Family dusted

>Family dusted
>Better get a spooky samurai tattoo

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Hawkeye is the best, not only he has a sick tattoo but he fucks the shit outta black widow while Bruce faps to a memory of her touching his hand.

Hawkeye is the best avenger.

That sleeve says he's 40 but that hair says he's 12.

I'm so confused right now.


He's not even buff looking.

Remember when Hawkeye defeated Vision with his bow and arrow?

Are tattoos the quintessential boomer accessory?

Banner rejected Natasha though

Sure, which is why they're more popular among millennials.

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No, Hulk did. Bruce got cucked out of a relationship by the Other Guy.

What makes this hard to look at isn't necessarily the sleeve but that's it's some 20 dollar corner store's attempt at irezumi.

Getting a shitty tattoo in a botched misguided attempt to infiltrate Yakuza and getting stuck with it sounds pretty in-character for comics Hawkeye.

This is how I know you've never suffered real loss. Hawkeye didn't give a shit about anything. He'd do anything to make the pain stop. Eventually you need to focus that somewhere. Drugs, alcohol, women, crime. Good thing Hawkeye is a productive criminal. The drugs, alcohol and women come anyway, trust me. A tattoo is nothing special. One night you're extra pissed. Wanna be hurt a bit. Maybe change who you were before forever. You know, not be the weak sad sack of shit who lost their family. Maybe this new man. The one who gets tattoos, has a new haircut and does things his own way wouldn't have done that. Maybe.


Ironically he would look less stupid with his purple suit.

literally every generation has tattooed people. It's not a millennial thing

Boomers, Gen-X,Y and Z are tattoo crazy. It helps that it's publicly encouraged rather than shunned like it use to be

Remember when Vision got btfo'd for an entire film by a spear.

Damn this is embarrassing because you wrote it unironically.

That image encapsulates how empty and souless the MCU actually is.

Well, I'd do that too if I were him. But his new hairstyle is stupid.

Come on dude. Nobody would post that unironically. He even said "Nigga" in the end.

You fell for bait son. You should be ashamed.