc all you want, but that won't change reality. Charls is a defeated sellout. A lot of people started getting wise to it a while back, but he finally said it himself in "The New Charls" video on Alienmode.

Keep saying PURE like it means something.

Let me correct myself, I should've written "pattern of behavior" rather than "personality", more hopeful.

The DSP thing is new to me, dunno what that is
Alienmode is run by a fan

Thanks for elaborating! I appreciate it.

Pretty boring to be honest. Just like his streams.

Keep throwing chump change at your cult leader spouting vague New Age nonsense, Baldanders. It's really "pure" and "whitepilled".

The thot thing was about reporting whores to the govt for unreported income and didn't have anything to do with twitch AFAIK. I don't think his opinion is that weird

This was weirdly related, even down to the weird real estate guy. How did Charls and Andy capture my day to day so well?

I'm not that guy retard
You really aren't as smart and incisive as you think you are
You need to understand this now, or else you will never be respectable



>How long until Sam tries to apologise in the comments again?
Tell me more. Are the gang back together yet?


you called?

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The common theory right now is that Charls broke off from MDE due to hating Sam for, more or less, fucking up their success with World Peace by getting it cancelled.
Sam posted @ Charls on Twitter basically begging him to come back, and not long after, Charls posted a tweet saying something like "watch out for parasites in your life." Never directly referring to Sam as said "parasite," but Sam actually replied to that tweet saying he wasn't a parasite and just wanted to be bros again.
So now Charls is just living his wholesome life.

I’ve stopped finding Sam‘s and Charls‘/Ruse videos funny but I still like watching them. Great editing, amazing transition art in Sam‘s videos and great acting and direction from Charls/Ruse.
The Theater of the Aire cop skit was shit because it had nothing going for it besides a stupid joke stretched to 30 minutes, no cool editing, no art, no wacky Charls acting

>his wholesome life
You mean monetizing his schizophrenia in front of a bunch of zoomer enablers? What's wholesome about that?

Nick and Charls were hanging out a month ago

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Sam definitely seems like the kind of cancerous person who gets into your life and smashes shit like a bull in a china shop.

That's sad I guess. They made some good shit together, yeah sam probably fucked up but fuck those tv head honcho self censoring fucks.

Charls is a pleb who likes Wes Anderson, and it shows. Andrew Ruse lives in LA, and it shows.

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If your friend ruined your big break because he's too stupid to keep his mouth shut and seems like he's on a never ending downward spiral into extremism then you'd probably not wanna associate with him either.

I guess I'm bias because I agree with Sam on most things but fuck man they could easily start again. It's a massive setback but were they ever really solely focused on commercial success? I never got that vibe, seems like Charls has decided that rocking the boat is too much trouble. Or just as likely there's stuff that happened and still going on that we don't know about.

>If your friend ruined your big break
Who made Charls mouth "Vote Trump", and point at his Trump hat in the credits scene of the Teacher skit? I didn't notice a gun that was pointed to his head. He appeared in two HydeWars post cancellation, he knew what was going on, he just changed his opinion on it later. He just retroactively wants to not take any responsibility for the events and actions he was very much a part of.

Im thinking of having children...let me clarify that for you!
You know what they call me?! NINE MONTHS! SIX SIX SIX!

>shoot the "Jews rule!" sketch, fine
>shoot the white nationalist boulder sketch, fine
>no don't dooo that same stuff on twittttter wahhhh nooo I lost the Ted Turner thinggyyyyy, TEDD!!! COME BACK TED!!!!
charls a fag and gay

After a failure of that level I can't blame him for wanting off the ride

Well yeah sure Charls acted like an idiot and MDE as a whole are on the unstable side but Sam is the guy who kicked the hornet's nest and got their shit canceled in the end of the day.

Their twitter shit is what caused world peace to get taken off the air the way I see things. They were always provocative and edgy but as long as you're winking and nodding then people are probably not gonna consider you acting in bad faith but Sam got too many eyes on them and that was that.

bias? do you mean biased?

