Which season of Power Rangers is the best?
For me, it's Zeo.
Which season of Power Rangers is the best?
For me, it's Zeo.
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they all look so old
they look pretty good for 23 years later
So do you user
> having Zeo be your favorite series
I'm actually really sad for you user. May god have mercy on your soul. I hope your family is giving you the care you need. God bless.
Not Tommy he aged the best of all
Aged like prison toilet moonshine you mean.
They should localize Akibaranger, f-for kids I mean.
Are you the same autist that keeps commissioning drawings of Disney princesses doing the Zeo morph?
Lost Galaxy. Anything to avoid watching Gingaman.
>Watching past mighty morphin
> not having In Space as your favorite
Time Force was pretty good if I remember. It felt like the first to really have a more mature story sympathetic villains and character development. A lot of other Power Rangers series were "2-3 episodes of plot > 5-6 monster of the week filler" and I remember Time Force breaking from that formula a bit more that series that came before.
Except for In Space, pretty sure that was very plot focused too.
Space or lightspeed rescue
The OGs.
Turbo was better. I had TJ, the first Crip leader of the Power Rangers.
Trying to lose weight and fit into his costume.
What's Thuy Trang up to these days?
I heard she was on Pushing Daisies.
No, she was on Six Feet Under
>Black ranger black
>Yellow ranger asian
>Gay ranger not pink
Damn, black don't crack.
Mostly dusty.
You know it white boi
> Red ranger wears red clothes when not morphed.
> Blue ranger wears blue clothes when not morphed.
> Yellow ranger wears yellow clothes when not morphed.
> Pink ranger wears pink clothes when not morphed.
> Green ranger wears green clothes when not morphed.
> Black ranger wears whatever the fuck he wants because he's always black.
Both are wrong, she played the Asian in Dead Like Me.
Why is Tommy wearing insulation foam?
Why do white women age like shit? I mean damn.
underrated post
I still think the zyuranger suits (Helmets especially) are amongst the best in the series.
Why don't the girls get the turtleneck things? I assume it's used to keep the helmets in place.
Super Sentai is better
They do.
>Dr. K, We're Mighty Morphin'
He's a big guy.
So far back in time that it wasnt even cliche or racist for the yellow ranger to be asian, the black ranger to be black. Making me nastolgic
they look great you retard.
Everyone looks great except Kimberly.
fuck those helmets really bring me back
Dr. Rita, We are PR
looks like what gay porn probably is
johnny yong bosch clearly aged the best because of his korean genetics
>they're all hiding their tattoos
Why? Aren't they beautiful and graceful and honest reflections of their true selves that last forever and even look super cool on old people?
If you don't exercise now you won't look nearly as good as they do at that age.
4 Zordon
for me, its Gabrielle Fitzpatrick as Dulcea
>Giant N on his belt buckle
I-is he going to say it?
embarissing guy...
H-He's losing weight! You'll see...!
I want to get fucked by this dude
Asians with 90s styling make my pp hard.
aren't yellow and blue both dead these days?
i remember read one went and rekt themselves
Yellow is dead.
Blue is gay and alive.
I didn't know that. I heard blue was mercilessly harassed and bullied for being gay to the point he just up and left the set for a week without telling anyone.
I haven't actually watched the show so I don't know lol just remember reading it.
no, they're stupid ass "art" trash that stain the skin, you filth
I don't know but the only ones I got to see were the ones on Fox Kids, and those were Time Force, Wild Force and Ninja Storm. How do those hold up?
>1996 was 50 years ago
Best cast coming through
At least we know where the original black ranger went after all this time.
aw shid thads a cude Rose :3
Which season is that?
>I used to be a Power Ranger you know
Okay, mom
>Every boy wished I was there girlfriend, haha
Whatever you say mom
>I could still pull of the suit you know!
Western version when?
>black chick only one that hasn't aged
>Thuy Trang
I really did like this, It filled in all the infomation of what happen to them and why they've aged.
i see PUSY
I remember hearing that the nog asked to be the black ranger and was originally cast as blue or some shit
I dislike that alley way, At night time bad place to be.
This cast was amazing, everything after was complete shit.
Toei wouldn't send them the actual armor piece and instead sent that piece of shit.
>The Galaxy yellow ranger had her tits out in a horror movie
>Cole's actor killed someone
What other cool things are there to know?
Official power rankings
Mighty Morohin S1 > Time Froce > Turbo > Ninja Storm >>>>>>>>>> the rest
season 1 to 3 for me.
amy jo johnson >*
incels btfo
have sex