ITT: forgotten kino
ITT: forgotten kino
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winona? my winona?
Deedsy? I thought we were watching Scooby Doo
I know you're watching this on paramount network right now
top three sandler films in no order
>big daddy
>billy madison
>punch drunk love
sandler was on a kino streak 1995 to 2002
No one ever talks about Lilyhammer but it was comfiest of TV kinos and the first Netflix show ever.
Absolute garbage taste in movies. Kill yourselves.
Mr Sneeds
billy madison aged horribly
Based. Fuck niggers
why is the wop from Sopranos in that?
I unironically agree. airheads came out in 94 but wasn't a sandler vehicle but is kino regardless
Adam Sandler has unironically never made a good movie.
I loved what's his name. Now he is a DVD for parents.
Good for you, make more money.
Anyone remember pic related? Comfy dystopian action movie
It's Sil's coma dream
Spoliers Jude dies
Mr. Sneeds
Literally everybody on the face of the planet other than you knows that Happy Gilmore is his best movie.
People talk shit, but I still think it's okay.
I just watched pixels and it was nice
>great animation
>shitty story
>so much advertising for some reason
Wrong. Best three films are:
>Happy Gilmore
that is my birthday
fucking God-awful movie
So is Big Daddy and Happy Gilmore and Billy Madison. Sandler was always a fucking hack
I agree. I enjoyed them when I was young, but I watched Happy Gilmore the other day as I was watching tv and I was shocked how fucking awful it was. Everything about that movie was trash.
it's fine, dude
Waterboy is fucking hack? B-bBobby Booshay is a fucking hack?
>that scene where everything is just shitting itself
Yes. There are some funny lines and moments, but they have nothing to do with Sandler's character.
I hate to say it because I'm a big golf fan, and I loved that movie as a kid, but that's the only time it should be funny to you, when you're under 15
maximum kino
Did nobody else see the Meyerowitz stories?
Nobody who matters has forgotten about that though.
this was kino when I was 14.
Now jarmusch is just a hipster fag.
>Meyerowitz stories
Its the jewcore equivalent of a wes anderson film.
nobody forgot this
>ctrl F: wedding
>0 results
That's the only bad scene, Whitey and his sister are kino
>for some reason
It was an Adam Sandler holiday cartoon movie when he was still a mega star, of course they were going to advertise the shit out of it
Unironically kino
laughed my ass off to this movie 100s of times as a kid. watched it a few years back and couldnt finish it
I actually meant the advertising in the movie
>does a long rhyming segment about the stores and restaurants in the mall naming tons of them
>at the end the mascots for some of these stores like footlocker and panda express come alive to confront sandler's character
it was just very strange, as if they funded the movie and required him to say their names
Oh, oh yeah kek I forgot about the song about Panda Express
it's funny but no way is it in his top 3
Pleb. The fag roommate getting roasted by the satanist metalheads is great
>Chuck in MR. SNEEDS
>starring Dane Cook
is it actually kino? I hate myself for having all of his standup albums back in 05-06and seeing good luck chuck as well as that horror movie he did that was so awful
>when he makes whitey cry and everyone hates him
pure kino
Mr. Brooks? Aw c'mon, that was Costner kino. Same fuckers hate bon Dane selling out arenas, slurp on Toe Rogan being a "great" comedian.
I hate both. At least Dane Cook is funny the first time you hear his retarded way of telling jokes, it gets old fast though
it's the sound effects he feels the need to throw into every joke possible
I like Reign Over Me just because it's about Sandler and Don Cheadle playing Shadow of The Collosus.