This. He was fine with it up until it actually resulted in consequences. Now he's salty about not becoming a meme celebrity like Eric Andre, and covers for this cognitive dissonance with pretending to be spiritually enlightened on Twitch.


that was a big laugh from me
that's an example of the rambling style working well. nonsensical but intoning like it makes sense and is obvious

It was more Sam not getting off of twitter and the interview he did with the buzzfeed journalist that got them heat

Thanks anyway il try and find it

cowboy mode

Do people actually unironically watch his streams? It's just straight gibberish and Charls huffing his own farts for 5 straight hours. If he doesn't want people hounding him about doing something different or his previous affairs with MDE, he should address it directly and not dance around it with a bunch of gobble dee goop

the talk show with andy and erick was cool, stories about wp shoots and shit

it's 'gobble de gook'

It was okay, but only because of Andy and Erick being there. Charls rambles too much with his repetitive talk points, which we all already know from his regular streams.

that's racist

threads like this are a diamond dozen

well, that was intense.

Charles left because Sam was withholding cash, a common complaint among all the former associates of Sam, he's pushed everyone that was once part of MDE away because of his bullshit. Sam is a scam artist

I loved every second of this. Hey Chuck and Andy, if you are reading this, you guys are my heroes, I wish you were my friends.

Charls dipspitting into a wine glass is absolute kino


based sincerepost

I like all of them, I think Erick is the best actor, Ruse is a great director, Sam is a good performance artist, Charls probably has the best ideas and Nick is good in everything. Best MDE is when they're all in (wall show skit for example)

>make a sincere sounding post
>mfw i was being insincere the whole time

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he was probably behind that retarded prison sketch from world peace

agreed, its real good vibe between them and I hope work together more

you mean the best sketch on the show?

that sketch was good.
>snake eyes
>you rolled a 2 and a 6

Thanks, the other guy is trying to take away my sincerity. Why would he do that?

"The Man Who Would Never Be, What They Made Him to Be" is Kino, but for me, the best WP sketch is this:

sad but true!

wew was just going to post this. Prodigal Stunna is the best MDE sketch overall though IMHOF

that looks like the street i used to meet puerto ricans for drugs on. god i hate massachusetts

he's in RI as far as i know. may as well be the same though.

best sketch for content, the man who would never be is the best kino moment tho

He clearly said a 5 and 1 you retard

>can't remember random inconsequential numbers i heard 3 years ago
the point was they weren't snake eyes, you pedantic queer

yea but i bet it gets him a ton of pussy. chicks are into the "tormented soul" kinda dudes

>the point was they weren't snake eyes, you pedantic queer
The point is that instead of a 7 - the number of God, he rolled a 6 - the number of Man, that kept him in prison he created for himself, you absolute brainlet retard.

He's a balding 35 y.o. manlet though. I think all that bitterness that comes off from him now is mainly because he gets no pussy.

THere was one girl on Yea Forums who said she went out with him before MDE took off and said he was weird and intense

>Jew approved celebs only goys!

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Sounds about right, that is what he's selling to his Twitch zoomers now, basically.

>that part when he's fighting chink cam girls

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it was worth it, bless sam's
scammy heart

You're a blockhead, Joe. Learn your history.


Charls seems like he lost it lately

He literally has this vanguard of crazies around him on Twitch and Discord that enable this. He's basically having a live neurotic breakdown on camera, and they keep calling it "PURE" and "WHITEPILLED". Notice how the whole thing in this video was self-provoked. Nobody in the chat said that to him, he just started arguing with himself. It's generally not a good sign when someone tries to justify themselves to nobody and screaming at no one in particular. And it's not even this video in particular, this has been going on for a while now. There's an omnipresent anger in his voice, and he appears to be less and less coherent with each stream. Those live podcast shows with his friends were legit hard to watch because of that.

I dunno why people call him "happy" and "whitepilled" when it's clearly not the case. It's really sad.

he's going full Owen Benjamin nutzo

Charls is shit without MDE and his fanboys are as annoying as Sam’s

Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug

he's facially handsome and a pseud.
Chicks dig that shit.

>Career as a Twitch streamer
>Really short, like below 5'10
>Visibly balding
>Comically thick glasses
Yeah i'm sure chicks dig you hard Charls

yes, he isn't ugly by any stretch of the imagination. Cope, facelet.

He isn't ugly, but he's not anyone's idea of a sexually appealing male either. Nobody cares about facial aesthetics when you're balding manlet.

tell that to half of hollywood

Only retards fall for the hair loss psyop, sorry

Ok hairlet